Read Menage With a Billionaire Online

Authors: Sheila Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories

Menage With a Billionaire (2 page)

BOOK: Menage With a Billionaire
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              The catering company she’d applied for had hired her on, and so far she hadn’t disappointed. She’d worked a handful of black tie affairs and galas, and she’d more than appeased the clientele with her easy manners. But all of that was before she’d been hired to work at the Pennington estate. This was the big leagues, and her boss had warned her that tonight was probably the biggest event she’d ever work. Admittedly, she had been on edge all day thinking about this evening. She’d heard of the Penningtons of course, everyone had.

              Jeff Pennington was one of the richest men in the country, and handsome to boot. She’d seen his photo on a Forbes list once, and had marveled at his stunning blue eyes. His wife was beautiful too, and she wondered what they would be like in person. If they were stuffy as rich people often were, or still retained some of their previous character.

              She knew from reading about Jeff that he’d worked his way to the top in the business world, building a reputable name and company for himself. He hadn’t inherited his riches the way that some men do, he had to work for them, and that immediately earned him Lisa’s respect.

              With a belly full of nerves, Lisa checked her reflection in a nearby car window once more, making sure she looked alright. Her hair was twisted into an elegant chignon, and she’d applied a light layer of makeup to accent her natural features.

              Finally, after deciding she couldn’t put it off any longer, she made her way inside. She was greeted at the door by the event planner, who directed her to the kitchen.

              Her boss was in full efficiency mode, shouting out military style orders and loading up trays. She sighed in relief when she saw Lisa, and immediately loaded her up with some glasses of wine.

              “Lisa, you’re on wine duty tonight. Can you handle that?”

              “Yes ma’am.” She smiled with more confidence than she felt at the moment.

              She knew her boss was giving her this job, because during one of their previous conversations, she’d been impressed by Lisa’s wine knowledge. She’d told her that if anyone ever asked about which wine to choose, she’d send Lisa their way. At the time, Lisa was flattered by the compliment, but now she was afraid of not measuring up to the task.

              “You’ll do just fine,” her boss said with a knowing smile. “Service starts in two minutes, so I need you to put your game face on.”

              Lisa nodded and plastered her best smile across her face, swearing she wouldn’t remove it for the rest of the night. And with a deep breath, she walked out of the kitchen, following several other servers down the long corridor.

              The soft sounds of music drifted through the ballroom as they entered, and again Lisa tried not to let her shock show. The place was dripping with elegance. Marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and stunning art work filled the room.

              All around her, women and men in lavish gowns and tuxes laughed and drank. There was a small orchestra set up on stage, with what Lisa guessed was about fifteen different musicians. It made the atmosphere vibrant and energetic, and immediately put Lisa at ease.

              Even though the room was filled with probably some of the richest people in the country, they weren’t as pretentious as she had assumed.

              She paused at several groups of people, offering up the wine on her tray. A few accepted, but by the variety of drinks in the room, she was relieved to know she wouldn’t be running back and forth to the kitchen all night.

              As she stopped at another group, she offered up the wine again in her practiced voice. But she had been so focused on keeping her poise that she hadn’t even realized who she was speaking to until a moment later.

              Jeff and Claire Pennington sat with easy smiles at their small table, staring up at her with interest.

              Jeff was the first one to speak, taking Lisa by surprise. “Wow, you are stunningly beautiful,” he said. “Isn't she wife?”

              Lisa smiled and blushed in a curious but somewhat embarrassed way.

              “Thank you” she replied.

              Not wanting to linger and make a fool of herself, she was about to leave when Jeff grasped her arm and stopped her.

              “What if I gave you a million dollars to sleep with me and my wife tonight? Would you do it?”

              Lisa stared in shock, certain she’d misheard him somehow.

              “Tonight is her 40
birthday,” Jeff explained, “and I want to give her something magical to remember”

              Lisa glanced at Claire, expecting to see anger, but instead saw desire in her stunning blue eyes. Claire grasped Lisa’s hand in hers, stroking the skin softly with her thumb.

              “Is this a joke?” Lisa asked.

              “This is no joke,” Jeff assured her. “I will give you one million dollars to have sex with my wife and I tonight as a birthday gift.”

              Before Lisa could fully even process those words, Claire leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

              “I promise, you'll love every minute.”

              Lisa stood there, trying to get a handle on her conflicting emotions. One of the most beautiful couples that she’d ever met were asking her to join them in the bedroom.

              Jeff seemed to sense her hesitancy, and pushed on.

              “In one night you can make more money than most people make in a lifetime,” he said. “What do you have to lose? A beautiful young woman, one night of fun, and riches to go with it.”

              Lisa found herself nodding her head before she even realized what she was doing. But for once, she didn’t want to overthink it. This is exactly the kind of thing she’d been telling herself that she needed. And if Jeff was telling the truth, she really couldn’t lose.



Part Four


              After the party had finished and everyone had gone home for the night, Lisa lingered in the ballroom, waiting nervously. Jeff had instructed her to wait here for him at eleven o clock, so that’s what she’d done.

              She still hadn’t quite convinced herself this was really happening, but as Jeff and Claire appeared at the bottom of the staircase, she knew it was.

              “Come along.” Claire grinned, gesturing her forward. “Don’t be shy. We don’t bite.”

              “Unless you want us to,” Jeff teased.

