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Authors: Marie Harte

Lurin's Surrender (13 page)

BOOK: Lurin's Surrender
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After a slight pause, she leapt from the bed and cursed Gren up and down.

“You whoreson bastard! How dare you ignore my command?”

“He follows Lady Cari’s wishes,” Vendon said, surprisingly protective.

“I don’t care!” Sara attacked Vendon with such speed and ferocity that she managed to blacken his eye and split his lip before Gren and Lurin pulled her off. “You’re supposed to be on
side. I hate you! I hate her! I want you both dead!” She clung to Lurin like a lifeline.

“Laying it on a bit thick, eh?”
Gren sent.

Lurin refrained laughing. Vendon looked ready to kill. “
I need Vendon to report this back to Nobless Cari.”

“Well, wrap it up. We’re nearly there, and Mara looks ready to tear free from her bonds and beat Sara to a pulp.”

Focused on controlling Sara, Lurin had failed to pay Mara any attention. Now that he did, he felt her jealousy pulsating through him. Though absurdly pleased by her reaction, he wondered at it. Hadn’t he told her he had control of Sara? Surely she knew he hadn’t really fucked her.

“No, I didn’t think that.”
A feminine voice invaded his mind, shocking him to mental silence.
“But if you don’t soon get her under control and away from you, I’m going to smash her face in.”

Lurin coughed to cover the laughter that threatened to spill and mentally ordered Sara to let go of him and dress. He had fun with her dialogue, easily imagining what the damaged female might say.

“We’ll see my mother shortly.” Sara pulled on a
silk dress that probably cost more than the ship’s shuttle. “But this isn’t over. He’s mine.” She turned to Lurin. “You, stay there. Don’t move.” She stared at him with manic possession and then stomped away into the lav. Lurin kept his expression blank and remained standing.

Gren and Vendon shared a nod.

“See what I mean?” Gren said under his breath, loud enough for Lurin to hear.

Vendon’s gaze narrowed on the closed door of the lav and nodded. “I’ll tell the nobless,” Vendon said quietly, listening to the racking sobs and shouts of rage muffled by the closed door. “It’s up to you to see that everything goes smoothly. Another ten thousand beks if you can get Sara to her mother without undue attention once we reach Jaron.”

“Done.” Gren stared at Vendon’s retreating back until the little man left the room. Once the doors slid shut behind him, he turned to Lurin. “We haven’t much time.” Gren suddenly froze and stared hard at Mara.

“What?” she asked defensively as she freed herself from her bonds.

“Smells like sex in here,” Gren muttered. “
You bonded with her? In here? She feels like you, smells like you and sure as hell resonates with your power. Must have been some bonding.”

“It was,”
Mara answered with a smug smile.

Gren swore. “How the hell did you hear that?” He faced Lurin. “How the hell did she hear that?” he repeated, clearly shocked.

“I have no idea. But maybe I should warn you to watch what you say.” Lurin tapped his forehead.

Mara, finally freed from her bonds, approached Gren with suspicion. “You’re no telepath.” She studied him with an intensity that made Lurin uncomfortable.

Gren turned and headed for the door. Lurin frowned, knowing what was coming next.

“What exactly happened while I was tied up in your quarters, Gren?” Mara asked.

“Ask Lurin. He was there.” Gren, the coward, rushed from the room.
“We’ll arrive on Jaron in another hour. Make ready. And try not to be too angry, Mara. Lurin can explain.”

Chapter Eleven




They walked in a single file through the underground tunnels into Nobless Cari’s private wing of the palace.

Unfortunately, the strong mental bond that had existed between Mara and Lurin faded. She could no longer hear his or Gren’s thoughts. And Lurin had yet to explain just what Gren meant when he’d told her not to be too angry.

The more she thought about that missing period on board Gren’s ship, the more she wondered if her dreams had in fact been real. She didn’t want to admit to herself, and certainly not to Lurin, that she’d imagined having sex with Gren.

