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Authors: Angelita Gill

Lovers by Christmas: (4 page)

BOOK: Lovers by Christmas:
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Then again, she’d only said—if he indeed had heard her correctly—that she
love him, not that she did.

But if she had said it in sincerity? Could this one-night stand turn into something real and lasting? He never thought such things could really happen. In movies and books, yes, but not in the real world, and not to him. The major reason they were drawn to each other was because his loneliness had echoed to hers at that lounge, united by a forceful mutual attraction neither of them even attempted to disregard.

But if sex had been enough, he would’ve said good-bye to her on the roof, not brought her home.

Kenner surrendered to sleep, but he held on to the thought that, in the morning before she left, he was going to make sure he saw her again. He’d tell her what he really did for work and actually have a conversation with her.

Because—and he couldn’t believe he was thinking this—he could love her too.


Thea was a heavy sleeper, but when Kenner’s hand traced her thigh and his lips kissed the back of her neck, she awoke immediately, and turned to his arms.

It was still dark outside.

With a short, needful groan, he shifted above her and spread her legs with his knees, molding his lips to hers. His tongue went deep and slow in her mouth. Her heart pounded with a sudden rush of desire, an erotic shock to her system. She never wanted a man like she wanted Kenner, even half-awake and boneless with exhaustion.

Running her hands down his strong back, she lifted her hips, ready to love him with her body once more. She broke away and licked along his collarbone and up his neck. The musk and heat of him on her tongue was deliciously exotic and thrilling.

He growled and set his hands at her hips. “God, I need you,” he said, voice rasp with desire. He plunged inside, causing her to bow beneath him in stunned response. A hoarse cry broke from her throat, and he dipped his mouth to her breast, beginning to rock inside her wet passage with long, hard thrusts. He was so deliciously enormous, thrusting his cock inside her to an inevitable climax.

She panted and bucked beneath him, scraping her nails down his sculpted shoulders and arms, reveling in the masculine man above her. Her cries grew in volume with every meeting of their hips, every little nip of his teeth on her breasts.

Kenner grunted, pistoning his hips forward, then locked one arm behind her back and yanked her up with him as he moved to a sitting position.

She gasped and hooked her ankles around him. His feral gaze burned into hers as he moaned, gripping the back of her head. They kissed with animalistic hunger, clinging to one another, and meeting their hips in a passionate frenzy. Their bodies were slick from the exertion, and she could taste his sweat on her mouth.

He cupped her ass, rubbing his hands up and down with every lift and push of her hips. She was so wet, and coming was too easy.

“Oh God,” she cried out, helpless, gripping his hair and pulling his head back while the orgasm tore through every nerve in her body, stealing her soul, triggering a detonation of pleasure.

“Thea…” He grunted, locking his mouth on her nipple and sucked hard, coming inside her. “You’re mine…you’re mine,” he whispered.

When she released her grip, he brought his mouth to hers, both trembling from the aftermath. Breathless, she continued rocking her hips while the intense orgasm ebbed away, little by little. Her eyes were watery, her heart thundered, and she was covered in sweat, but she was lost in a state of lingering euphoria. She had the insane urge to weep, and thank him.

Sex never made her want to do that before.

Kenner wrapped his arms around her, setting the side of his face on her breast. Something that good shouldn’t make her want to cry, but a tear escaped anyway. She smeared it away on the top of his head. He’d never know how much he moved her.

When they finally cooled down and disentangled themselves, her senses returning, she gasped when she realized they hadn’t used protection. How could she forget? How could he?

As if he could hear the exclamations of worry in her head, he kissed her shoulder and whispered, “Shh. Come here.”

She briefly closed her eyes against the despair of carelessness. It wasn’t wise to have sex with a virtual stranger without condoms, even if she did use birth control. Too exhausted to think of the possible penalty of that huge slip-up, she let Kenner maneuver her into a spooning position, and slide his foot between hers, holding her so tight, she didn’t think she could escape even if she wanted to.

And she didn’t. For the moment.

Thea woke up hours later, forgetting for a second where she was.

The bedroom was bright with morning light, the sheer curtains letting in what sun the ever-moving Bay clouds would allow.

With a sleepy moan, she sat up and realized she was alone in the giant bed. She bit her bottom lip, blinking, and raked a hand through her tangled locks. “Kenner?”

His bathroom door was open and empty. There were no sounds of feet shuffling on the floor or clangs from the kitchen. Where did he go? Had he left her alone in his apartment? Talk about trust.

Sudden panic gripped her. The kind only the morning after a night of impulsive decisions could bring.

She should leave.

Isn’t that what people usually did after a one-night stand? Left before either of them had to endure any awkward goodbyes? Last night was incredible and unforgettable and…never to be repeated. Maybe he left so he wouldn’t have to talk to her?

She scrambled to get dressed. Grabbing her shoes and clutch, she rushed down the hall, glancing at the clock to see it was barely seven a.m.

Heart racing, she shoved one shoe on her foot, then the other, and walked quickly to the door, hand on the doorknob.

She stopped, and closed her eyes.

What was she doing? She didn’t
to leave. How could she bail like this after what they’d shared last night?

The things they’d said to each other, even though there were very few words, seemed significant and sincere. They weren’t words of lust or command. He’d call her “mine” and she’d shockingly uttered that she could love him. But…those were said during and after passion. Words that couldn’t be trusted.

And he couldn’t be trusted either. He’d lied about himself and so had she. Last night had been a game between two people attracted to each other, ending in pleasure like she’d never known, but she couldn’t hope for something more. That wasn’t how this worked.

If she left now, then they would each have nothing but the wonderful memory of what they shared.

