Read Loving Angel 3 Online

Authors: Carry Lowe

Loving Angel 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“I was just saying, there isn’t anything to feel bad about,” she huffed. “It wasn’t like anything really happened. Plus if she hadn’t run off she would’ve been here to take care of her man herself.”

“Listen Lena, if there’s one thing I don’t allow is for bitches to be talking reckless about my wife.”

“I meant no disrespect or anything,” she held up her hands in a show of surrender before sauntering away.

I just knew that hoe was trying to cause some drama but if she knew what I knew she’d know that I wasn’t the one to be fucked with. I didn’t play these
games that tricks be playing and the last trick that tried to play games with me, got a beating she probably never forgot. After that hoe Cindy had lied about having a baby by me, I had used my nine to whoop her ass. I didn’t want Lena to learn the hard way too, but if she continued fucking with me I’d be more than happy to teach her a lesson.





















“Oh girl you won’t believe what I just heard,” Theresa said. It was the first thing that came out of her mouth when my c
ousin and I walked into her salon to get our nails done.

wasn’t my first time stopping by her shop since I’d returned to New York. She and Nancy had a million and one questions for me a week ago, when I came in to get my hair and nails hooked up. They had been shocked that I was pregnant and wanted to know where I had disappeared to. I’d told them that I went to Miami on an extended vacation because the war between Dread and Tyga had really gotten to me. I elaborated further by telling them of how cooped up in the house I’d been, of having to walk around with bodyguards and also having to watch my back constantly for danger. All those things were true but they definitely weren’t the real reason I’d left the city.

They had bought my lies
, hook line and sinker and I was very happy because I wasn’t about to tell those two gossipmongers the truth. If I was stupid enough to confide in them, as soon as I turned my back they would have been spreading my business like wildfire.

“What did you hear?” Daisy asked, knowing that was the requisite response the hairstylist was waiting for before she spilled the beans.

“I think you two better sit down for this one,” Nancy advised, motioning me over to the empty chair at her nail station. “You’re going to be shocked when you hear what we have to tell you.”

I was getting even more curious by the minute
, so I took the seat she’d offered and she got to work on both my nails and the gossip.

“There are some really nasty rumors going around about Keya,” she gabbed as she began using a cotton
ball, which had been soaked in remover, to wipe the polish from my nails.

“Mhhhhmm,” Theresa nodded in agreement. “That girl has been doing some nasty shit in your husband’s club.”

Daisy scrunched up her face in confusion and asked the question I was about to voice. “What type of nasty shit?” My cousin was perched on a chair close to us, so she wouldn’t miss a word.

“She’s been tricking out of the club. Having all types of niggas running up in her for money,” Nancy provided with a look of disgust on her face.

To say I was shocked was an understatement, but they weren’t done yet.

“And I heard that she’s been doing drugs too,” Theresa added
. “Snorting cocaine to be exact.”

I hadn’t even gotten over the shock of those two pieces of information
, when Nancy dropped another bomb. “I also heard that everyone is saying that she has the virus and is spreading it around to her customers.”

After I had picked up my jaw off the floor I asked, “Who the hell told you all of this?”

“A big booty light skinned hoe who works down at Glitter with Keya,” Nancy supplied. “She came in here to get her hair done three days ago.”

“Does this bitch by any chance go by the name Delicious?” Daisy wanted to know.

“Yeah, that’s her. Do you two know her?”

“Only in passing,” Daisy replied. “She defini
tely isn’t a friend of ours.”

“Keya had to kick her ass a couple months back because she kept mouth
ing off,” I told them. “So I’m sure that’s why she’s now gunning for Keya. That bitch needs another beating, for spreading lies on my cousin.”

I was only fronting like I knew it was lies. Truthfully
, I wasn’t too sure what to think. I knew Keya was all about her money and she would sleep with any nigga as long as she got paid. So it wouldn’t be a stretch for her to start doing that shit professionally.

And as for the drug usage
, the last time I saw my cousin she had been looking kinda busted. She had lost a good deal of weight and didn’t even have an appetite. Those were definitely signs that someone was on drugs.

For the rest of my visit at the shop
, as Theresa and Nancy laughed and talked, filling Daisy and I in on a bunch of other gossip about people we knew, I was deep in thought wondering if another one of my family members had turned to drugs. Equally appalling was the accusation of prostitution. Did my cousin really love money that much, that she would start selling herself professionally? And even worse, was she really tricking without using any protection and spreading the virus to other people?

I was very happy when we were done at Theresa’s. Usually their gossip was very entertaining but I could
n’t concentrate on anything they were saying today. My mind was too preoccupied worrying about my cousin.

We had barely walked out the doors of the salon when I pounced on Daisy with the question that had been burning in my mind. “What do you think about what they told us about Keya?”  

“I wouldn’t put it past Keya to be doing some shit like that,” she confessed as we headed to our cars that were parked across the street. It was winter time so it was mad cold outside and as we spoke, fog was coming out of our mouths. “Is it such a stretch of the imagination to think if someone sells their body to all the hustlers around town, she’ll sell it to all the patrons in a strip club she works at? And you heard what they said about her spreading the virus. Do you remember when she threatened to spread it around if she found out she had it?” She opened her car door and started the engine, then turned on the heater.

“Damn, I’m going to have to talk to that bitch because this shit isn’t cute.” I popped the door to my own whip and threw my Louis Vuitton bag on the passenger side seat. “She can’t be going aro
und shitting on people like that. I went to bat for her when I begged Tyga to give her a job at Glitter. Can you imagine how pissed he’ll be if he discovers, she’s not only doing drugs and tricking but also spreading HIV in his club?”

