Read More than a Job: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Sarah Daltry

Tags: #Erotica, #hardcore erotica, #Anal sex, #group sex, #sex addiction, #sexy stories

More than a Job: The Complete Series (6 page)

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I sleep for so long that it is Tuesday night when I wake
up. Mike should be back soon, so I take a shower and wait for him. When he has
not arrived by midnight, I call his phone. It goes to voicemail. There is no
note and I worry that he changed his mind and left me. By one in the morning, I
am a mess. Finally, he calls me back.

“Where have you been? I am worried sick.”

“The thing is, Mike is a bit ... tied up at the moment.” A
woman’s voice comes over the line. “I think it might be a while. We have a lot
of lost time to make up for.”

“Who is this?”

“You don’t know me. My name is Maria. I worked for Mike a
few years ago, and he told me that he was not the settling down type. Seems you
might have changed his mind.”

“What are you going to do to him?”

“Nothing he has not done to me time and time again,” she
says and hangs up. I need to find him. Ms. Schulman is the only one who will
know how to find him. It looks like I am headed to the office even after I was

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I am in a panic when I get to the office the next day. The
flight back to Providence was awful, full of anxiety about Mike and what was
happening to him. Ms. Schulman is not in yet when I arrive and I can’t help but
laugh about the irony of being earlier than her. I suppose it is the byproduct
of truly caring about one’s job. She is flustered when she arrives, but I don’t
give her much time before I mention Maria.

“Mike, I mean Mr. Arnauer, is in trouble. His former
assistant, Maria, has taken him and I need to know everything you know about

Ms. Schulman looks legitimately upset, which is surprising.
I thought she was heartless, but she invites me into Mike’s office. It was only
a week ago when he was on his knees in front of me by this desk, his tongue
licking my pussy into submission.

“I need you to sit, Jayni, while I go through some files.”
I do, but I am antsy. I tap my foot incessantly and I can tell it is annoying
her, but she says nothing. I think she is equally worried.

“How long have you worked for Mike?” I ask.

She smiles. “Mike?”

“Mr. Arnauer?”

“Jayni, I think it obvious your, shall we say, position
gives you intimate enough knowledge to refer to him as Mike.”

I blush, realizing Ms. Schulman knows what Mike and I have
been doing on our business trips. I remember the interview as well; I should
have known then how much this place was going to get to me.

“So how long have you worked for him?”

“About thirty years. Since the company started.”

I am surprised. “Really? Did you know Eileen?”

She looks taken aback. “He told you about Eileen?”

“He did. It was awful and he feels so guilty still.”

“She was a lovely woman and James was a wonderful child.
The accident was a tragedy and Mr. Arnauer has never truly recovered. I have
not seen him smile until the last week, after your trip to Boston.”

“He smiled?” I remember how I thought Mike had forgotten
all about me when we got back. I like knowing he was happy.

“He was beaming.” She smiles. “You seem good for him.” She
gets a file out of the cabinet and sits in the chair next to me. “But it sounds
like we have some trouble right now.”

“Mike asked me to marry him. We were going to be married

“I am happy for you, but that explains why Maria might have
taken him. She never got over being fired. She lasted about two weeks, before
she was refusing to go on business trips and asking him to be her boyfriend
instead. I know what you girls do, and I am not sure that I approve, but Mike
was not deceitful with her.”

“Not with me, either. I knew that I had no claim to him.”

“Yes, well Maria did not, and eventually he had to fire her
and get a restraining order. I believe it expired some time ago. Mike did not
realize that she still calls here sometimes. He holds all his calls, so she
never left a name.”

I remember when I was working as the receptionist how there
would be calls from a woman who always asked for Mike as Mike, but she never
left messages. I assumed at the time it was a wife or girlfriend. I wish I had
known; maybe I could have warned him.

“But why does she come out of nowhere suddenly? How would
she even know we were getting married? He only asked a couple days ago.”

“She swore to him that if he ever hired another assistant,
she would destroy her. I suppose she is being true to her word.”