She tried to ignore images of herself and the large captain entwined, of Gren’s mouth covering her breast, of his large cock filling her again and again.

She flushed and stared at the floor as they walked farther down the passageway. Granted, Lurin had awakened her body to pleasures beyond imagining, but could he perhaps have over-stimulated her sexual desires?

She subtly glanced at the Jaron soldiers following them. She considered one or two of them attractive but had no urge to couple with any of them. Why then did she envision herself having sex with Gren? And why did the she feel more turned on than dismayed by the idea?

She flushed, glad that Lurin’s concentration remained on Sara. Mara would hate for him to know she apparently lusted after Gren.

And speaking of Gren, just then Vendon murmured something and scooted closer to him. Sara gave Gren a sultry glance and smiled, courtesy of Lurin. Mara found it absurdly amusing that she wasn’t the only one lusting after the hulking captain.

The small entourage entered the palace through a series of curving passageways until they came to a set of large double doors, guarded on either side by two brutish Jarons.

Vendon scurried forward and said something to one of the guards. In moments, the doors opened, allowing sunlight to filter through a dim hallway.

The soldier behind her prodded her to move, and Mara glared at him over her shoulder before following the others down the hallway into a golden chamber. She stared around her, awed at the ornate architecture and overwhelming display of wealth fettering the walls.

Dozens of paintings and crystalline statues littered the room, all showcasing the same theme—Nobless Cari in all her glory. In youth and at present, always without flaw, the woman appeared like a goddess in the art around her.

Even her current position, resplendent on a velvet divan being waited on by two handsome, half-naked men, looked more like an artful display than reality.

As if posing for the small group that awaited her attention, the nobless took her time selecting from a tray of sweets.

“Vendon, so wonderful to see you again,” Nobless Cari said in a throaty voice. She slowly sat upright and rose, letting her sheer, silken gown flow down her legs as she stood to better impose her authority.

“Captain Gren,” she drawled, her sharp eyes stripping him from head to toe. “I had no doubts of your success.” She turned to Lurin with a greedy smile.

“Of course you didn’t,” Sara snapped. “You had this bastard under your thumb.” She gestured to Gren. “And Vendon would never think to betray you, would he?”

“No, he would not.” Vendon shared a smile with the nobless. “The trip was uneventful. Sara, of course, fucked every man on board, including our captain.” He stared wistfully at Gren. “Apparently, Vez is indeed who you say he is, for once she had him she took no one else to her bed.”

Mara thought it interesting Vendon didn’t speak of Lurin’s heritage in front of the soldiers. Did Cari want it kept secret?

“Vendon?” Nobless Cari arched her brow.

“Soldiers, dismissed. But not you, Gren,” Vendon ordered.

Soon, only Gren and the nobless’ two massive man servants guarded her and Lurin.

“Captain Mara.” The bitchy royal switched her focus. “How unfortunate that you involved yourself in this mess.”

“Involved myself? You hired me to track Vez down and bring him in. What the hell is going on?”

Nobless Cari stared down at her buffed nails. “I don’t recall doing so.”

“You paid me twenty thousand beks upfront, or has that escaped your notice?”

“Really? I’d venture to guess that if my legal advisors looked into the matter, we wouldn’t find twenty thousand beks. If anything, we’d probably find whatever payment Lurin Vez used to bribe your compliance in his attempted escape.”

Mara could only stare, impressed at the woman’s gall. Damn, but she had the financial pull to get away with it. The thought that Mara, her crew, and Lurin were still in danger fanned the flames of her anger.

“You’ve not only framed an innocent man, but you’re going to put me in chains as well? And you think you can get away with that?”

“I already have. Really, Mara. Save the dramatics. You’ve been found guilty of conspiring with a murderer. The best you can hope for from Jaron law is a life sentence. At worst, you’ll be beheaded come tomorrow morning.”

Gren glared at her to behave. Past him, Lurin stared blankly at Sara, still playing his part. But she felt a sense of warmth and comfort from his direction.