“Like she’ll listen to you,” my cousin scoffed. “Keya doesn’t care about anyone but Keya.”

A gust of cold wind blew in our direction, whipping my hair into my face and freezing my ears stiff. It was definitely time for me to go.

“Daisy, I’ll call you later,” I told my cousin. “I’m not about to stand in this damn cold too long worrying about Keya
, when it’s obvious she isn’t worrying about herself.”

“I hear you on that one.”

I was about to hop into my ride when I was taken by surprise, when someone grabbed onto my arm and jerked me around. I came face to face with a specter from my nightmares and almost pissed in my panties.

“You didn’t think I
’d forget about you, did you?” Ninja asked.

“Take your fucking hands off her,” Daisy yel
led, phone in hand ready to call for help.

“You better drop that fucking phone,” he threatened, pointing the gun he was carrying at her. She immediately dropped the phone causing it to clatter to the ground. “Now stand there and don’t move or say anything.” He glared at her
, letting her know there would be retribution if she disobeyed him.

“What do you want Ninja?” I asked, swallowing the fear that had been lodged in my throat.

“Don’t ask any stupid questions. You already know what I want,” he replied, running his fingers down my cheek. I flinched away from his touch and he laughed. “I’m glad you’re pregnant with my baby; your skin is really glowing from it.”

“This isn’t your baby,” I snapped angrily, forgetting that I had cause to be afraid. I was in mother bear mode and I’d do anything to protect my cub. “This baby is my
husband’s. So if that’s why you’re brothering me, please don’t waste your time.”

“Listen bitch, I already know this is my baby s
o don’t try to fucking lie to mi. Just know that I’m only letting you go for now because I’ve got a few things to take care of, but I’ll be coming back for the two of you real soon.” He grabbed onto the back of my head and pulled me towards him. Then he placed a hard kiss on my mouth that had me gagging when he released me. “Don’t forget what I said,” he hollered as he ran down the street, tucking his gun back in his waist.

“What the fuck
?” I plopped down in my driver’s seat, feeling weak in the knees.

“You good?” Daisy asked, staring down at me with a worried look on her face. “I’m calling Tyga.” She had retrieved her phone before she came over to check on me.

I didn’t know what to tell her, because I most certainly wasn’t good. I had a crazy rapist stalking me, thinking he was the father of my unborn child. How could I ever be ok?

I felt tears of anger escaping from my
eyes, like convicts breaking out of prison. What right did this sick fucker have coming after me? Hadn’t he done enough harm to me already? I was tired of these motherfuckers thinking they could hurt me over and over again and get away with it. I wasn’t about to spend the rest of my life living in fear and looking over my shoulder for the next time Ninja would attack. Hell to the mother fucking no. I was going to have to take matters into my own hands and figure out a way to get rid of him permanently.

After Daisy finished speaking with Tyga
, she gave me the phone and he ordered me to come directly home. I knew he was only concerned about me but I really didn’t want to be home at the moment. I knew that as soon as I saw him I would break down crying. And as much as I appreciated the support he provided me, it was time for me to stand on my own two feet and grow some fucking balls of my own.

I don’t remember saying goodbye to my cousin or even getting into my car. I was so shaken and thoughts kept running through my head a mile per minute, causing me to operate without any conscious thought. One minute I was outside Theresa’s shop, the next I was parked in front my mother’s house. I guess I must have unconsciously driven here because I knew it was a place I could escape to for a while. I decided since I was already here
, I might as well go in and chill out for a minute until I calmed down.

Mina had moved back into her place months ago
, after the war with Dread had cooled down. I used my keys to let myself in. I knew she didn’t like it when I did that but right now I really didn’t give a damn what she liked. I threw my bag onto the couch and headed for her room, only to halt in my steps at her door after getting the shock of my life.

Her bedroom door was wide open
, therefore I had an unimpeded view of her queen sized bed. And the scene taking place in that bed would scar my retinas for the rest of my days. Mina was on her hands and knees while Chance was behind her pounding into her pussy as she moaned his name. I must have been very distracted by my problems to have not heard all that moaning and groaning from a mile away.

“What the fuck are you two doing?” I exclaimed in horror. They sprang apart as if they were caught on fire but the damage was already done because that scene was burnt into my fucking brain. “I can’t even believe this shit.”

“What are you doing here Angel?” Mina asked in surprise. She was putting on a robe to cover up her shame.

I gave her a look of disgust. “How could you do something like this Mina? He’s only eighteen years old and you’re thirty five. You could be his damn mother. I’m your kid and I’
m older than him.”

She didn’t reply. She lowered her eyes wearing a guilty look on her face.

“This isn’t her fault,” Chance defended her. He had jumped into a pair of boxers as soon as I entered the room. “I was the one who came on to her.”

I shook my head at him sadly. He was still too young to realize when he was be
ing played. “That’s what she wants you to believe. But I would bet a million dollars that as soon as your brother was six feet under she was already scouting you as her next victim.”

She was always doing shit like this; jumping from one man to another. Sometimes even in the same family
. But this was actually the first time she’d fucked with a nigga this young. Her youngest victim before Chance had been his older brother Boss.

“You really don’t have a high opinion of me
, do you Angel?” She huffed. She had finally gotten over her shame and it sure as hell didn’t take her long to do it.

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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