Masked Encounters (Intoxicating Passion #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Masked Encounters (Intoxicating Passion #1)
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Chapter Four-Dane

“You sure that’s your costume?”
as I pulled out my debit card to pay the cashier.

I offered it to the older lady, giving her a
charming smile that made her blush as she took it from my hand. “Yes,” I said
through gritted teeth. “I’m sure. Why do you keep asking?”

He shrugged, “I
It doesn’t seem…you.”

I let his words roll off my back, signing for
my purchase and stuffing everything into my wallet. I decided to ignore his badgering.
“You ready?” I questioned, taking the bag and nodding my thanks to the still
smiling clerk. “I’m starved.” I started out the door, my thoughts drifting back
to the girl in the third store we had been. It was unusual, the effect she
seemed to be having on me. She wasn’t interested, that had been clear, yet I
couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her onyx eyes had touched my soul, stirring
something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

I wasn’t sure I liked it.

“Let’s go back and order pizza,”

Completely distracted, I answered with a
short nod, before walking aimlessly to the car. I fought to not think of her,
but I couldn’t stop. Would I ever see her again? Would it matter if I did?
She’d obviously disliked me. The questions rolled around in my mind the entire
drive home.


“It’ll be $25.83,” the delivery girl flirted,
batting her long lashes at me. She was short and petite, a redhead with brown
eyes. She wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t spectacular either. She eyed me, her gaze
apparently favoring my biceps and chest.

It was obvious she wanted me.

I pulled out the cash, giving her $30 and telling
her to keep the change. Balancing the pizzas on one hand, I attempted to close
the door with the other. A small foot lodged between the frame and the door,
stopping me. I had to look down to even see what caused the blockage. “Yes?” I
asked, slightly annoyed.

“Is this where the party is tomorrow night?
The Masked Nights theme?” she smiled, reaching through the still cracked door
to grasp my forearm.

I nodded, knowing where this was heading and
not liking it.

“Is everyone invited? Will you be there?” she
asked, not trying to hide the hopeful lilt in her voice. I could see the desire
in her eyes, growing as I indulged her in conversation. Her panties were
probably soaked at the thought of having a chance with me.

She didn’t, though. No one did, for anything
more than a single session.

“Yeah, it’s for everyone. You need to have a
masked costume to get in the door. There will be bouncers,” I explained. I
hoped I didn’t sound interested.

“What are you going to be, Big Boy?” she cackled,
falling short on sounding sexy.

“It’s a secret. Whole point of the party is
to make connections with people without knowing who it is,” I clarified,
pulling my arm from her grip. This chick wasn’t getting the hint.

She pulled a pen from her pocket, scribbling
a number on top of the pizza box. “Why don’t you text me what time the party
starts so I don’t miss it.” She sounded expectant, and slightly desperate.
An unattractive combination.

I gave her a tight smile, not agreeing to
anything, and told her bye as I firmly closed the door. Trudging to the
kitchen, I wondered how in the hell I got to this point in my life. I used to
be able to love…to care…to feel, but not now. No, I couldn’t do it anymore. My
heart had been ripped from my chest, stomped on and shredded to pieces. A bear
could have torn me apart and it would have hurt less than the pain I’d felt
when my heart shattered. Loving a woman was dangerous, a risk I couldn’t take
anymore. Feeling for someone was a gamble, and I was broke.

Bet on everything and lost.

Dropping the boxes on the table, I grabbed
two slices before leaving the dining room. I couldn’t deal with any of my
brothers right now. I shuffled up the stairs, closing and locking my door so I
could get some much needed studying accomplished. Stuffing half of one slice in
my mouth, I searched for my books.

Technically, I was in my third year of
college, but careless drinking my freshman year put me a few classes behind, so
I still registered as a sophomore. Apparently slamming back shots of whatever I
could get my hands on wasn’t a good studying technique. Now I knew.

I pulled my backpack to the bed, shaking the
contents out and arranging them by classes...kind of. Half my classes were
still general requirements while the other half were upper level. I had to take
my second biology term and a calculus course next semester and that would be
finish the all the requirements. I couldn’t wait to really dive deep into my
major and learn things I wanted to, rather than repeating shit
I’d already learned over and over again in my
younger years.

I finished my pizza in four bites before
sprawling out for an afternoon of studying. Tonight and tomorrow we would
decorate, but at the moment, I had to do everything I could to divert myself from
the dark haired goddess I’d seen this morning. Reaching into my pocket, I
pulled out my phone and a slip paper fell to the bed.
Tight pants girl
, I shot her a text, requesting her address so I
could come by later.
A much better way than studying to forget
the girl causing my distraction.


The rays of sun fell on my face, warming me
to consciousness. I threw my arm over my face, blocking the light as I turned
to see who was in bed with me. The tight pants girl, Stacey, lay completely
relaxed, her leg thrown over me as she pressed her warmth against my thigh. Memories
from last night flooded back, causing me to get turned on again. Her long brown
hair draped over me as she rode, her tight warmth enclosing me, hot breath on
my face as her mouth devoured mine. It had been a better than average night
full of lust.

It wasn’t her I thought of, though.

