Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Both he and Lorcan took their time bathing themselves in the ritual way. When finished, they both turned to Dana. With a frown on her face, she tried to copy what they did but failed miserably. She was as sober as a preacher, but her inhibitions were gone. She had no sense of modesty. Perhaps the plant that they used to make the
had once been plentiful here. This state was what the humans must have mistaken for innocence when they spoke of the Garden of Eden. Without inhibitions, nothing seemed wrong.

Picking up the ritual bathing gel, he squirted some into a wet cloth and handed the bottle to Lorcan. This was where they would tempt their mate. This was where their touch would inflame her and themselves, as she grew more and more attuned to her body.

Tarin sucked in a sharp breath as her hand moved through the water, brushing his thigh, her fingers moving gently over his already sensitized skin. He gritted his teeth. As much as he would like to sink himself into her wet cunt, he knew he must wait. She wasn’t ready, and this was her first time.

He stared down at her pink nipples sitting atop the milky mounds of her breasts like little buds and imagined himself suckling them like he would the ripe berries they resembled.

Lorcan picked Dana up and set her on a low shelf in the tub. Leaning her back, he wet her hair beneath the shower and began massaging the bathing gel into her scalp. The lather turned brown as the impurities of the walnut oil dissolved into the water.

While his triad mate continued to wash the grime and dye from Dana’s hair, Tarin swiped the washcloth over her neck, behind her ears, moving lower to her collarbone until he moved the cloth over the tips of her breasts. Dana gasped and arched her back, unconsciously begging for more contact as he moved away.

He moved the cloth lower until he reached her navel. He dipped and swirled the cloth over her abdomen, in and out of her belly button, over the curve of her hips. Dana moaned and bit her lip. He knew she was inexperienced. He also knew she had no idea what she wanted, only that she
want. And need.

Moving the cloth even lower, he dipped it between her legs. “Open for me, Dana.” Her legs moved open easily and Tarin moved the cloth lower, pushing the lather between her legs. His gut clenched as he continued his ministrations. His cock pulsed with the need to sink into her silky depths and empty its seed.

Every muscle, every nerve ending, reached for her as he felt the bond between them grow stronger. This was what he’d waited so long for. This woman was the woman he would live for, die for, even leave his world for. His heart expanded as it prepared to accept a part of her soul beside his and Lorcan’s. Nothing felt so deep, so profound as a mate bond. At least he’d never felt anything like it and this was just the beginning.

When he looked up into Dana’s face, it was flushed, but not from embarrassment. This was passion, sexual tension, and a deep-seated need. Her green eyes were closed, her face filled with an expression of pure bliss as he continued to move his hands and the cloth over her silky, soft skin.

After he washed every inch of her, Tarin moved back up to lightly kiss the tip of each breast. Again she arched up with a groan, her eyes still closed. The bath complete, Lorcan lifted her into his arms and stepped from the pool to the cool chamber. Dana’s hair dripped clear water, the brown stain gone. Her hair was again that gorgeous gold color it had been when they first saw her.

Chapter Eleven


Dana felt incredible. The things they did to her, with her, felt amazing and so right when before it had felt so wrong. Something in the back of her mind told her that it should bother her that these two men she barely knew bathed her like a babe, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. It felt so good to have Lorcan wash her hair. It had felt exquisite, better even than when her maids washed it when her father was alive.

Granted, her maids never massaged her scalp so gently. They had scrubbed at her head with their fingernails as though trying to dig the skin from her skull. And no one had ever touched her more intimate parts the way Tarin had. Even
had never touched herself in such an erotic way.

His hand beneath the washcloth did more than wash her body. It enflamed her as he moved the cloth so sensuously over her flesh and massaged that little nub between her legs that until recently had lain dormant. Now they both patted her dry as though she were some princess and they her servants.

At first struck with the urge to giggle at her last thought, Dana gasped when she felt one of them close their warm mouth over her nipple and suckled, his teeth scraping gently over the taut flesh. Her legs nearly gave out when the other, she was sure it was Tarin by the feel of his facial stubble against her flesh, took the other hard peak into his mouth.

What was this she submitted herself to? This bliss, this ever building crescendo within her was strange and wonderful all at the same time. Wrapping her arms around their heads, Dana did the only thing she could think of and held them to her as they took her to heaven and back again.

Why didn’t the girls at Agatha’s tell her about this…this all-consuming need she felt when they caressed her? Was it something she experienced because her men weren’t of her world? Did they know something the men on Earth did not?

Tarin caught her when her knees buckled, and he carried her to one of the thick mattresses on the floor, Lorcan following behind them.

Dana wasn’t prepared for this. She didn’t know how to tell them that this was too much for her. The pleasure, the decadence of what they did, carried her to the edge of some precipice she had no idea how to keep from toppling over. She sensed that soon, very soon, something would drive her close to that edge and she would fall. Her question was, would she survive?

“Did we ever tell you how beautiful you are?” Tarin asked as he moved up her body to press his lips gently against hers. Finally, he kissed her. She was beginning to wonder if they kissed on their planet and she had wanted to know what it felt like.

It felt…heavenly. Dana sighed into his mouth and he took the opportunity to thrust his tongue between her lips. Her eyes flew open with surprise. No one ever told her about that! With a slight smile, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. No matter. She liked it. He palmed the back of her head, his fingers sifting through her wet hair as he kissed his way across her collarbone to the side of her neck.

Dana panted with need. Her lungs labored to draw breath as their mouths made a leisurely journey over her quivering flesh.

Lorcan moved to breathe into her ear. “You are the most beautiful woman we have ever seen.”

Dana gasped as he thrust his tongue into her ear then suckled the lobe. Whatever came of this night, of this bargain that she had made with these two men she’d just met, felt right. It felt as though she’d known them forever. Whatever happened, tonight was hers and she refused to regret it.

