Read Love's Crazy Twists Online

Authors: S. A. Johns

Love's Crazy Twists (17 page)

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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              "Here you go, Sir." She said, handing him the flowers.

              "Thank you so much. These are beautiful." he said handing her his credit card. As the girl processed the card he grabbed a card for the flowers and wrote the following on it:



To the one I love,

The woman of my dreams.

I love you with all my heart,

Soul and being.




              "Here you go, Sir, I just need your signature." The girl told him while handing him a small slip of paper.

              Shane signed the slip, took the flowers and turned to leave. Then he stopped. He had an idea. He walked back up to the counter and looked at the girl.

              "Excuse me?" He asked.

              The girl looked startled. "Is there something wrong?"

              "No, no these are perfect," he said nodding to the bouquet of flowers he was holding, " I was wondering if you could do something for me."

              "OK, what?" The girl was puzzled.

              "Well you see I'll be going out of town for a week and I thought that maybe you could have some flowers delivered for me. Every day that I am gone."

              “Um, yeah. I can arrange that. What kind did you need?"

              Shane told the girl all the details, he picked all the flowers, gave her Julie's address and filled out all the cards to go with them. When he was satisfied, he left.


Julie was getting ready to see Shane, she could hardly wait. She was busying herself with meaningless little tasks like wiping off the table and counters, hoping that time would go faster and he'd be there. Then the phone rang.

              "Hello?" She said into the receiver.

              "Hello. Is this Julie?" The voice said.

              "Yes it is. Can I help you?" She asked, still not recognizing the voice.

              "Julie, how are you? It's Karen."

              "I'm fine. How are you, Karen?" She asked. It was a co-worker from the State Bank where Julie worked until it caught fire and burned to the ground. then they all got laid off.

              "I am great. And I have great news!"

              "OK, well don't keep me in suspense. What is it?"

              "The bank is almost done being rebuilt. We can expect to be going back to work after a few more weeks."

              "Oh my goodness! That is great news. How did you find out?"

              "Patrick called me the other day and told me all about it. And I was just thinking I ought to call you and tell you the news."

              "I am so glad you did. When were they going to tell everyone else?" Julie asked her friend.

              "I supposed as soon as the details were finalized." Karen said.

              "Good, I am so tired of not going to work. I almost feel like a bum."

              "Ha! I know what you mean. At least they were nice enough to pay us for our time off."

              "I know. that was Pat's idea. He is such a nice guy." Julie finished.

              "Yeah. Well I better let you go. The kids are getting into something. I'll talk to you later."

              "OK. Thanks for calling, Karen. Bye ."


              Julie hung up the phone. She would be going back to work. This really is great news. Since the fire, she had been off work for a whole 12 weeks now. She couldn't wait to get back to work. Life without work could be pretty boring. While she was still thinking about going back to work she didn't even hear Shane's car pull into the driveway.

              "Hello-o-o.". He sang.

              "Shane!" Julie exclaimed as she ran to him and hugged him.

              "Well, well, this is a nice welcome." he laughed. "Why are you so happy?"

              "Besides the obvious?" She laughed as she leaned her head back to look up at him, and he kisses her. "Wow, that was nice." He backed away and pulled the flowers from behind his back.

              "Shane!" Julie exclaimed. "They are beautiful. I love them." She hugged him again.

              "You were really excited to see me, is there something you need to tell me? Like why you are so excited."

              "Actually, yes, there is. Karen called today with some really good news."

              "Who's Karen?" He asked.

              "I worked with her at the bank."

              "Oh. OK."

              "Anyway, the bank is almost rebuilt and we'll be going back to work soon!"

              "Julie, that's great." He said as he pulled her to him and hugged her tight.

              "I know." she said. Then she sighed and frowned slightly as she remembered that Shane had to go away for a week.

              "What's wrong?" He asked.

              "I just remembered that you have to leave me for a whole week."

              "Julie, it'll be all right. I promise. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

              "I know, but I'm really going to miss you."

              "Come, sit down with me and we'll talk."

              He led her to the couch and they sat down. At first they just sat there holding onto each other just happy to be in each others arms. Then Shane spoke first.

              "Are you OK now?"

              "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." She smiled.

              "I know you are. I'll call you as often as I can. OK? I promise."

              "You'd better!" She laughed.

              They sat there most of the evening watching TV together and cuddling.  Julie fell asleep in Shane’s arms on the couch. He didn’t want to wake her because she looked so peaceful.  Finally he drifted off too.  Julie woke up some time later.  She looked around and almost shrieked when she saw the clock.  It was a little after midnight.  She realized that Shane was asleep and she didn’t want to wake him, but she couldn’t imagine not making love to him before he left her for an entire week.

              She got up off the couch, “Shane?”  She whispered.  “Shane?”

              He moved slightly as he half opened one eye.  “Huh?”

              “Shane, honey, it’s after midnight, we need to go to bed.”

              He didn’t move.  So Julie leaned down and started kissing him on the face, first his forehead then his cheeks and finally his mouth.  Then he started to wake up, and he kissed her back.

