Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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Let me see into the Heavens.” She simply said and the mirror began to manifest an image.

There stood a beautiful older angel
with hair as white as snow and eyes and a long flowing dress to match.

“Dearest Athena
, how are you?” Muriel smiled.

Nibbling her bottom lip, Athena couldn’t lie. Especially not to Muriel. Even though angels were made and not born, Muriel had been like a mother to her. Teaching her the ropes and protecting her when need be. Frowning, Muriel knew that face all too well.

Lucien squinted as he saw the white light illuminate from beneath Athena’s door. Curiosity taking over, he slowly crept over and st
opped to hear Athena speaking.

“What is it? What is wrong?” Muriel asked concerned.

“I’ve failed my Charge.” Athena confessed heavy hearted.

“How so my child?” she pushed.

Lucien quietly listened confused. He wanted to know who the hell she was talking to and what that light was. Oh yeah, this chick had a lot of explaining to do and he was thinking of keeping her close. Having an other worldly being on his side could be a plus.

—she was killed last night. I begged you not to send me here. I am not built for this type of work.” Athena said bowing her head shamefully.

“Athena all may not be what it seems.” Muriel tried to assure.

“How so? I lost the one thing I was sent here to protect. How am I ever going to return home? They’ll strip me of my wings—” Athena inquired quizzically.

Everything in Lucien was hoping she was a fairy. Yeah that made sense. Fairies were out there even though he had never met one. Until now, he assumed.

do not give up.” Muriel encouraged.

“I cannot bring her back. You know I do not possess that power
.” Athena replied.

No one
does but The Divine.” Muriel said clearly and Athena knew that.

And that was her point. She’d lost her Charge and there was no way of bringing her back.

“What am I supposed to do now?” Athena asked looking for help.

“I cannot answer your question child. This is your mission. If you fail—”

“I know.” Athena said regrettably.

Lucien swallowed hard and felt guilt rip through him. He was the reason she’d lost the girl the night before.
No wonder she was so pissed off at him. It was her job to protect her and because of him she’d failed miserably. And despite all of that she saved his life. He owed her way more than he thought.

“You cannot let Dezmon win. I must go Athena, we will speak soon.” And with that the mirror went quiet.














Chapter Six

Chance Encounters

No light, no
hologram to Heaven. Just Athena’s reflection and along with it were her wings. Her big beautiful white wings, the mirror always showed her true form. So many times she’d wished she could spread them and fly. But there was no time for that. Hearing a noise, she quickly turned and opened her bedroom door. To her surprise there was nothing there. She half expected Lucien to be eavesdropping, but so far her expectations of him had been wrong. 

Walking to the living room, she saw him sitting on her couch looking bored.

“Are you finally ready— Princess?” he asked hesitantly standing.

That surprised her because
standing for a woman was a gentleman thing to do and he damn sure wasn’t gentle. His gaze was caught on her outfit. Her very sexy outfit. The way her breast nearly spilled over her corset was a tease and the way her leather pants clung to her thighs…he was wishing he were them. Oh how he envied the black material. 

“Why do you persist on calling me that?” she sneered.

“Sorry…” his deep voice rumbled. “
Kitten.” He purred and she scoffed.

“What would you like for breakfast?”
she said passively ignoring him.

“There’s a nice little diner I
wanna check out.” he said omitting the fact that he had already been there.

He just needed to grab the car that Delilah so willingly passed over to him.
Atleast transportation was one less thing he had to worry about.

“Diner?” she asked raising a brow.

“Yeah, I mean that way we’re in a safe environment—lots of people.” He said as if he were dangling the idea over her head.

But she knew what he meant. If they were in a crowd either of them were less likely to attack each other. Civil was the best proposition and on top of that she didn’t have to try and cook.

“Fine. But if you try to run—”

“Look, you have my word that I won’t leave until you ask what it is you want.” He said truthfully staring her in the eyes as he extended a hand to her.

Staring at him she saw the truth in his eyes and shook his hand. Then they were off.

Pulling up to the diner, Athena
tsked. The place was totally abandoned except for one car in the dirt parking lot. Before she could speak, Lucien hopped out of the car. Athena shut the engine off and hopped out behind him. He was walking over to the wooded area and she was hot on his heels. She knew better than to trust a demon, they always spewed lies. Catching up to him, she caught his arm in a rage and he froze in place as his gaze scoured the area.

Screams echoed in his head as a flash of Delilah being attacked by Vulcan slammed into his cranium.
It was more like replaying in front of him as he watched. Spinning to Athena, she saw the alarmed look in his eyes. Releasing her grip, he stumbled back. Visions weren’t his forte—nothing like that had ever happened before. He was willing to bet that it had something to do with Athena’s touch.

“What’s wrong with you? Why did you lure me out here just to try and take off?”

“I wasn’t going anywhere. I just smell…blood. And the stench of that wanna be badass we were fighting last night.” He growled truthfully.

There was no way he was telling her about the vision. Not until he found out more.

“Vulcan.” She muttered with utter disgust laced in her voice.

So the douche had a name.

“Princess I need you to trust me and do me a favor.” Lucien replied.

“My name’s Athena. Stop acting like you don’t know.” She growled keeping her eyes glued to him.

Athena…pretty. Definitely fitting for her.

“We need to head to the nearest hospital.”

Frowning confused, she asked “Why?”

Taking a breath, he decided to tell her the truth.

“I was eating here last night before I ran into you. This car belongs to a girl I met and she was hurt. I need to make sure she’s ok.”