Worried, I take the file with Maria’s address in it and I
go in search of Mike. I hope I can get to him before something terrible


he has him tied to a chair, his arms behind him, and his
legs bound. He is blindfolded, but not gagged. I notice he is naked. Because her
house is in a wooded area, if he yells, no one would hear him. The room where
she has him kept is a grand study, with lush carpeting and soft leather
couches. She invited me in without hesitation and seems excited to show off her

“What have you done to him?” I ask. At the sound of my
voice, Mike murmurs.

“I tried to enjoy his company, but he is being resistant. I
cannot seem to get him to stay erect, so I have not enjoyed much. I am aching
now. I’m glad you are here. You can help me.”

“Help you with what?”

“I want more of that dick. He cut me off years ago and I
have been desperate since. None of my lovers have compared. I loved him, but he
wanted to use me. Now, I want to use him until he is spent.”

Mike groans. “Jayni, don’t.”

I go to him and kiss him; he reacts instantly and he is
hard in my hand as his tongue slowly darts in and out of my mouth. I can’t help
it when my hand starts moving up and down his shaft; touching him has become
second nature.

“What are you doing?” He whimpers into my neck, but I am
already aroused. He cannot move or return the favor, but it does not take much
to get me going lately. I lick the side of his neck and then bite down lightly.
He is twitching in the chair. I feel guilty for exciting him for nothing, so I
step back and undress.

“No,” Maria says. “I want some of that.” Because I am
undressing, I did not realize she was already naked and wet. She straddles him
and envelops him with her snatch, ecstasy racking her body as she gets all of
it inside of her. I can tell he wants to resist her, but his manhood moves with
a mind of its own. He is trying to fight her off. I go to him and kiss him,
wanting him to orgasm so I can have him to myself and also so she does not hurt
him. She screams as she comes and gets off of him, leaving him unfinished. He
groans and his dick is pulsating.

“Finish him off. I will be in the other room. We can talk
when you are done.”

I sit on Mike’s lap and let his member work its way past my
folds and up inside of me. The throbbing shakes me. I undo the blindfold and
look into his eyes. The blue is slightly sad, but as soon as he sees me, he
becomes hopeful. While I ride him, I reach back to untie his hands. He cups my
ass and I lean back to get his feet. When he has control of his body again, he
moves me to the thick carpet. The softness against my back is like a cloud and
Mike lays me down on it, his knees on either side of my thighs. I sit up and
lick the head of his cock.

“Jayni, thank God you are here.”

He slips back inside of me, hard and pounding. I can feel
the pulse through my vagina, which leads me to come. My ass burns as it gets
dragged back and forth along the carpet, but it only makes the feeling of his
cock even better. I raise my hips so that he is slamming into me and he screams
my name as he comes.

“Let’s go see what Maria wants,” I say. The sooner I get
him out of there, the sooner I can enjoy him in peace.


She is sitting at a giant dining room table, still naked. A
glass of wine sits in front of her. Mike and I settle next to one another and
Maria smiles.

“Okay. I have a proposition for you. It is a two-fold

Mike is angry and I can tell he is not up for negotiation.
“I can just call the police.”

“Listen, Michael. You swore you would never be in a
relationship. That has changed. I am not asking for your love, but I could use
your help. You see, I am interested in a business deal.”

“What type of business?”

“I am considering starting my own company. What I would
need from you is not money, but referrals. Both ways.”

“How so?” He is wary.

“I have many investors waiting with a great deal of money
to blow. However, they also have some needs that your company seems to be
skilled at tackling.” She looks at me directly when she says this.

“Jayni is not for sale. Besides, she was fired.”

“That’s unfortunate, because I am pretty sure what you are
doing, or have been doing, may have legal ramifications. If nothing else, it
will bring a lot of shame to your company. And I know how important that is to
you.” She grins. She has his balls in a vice.

“You will have to work with Jayni, not me. It is her

I think about what she if offering. She has clients who
would be happy to collaborate with Mike’s company as well. I don’t really
understand what kind of business either of them does, but it does not seem
competitive. Basically, she will help him expand his market; the exchange is
that I help satisfy her clients as well.