She unlocked and opened the door. She sent his apartment once last glance before she left, heart already aching with regret she wasn’t staying.


When Kenner returned to his building with some bagels and coffee, he was practically dancing his way to the door. From the second he woke up and saw her in bed next to him to the second he walked in the lobby, he’d talked himself into thinking he’d found something—someone—amazing last night. He’d turn this one-night stand inside out, break all his rules, and ask to see her again, immediately. Tomorrow. This weekend.

Since he had nothing but condiments and leftovers in his fridge, he’d run to the bagel shop down the street. In his mind, they’d start out with some breakfast, maybe take a shower together, and then they would
begin. He’d never felt like this before. Light on his feet, happy, optimistic, all that good stuff. Finally, he’d found it in something else other than work.

But when he found his apartment door unlocked, those feelings imploded. Even before walking in and checking the bedroom, he knew she’d left.

He set the bag and coffee to-go container on his nightstand, staring at the rumbled sheets and empty bed. Where had he messed up? Stalking to his window, he opened the sliding glass door and gripped the railing, gazing out to the city.

She was out there somewhere, fleeing from him.

“Shit.” He hung his head. The best thing to happen to him in years was gone.

Oh well, right? She was just a one-nighter. There could be any number of reasons why she left, one of them being that no matter how passionately she’d come undone in his arms last night, she didn’t feel what he did. While the draw to her was strong and undeniable, it didn’t mean it went both ways. That it was just good sex for her.

His heart sank.

Regardless of the reason, she was gone
a reason.

He cursed again. They hadn’t used protection the last time either. He’d been so blind with need, thinking with his dick instead of his head, he’d plunged inside her, seeking that mindless pleasure between her sweet thighs without one thought to the consequences.

And what if he’d gotten her pregnant?

He scrubbed a hand down his face. That wouldn’t be the way he’d want to become a father at all. But he’d accept the responsibility 100%. One day she could come knocking on his door with the news, and they’d have to figure it out.

Surprisingly, he wasn’t that scared at the prospect.

Then again, maybe because he didn’t know for sure he’d gotten her pregnant kept any real concern at bay.

Regardless, he prayed he’d see her again somehow, some way.


Thea walked in The Dame & Dapper two Fridays after her tryst with the mysterious Kenner, scanning the room as the door softly closed behind her. If she hadn’t been tossing and turning with regret every night for not waiting for Kenner that morning, she might’ve not had the courage to come in here again. She knew where he lived, yes, but showing up on his doorstep—especially if he really didn’t want her to—seemed stalkerish, presumptuous, and unfair. The lounge, however, was fair ground.

Allowing her eyes to adjust to the near pitch-blackness, her stomach in her knees, she made slow steps toward the bar, trying not peer at every man in the room, but she knew if he was there, he'd come to her. The booth where Kenner had sat that night was empty. She ordered a cocktail even though she didn’t really feel like drinking.

The lounge was busier this time. With no seats open at the bar, she ventured toward the corner section that allowed a near full view of the entire bar, stage, and tables. Finding a high-top with no seat, she set her drink down, and waited.

And now that she was there, she hoped against hope he would show up again, even though he’d told her he only came “rarely.”

An hour later, after watching the door, and tired of looking like a desperate woman in the corner, she was about to walk out when she recognized the same bartender that’d served them.

Abandoning her high-top table and untouched drink, she walked to the bar and smiled at the man in the vest and long-sleeved shirt. “Aren’t you a friend of Kenner’s?” she asked with a friendly smile and tilt of her head.

It was such a unique name, she hoped it rang a bell. The young man gave a short nod, and a knowing smile. “The name’s Rory. Sure. I know Kenner. Why?”

She gulped her nervousness. “Have you seen him by chance?”

He straightened, then grabbed a rag, beginning to wipe down the counter. “Who are you again?”

Uncertain if this was really a good idea, she held her clutch with both hands. “My name is Thea. I was in here with him a couple weeks ago. I was hoping you could give him a message the next time you see him? Please?”

“Don’t you have his phone number or something?” He looked her up and down dubiously.

“No. Unfortunately.”

He seemed to hesitate, but then relented. “Sure. I see him from time to time. What’s the message?”

“Just that I was here, looking for him.” She reached in her clutch for her tiny notepad and pen that she always carried with her, and scribbled down her phone number. Pleased with the tiny hope Kenner would receive this soon, she placed the paper on the bar.

Rory glanced at it, then raised his gaze to hers, one brow lifted. “If I see him, I’ll make sure he gets it.”

She grinned. “I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

“You know.” He planted his palms on the bar. “I wouldn’t feel that special if I were you. Kenner and I have both taken turns up there.”

Thea froze, sick to her stomach, her smile fading. “Excuse me?”

Leaning in, he gave a short nod. “Bringing a woman up to the roof to, uh, check out the view. It’s nice up there, isn’t it?”

The heat flooded to her face. Not because she was embarrassed about going up there, but red-hot mad at herself for thinking she was unique, and what they’d done was special. Because he’d made her feel both.

Well, of course she wasn’t the first woman for Kenner to take up on the roof, though she might’ve been the only one to have sex with him on it.

Rory seemed satisfied that he’d just massacred her opinion about Kenner, grabbing her note with two fingers. “Do you still want to give him the message?”

She plucked the paper from him before she could think twice. “On second thought, no.”

Chuckling, he crossed his brawny arms and shook his head. “You aren’t the first woman he’s taken up there, and you probably won’t be the last. I’m telling you this because you seem like a nice, good girl.”

BOOK: Lovers by Christmas:
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