Read Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolf Creek Pack

Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (2 page)

BOOK: Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9]
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His mouth instantly watered. It was a reaction he had every time he saw his lover’s weeping cock.

“Damn!” he groaned at the sight. “You are so sexy.”

“Yeah?” Taylor asked wickedly. He wrapped his hand around his cock and gave it a few long strokes as Justin watched, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head. “You want some of this, honey?”

Justin nodded quickly, his eyes fixed on the hard shaft in Taylor’s grip, swallowing past the lump in his throat. He and Taylor had been together for a few years now. Taylor knew just what to do to get Justin going, and he was very good at it.

Justin tensed with anticipation as Taylor stepped closer and lifted a hand to caress his ass cheek. Taylor was just a few inches taller than Justin, but he was quite a bit bigger in the endowment department. Justin knew he would feel Taylor for hours after they made love. He couldn’t wait.

“Make sure you don’t hold anything back, Justin,” Taylor said as he dropped to his knees behind Justin. “I know I like to hear you, and I’m sure our audience would, too.”

At the mention of their audience, Justin’s eyes strayed to the patio doors. Just beyond the edge of the moonlight he could see a pair of glowing golden eyes staring intently at him and Taylor. It sent a tingle of excitement down his back to know Chase watched them.

He loved giving Chase a show, but Justin wished the man would join them. Gods, how he wished Chase would join them. Justin had never been with two men at the same time before, but he was pretty positive he would be able to handle the two.

The moment Taylor’s tongue stroked across his quivering hole, Justin forgot all about their audience and centered on the sensations igniting in his body into flames. Taylor knew how to play his body like a master, just what part to touch or caress, what noise to make, everything to send Justin right out of his mind and over to edge into insanity.

When Taylor’s hand lightly gripped his ball sac, Justin groaned out his pleasure. The noises escaping his mouth grew louder as his balls were gently massaged in the palm of Taylor’s skillful hand.

They reached a fever pitch when Taylor grabbed his cock and stroked it. Justin couldn’t keep from pushing himself in and out of Taylor’s tight grip, fucking the man’s tight fingers with enthusiasm.

Justin curled his fingers into the couch cushions with a tight grip to keep from reaching for Taylor and demanding that the man fuck him silly. He knew that they were trying to entice Chase, to give him a good show, but damn, he wanted to feel Taylor’s thick cock in his ass. He wanted the man to let go and show him just how talented a lover Taylor truly was.

And Taylor was talented as hell. He always left Justin a satiated, boneless mess when they had sex. But this had to be slow, seductive, and enticing. Justin wanted to scream he was so damn revved up and raring to go.

Justin jerked a little when the tongue in his ass was replaced by two lubed fingers. He hadn’t even heard Taylor slick them up.

“Easy, baby,” Taylor said softly as he started moving his fingers in and out of Justin’s ass.

“Cold.” Justin chuckled.

“It’ll warm up in just a moment.”

Justin nodded, too far gone to complete a sentence at that point. He loved feeling Taylor in his body, either his fingers or his dick. Justin was a bottom boy through and through, and he knew it.

While he’d tried topping Taylor a few times, he was a dismal failure. He really preferred the bottom. He liked Taylor’s thick cock in his ass, making him go crazy as his lover fucked him into unconsciousness. The man was a god when it came to sex, and he loved having his ass pounded. Being on the bottom was somewhere Justin loved to be.

It also sent him over the edge faster than almost anything. Justin got off faster from the feel of a cock in his ass than he did from a blow job or a hand. There was nothing in the world like the feeling of a good hard shaft sinking into his ass.

Even now Justin could feel himself getting close to a mind-blowing orgasm. Luckily, Taylor had experience with his quick trigger. Justin felt a third finger enter his ass and quickly stretch him out. A moment later, they slid free, and Taylor grabbed Justin’s hips.

Justin bit his lip in eager anticipation.

“Ready for me, honey?”

