Read Megan's Alpha Male Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

Megan's Alpha Male (9 page)

BOOK: Megan's Alpha Male
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How do you feel?”

“I feel amazing,” Meg stated, as she looked at Nik and gave him a saucy wink. “You know, since I've woken up, I've realized everything looks so much brighter, my hearing seems to be impeccable and my sense of smell is amazing. I feel like running through the woods just because I can. So when do I get to do my first change?”

“How could you know, Megan? You weren't even conscious!” Nik stated with amazement.

“Oh well, a relative of mine may have whispered it in my ear whilst I was sleeping.” Nik gave her a knowing smile, moved up onto the bed with her once more and hugged her close.

“You changed her?” Stefan asked, but knowing the answer before Nik could reply. “I can't wait to run with you, my beautiful sister in law. You will be amazed by how free you feel. Now hurry up and get well, because I am not missing out on going with you on your first time out.”

“The Doc says I can go home tomorrow. Why don't you go home and have a good nights rest, honey. You'll feel so much better. A shower, shave and a change of clothes wouldn't hurt either,” Meg stated with a grin.

“Why, you little baggage. Are trying to tell me I stink?” Nik asked with a grin.

“No,” Megan began to reply. “Well, maybe just a little ripe,” she said with a laugh.

“I think she's trying to get rid of you Nik. Come on, I'll drive you home. Get some rest Megan. I'll see you tomorrow,” Stefan stated as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He left Nik and Megan to say good bye in private.

“I love you. I'll be back first thing in the morning to break you out of this joint,” Nik stated. He looked intently into her eyes, then lowered his mouth for a chaste kiss.

“I love you too, Nik. I'll be ready and waiting,” Megan replied, as her eyelids began to droop.

Nik walked out from behind the curtain in the intensive care unit, as he looked back through, before closing them around her bed, he saw her eyes close and her breathing even out.


Meg was home by mid-morning the next day. Nik settled her on one of the large sofa's in the living room with a blanket on her lap and told her to rest.

He sat down beside her and gave a sigh of contentment when she settled her head on his lap. He had Stefan put on a movie for her and sat back as he ran a hand up and down her back, in soothing motions. He couldn't stop touching her and to be honest, he didn't want to. He loved her so much. He couldn't wait for the surprise wedding he had set up for a week away. He'd had Stefan get her size from her clothes and had him pick out a wedding gown for her. Everything was planned and organized. All he needed now was for Megan's energy levels to pick up a bit more. She was a lot stronger today, than she had been yesterday, and by the time the wedding came around, he knew she would be totally recovered.

He watched his pack mates come in and out of the room to check up on his mate. She had won over every single one of his pack members, when she had thrown herself in front of the bullet meant for him.

They kept asking her if there was anything she needed or wanted, but since Harry was acting like a mother hen, her answer was always a negative.

Nik looked down at her face as the movie came to an end. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was deep and even. His mate looked so innocent when she was asleep. He wanted to spend the rest of his life watching her. She was so beautiful, inside and out. He couldn't have asked for a better mate.

They day of the wedding dawned and Nik was so excited he could barely contain his leashed energy.

He had woken and suggested he take Megan shopping for the day. By the time they got back he knew everything would be set up and ready for their ceremony and wedding reception. He was going to have to sneak her up the stairs to her room, passed closed doors which would be hiding caterers and food. He only hoped she would not have her spoil surprised until he could get her into her room to shower and change into her wedding gown.

When they were standing in her room, he took her by the hand and led her to the closet which held her gown.

“Megan, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you,” Nik stated with a grin.

“Okay,” Megan complied and waited impatiently.

She was one of those people who loved surprises and let the anticipation build. She could hear Nik rustling around in the closet, then heard the door close again.

Another rustle then all was quiet.

“I love you, so much,” Nik stated as he knelt down in front of Megan.

She felt him slip a ring on the ring finger of her left hand. She held her breath until he told her she could open her eyes again.

“Megan, open your eyes,” Nik stated.

