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Authors: Tessie Bradford

Megan's Men (6 page)

BOOK: Megan's Men
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“Since right after dawn. I was so mad I forgot to take my communicator when I left home. And now I’m endangering our leaders’ mate.” She bowed her head, and her shoulders shook with her sobs.

“Nonsense, Leena, I’m perfectly safe. What happened at home?”

Leena looked up, and Megan was encouraged by the fire in her eyes. “My fathers told me I’m too young to pilot a hover car, but I’m not! All of my friends are learning!”

Megan couldn’t help smiling. Obviously teen angst was a universal condition.

“I’m almost fifteen. They let my brothers drive when they were barely fourteen!”

“It’s difficult sometimes for dads to deal with their little girls growing up, honey.”

“Yeah, and I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to help with them giving me some space,” she replied with a shy grin.

“How about I tell them how brave and level-headed you been in the face of a crisis?”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Absolutely, we women have to stick together.” Megan heard the hum of speeder engines.

A large chunk of dirt broke from the wall of the hole, knocking Leena off her perch on the rock, causing her to pull violently on the reins. Megan did her best to dig her toes and knees in the ground, but was still pulled until her head and shoulders dangled over the edge. The water was now up to the girl’s armpits.

“Hurry, please hurry,” Megan whispered, clenching her teeth and willing herself to hold on.

The engine noise got louder then cut off and was replaced with men’s shouts as the ground beneath her fell away, and she slid head first into the hole. Just when she thought she couldn’t hold her breath for one more second, she was jerked up and landed on her back on top of someone.

“Let go of the bit, Megan, we’ve got you both.” It was Rork speaking.

She coughed and choked while the bridle was untangled from her arms, and mud was wiped away from her eyes, nose and mouth.

“You saved our daughter’s life. We are forever in your debt.”

Megan opened her eyes to see Leena cradled in the embrace of two men seated on the ground less than a foot away.

“Your daughter is a courageous young woman, be proud of her,” Megan responded in a shaky voice.

“Thank you, Megan,” Leena said quietly, holding out her arms.

Megan’s emotions took over. She hugged Leena tightly and rocked back and forth as tears of joy and relief rolled down her cheeks.

“Ah, swaya, all is well now,” Rork whispered, stroking her back. Garfor and Loban were kneeling on either side, touching her soothingly.

“Daylon, Sirak, your child needs to get warm and dry as does our Megan.” Rork gently eased her away from Leena. “When they’re both fully recovered, they’ll see each other again.”

Megan watched as they stood. “Wait, her xander is injured and wandering and I don’t know where he went.”

“We’ll find him, Megan. Please just take care of yourself.” Both men bowed before making their leave.

“Does it feel as if you’re injured in any way?” Garfor stared at her, worry etched in his features.

“No, I don’t think so,” she answered, moving a bit on Rork’s lap while carefully flexing her arms and legs.

“Do you want to ride with one of us on the xander or on a speeder?” Loban asked.

Megan adjusted her position so could gaze at each of them as a fresh wave of tears blossomed. “I love you. With all my heart, I love all of you.”

“Swaya, you’re functioning on fear and adrenaline right now,” Rork said quietly.

“No, well okay, probably, but that has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m saying!” She touched Rork’s cheek, Garfor’s shoulder then Loban’s chest. “I resigned my job yesterday. I got up early this morning and turned the solarium into a comfy love nest for my big reveal. I wanted to surprise you, have everything be perfect when I told you, and now you don’t believe me.” She started to cry so hard she couldn’t speak anymore.

“Megan, please, please don’t cry, of course we believe you,” Loban pleaded.

They wrapped their arms around her, kissing and caressing until her sobs reduced to hiccoughs and sniffles.


Chapter Six




“Megan, you should rest now,” Garfor said as he finished drying her legs. Rork and Loban had already taken care of the rest of her. They were all mud free after a long, hot shower.

“I’m fine, really, I promise.”

“You’re most definitely going to be sore later,” Rork said seriously. “How you held Leena, I have no idea.”

“She stood on a rock. I wasn’t supporting her full weight,” Megan offered as explanation, choosing not to mention she wasn’t sure how she did it, either.

“Using the bridle was a stroke of genius. You saved that child’s life. We’re so incredibly proud of you, swaya.” Garfor kissed her tenderly.

“Anyone who found her would have done the same.”

“Calling for assistance, yes I hope so, but you risked your own safety to help a stranger.”

“All I was thinking about was Leena. The possibility of the ground underneath me crumbling away never crossed my mind.”

“We’re going to have nightmares about you going headfirst into that hole.” Loban came up and pulled her against his chest.