“Fuck, yes!” Justin shouted as he felt the bulbous head of Taylor’s cock press against his puckered and well-lubed entrance. There was a slight burn as Taylor pushed forward. Not enough to hurt, just enough for Justin to feel every inch of Taylor’s glorious cock pushing into him inch by slow inch.

Justin shuddered as he felt Taylor bottom out. He knew without looking what Taylor would look like in that moment. He always paused for a moment once he was balls deep into Justin’s ass, almost as if he needed to savor the connection. His hands gripped Justin’s hips, and his head would be arched back as he let out a long groan of pleasure.

Justin gloried in the fact that he had that effect on his lover. It stroked his ego and heightened his eagerness up a notch to be fucked.

Justin gripped the couch tighter and just waited, knowing what would come next. He was right. Suddenly, without warning, Taylor began a quick series of thrusts that nailed Justin’s kill zone every damn time the man pulled back. Taylor’s cock seemed to have a GPS for that particular spot. He knew right where it was and went after it with enthusiasm.

Justin cried out loudly as his orgasm suddenly swept over him in a tidal wave of electric currents and crashed against his balls and cock. His legs trembled violently and almost collapsed under him. Only Taylor’s grip on his hips kept him from falling to the floor as his cock erupted and ropes of pearly white cream shot out all over the side of the couch, the floor, and anywhere else it landed as Taylor plunged deep inside of him, drawing his orgasm out like an experienced lover would. Justin pushed to the balls of his feet as his nuts emptied, and Taylor crooned softly behind him.

Taylor continued to drive into his pulsating hole, his thrusts becoming slower and longer. He pulled out until just the head of his cock remained in Justin’s ass, and then pushed all the way in until he couldn’t fit anymore in.

Justin was shaky and jerky but grinned when Taylor’s fingers dug into his hips. He sucked in his lower lip, biting down on it as he squeezed his ass muscles around Taylor’s cock. Taylor thrust into Justin a couple of more times and then froze as his body stiffened and his loud groan echoed throughout the room.

Justin curled his fingers into the couch as his ass was filled with Taylor’s hot cum. He felt warmed from the inside out and worn out. Taylor could be very…aggressive in the sack, or over the side of the couch. All Justin wanted to do now was curl up with his lover and go to sleep.

Justin started to close his eyes, but he was jarred awake by a loud howl outside the sliding glass doors. He turned to see Chase’s wolf form pacing back and forth on the edge of the tree line more frantically, manically.

He reached back and patted Taylor’s hip. “Need up, hon.”

Taylor grunted but pulled his flagging cock out of Justin, sliding in to take Justin’s place on the side of the couch when Justin stood up. Justin walked unsteadily over to the sliding glass door. He could see Chase watching him intently. Hell, he could feel those wolf eyes locked on to him.

He hoped that this time Chase would come in and talk to them. He was tired of not being claimed. He knew from pretty much everyone around him how special being mated could be, and he wanted that for him and Taylor. He wanted Chase for him and Taylor.

Justin slowed as he approached the door, not wanting to scare Chase off. He clicked the lock and then slid the door open. The wolf stopped his pacing but came no closer. Justin stepped out onto the patio, but he didn’t try to move closer to Chase.

“Chase.” That was all he said. Apparently, that was all he needed to say. The wolf threw back his head and let out a loud, long howl that sent shivers up Justin’s arms, and then he took one last look at Justin before turning and running off through the trees.

“Chase, no!” Justin stumbled a few steps before he lost sight of Chase. His shoulders slumped as a heavy weight settled on his shoulders. Chase really didn’t want them. His wolf might, but that was just animal instinct. Chase, the man, didn’t want him or Taylor. He wasn’t sure why Chase was acting this way toward them, but at that moment, Justin felt the sting of rejection heavy in his heart.

“Justin, come back inside.”

“Why doesn’t he want us, Tay?” Justin asked as he continued to look out into trees, hoping Chase would come back but knowing he wouldn’t. After a moment, he glanced over his shoulder at Taylor. “Is it because we’re human?”

“I don’t know, honey.”