Megan opened her eyes and tears formed in her eyes to see her mate, down on bended knee in front of her. She looked down at her left hand still gently clasped in Nik's larger hand. The ring on her finger was gorgeous. There was a large solitaire diamond set in the middle, and on either side were two small hearts with smaller diamonds within, all set in white gold. She flung herself in his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, as tears streamed down her face.

“Oh Nik, it's beautiful. I love you so much,” Megan whispered against his mouth.

Nik weaned his lips from hers and gently clasped her face between his hands. “I have another surprise for you,” Nik stated and turned her head gently, until she was looking at the closet door. He watched her face waiting for comprehension to dawn.

Megan stared at the beautiful sleek white gown hanging on the closet door. She gave a gasp as she realized what she was looking at. She turned her head back to Nik, opening and closing her mouth a few times.

Nik gave a chuckle, placed his lips on hers for a gentle peck, rose to his feet, bringing Megan with him. “How long do you need to get ready sweetheart?”

“Now. You mean today? Right now?” Megan asked when she eventually found her voice.

When Nik nodded in confirmation, Megan flung herself at him once more. He gave a chuckle as he caught her in his arms and wrapped her arms and legs around him. His chuckle turned into a groan as she slid back down his hard, muscular body.

“I'll be ready in an hour,” Megan stated, as she took his hand and pulled him to the door. She gave him a small shoved out the door and slammed it closed behind him. He laughed outright as he walked away, when he heard her squeal of delight.

Chapter Ten

Stefan led Megan down the carpet aisle to the center of the maze. Megan looked absolutely stunning in her simple but elegant white gown. Her hair was piled on top of her head and she had placed small, white Gardenias throughout her hair. She made her way to Nik standing before the fountain and the marriage celebrant waiting behind him. Stefan placed her hand into Nik's and moved to the side so the ceremony could begin.

The rest of the day took on a dream like quality for Megan. Her ceremony had been beautiful, as she and Nik had spoken their vows from their hearts. The reception that followed was full with her new friends and family. Her and Nik's pack members. They ate drank and danced the night away under the stars. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

Nik was dancing with her under the stars, holding her close to his large warm body.

“I love you Mrs. Romanov,” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you too, Mr. Romanov,” Meg replied quietly.

“We have so much to look forward to, little one.

Your first change, the first of our children, spending the rest of our lives together.”

“Yes. You know if it wasn't for Stefan and my Grandmother, I probably wouldn't have found the courage to grab hold of you with both hands and never let go. I will always love you Nik. No matter what life throws our way, that will never change.”

“I thought you said you had no living relatives, Megan,” Nik stated as he looked down into his eyes.

“I don't,” Meg replied.

“Then how did your Grandmother help in your decision to stay?” Nik asked with a slight frown.

“Ghosts really do exist, Nik. My Grandmother helped me to escape from the Malibu Pack and then she came and spoke to me when I was trying so hard to leave. As I said, if it wasn't for your brother or my Grandmother, I think I would still be running.”

“Hmm,” Nik murmured and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I know ghosts exists. Your mother says to say she and your father love you very much.”

Megan looked up into his eyes, her vision blurred by tears, “My mom visited you?”

“Yes, baby. She came to me while you were fighting for your life in the hospital. She told me, even though you would survive, it would take you a long time to recover. She told me the things you didn't get to say to me before you slipped into unconsciousness. She was the one who told me to change you. She told me the nurse was leaving, because it was shift change and I would have five minutes to give you my blood and to take a little of yours. If I hadn't you would still be in hospital.”

“Oh, Nik. We have family of Guardian Angels watching over us. I know we will always be safe, because they are looking out for us. When do I get to meet your vampire friends?” Meg asked with curiosity.

“Well, they only come to visit about every fifty years or so,” Nik replied.

“Really? I'll be too old to enjoy meeting them by then,” Megan stated disappointedly.

“Do you remember when I told you we age differently to humans?” Nik asked.


“Well, you will probably still look the same as you do today, in fifty years time,” Nik stated.

“Oh my goodness. How long is a werewolf's life span?”