“When I find the rest of your crew, I do believe I’ll add them to my collection.” Nobless Cari winked at her servants.

Mara recalled Lurin’s vague description of the degradation he’d already suffered at the nobless’s hands. Normally cool-headed, Mara’s temper reached its boiling point, especially since she knew there was a very good chance Nobless Cari could get away with it all if just one part of Gren’s mysterious plan failed.

“To hell with that,” Mara growled. In a burst of speed, she landed a fist in the nobless’s face before the woman’s servants restrained her.

The royal shrieked in outrage while Sara laughed and applauded. Neither Lurin nor Gren moved to help, though Mara thought she saw a hint of strain on Lurin’s face.

“Bravo, Mara. That’s at least one thing you’ve done right since capturing my Thesha.” Sara clapped.

“You’ll regret that.” Vendon shook his head. “Felan and Maltor.” He motioned to Nobless Cari’s servants. “Take her downstairs.”

As Mara struggled for freedom, she saw Lurin’s eyes blaze to life before fading under Nobless Cari’s sharp gaze. The woman stared at Lurin for several moments before shifting her attention back to Mara.

“You’ll regret you ever met me, you little bitch.” Nobless Cari smiled and crossed to Lurin. “Let’s see how much fun we can have together, my Thesha. Boys, take her away.”


Lurin strove to keep calm.

“If one of those bastards hurts Mara, I’ll kill everyone in here

he promised Gren, doing his best to ignore the bitch by his side.

Gren quickly answered.

Easy, Lurin. I have it covered. Trust me. Don’t do anything stupid, not when we’re so close to the end.”

“I know you can hear me, precious Thesha,” Cari murmured and stroked the other side of Lurin’s face with her long, painted nails. “Sara, make him heal my bruises.”

Sara pouted. “Fine. Heal her, slave. And do it quickly.”

Lurin kept Sara in character, making her defiant and sulky per Gren’s orders. It worked like a charm. As he healed the bruise clouding Cari’s eye, he noted Cari’s complete acceptance of the situation. Now to turn that to his advantage…

“Amazing,” Vendon rasped, his eyes glazing over as he stared at Lurin’s nearly naked form.

Lurin cursed Gren again for making him wear the ridiculous loincloth.

“It’s a distraction we need,”
Gren emphasised. “
And you have to admit, you’ve got Sara, Cari and Vendon out of sorts.”

Thinking he’d rather not be the centre of attention, Lurin forced Sara into an argument with her mother.

“He’s mine, Mother.
I found him, and I fucked him. You can’t take him from me.” Sara sounded desperate underneath the angry bluster, and Lurin realised she truly meant what he prodded her to say.

“I don’t care, Sara.” Cari gestured Vendon to her side. “You might control Lurin now, but remember, I control everything else in your pathetic little world.” Cari sneered at her daughter. “What happened to you? You were my pride and joy before you started fucking everything on two legs. We Elarans do have an image to maintain.”

Lurin felt the animosity brewing in Sara and let her vent on her mother, using only a light touch to guide her.

“Do you really think we’re so different? You think people don’t know what you do in the private recesses of the palace? About the whips, the women, the men? The little shows you stage to whet your perverse appetites? And who should know better about them than me? I am what you made me, after all. I simply choose not to hide who I am.”

Cari’s lips tightened. She retorted something vile back at her daughter. Lurin tuned them out to concentrate on Mara.

“Gren, where did they take her?”

Gren seemed to have a hard time taking his gaze from the drama brewing between Cari and her daughter.
“They took her to a level beneath us, to Cari’s private dungeon. Don’t worry. I’ve got men there as we speak.”

“You’d better,”
Lurin growled.

“I have to say, this jealous streak you’re showing is really entertaining.”
Gren’s humour irritated Lurin to no end.

“Anyone lays a hand on her, and you’ll answer to me.”
The real threat behind his words startled Gren enough that he stared at Lurin in surprise.

BOOK: Lurin's Surrender
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