“Open your eyes, love.” Tarin breathed the words against her skin. “We want you to see us, to look at us, to know that we are your mates and that we will never harm you. In fact, we both would die for you.”

Smiling, Dana reached up to cup their cheeks, her thumb feathering over their bottom lips. “I hope it never comes to that. I think I’m going to like being your wife.”

“We can only hope so, baby,” Tarin said before he lowered his head to her breast once again. Slowly, he moved his hand down over her stomach. Dana sucked in her breath as his hand skimmed over the sensitive skin, moving lower still to the curls at the apex of her thighs.

She gasped when his fingers dipped lower into her sex, his experienced fingers circling her clit. With a groan, Dana instinctively spread her legs, allowing him easier access to her sex.

It wasn’t until Lorcan moved from her side to crawl up between her legs that she had any worry at all. With no warning, Lorcan settled himself between her thighs, threw her legs over his shoulders, and lowered his head to her already sensitive flesh.

Dana screamed when his mouth made contact with her sex, his tongue laving the hard nub between her legs. He lapped at her like some great cat licking cream from a saucer. A great pleasure-pain built within her as he continued to take her to the edge, repeatedly teasing her with the promise of release before slowly bringing her back down.

Tarin continued to alternately kiss her and suckle her nipples as his friend continued to ruthlessly bring her to near orgasm again and again until she was ready to scream out her frustration.

Finally, when she was ready to beg for release, Lorcan raised his head and looked deep into her eyes. “Come for me, Dana,” he said just before he lowered his head, his lips circling her clit. He pulled it ruthlessly into his mouth, suckling hard as Tarin’s mouth tugged at her breast. It gave her exactly what she needed to finally reach the summit and Dana dove head first into the dark abyss that awaited her.

A scream bubbled from her throat as the world burst into a million tiny shards of light. Her body arched up off the bed, pressing her breasts tighter against Tarin’s warm mouth. She screamed again when he bit gently down on her sensitized nipple, as he reached across her and tugged on the other hard nub.

For a moment, Dana lay on the bed, quivering with aftershocks while her men kissed their way back up her body. What was next? Intellectually, she knew, but how would it feel? The girls at her uncle’s establishment said it would hurt the first time. Should she believe it? After all, their tales had been incorrect so far. Was this what most of the women at Agatha’s talked about with such disgust? How could any woman find something that felt so…so amazing as repugnant as they had made it sound? Dana could see how they wouldn’t like to do this with just anyone, but having this sort of…connection with these two men wasn’t horrible all. In fact, it was something she could imagine doing over and over again.

Perhaps having two men who wanted to marry her wasn’t a bad thing after all. When she answered their request for a mail-order bride, she had wished for one husband and gotten two instead. The only question was did she have the courage to keep them? Dana shivered at the intriguing thought.

Lorcan must have mistaken her shiver of delight for fear. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “Be calm, little one. All is as it should be.”

Dana shivered again as his warm breath wafted over her nape and he chuckled. “Our mate is sensitive here, old friend,” he said to Tarin. “Perhaps we should investigate her other responsive areas.”

“I believe we should.” Tarin leaned down and blew warm air into her ear, making Dana shiver again.

Dana squeezed her eyes shut, afraid that this was nothing more than a fantasy, a dream. Was it just yesterday that she had run from her uncle’s establishment because she feared this kind of intimacy? It didn’t seem possible that she was now on this ship, in these men’s arms, enjoying the pleasure they doled out to her so generously.

After all of her fears, here she was with these two men doing everything in their power to please her. The only thing that she feared now was that she would not survive it, and why didn’t she care if she didn’t?

Earlier, she would have thought this all a horrendous nightmare. Now she wondered if it all wasn’t a wonderful, erotic dream that would suddenly end. Would she survive it if it did?

Leaning over her, Lorcan pressed his lips against hers, his tongue caressing the seam of her mouth, begging entrance. With a low moan, Dana opened her mouth. His tongue swept inside, tasting her, mapping the inside of her mouth as she clung to him.

She felt Tarin lower his head to her breast, his teeth gently tugging on her turgid nipple. When Lorcan broke their kiss and took the tip of her other breast into his mouth, suckling strongly while his fingers circled her sensitive clit, Dana arched up with surprise, her eyes and mouth wide open.

“Oh, my…my…” Words failed her as they continued to suckle her while she held them to her breasts.

Raising his head, Lorcan stared deep into her eyes. “I will make you mine, now Dana. In the eyes of my people we will be wed. If you object, you must say so now. Once it is done, it cannot be undone.”

Tears filled Dana’s eyes at his thoughtfulness. He could have just done it, but he gave her a choice. If she didn’t want him, now was the time to say so.

Reaching up, she cupped the sides of his face. “I do want you, Lorcan, more than I thought possible.”

Closing his eyes, Lorcan released a deep breath. “I hoped you would say that.” Moving lower, he moved between her legs. “I want you to know, this may hurt a bit at first, then the pain will give way to pleasure.” Reaching down, he positioned himself at the opening of her sex. “Try to relax when I push inside you. It will hurt less if you can.”

Dana wasn’t sure if she could. The girls at Agatha’s told her this was a painful business, and it must be true, if Lorcan warned her of it. “I’ll try.”

Tarin kissed her on the forehead. “We know you will, love. We’re just trying to make it better for you.”

Dana smiled. Didn’t they know they had already made it better than she thought possible after all the horror stories she heard? “I know you were.”

“Ready?” Lorcan asked as he flexed his hips forward. “I’m going to tell you exactly what I am doing. It can’t hurt for me to talk, and some women find it enjoyable.”

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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