              He pulled her on top of him and kept kissing her.  Julie was mumbling something that Shane couldn’t make out so he stopped kissing her and said, “What?  What are you mumbling about?”  He laughed. 

              “I was trying to tell you that it is after midnight and you should be in bed.”  She told him.

              “Yes, you are absolutely right.”  He smiled an evil grin in her direction and sat up, “I should be in bed.  And you are coming with me!” He grabbed Julie by the waist and flung her up on his muscular shoulder and headed to the bedroom.

              Julie squealed with delight as Shane’s hands went around her waist, and she was thrilled that he wanted to make love to her.  Shane plopped her down on the bed, “Take your clothes off.”  He said while removing his shirt, “I can’t wait to have you.”

              While Julie was struggling to remove her now twisted shirt Shane had successfully made himself nude.  Then he helped Julie to remove her remaining clothing.  Finally, they were both naked.

              “That is better.”  He smiled at Julie, “Much better.”

              Julie blushed, “I agree.”

              Shane got in bed beside her then took one hand and slowly slid it down over her neck and collar.  He headed straight for her supple breasts.  He teased her nipples with his hands and his warm tongue.  He felt them grow hard with excitement.  He ran his hands down over her belly to her private parts.  Julie let out a moan and slightly opened her legs for him.  He let his fingers linger in the soft hair down there.

              “Shane, touch me.”  She directed him.  Just like and obedient student he obeyed.  He slowly spread her legs farther then he moved one finger up and down the crease.  Julie began to arch her back and lift her bottom for better access.  Shane took this as his cue.  He slowly slid the tip of one finger into her waiting wetness.  When she moaned, he slid it in farther.

              “More...” She trailed off.

              He then slid in two then three fingers into her love cave.

              “  I want you
!”  She began pulling and pawing at him until he obliged. 

              He got on top and slid his hard member into her now dripping hole.  Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony until the grand finale.  They both collapsed.

              Not much later, they had an even better encore!  This time they were fast asleep in no time at all.

              The alarm sounded and Julie had scarcely heard it.  When she finally did hear it, she jumped to see that it was 6:30AM.  “Shane.  It’s time to get up.”

              “Already?”  He asked.

              “Yeah, sorry to say, but I think that we might have slept in a little.  It’s 6:30.”  She told him.

              “Oh shit!  I have to go!”

              “Are you mad at me for over sleeping?”

              “No, not at all.  That just means that I got to sleep with you a little longer.”  He smiled.

              “Can I help you do anything?”  Julie asked.

              “Nah, I just have to jump in the shower, then I’ll be ready.”

              “I’ll go start your water.”  As Julie started to the bathroom, the phone rang.  She ran to the kitchen to get it.  “Hello?”

              “Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but is Shane Montgomery there?” The voice asked.

              “Yes, he is.  Hold on I’ll get him.”  She sat the phone down and went to get Shane.  “Shane, the phone’s for you.”

              “For me?”  He asked a little shocked.  “Who is it?”

              “They didn’t say.”

              Shane went to the kitchen and grabbed the phone, “Hello, Shane speaking.”

              “Shane, hey.  It’s Steve.”

              “Oh, what’s up Steve?”  He asked.

              “Well, there’s been a change of plans.  You were scheduled to leave at 7, but something has come up and you don’t have to go until 9:30.  So if you want, go get some more sleep.  I’ll see you around 9.”

              “OK, will do.  Bye.” He said and hung up.  “Julie!  Great news.”

              “What?  You’re not going?”  she teased.

              “Well, not that good.  But...I don’t have to be at work until 9.”

              “Oh so we still have like 2 hours till you have to go.”  She looked at him slyly, “So, um, do you want to go back to bed?”

              He scooped her up in his strong arms, “Definitely.”  He said as he carried her back to bed.  He laid her on the bed and climbed beneath the covers with her and snuggled closer to her.  “You know Julie, I sure do love you.”

              “I love you, too.”  She said as she let him pull her body close to his and fell fast asleep.

              Shane held her for a little while and decided to get up and get ready.  He showered and got dressed and was all ready to go to work when he thought that it would be a nice gesture to make breakfast for his love.

              He went to the kitchen in search of something to make for breakfast.  Luckily, Julie must have gone grocery shopping because he found all sorts of things to make.  He found bacon, eggs, sausage, green peppers, onions, fresh mushrooms and cheese.  So he whipped up an omelet.  He made her a cup of tea and a slice of toast.  When he was finished cooking he noticed the clock, he still had almost half an hour before he had to leave.

              He put the food onto two plates and put the plates on a tray.  He carried it into the bedroom where he watched Julie sleeping for a minute before he woke her up.  She looked like a dream come true, so peaceful and content.  She truly was the most beautiful woman he’s ever had the privilege of laying his eyes on.  He put the tray down on the end stand and sat on the edge of the bed.

              “Julie?” He whispered.  “Honey, it’s time to get up.”  He said.

              “Hmm?” She moaned as she stretched on the bed.

              “Good morning, Sunshine.”  Shane chirped.

              “Hey, Babe.”  She said reaching up to him and wrapping her arms around him.

              “I made you breakfast.”  He said.

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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