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Authors: Danielle Sibarium

Man Up Party Boy (13 page)

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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Chapter 18


Cooper and I have been sitting next to each other for the last hour and a half, not saying a word. I won't tell him where we're going. All he knows is that we're flying into Los Angeles International airport. He has no idea who we're going to see once we get to the other side of the country. I bought the tickets and told him if he wanted to see Lexi he should meet me at the airport.

I called her father last night, confirmed she was with him, and asked him to keep her there using any means necessary. I used the 'you owe me one' card, and he agreed. We also agreed it would be better if my coming surprised her. I worried if she expected me, it would give her time to rebuild those walls that existed between us. I wonder if she'll see the irony in the situation, that a little over a week ago, I helped them reconnect, and I'm praying with all my might, that he's doing the same for me.

"You're sure she's there?" Cooper finally asks.

I nod. "I am."

"But you won't tell me where there is?"

"Once we get there you'll have more questions. Questions that I have no business answering. But it has to show you that I've been listening and paying attention to her if I know where she disappeared to and you don't."

"It shows that you've played her, is what it shows."

"Come on Coop, you know me better than that."

"Do I? I thought I did. Clearly I was wrong."

My body is vibrating with anger and tension. I'm ready to snap. I know I shouldn't get into this now before I see her, before I have a chance to pour my guts out to her, but I need to understand why he sabotaged me.

"Why do you hate the idea of us together so much? I thought you'd be happy. That you'd know I respect our friendship so much I would never hurt her."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit. First you spent years telling her I drag you out to go hunt pussy."

"That had nothing to do with you and Lexi. And for what it's worth, I didn't say that to her, I said it to my mother. I was so sick and tired of hearing how I was a good for nothing womanizing bastard just like my father, I told her it was you. That you were dragging me along for company."

"How come you never told me?"

"Cause I'm not a girl. Why the fuck should I complain that my own mother hates my fucking guts, especially to you, with your perfect fucking life."

I'm brought back to the moments before Lexi and I entered the cafe, when she confessed that her father made her feel worthless. I'm understanding now, it wasn't her father at all, and that all the bullshit affected Cooper just as much as Lexi. She threw herself into diet and exercise. He threw himself into girls.

"Did you ever tell your father what was going on?"

"He didn't give a shit. He moved away. Moved on. He didn't want us in his life anymore."

"According to your mother?"

"And the fact that he never bothered with us."

"Who told you he didn't want you in his life, was it him? Did you ever reach out and ask him?"

Cooper shakes his head. "No. I wasn't going to give him the chance to tell me he didn't give a shit."

Okay, I need to change the direction of this conversation before I let something slip, and get it back onto Lexi. "You told Lexi I called her names; that I said she was fat and disgusted me. Why?"

"Because you were too chummy. You think I didn't see how she'd hear you were coming over and go fix her hair and make-up. Or how you'd always flirt with her?"

"I didn't flirt, I just paid attention to her. What was wrong with that?"

"I didn't want you together, okay?" he explodes. "And then I saw you pulling some shit move on her, telling her how you were going to steal her away from her boyfriend and she was walking on air telling me she was going to marry you someday. I couldn't let you hurt her. She was a dumb kid looking for someone to show her a little attention, and you were a prick just like me, looking for the next girl to fuck."

"I swear, Cooper. I'm a hair away from kicking your ass. Watch how you talk about her and my intentions toward her. She was never a girl to fuck. Not then, not now."

"See, this is what I mean. This is why I didn't want you anywhere near her."

"WHY? You're not telling me what the hell the problem is!"

"The problem is you're
friend. At least you were. And she's my sister. And you're the only two people in my life that I can count on, that I can go to. And now you fucked it all up. Now I don't have either of you, okay! That's why, Noah. 'Cause now I'm all fucking alone. That's why!"

I'm even angrier than I had been, because now I can see it. Now I can understand. But now I don't have a choice. I can't stay away from Lexi, and if she gives me another chance, I won't give her up. Not even for Cooper.

"Then you should never have left us together like that. If you thought you saw something years ago you should've been smart enough to see this coming."

"She hated you. At least that's what she said. And you complained that she was such a bitch all the time. I never thought it would all change so fast."

"Well it did. And, Cooper. She means a lot to me."


"Coop, what if it works out?" His eyes bore into me. "Seriously. What if instead of losing us both, you have me for life, as your brother?"

"You want to marry her?" He sounds as if he can't believe his ears.

"I want to see where things go. I want a chance with her."


My heart's racing. The cab pulled away, and now there's only one thing left to do, face Lexi. I know she's on the other side of the deep mahogany double doors. I rub my sweaty palms along my shorts.

"This house is huge, who lives here?"

Boy is he in for the shock of his life. Before I can answer, the door is opened from the inside by a man in his mid-thirties. He looks us over from head to toe before speaking, and I can't help feeling like he's checking me out, making sure I'm good enough for Lexi.

"Sutton residence," he says stepping out of the way and sweeping his arm out toward the interior for us to enter. Even though he's acting like a butler, or some sort of hired help I'm not fooled. I know that's Mr. Sutton's fian

, Stephan.

"Cooper!" Mr. Sutton is standing to the side as we enter the foyer. "Son, it's so good to see you." He pulls Cooper into a long, affectionate hug. I don't look at Coop. This is one more thing he's going to be pissed about, but if it all works out in the end, it's totally worth it.

"Dad?" He asks in disbelief. "Lexi's here?"

