Read Made in America Online

Authors: Jamie Deschain

Made in America (17 page)

BOOK: Made in America
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I press the pad of my thumb hard against her for emphasis, and Raven’s hips involuntarily roll forward to apply even more pressure. Her eyes are half open, looking lazily at me, and the expression on her face has my cock so fucking hard that if it weren’t for Tito and Frankie sitting behind us, I’d already be buried balls deep inside her pussy.

“I’m going to come,” she whispers.

“Good,” I tease. “I like to make you come. I’d make you come with my tongue, lapping up every drop of you like a thirsty puppy. Tasting you again and again, licking and sucking and swallowing every last bit of your juice.”

“Oh God,” she moans.

Her pussy clenches tight around my finger and she shudders. Her O face is spectacular and it leaves my cock feeling jealous of my hand as I feel her drip into my palm. Her chest heaves with deep, satisfied breaths, and I bring my fingers to her mouth. Raven sucks them back, tasting herself on them. I lick my lips, hungry for all of her.

“You’re incredible,” she whispers.

I trace her sweetness around the edge of her lips and lean in, licking eagerly at her mouth to taste the last remnants of her.

“So are you,” I smile.

Raven reaches over and grips my cock. A surprise breath escapes my lungs, finding its way into her mouth. Her lips close around mine for a moment and this time it’s me who whimpers.

“I’m going to show you how incredible when we get to that beach house of yours.”

I close my eyes and swallow her promise.

Fly faster
, I silently urge the pilot.

Fly faster.


- 18 -





We pull into the driveway just before noon and I crane my neck out the window of the SUV to gaze upon the raised beach house I’ll be calling home for the next few days.

“Holy shit,” I marvel, eyeballing the cream colored mini-mansion with rust-colored siding on the roof.

Tito and Frankie echo my sentiment, looking across the lot at the house they’ll be staying in. Theirs is powder blue, with a white, tin siding roof.

I get out of the car and Grant comes up, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I take his hands in mine, tilting my head to the side while he kisses my ear.

“It’s so beautiful,” I say.

“Yes, it is,” he answers, only when I glance at him I see he isn’t looking at the house. He’s looking at me.

“How big is it?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at the double entendre.

He chuckles, releasing me in favor of getting our bags out of the trunk.

“It’s a little over 4,500 square feet. There are 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a huge kitchen, an elevator, a—”

“A lift? Inside there?”

“Sure,” he nods, throwing his duffle bag over his shoulder.

“For the man who has everything,” I mumble, aimlessly swaying from side to side while still being completely enthralled with the house.

“And over there,” Grant points behind the house to a dock leading up to a wide river, “is Big Bay Creek. It feeds into the Atlantic, and in the mornings if you’re lucky you’ll see pods of dolphins swimming through.”

“Dolphins? Are you serious?”


“Jeez, it feels like I’m in some Disney movie. Dolphins and mansions and lifts.” I spin, wrapping my arms tight around him and squeezing. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

“My pleasure,” he beams, kissing my forehead. “Just stay away from the golf course across the street. There’s alligators in the water hazards.”

“Tick tock,” I tease, thinking back to when I was a young girl watching
Peter Pan
in front of the telly and being completely terrified of that silly crocodile.

Alligator. Crocodile. Same difference.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set of keys, placing them in my palm. “You go have a look around. I’m going to go get Tito and Frankie settled in and be over shortly.”

“Hurry back,” I grin, slapping him on the ass as he walks away, and it is a spectacular ass. All snug and firm in those khakis. Looks good enough to bite.

I pass the four-car garage that sits underneath the beach house, making my way up the set of stairs with my bag firmly in hand. The back door unlocks into an open terrace that’s screened in with mesh to keep bugs away. There’s a table and four chairs set up, and I think how beautiful it’s going to be to sit out here and drink my coffee tomorrow morning.

Opening another door, I step into the house and am immediately struck by how polished the hardwood floors look. My eyes are instantly drawn to their lush shine before scanning up and into the sun room with a big bay window that overlooks the creek. Summer furniture sits bright and welcoming, and there’s a stereo on the far wall. It’s all open concept, and after setting my bag down, I step from that room into the kitchen.