“A few hundred years,” Nik replied with a grin, as he saw astonishment cross Megan's face.

“Cut the cake. Cut the cake,” pack members began to chant, as the music ended their dance.

Nik lead Megan over to the patio where a three tiered cake was set up on an elegant stand. Megan took the ribbon wrapped hilt of the knife in her hand and Nik enveloped her small hand in his own. They made the first cut into the cake as flashes from cameras flew around them. Harry took over and set about slicing the cake and putting the slices on plates, as the caterers handed them out.

The Trinity Pack members watched as Nik fed a bite of cake to Megan and then Megan fed Nik a bite from the same piece of cake. They roared and hooted out their delight.

Nik decided he had waited long enough for his wife and scooped her up into his arms. As he carried her away from the crowd, amidst ribald comments and cat calls, he looked down into her eyes as he took hurried steps through the house. When they were in his bedroom, he kicked the door closed behind him and locked it. He carried her towards the bed and slid her down the length of his body. He gazed deeply into her eyes as he held her face gently between his large, warm hands.

Nik devoured her mouth with his as he removed her dress from her sexy body. He slid his tongue into her mouth, sparred with hers until they were both panting for breath. Nik pulled back and took in the sight of his mate, his wife, standing before him in a small pair of white lace panties. He picked her up in his arms and lowered her to the bed. He kept his eyes on her as he began to remove his own clothes.

He watched her eyes travel the length of his body, hesitate when she got to his hard cock and widen when she saw his size.

“Oh Nik, you are so handsome. I love the way your muscles ripple beneath your skin when you move, and your cock. Oh my, your huge!”

“Don't be afraid Megan, I will never hurt you.

You've taken me before. We were made for each other sweetheart,” Nik replied as he crawled onto the bed and covered her body with his own.

He took her mouth with a carnal hunger, flaming the embers of their desire into a raging inferno. He removed his mouth from hers and licked his way down to her breasts. He sucked one of her aroused peaks into his mouth while he pinched the other between his thumb and index finger. When he had her arching up into him and sobbing in her throat, he slid down her body, spread her legs wide and placed his mouth on her hot wet pussy.

He licked over her clit, swirling his tongue around and over her in decreasing circles, pleasuring her sensitive bundle of nerves. He pushed a finger into her body and slid it over her G-spot until she was rocking her hips up to him in a timeless rhythm. Nik pushed in another finger, pumping them in and out her cunt as he lapped at her clit. He felt the warning ripples of her flesh and increased the pace of his thrusting fingers, harder, faster, deeper. He growled on her flesh as her muscles clamped down hard onto his embedded digits as she climaxed, gushing out her pleasure to cover his hand. He licked up all her sweet juices and then climbed up over her.

Nik thrust his cock into Megan's pussy with one powerful surge as he swallowed her cries of pleasure with his mouth. He held her hips in his hands and pounded in and out of her flesh, making sure to hit her sweet spot, time and again. He removed his mouth from hers, bent his head and sucked one of her nipples into his depths. The sound of their flesh slapping together echoed throughout the room, heightening their arousal. Nik felt the warning tingle at the base of his spine, sat up between Meg's thighs, keeping his hips rocking into hers, licked one of his fingers and began to massage her clit.

One, two thrust more, and Meg screamed out her release, her muscles rippling along his hard length, massaging and clamping down on his cock. Nik threw back his head as he grasped Meg's hips, plunged one more time into her body, and howled out his release, his body shaking and quaking with pleasure. When the last spasms dwindled, he slumped down over Meg as he tried to find the strength to move. He groaned as he rolled to his side, taking Megan with him so they were lying face to face.

“Welcome to the rest of your life, my love,” Nik stated.

Megan didn't get to reply as he took her mouth with his, a sweet slow display of the love he felt for his mate, his wife. She had the rest of her life to talk to her husband, her mate. Now was no longer the time for talking. She felt Nik's cock hardening once more within her body, and moaned with delight as he began to move.

BOOK: Megan's Alpha Male
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