“I was really scared,” she admitted. “But I heard you there and had no doubt you were going to save me and Leena.” Megan gave him a squeeze before stepping back.

“It took us and her fathers to do so. That situation could have so easily not ended well.” Garfor stroked her hair.

“Everything did turn out okay, though, and we need to relax a bit, don’t you think? Hey, I know what’s going to help—a good meal and some kinky sex.” She raised an eyebrow and grinned. “You guys wait here until I call you.” She walked toward the bedroom door.

“Um, Megan, aren’t you forgetting something?” Loban asked.

When Megan glanced over her shoulder, he was brazenly checking out her nakedness. “Oh, didn’t I mention clothes are
allowed at my little get together?” She wiggled her hips then scurried out of the room.

Not wanting to be separated from them any longer than absolutely necessary, Megan got things ready as quickly as she could. In less than fifteen minutes, the solarium table was artfully covered with heaping bowls of cut fruit, plates of muffins with jam and a board with three cheese selections. The air was gently perfumed with the scent of the flowers she’d picked earlier. At the last minute, she decided to add a bottle of wine; after the morning they’d had, it seemed quite appropriate.

“You can come down now,” Megan called from the solarium door. They arrived so quickly she wondered how many stairs they skipped on the way.

Loban let out a low whistle. “This is spectacular.”

“I’m glad you like it,” she said with a giant grin. “How about you pour the wine?”

“Spirits before midday, I like the way you think.” He patted her ass as he walked by toward the table.

“You take such good care of us. I have no idea how we got along without you.” Garfor kissed the tip of her nose.

“Well, you’re stuck with me for good, now. Go make yourself comfy.”

Megan went to Rork, who still stood in the doorway. Tension radiated from him. “I’m sorry I took so long to say the words.” She rested her hand on his arm. “I was worried. The last three weeks have been amazing, but what if you guys realized I wasn’t the woman you thought I was? Maybe we’d find out we couldn’t compromise, or I’d piss you off so badly you’d decide I wasn’t worth the effort, or—”

He grasped the back of her head with one hand while wrapping his other arm around her waist. His mouth came crashing onto hers, and his tongue swept past her lips. Rork’s kiss was powerful, demanding and hot as hell. Megan whimpered and raked her fingernails down his back.

When he ended the kiss, Rork gave a tug on the handful of hair he was holding, tipping her head so she looked up into his eyes. “No more, Megan. No more doubts. You’re perfect.”

“Hardly,” she said with a chuckle.

“You’re perfect for us,” he clarified.

“Make love to me,” she whispered.


Megan was taken aback by his instant refusal. She could feel his erect cock against her abdomen.

“You’ve had a harrowing experience. Aren’t you hungry?”

“Not for food.” She grabbed his ass cheeks.

“What if we feed you?” he suggested seductively.

“Hmm.” She pretended to consider his proposal. “Sounds like a reasonable compromise.”

They joined Garfor and Loban on the floor by the table. Each of her men took turns giving her bites and stared at her mouth as she accepted their offerings. Megan licked and sucked their fingers more than technically necessary. Feminine power surged through her as their irises darkened and their cocks sprang to attention.

“I could have a sip of wine now,” she suggested.

Loban lifted the glass to her lips. A small amount trickled down her chin. He leaned forward and tasted it off her skin. She cupped the sides of his face, bringing his mouth to hers. As they kissed, he brushed his fingers across her hardened nipples. Monumental desire flowed through her. She was so in love and so excited for their future together her heart pounded wildly.

“This meal is officially over,” she announced, scooting back from the table.

After arranging herself on a pile of pillows, with extra ones beneath her head, Megan let her knees fall outward, boldly displaying her pussy to her men. She played with her breasts, lifting and squeezing them then pinching her nipples. When they didn’t come to her, she moved her right hand to her cunt and began rubbing along her lips and clit. They watched her in silence until she thought she’d go out of her mind with need. She slowly slid a finger in and out of her channel.

“I find it ironic that there are three men in this room, and I’m reduced to fucking myself,” she commented, flexing her hips.

“But you’re doing such a fine job of things, we weren’t sure you wanted our participation,” Garfor said with a suggestive smirk.

“If my mates don’t get over here right now and take care of my needs, I’m going to get very surly.”

Loban laughed. “Gods, we can’t have that. You’re downright scary when you’re mad.”

In an instant, Rork was on her left, Loban her right, and Garfor between her legs. She reached out and began stroking Loban’s penis. He covered her hand with his so they could do it together. She turned her face toward Rork and opened her mouth in a wanton invitation he accepted immediately. Garfor let out a lusty grunt and drove his cock into her pussy.