“He wasn’t kidding,” I whisper, swirling my way around the large room Grant told me about. In the center is a wide, long island with eight bar stools on one side, and cupboards and drawers on the other. It’s surrounded by loads of counter space, stainless steel appliances, and a walk-in pantry stocked full of goodies.

I grab a can of Pringles off the shelf and pop them open.

Munching a chip, I go into the living room across the way from the kitchen. There’s a huge L-sectional in the corner, plush carpeting, an entertainment center, two bookcases overflowing with paper and hardbacks, and a little desk in the corner with a laptop.

I shake my head. Most people would be lucky enough to call this home, but here it sits, probably empty most of the year until Grant decides to take a visit. I don’t begrudge him his fortune, but this all just seems so excessive, and there’s another one right next door just as nice—if not nicer—than the place I’m standing in now. I can’t help but think all the money he’s sunk into houses and airplanes and whatever else he has would’ve been better spent going toward helping those less fortunate than he is. We live in a city with over 60,000 homeless people. Surely his money could be used in better ways than this?

“Do you like it?”

I jump, dropping a Pringle to the carpet. Spinning, I see Grant leaning against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets. He’s got a hopeful smile on his face, looking absolutely relaxed and gorgeous in the untucked dark blue casual silk shirt he’s wearing.

“The least you could do is become Batman,” I smile.

He screws up his face so delightfully all I can do is laugh. Wiping those thoughts from my mind I saunter over and wrap my arms around him. We’ve been here less than half an hour and already I can smell the fresh air and sea salt on him. Mixed with his cologne, it’s a truly intoxicating scent that has my body buzzing.

“I love it,” I say, kissing his neck. “It’s beautiful. Just what we need after the hellacious week we’ve had.”


“Have you decided what you’re going to do about all that?”

He shrugs. “Who knows?”

I pause my kisses and look up at him. The Grant I know—the cutthroat, ruthless businessman—would already be formulating some type of plan to get back at his former friend. Instead, he’s got a look of indifference on his face that’s truly surprising.

“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” I ask.

He laughs, squeezing me closer. “Let’s not worry about all that right now. We’re here to relax, remember?”

“Speaking of relaxing,” I purr, slowly sliding my hands down the front of his shirt before they come to rest on his belt. He closes his eyes as I tug on it. His smile widens in gleeful anticipation.

“We better be quick. I told Tito and Frankie that once they’re settled we’ll go grab some lunch. There’s a seafood place around the corner I want to take you to. It’s got delicious flounder.”

“Aww, you’re so good to me, Mr. Huffman.”

He pries his eyes open and looks down at me as I drop to my knees and begin unbuckling him.

“Now it’s my turn to be good to you,” I wink.

Before I can even get the first notch loose, Grant swoops down and picks me up. I yelp in surprise as he carries me over to the couch and sets me down. He collapses next to me and undoes the belt himself. Then his pants, and his zipper, and the next thing I know he’s yanking everything down around his ankles and his bulging cock is swaying in the open breeze.

“Jesus, you are in a hurry, aren’t you?” I grin.

“I’m hungry,” he says.

I take his cock in my hand and whisper, “So am I,” before getting to my knees in front of him. “Thank God there’s carpet,” I joke before taking him into my mouth.

Looking up at him, I hollow out my cheeks and suck deliciously on it, loving the way his mouth parts and his eyes narrow with pleasure the further down I go. He’s way too big for me to deep throat, but a girl can have fun trying, can’t she?

“I love your mouth,” he growls.

“I love that you love my mouth,” I lick, gliding my tongue up and down his velvety shaft. My mouth is already watering at the prospect of being filled with his sperm, and I dip lower to take his balls between my lips, sucking and tugging on the soft skin.

“Jesus, Raven, that feels amazing.”

“I like your balls,” I smile. “They’re so…delicate.”

Flicking my tongue back up to the crown, I swirl it around the swollen head. He’s hard as stone and I can already taste the pre-come oozing out the tip.

“Show me your tits,” he asks.

“Mr. Huffman,” I slap his thigh. “So naughty.”

“You know I’ve been dying to fuck them, right?”