              Lisa smiled shyly and followed them up the long stairs, feeling a pang of nervous anticipation zing through her. She didn’t know what to expect, but when they led her into a large room with a bed and a hundred different sex toys adorning the wall, she began to rethink her decision.

              “Don’t worry,” Jeff said, taking in her expression. “We went through an experimental phase. Most of this is just leftover from that. We won’t be using any of it tonight, unless of course you wanted to.”

              Lisa shook her head, preferring good old fashioned sex. The kind that got her off.

              Claire smiled and pulled her forward, directly into her arms.

              Lisa gasped in surprise as Claire’s lips touched hers, soft and sweet and burning with desire. It was a different sensation than Lisa was used to, kissing another woman, but it felt… nice.

              “That is deliciously sexy,” Jeff rasped from behind her.

              And then his hands were upon her too, stroking the soft curves of her bottom.

              “I’ve been wanting to see you naked all night,” he whispered into her ear. “So has my wife.”

              Lisa couldn’t help it. She moaned as they both caressed her, their hands skating over her body in unison, putting all of their attention on her.

              “Let’s get undressed,” Claire said. “Shall we?”

              Lisa nodded in agreement, and unbuttoned her uniform, feeling much more at ease already. Both Claire and Jeff’s hungry eyes were upon her as they undressed themselves, watching her with excitement.

              Lisa let her eyes rove over their bodies, taking their fill of the beautiful couple. Jeff’s erection jutted proudly from his groin, begging to be touched.

              “Do you like that?” Claire asked, watching Lisa curiously. “Would you like to taste my husband’s cock?”

              Lisa whimpered and nodded, and Claire pulled her by the hands once more. They both lowered to their knees before Jeff, and he stared down at them with desire filled eyes.

              Claire took the hard erection in her fist, and guided it to Lisa’s lips. Lisa sucked him into her mouth, moaning as she did. He was thick and hard, and tasted delicious.

              Claire watched excitedly as Lisa sucked Jeff’s shaft back and forth along her lips, and Lisa knew she was enjoying this. But when she saw Claire lower her head to Lisa’s breast,
she gasped in surprise at the sensation. Claire began to lick and suck Lisa’s nipples, as her other hand trailed down between her thighs.

              Lisa felt a gush of wetness as Claire pushed two fingers inside of her, testing her arousal.

              “Eat her out,” Jeff directed. “Please Claire. I would love to see that.”

              Claire nodded and pulled away as they repositioned themselves. Soon Lisa was on all fours, with Claire behind her and Jeff in front. He slid his erection back into her mouth at the same time that Claire gripped her thighs and licked her slit with her tongue.

              Lisa cried out at the sensation, nearly losing herself right then. It had been so long since she’d had someone else bring her to orgasm, and Claire’s fingers and mouth were so very skilled.

              She continued to tease Lisa, bringing her close to the edge and retreating, and Lisa was whimpering as was Jeff. She could feel him swelling in her mouth, nearing the edge as well. He had to pull away several times to get himself under control.

              “You are so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “I feel like I’m going to explode if I keep looking at you like that. Claire you need to let her cum.”

              Claire obliged, taking Lisa back to the edge once more, and this time, allowing her to fall off. Lisa writhed against her face, completely unashamed as her orgasm soared through her. It was intense and seemed to go on for minutes.

              And then, when she was nothing more than a limp pile of bones, Jeff lifted her onto the bed, followed by Claire.

              “I want to watch you take her,” Claire said. “As you eat me out.”

              Jeff groaned and was only too happy to accommodate his wife. He laid down on the bed, and waited eagerly.

              “Climb on top of him and ride him,” Claire instructed Lisa.

              Lisa did as she was told, straddling Jeff’s hips and sinking down onto his erection. She watched as Claire positioned herself over his face, giving him access to her tender flesh.

              The entire time, Claire writhed and moaned against Jeff, but never took her eyes off Lisa as she moved up and down along his shaft. She brought herself to orgasm once more, and Claire followed soon after.

              “Let’s share his cum Claire whispered, crawling back down towards Lisa.

              Lisa nodded and climbed off, as they both positioned their mouths at his shaft. She watched with wide eyes as Claire licked her arousal off her husband’s cock, moaning the entire time.

              “Oh God yes,” Jeff cried out, grasping his erection in his hand. “I’m going to cum.”

              Claire reared back, and her and Lisa both held their mouths open, eagerly awaiting his explosion.

              And explode he did. He filled both of their mouths with a satisfied grunt, milking every last drop from his shaft.

              And then Claire’s mouth was upon her, kissing Lisa once more.

              “That has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Jeff rasped.

              “You haven’t seen anything yet, darling,” Claire purred. “We’re only getting started. Isn’t that right Lisa?”

              Lisa grinned, feeling her breasts heavy with desire once more. And before she could stop herself, she was nodding eagerly, knowing she was in for a very long night.


Part Five


              The next morning, Lisa awoke feeling very sore and very satiated. She walked downstairs to find Jeff sitting alone at the breakfast bar, reading the paper. It took him a moment to realize she was standing there, and Lisa seized the opportunity to appreciate his handsome features, blushing at the memory of the night before.

              “Good morning.” He grinned, his blue eyes drifting over her body appreciatively. “I trust you slept well?”

              “I did.” Lisa nodded, unsure what she should do now.

              Jeff set his coffee down and stood up, walking across the room to pull Lisa into his arms and give her a gentle kiss. She was surprised, and felt that little flutter of desire in her belly coming back to life.

BOOK: Menage With a Billionaire
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