Megan was in horny heaven. Making love with them individually was incredible, but when they were all together, connected, sharing their bodies and their love, the experience was awe-inspiring. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on all of the different sensations.

“Yesss,” Rork hissed as she sucked him hard. “Take me all the way, Megan.” He touched the back of her throat. “Damn, damn, can’t last much longer.”

“Look what you do to him, swaya,” Loban whispered.

Megan did, and what she saw took her breath away. Rork’s head was thrown back, his eyes were closed, and his jaw was clenched. He was in that moment of sweet agony right before finding his bliss.

As he roared out his release, pumping feverishly, Loban drew her hand faster up and down his length, and Garfor pounded her cunt. Megan moaned when Rork quickly repositioned and began sucking hungrily on her nipple. She immediately turned her head toward Loban and gave his cock an authoritative tug. He surged into her mouth and came as soon as her lips closed around him.

Garfor’s fingers dug into her thighs as he held himself still, deep in her body, and Megan knew he was watching her. She whimpered, feeling her impending orgasm gathering intensity. Her inner muscles tightened, eliciting a low growl from Garfor.

“Let yourself go,” he ordered, rolling and flexing his hips.

She soared on wave after wave of indescribable ecstasy. Her pulse roared in her ears, her toes curled, and she trembled uncontrollably. When she regained the ability to form coherent thoughts, she gathered her men close and sent out a silent prayer of thanks to whatever powers in the universe had brought them together.
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* * * *


“Why hadn’t Leena called for help before you found her?” Garfor asked that evening as they all lounged by the lake under the glow of the two full moons.

“She wasn’t wearing a communicator,” Megan replied, drawing patterns in the sand with her index finger.

“If I were her father, I wouldn’t let her leave the house for a month in punishment,” Rork stated. “All children are taught not to go about without one as soon as they can walk.”

“There were extenuating circumstances. She was really upset.”

“What could have been so upsetting that she ended up far away from home, alone, with no means of communication?” Garfor appeared truly confused.

“She’s a fourteen-year-old-girl.”

“We’re going to need a bit more of an explanation,” Loban said, looking at her with an expression quite similar to Garfor’s. “Rork’s the only one with a sister, and trust me; none of us understood her when she was growing up.”

“Leena had a fight with her fathers, and stormed out in what I imagine was a tantrum of massive proportion.”

“Over what?” Garfor asked.

“They told her she wasn’t old enough to learn how to drive even though they’d taught her brothers when they were a year younger.”

“I’d keep her at home an extra two weeks for questioning my parenting,” Rork mumbled.

Megan sat up. “You do realize that raising teenagers requires more than locking them in the house every time they do something you don’t like, right? Of course, there has to be rules, but at that age, kids are trying to find their own way. They need guidance and support and understanding. Leena has a valid reason to be angry if she’s being denied the ability to drive solely because she’s a girl. The problem is that at that age, she’s just not mature enough yet to address it constructively with her parents.”

“We’ve explained why it is necessary and natural for us to be extremely protective of our female children.”

“There’s a difference between being protective and unreasonable, Garfor. Please, please tell me you guys are going to be open to compromise when we raise our children?” She looked pointedly at each of them.

“We will do our best, swaya,” Garfor said with sincerity. “Shut up, Rork,” he snapped when Rork frowned while opening his mouth to speak.

“Hey, I have a suggestion.” They all looked at Loban. “What if we have enough kids so we can split them between us? We can each raise a couple the ways we see fit and see whose turn out the best?”

Megan fought not to laugh while greatly appreciating Loban’s attempt to diffuse the brewing argument. “Exactly how many kids are you suggesting?” she asked.

“I think twelve is a good number, three apiece—”

“Only if you’re planning on carrying and birthing some of them,” she interrupted with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

Being the first occasion where the subject of children was being specifically discussed in reference to her, Megan hesitated, uncertain as to how she wanted to proceed. She’d confessed her love for them only that morning. Maybe this was too soon to reveal more of her inner desires? She stared out over the lake.

“Talk to us, Megan,” Garfor encouraged, taking her hand.

Loban twined his fingers through her others, and Rork rested his palm on her thigh.

“Less than a month ago, I was alone. Now I have a new home and three men who love me as much as I love them. I always hoped to have a family of my own.” She smiled shyly at them. “And, I’m almost thirty-four years old, you know.”

“Go on, swaya,” Rork said quietly.

“What would you think about me stopping birth control, oh, I don’t know, now?”

“We’ll be holding our firstborn by spring,” Loban declared.

“Our children will be great leaders of the people.” Rork beamed with pride.

“Thank you for being where I could find you,” Garfor said with a wink as a tear rolled down his cheek.

BOOK: Megan's Men
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