I peel off the spaghetti straps of my sundress, slipping my arms through them. I pull it down and unclip my bra from the front. My breasts spill out in all their double D glory, and Grant immediately reaches for them, leaning forward as I arch my back. His strong hands massage them with care, kneading my flesh in such a way that sends shivers up my thighs.

“These are spectacular,” he marvels.

His mouth closes around my left nipple and he suckles it with care. Fisting his hair in my hand, I press him against me and cry out at the pleasurable sensation, urging him to suck harder. He doesn’t disappoint, doing as I ask before moving on to the next nipple while I reach between his legs and jerk his cock with purpose.

Leaning back, Grant has a shit-eating grin on his face as I reposition myself in front of him, holding my tits close to his cock.

“Look at you,” I tease. “Like a kid in a candy store.”

“Best damn candy I’ve ever had, that’s for sure.”

I laugh, and wrap my breasts around his shaft, which completely disappears in my cleavage. The feel of his hot skin against me is indescribable, and judging by the way he moans as I slide him up and down between my fleshy folds, he’s enjoying the feeling just as much as I am.

“Let me,” he pleads, reaching down to cup my breasts.

I give way to his commands, and he squeezes them tighter around himself, making sure he’s nice and snug before rolling his hips up and down. His crown disappears and reappears out the top again and again, and I look down, allowing a dribble of saliva to coat the both of us so he can glide that much easier between them.

“You like those titties?” I urge. “You like fucking them?”

“God yes,” he pants, bucking his hips faster. “So fucking good.”

“That’s it, keep going, Mr. Huffman.”

He gasps at the mention of his business name while I play the role of naughty assistant, because that’s how he makes me feel. I don’t mind one little bit, because being naughty with him feels like heaven.

As Grant continues to fuck my tits, I stare at him, watching his expressions while feeling an overwhelming sense of pride at being here with him. This man can have any woman in the world he wants, but somehow I’m the one down on my knees for him. It fills me with confidence, because up until this moment, I never really realized how much I needed to be wanted. It’s a feeling I never want to let go of.

“Suck it,” he commands.

“Are you going to come?”

“Soon,” he promises.

I release his cock from the confines of my breasts and dip down to take him back in my mouth. His throbbing manhood twitches the harder I suck, and I reach down to massage his glorious balls. Grant’s breathing becomes more labored and I know it won’t be long now. After a few more pumps he grunts and releases into me, and I wrap my lips as tight as I can around the shaft, not wanting to waste a drop. His cum fills my mouth and I swallow it down with tiny mews of approval at the taste, staring up into his eyes as he looks down on me with an expression of awe on his face.

“No one can make me come like you can,” he grins.

I swallow what’s left, my eyes smiling back up at him, and pop him out of my mouth, stroking it a few more times before he begins to soften.

“Keep that up and we’ll definitely be late for lunch,” he says.

“No thanks,” I say, smacking my lips together. “I’ve already eaten. Let’s skip to desert.”

“You’re so bad,” Grant laughs, drawing me in for a kiss.

Warmth spreads through me as his lips fall over mine, because being bad with him has never felt so right.



I fork the remainder of my flounder into my mouth and groan, savoring the flavor. “You weren’t kidding,” I say for the umpteenth time, “this fish is really good.”

Grant takes a sip of sweet tea as Tito and Frankie nod their agreement, polishing off their own meals with gusto.

“I’m just glad you guys like it,” Grant says.

“Are you kidding?” Tito says excitedly. “If we never eat anywhere else while we’re here, I won’t care. This is so good.”

“Frankie?” Grant asks.

“Can’t talk. Eating,” he mumbles, shoving a forkful of fish into his mouth.

We all laugh, and I place a hand on Grant’s knee, rubbing gently while looking at him and sighing. This is truly the happiest I’ve felt in a long time, and I hope he knows that.

His hand covers mine and he gives it a squeeze, like he understands what I’m feeling.

My heart bursts with joy at being connected to him like that. We’ve only known each other a short time but already I can feel that spark between us becoming something more. A raging fire, perhaps, filled with the flames of passion and smoke of commitment, because right now, he’s all I’m committed to.

BOOK: Made in America
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