Bawling her hand into a fist, anger ate through her. He was worried about a female?! Not that it should have mattered because she was the least bit interested in him.

“Your girlfriend?” she asked.

Ignoring her, he walked to her car and got in. He felt even
guiltier for leaving Delilah stranded and in the state she was in. Damn him for caring so much about humans. So far he’d gotten one killed and hopefully Delilah was—ok. From what he saw, he doubted it but he needed to check. It was again his fault after all.

Athena stalked to the car and got in. Slamming the door, she revved the engine and sped off. They drove in silence. Athena asked questions, but Lucien stayed quiet. After receiving his silence, she in turn went silent. It was obvious he wasn’t into opening up.
Something made him flip a switch. The playful banter that he had embodied less than an hour earlier had disappeared. When they arrived at the hospital, Lucien stalked from the car and went straight inside. Athena had trouble keeping up with him.

Stopping at the front desk, he glamoured the receptionist into telling him where Delilah was. He was glad to hear that shad at least made it passed the ordeal, but she was in the I.C.U. That in itself was pai
nful to hear because humans almost never recovered and survived the I.C.U. Athena hustled cautiously after Lucien and she hated it. She felt like a puppy tagging after its owner. Lucien stopped ahead, and she nearly bumped into him.

“Is this her?” she asked frustrated.

He simply nodded before walking into the room. Carefully, he strolled to the side of the bed and stared down at Delilah. She was bruised horribly and there were bandages on her throat. Dezmon fed on her and most likely drained the life from her body leaving her to die. Fluttering her eyes, Delilah slowly opened them to a blurry view. After blinking a few times she smiled.

“Lucien.” She whispered as Athena watched from the door.

She had half the mind to stalk in the room and punch the girl in the face, but there was no real reason to. Lucien was just a demon she was accompanying for now. He wasn’t her property and she had no right to want to keep him from his “girlfriend”. But that still didn’t stop the burning ache in her chest when Delilah reached over and placed her hand on his.

Her mind scowled.

Lucien leaned over into her ear and Athena dug her nails into her hand. How could she possibly be feeling jealous?! She was gonna have to step back from him as soon as humanly possible. After she got the answers she wanted. Before she knew it, Lucien was standing in front of her. He took in a deep breath and growled under his breath as he looked passed.

“Stay here and watch Delilah for me.” He ordered and she scoffed.

“I am not
babysitting your girlfriend!” she said with more venom than she intended.

Looking down at her with his greenish blue eyes
he could’ve swore she seemed jealous, but he didn’t have time to be quirky with her. The fuck was getting away. He’d slunk down the hall and was heading for the stairs.

“Please just stay here. She’s in danger and I’m not gonna let anything happen to her
.” He said with a protective tone.

With that he ran off down the hall and pushed his way through the stairway door.
Slowly creeping down the stairs, he heard Vulcan’s footsteps echo ahead. Then after a few flights, he went through a door to the lower level. Cautiously keeping his distance, Lucien trailed Vulcan as close as he could without being seen. Vulcan was heading to the morgue. That in itself confused Lucien, that was until he stopped at the freezers and yanked one open. Uncovering the body, he saw that it was Hazel. The girl Athena was supposed to protect.

“Was she your other half?” Lucien’s deep voice seemed to echo through the cold room.

Vulcan spun around as hate filled his glare. Lucien knew then that he must’ve been right. Maybe he had come to say goodbye to her and he had just interrupted that sentimental moment. Vulcan obviously wasn’t too happy about it. The biggest sign was that Vulcan was now manifesting a ball of fire. Lucien charged him before he could throw it and the ball disintegrated. Vulcan’s back slammed into the other freezer draws. He scowled in pain but threw a punch and hit Lucien in the gut.

Releasing his grip, Lucien in turn threw his own punch
and hit him dead in the jaw. Vulcan returned the punch and hit him back in the jaw, causing him to stumble back. Slamming into the open draw, he caught his balance. Before he could think, Vulcan was coming at him, swiping a blade. Dodging it, he blocked it and grabbed his wrist. Lucien rushed forward knocking Vulcan into the plaster wall, causing it to cave a bit from their weight. He tried to push Lucien off, but he held a steady grip on both of Vulcan’s wrist, knowing that if he got free the blade would most likely find its way into his body somehow.

That was not an option.

Head butting Vulcan, Lucien gained more of the upper hand and knocked the blade free from his hand. The blade skidded to the floor, sliding near the door.

“I’m gonna make you bleed.” Vulcan snapped
. “Then I’m gonna make you watch while I slaughter that bitch you're hanging with.” He smiled sinisterly.

Lucien thought furiously.

How dare a piece of scum like him degrade his “Princess”
? She was someone who should be revered among their kind. Vulcan would be lucky to kneel and worship her beauty. Someone was gonna have to teach this fuck some manners and who better than Lucien? Still not saying a word, Lucien threw another punch this time hitting him square in the nose. By the sheer crunching sound, he could tell that he’d broken it. Roaring in pain, Vulcan didn’t slow. Instead, he threw a kick and hit Lucien in the chest causing him to fly back and slam into the open freezer draw. Vulcan’s eyes flickered to Hazel, then back at Lucien in more of a rage.

Without a warning he manifested a chain the size of a whip
, and flung it. It wrapped around Lucien’s throat effortlessly as Vulcan held the other end. Grunting, Lucien grabbed the chain trying to break the hold, but it only grew tighter. Chocking him but leaving enough room for him to breathe the slightest amount of air.

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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