Her tight body was making my need grow, so I
lifted the slender leg off me, pulled protection over my shaft, and positioned
my body behind her. She stirred, but didn’t wake until I sunk myself deep
inside. She moaned against me, arching her body so her taunt ass pressed
against me firmly. She didn’t question what I was doing, didn’t even really
seem surprised, she was as ready to go as I was. I pumped into her, releasing
quickly, but bringing her over the edge even quicker. She was spent, laying
there holding onto her pillow and panting. Grabbing my clothing, I headed to
her restroom.

Hurriedly peeing and dressing, I was relieved
to slip out of the door as she dozed. I jumped in the car, resting my head
against the steering wheel briefly. The black eyed beauty had been the one on
my mind for every touch, every kiss,
entry. I’d
seen her for two seconds and she was consuming my thoughts. The feelings she
caused were the exact reason I didn’t date, why I didn’t fall in love.

Women were dangerous creatures.

I turned the engine over, backing away before
Stacey noticed my departure. I needed to shower and start decorating for the
party tonight.


Halloween decorating was actually enjoyable.
For one night a year, we could be scary and gory without chicks freaking out,
but we
men, so we had to call on
our sorority sisters to help out. Tablecloths, table placement, and all that
crap was way over my head. I was more of a “tell me where it goes, and I’ll
move it” kind of guy.

So that’s what I did. I let the girls boss me
around until our whole bottom floor was transformed into a haunted house. Even
the bar we set up in the kitchen was spooky, with heads and various body parts
appearing to come out of the wood. Fake blood dripped from the walls, from the
ceiling, basically from anywhere we could get away with. It was gross, it was
fun, and it was going to be an epic night. Being a Saturday, I didn’t have to
worry about classes or work, so all my attention was on the party. Sexy women were
due to start arriving in a few short hours, in what I hoped would be even
sexier costumes.

My testosterone filled hormones were pumped
and ready for tonight’s entertainment. I could hardly contain my excitement.
Jack tried to piss me off, but after yelling at him a few times, he retreated
to pout in his room. The day was shaping up nicely.

about ready, Buddy?
I think we’re done,”
sighed, sweating from
running every which way while we put the sister’s ideas into action.

need a nap,”
I chuckled, “I had a late night.”

Giving me a proud grin and slapping me on the
back, he thrust his hips in a mocking way. Laughing, he said, “I knew it! I
figured you were meeting a girl when you left here at midnight.”

“They can’t resist me,” I shrugged.

He scoffed, turning to go upstairs. “Good
job, Dane. I’ll see
later,” he called.

I waved two fingers, standing there with my
arms crossed as I surveyed our haunted house. The large “Alpha Kappa Pi
presents Masked Nights” sign hung in the entry way, its edges slashed to make
it look like a wild animal took to it.

Some lucky girl would get this wild animal

Chapter Five-

party was a couple hours from starting. I was nervous, and nauseous, no longer
wanting to go.
anticipated me doing this,
because she’d been in my room a few hours back, threatening my
and all of my precious journals if I tried to back

knew me all too well.

I sat on the living area floor, legs tucked under my butt as she curled and
sprayed my hair with at least ten pounds of spray.
To keep it in place,
she’d said.
It’ll be hot and it may come undone,
she worried. Her words meant
nothing, because at this very moment I felt like one of those poor children in “Toddlers
and Tiaras.” I’d throw a tantrum, but I knew it wouldn’t help.

was stuck.

I sulked as she made my hair pretty, I was grateful she found
a hair spray
that didn’t leave it feeling hard as a brick. My
dark brown mane, probably my best feature, still shone in the light and looked
silky. I allowed her to do my make-up, though I sternly warned eyes only. I
didn’t like foundation; it made me break out, and my skin didn’t need it.

she finished, I felt like a princess…a princess going to a dreaded ball where
some prince-wannabe-charming would try to get in my pants, or in this case, up
my dress. We switched spots, me now making her pretty, as she chattered on and
on about how excited she was.

wrong with you,
?” she questioned after I burned
my finger for a fourth time.

just not thinking clearly.”

don’t want to go, I know, but you
to try. It’s normal to be a little nervous. It’ll be fine.
will be fine,” she assured me.

sighed, straightening the last of her bouncy curls. “I worry, Lee. You know
this. I don’t want to ruin the event for you because I’m scared or something.”

won’t,” she stressed. “I want to have a fun night with my best friend. That’s
all. I won’t even dance with anyone, so you don’t have to be all huddled in a corner
waiting for me to return,” she promised.

would have laughed at her, but it was true. I would go find a spot and hide
myself until she found me, begged me to come back, or promised we would leave.
It really was ridiculous. “You don’t have to,
I’ll be ok by myself. I’m a big girl. So if some sexy amazing guy comes by and has
to take you away, I want you to go. Don’t think twice. I’ll be alright,” I
promised. I wouldn’t allow my insecurities to ruin her night.

finished applying her make-up, allowing her to do her own eyeliner. My hands
were unsteady and I didn’t want to blind my roommate today. We hugged
awkwardly, not wanting to mess up each other’s masterpieces, and headed to our
rooms to dress.