"Yes, son. She's out by the pool. I know you want to speak with your sister, but I'd like to have a few words with you first, if you don't mind."

Cooper shrugs, as if it's no big deal.

"Great," Lexi's dad claps his hands together. "Would you mind taking a seat in the living room for a minute while I speak to Noah?"

I see the questions forming in Cooper's eyes. "How?"

"I'll explain later."

Cooper allows his father to lead him into the other room, while I wait to hear what he has to say.

"You didn't tell him?" he whispers when he returns.

I shake my head. "Were you able to get everything I asked for?"

"And then some. Noah, I want you to understand something. I may be gay, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass if you hurt her."

I nod. "Understood. But I have no plans of hurting her."

"I'm sure you didn't plan on it a few days ago either, but she's still here isn't she?"

I swallow hard; my nerves are getting the best of me. "And from everything I've heard, from both Lexi and Cooper about their mother, I think this is the best place in the world for her."

"Good luck, son," he slaps me on the back. I know it's just a term, that there's no real meaning in that last word, but I hope like hell I can change that in the future.

"You, too."

He directs me to the kitchen where Stephan is rummaging through the picnic basket sitting on the counter.

"Is everything in there?" I ask hoping my impatience doesn't show. I'm so grateful to these men for helping me, but I can't wait to see her. Four days without Lexi are four days too long.

He starts ticking the items off on his fingers, "Blueberry champagne.  A slice of pecan pie, I have it neatly wrapped in a plastic container. A fork. Glasses. Napkins. It's all in there."

"Thanks. Has she eaten? Food's an issue for her."

"I see that. She held down a few bites this morning."

I nod, and take a step toward the sliding glass doors that lead from the kitchen out to the backyard. Stephen holds his hand up to my chest to stop me.

"Wait. There's one more thing."

I don't feel like waiting. I'm afraid if I wait one more minute, she'll find out I'm here and disappear. Stephan reaches into a shopping bag sitting on a kitchen chair.

"Change into this." He slaps a speedo into my chest. "I bought it for myself, but I see we're about the same size."

I look down at the bathing suit I wouldn't be caught dead in, and then back at him, shaking my head.

"I don't think so."

"Trust me, she sees you and she's going to try to run. She's sees you in that, you'll take her breath away and she won't be able to run."

"I don't know."

He crosses his arms over his chest, and I'm getting the impression I should do as he says.

Stephan waits in the kitchen for me to change. I can't help but feel self-conscious as I reach for the picnic basket once again and feel his eyes crawl over my body. God I hope he's not checking me out.

"Don't look at me like that," he warms. "I want to make this special for Lexi. Besides, I don't fool around. Even though you'd be the lucky one,
it would be the best sex of your life."

"What the fuck?" reverberates through the house. I guess Cooper just found out about his dad's engagement. 

"Now go." With his hands on my back, Stephan nudges me out the door.

I'm not sure if I'm more nervous or excited to see Lexi. Fear mixes in the jumble of emotions. Fear that I messed up and hurt her. Fear that when she looks at me there will be a void where I once saw heat and passion.

She's lying in a lounge poolside, with her back to me. Thank goodness, because on a scale from one to ten of how ridiculous I feel right now, I'd rate it a fifty. I could fake confidence. I can reach deep inside to pull out the party boy persona she likes to pretend I have.

Lexi's eyes are closed. She doesn't bother looking up when I approach. She doesn't even flinch. I worry her anger is so great she's going to ignore me completely. It takes me a moment to realize she's sleeping, and I allow myself to suck in a breath of relief. I stand frozen in place, studying her. God, she's beautiful. Even more beautiful than she was a few days earlier, in spite of the fact that she's lost weight.

I bend down to set everything up. I start with the champagne and the flute glasses. After I fill them, I set them down on the snack table beside her. Next I pull out the pie and a fork. I uncover it so it's ready to be eaten. Once I convince myself there's nothing left to do but face the music, I sit on the edge of the lounge chair. She's still doesn't budge. It's now or never. I don't know how much longer Cooper's dad can keep him in the house. Once he makes his way out here, he's going to make a scene, and I need her to listen, to hear me out first. That was the point of coming here. Cooper and his father reconnecting is an added bonus.

"Lexi," I whisper, brushing her cheek with my knuckles.

She turns towards my touch with a soft moan. "Noah."

My name slips from her lips, and it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I tell myself she's dreaming of me again to find the courage to wake her. Another sound leaves her mouth, this time its sad, a whimper. Not the whimpers I'd hear from her when we were having sex, those brought me to the edge of a cliff before I'd explode. This sad, heartbreaking sound, doesn't just tug at my heart, it steals a piece and runs away with it.

Words fail me. What can I possibly say that will get her to listen? I swipe my thumb along her bottom lip. Her eye lids flutter, and I can't help myself. I lean in and kiss her.

At first Lexi gives in, her lips part and she welcomes me. I think that's a good sign. She misses me and realizes I'm here to apologize. Need and lust mingle together inside me. It's been to long, I need more from her. I reach my hand behind her head and hold her close, tight against me. Things change. She changes.

Her hands push against my shoulders.

I don't move.

Her fists pummel my chest.

I want her more.

She swipes her tongue over my bottom lip, sucks on it, and bites down hard.

"Fuck!" I say as I pull away and bring my hand up to my lip, certain she drew blood.

"Noah?" She asks as if she can't believe her own eyes. "What are you doing here? Did my father call you?"

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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