Taylor looked as dejected as Justin felt. Justin blew out a heavy breath and then turned to walk back into the house. There was no sense sticking around out here. It was obvious that Chase wasn’t coming back.

After two months of being denied, Justin was starting to think that he and Taylor didn’t stand a chance. “Maybe it’s time to admit that Chase doesn’t want us and move on with our lives.”

Taylor’s eyes narrowed. “Move on how?”

Justin shrugged. “Just move on. Admit it, we’re sticking around Wolf Creek because we’ve been waiting for Chase to claim us. It’s obvious that he’s not going to. There really doesn’t seem to be any reason to stay.”

“He could come around,” Taylor protested.

Justin seriously doubted it. If Chase hadn’t come around in the last two months, he wasn’t going to. He wouldn’t even talk to Justin or Taylor. He avoided them like they had some sort of disease.

Justin inhaled suddenly and grabbed for the edge of the doorframe as he realized that one of them did have a disease and that might very well be why Chase hadn’t claimed them. Maybe wolves didn’t accept defective mates?

Which meant…Justin glanced back at Taylor as he walked into the house. If Chase wasn’t claiming them because Justin was sick, that meant Justin was keeping Taylor from being claimed. Taylor wasn’t sick.

Justin was.

Justin hurried up the stairs and into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and leaned back against it. His heart thundered in his chest so much that it ached. If Chase claimed Taylor, then Taylor would always be protected and cared for by Chase and the rest of the Wolf Creek Pack. He’d be safe.

Justin never wanted anything more than he wanted Taylor to be safe. The man had given up so much to care for Justin—his freedom, his dignity, even the respect of their friends. Maybe it was time for Justin to give something up so that Taylor could be protected and cared for.

And there was only one way to do that.

Chapter 2


Chase groaned inwardly when he stepped out of his house and saw Justin standing on the opposite side of the road looking like a lost angel. He’d done everything he possibly could to avoid Justin and Taylor since meeting them.

He wasn’t ready to have one mate, let alone two. He was in no position to have mates. His life was too chaotic, too dangerous. Mates complicated things. Two mates would make twice as much trouble.

It didn’t matter how much he wanted to claim them. And, sweet mercy, he wanted to. It just could not happen. Chase cringed when he thought of the dangers that could befall Justin and Taylor if he was to claim them. It would be his worst nightmare come to life.

But damn if the sight of Justin wasn’t temptation incarnate.

He stared at Justin for a moment, trying to fight the urge to go to the sexy little man and claim him. His wolf was growling and clawing at him, demanding he do just that. And it was all Chase could do to deny him.

Most times, he couldn’t. His wolf was stronger, one of the strongest in his family. When he shifted, his wolf took over and always beat a path right to Justin and Taylor’s door, ignoring any and all protests Chase had about going anywhere near the two men. Only by sheer will had he been able to keep his distance.

It was even harder when one of the objects of his desire was standing directly across the street from him. Chase looked away from Justin and walked swiftly to his truck. He opened the door and tossed his bag inside. Just as he was starting to climb in, he heard a small noise behind him. He knew exactly what he would find when he turned around, and his shoulders slumped.

Don’t give in. Do not give in.

“I need to go to work, Justin,” he said without turning around.

“Why won’t you claim us?”

Chase’s head dropped down to his chest as he gripped the doorframe, feeling a wealth of regret wash over him. “Justin, I don’t have time to talk about this right now. I need to get to work.”
And I need to get away from you before I do something I’ll regret.

“Just answer my question.”


“Answer me, damn it!” Justin shouted as he grabbed Chase arm and pulled on it until Chase eventually turned around. “Why won’t you claim us?”

“It’s not that simple, Justin.”

“Then make it simple.”

“I can’t, Justin.” Chase wished he could. His whole life would be a lot easier if he could just forget his past and move on, but he couldn’t. It haunted every waking moment. Chase pushed his hand roughly through his hair, feeling frustration bubble up until it spilled over.

BOOK: Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9]
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