angel costume was the only part of tonight I was excited about.
guys would go for the girls showing boobs and butts,
so I would be in the clear. I hoped to go in, find a drink, a corner, and
people watch. As
a Journalism
major, people watching
was a favorite pastime of mine. People were strange creatures and observing
them was an amazing way to get inspired for stories. Someday, I hoped to work
for a newspaper or magazine while writing novels, so I could use all the
inspiration I could gather.

stepping into the neckline and pulling the satin softness up my body, a feeling
of awe washed over me, calming my nerves. This dress was truly spectacular, I
felt more right than I had in a very long time. I chose to go shoeless, wearing
foot jewelry instead. The glass diamonds lining my feet matched the glass beads
trimming the dress. My wings and my mask matched. The organizer in me jumped
with joy.

finally stepped out of my room, eager to see my friend’s reaction at how I
looked…nothing like the
Daniels I’d known all
my life. I felt beautiful, a word I never used to describe myself. And now that
I had the mask on, I felt brave. I could do anything, including going to this
party and actually socializing with people I didn’t know.

heard her gasp and my gaze met her masked face.
looked hot, her costume showing all her curves. The men would drool when she
walked in the door. She gave me a thumbs up while shaking her head slowly,
causing mutual giggling to ensue.

look sexy,” I said, giving her a huge smile.

do you!” she exclaimed.

I stared at her. My body was covered.
was typical while mine was modest. I would stand out like sore thumb. She was trying
to tell me I looked sexy? “I do not,” I countered. Grabbing the small clutch I
was taking, I put in some money, my ID, and phone.
did the same, shaking her head at my disagreement. Her purse arranged, she walked
over, trying to slip condoms in my bag, but I jerked it away from her. “I won’t
be needed those and you know it.”

on,” she groaned, sticking the little wrapper in my face. “When was the last
time you got laid,
?” she questioned.

was uncomfortable, not wanting to answer. She already knew, but saying it would
cause her to go off on an annoying tirade of how I need to feel a man’s warmth
beside me, or some more vulgar generalization. “It doesn’t matter.”

one,” she pleaded, trying to hand it to me once again.

shook my head, turning and opening our door. “Are we going or what?” I called
over my shoulder. She threw the condom at me, hitting me on the forehead. We left
in a burst of laughter.


Alpha Kappa Pi house was nestled on the street behind our campus, smack dab
middle in the large row of fraternities. It was different, larger and more
menacing than the others. I didn’t know if it was years of donations, or if it
was because they truly were a superior fraternity, but it was daunting to
approach. We parked what felt like a mile away, causing me to instantly regret
not wearing actual shoes. Small scrapes lined my soles and every rock I stepped
on caused me to yelp.

told you not to wear those things,”
hands on hips as she waited for me to catch up.

“No you didn’t,”
I threw back, biting my tongue as a piece
of wood pierced the skin beneath my toes. “You said they were cute.”

told you yesterday, when you insisted on getting
foot jewelry
, that they were a bad idea.”

stopped, the faint recollection of her saying something like that playing in my
“Oh, yeah.”


Oh, yeah
,” she mocked. “It’s the next
house. Surely they have carpet,” she speculated, offering her hand.

my dress in one hand and hers in the other, we slowly but surely made our way
to the Alpha Kappa Pi house. The music was blaring, an eerie, haunting sound
that resonated everywhere while seeming to come from nowhere in particular. The
whole outside was decorated, phony blood dripping from every window, a few fake
hands and arms sticking out like people were trying to escape. The front door
opened as soon as we made our way up the steps, but no one stood there.

was phenomenal.

stepped inside, my feet sighing with relief at the cool tile floor. I stood a
moment, letting the cold soothe my aching arches. I’d need to go wash them and
maybe snoop around for some
, which I
doubted I would find in this place, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

made our way inside. I finally let my dress fall to my feet and released Lee’s
hand. The place was packed with bodies in every corner, on every piece of
furniture, and lining the walls. Every single face was covered with a mask, a
surprising thrill coursed through me. All of these
and none of them knew who I was. I glanced around, taking in my surroundings,
when a deep voice spoke in my ear.

seem to be bleeding on my carpet,” he whispered, sending a tingle up my spine.

spun, finding myself face to face with Zorro. Dark hair peeked from under his
big brown eyes gazed back curiously from
behind the black mask. I couldn’t see his entire face, but I knew he was
gorgeous. As my eyes met his again, I saw the surprise in his as they widened.
He reached out, grasping my hand, and said, “Come with me.”

couldn’t speak. The warmth from his hand flowed through my body, a warm pulse
that caused parts of me to awaken from a deep slumber. I nodded obediently,
wincing softly as my feet touched rough carpet on the stairs.

a swift motion, his arms went around my back and under my knees; he lifted and
carried me the rest of the way up. My heart pounded in my ears, all the blood
rushing to my head. Well, maybe not entirely to my head. I didn’t know what was
happening, who this was, or where we were going…but I knew my body was reacting
to him and I kind of liked it.

BOOK: Masked Encounters (Intoxicating Passion #1)
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