Martin Millar - The Good Fairies of New York.html (28 page)

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'We would like to point out that things are not as bad as you think, because you are talented, popular, pleasant and beautiful, and that being the case, so what if you have a colostomy bag, you are still streets ahead of most

humans. But we will spare you the lecture and let the healers get on with their work.'

'And if eight powerful fairies can't fix your insides,' said Heather, 'we will be most surprised. Morag and I will now withdraw and organise your coming-home party, and say goodbye to the English. They are hurrying home to

tear down the workhouses and resume pleasurable lives getting drunk under bushes. Magenta has wandered off

happily with Joshua, pleased because she thinks he voted for her as head of the Greek army. Callum MacHardie is fixing the MacPherson Fiddle. Our Clan Chiefs have forgiven us our few misdemeanours because everything has

turned out well in the end.'

'That is news to us,' said their Clan Chiefs.

'Well, haven't you?'

The Chiefs said they would think about it, and Morag and Heather exited while they were ahead.

'What's happening?' demanded Dinnie, outside.

'Powerful fairy magic,' replied Heather. 'And you may come to Kerry's welcome-home party providing you bring a suitably expensive present. I believe she has her eye on a set of silver bangles from an Indian shop. You may yet end up going out with her if you take a sound line on which flowers are best in her hair, pretend to like Botticelli, and bring good presents.

'Meanwhile we are off for a few drams and a bit of serious fiddling. If the Irish and everyone else think they've heard Scottish music at its best just because Wee Maggie MacGowan managed to struggle through a few simple

tunes without making any mistakes, they have a lot to learn.

'Callum MacHardie has promised to make us some amplifiers. When our radical Celtic band gets going, the hills and glens will never be the same.'

Johnny Thunders left Cal's Gibson in the theatre. It was a good guitar but he could not bring himself to keep it. He knew how bad it felt to have your guitar stolen.

It was time for him to be off, though his mission had been a failure. Thinking that before he left he might as well take one last look around, he headed for Kerry's. He had a desire to see the flower alphabet that had caused so much excitement.

Inside, he was impressed. The flowers, dried by Kerry and spoken to kindly by Morag, emanated great beauty and power. The thirty-three blooms were laid out on the floor and behind them as background Kerry had arranged all file:///Users/lisa/Downloads/Martin%20Millar%20-%20The%20Good%20Fairies%20of%20New%20York.html

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her favourite things, including her New York Dolls bootlegs and her remixed copy of the Heartbreakers album.

Another of her favourite things was her guitar.

'My 1958 Gibson Tiger Top.'

Johnny picked it up.

'She had it all the time. No wonder she is obsessed with the New York Dolls.'

Whichever lover had given Kerry the guitar must have been the person who stole it all those years ago.

He made to leave with it but stopped, staring again at the beautiful flowers. He thought about Kerry, lying sick in hospital.

'Oh, to hell with it. I'll take the old beat-up thing I got from that bag lady. I always could play better than anyone else on any old guitar.'

He left Kerry's guitar where it lay, and was not dissatisfied.


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