“Mike fired me,” I say. “So I would only be working for
you, I guess.”

“That sounds about right. What do you think, Mike?”

“If Jayni is willing...” I look at him. I know he would
prefer that this was not a solution but his company is dependent on my
decision. Besides, because I will be working for Maria and not Mike, it will be
easier to keep the two separated and keep work at work.

“I’ll do it,” I agree.

“There’s just one thing,” Maria adds. She stands and I
admire her body. She is incredibly sexy, even if she is crazy. Her dark hair
and olive skin are both shiny and smooth. He breasts are large and firm; I can
tell they are real, though. She walks to me. “Several of my clients are women.
I would like to take you for a test drive, as they say, to make sure you can
meet the diverse needs of my clientele.”

She leads me back to the study. Mike sits on the leather
couch as instructed and Maria tells me to lie down on the carpet.

“Have you ever been with a woman?”

I shake my head. “I can’t say it’s not intriguing, though,”
I admit. Mike looks startled. I shrug when he questions me with his eyes.
Seeing Maria strutting through the room naked is a bit of a turn on, I have to
say. Her skin is so smooth and her curves are luscious. She opens a drawer in
the desk and takes out an enormous dildo. I get wet just seeing it.

Maria comes over to me and tells me to roll over. She
straps on the dildo and begins rubbing it against the crack of my ass. I bend
my knees so she has a better angle. My breasts are pushed against the carpet
and it is soft enough for me to clutch handfuls as Maria lubricates the dildo
and slides it into my ass. She reaches down and sticks three fingers into my
dripping cunt. Her fingers work as hard as the dildo and I am crying with
pleasure into the carpeting. After my orgasm, she has me flip over and she
works my clit with her fingers while she prepares the dildo again. Once she is
ready, she teases me with it, going right to the entrance and then pulling
back. She bends over so that her tight tits are above me and I knead them. She
smiles and shoves the dildo into me hard, causing my back to arch and I wrap my
legs around her hips.

“I can’t believe I am being fucked by another woman,” I say
and she puts her tit to my lips so that I can flick the nipple with my tongue.
Mike is going wild on the couch watching us. Maria looks over to him and
invites him to join us. He gets behind Maria and starts caressing her ass. I
don’t want him to fuck her, though, so we switch positions. Now, I have the
dildo and I slide it into Maria’s soaking pussy as Mike fills me with his
erection. Maria is kneading my ass, Mike has his hands cupping my tits, and I
am surrounded by flesh and sex. I pound Maria like Mike is pounding me and I
love the power it gives me. My vagina contracts and I am sucking in Mike’s cock
as I slam into Maria.

“Jayni, please fuck my pussy raw,” Maria begs and that is
it for me. I love being the fucker and I nail her so hard she screams my name
over and over. It is amazing as Maria and I share our orgasm. The three of us
lie on the carpet when we are done.

“You’re hired,” Maria says. I grin. Who said work is


Mike and I have to put off the wedding now, since he does
not have another business trip to Vegas for a couple of months. We decide we
will wait until then rather than trying to have something local. He agrees to
spend a couple of nights at my place, but I have not been invited to his
apartment. I imagine he will invite me when he is ready, although I wonder what
he was planning to do if we were already married.

I start work for Maria the next Monday and I am on time and
dressed well when I go to her place. A short red skirt and low-cut black V-neck
say it all. Fortunately, she works from home so I only have a few odd stares as
I leave my apartment building. When I arrive, she is sitting in her office in
the back. It has French doors that look out over a pool area. She is alone.

“Good morning, Jayni.”

“Good morning. I guess I thought you would have work for

She smiles. “Eager, aren’t we?”

“A little,” I admit.

“I do have some work for you. I have two investors who
should be here shortly. They are a couple. I think they have certain interests,
so I prepared some things for you in the bathroom down the hall. If you would
not mind getting ready, I will introduce you as soon as they arrive.”

I go to the bathroom and there is a basket with suntan oil,
some toys, and the smallest bikini ever made. I undress so I can get the bikini
on and see that Maria also put aside a silk robe so I can walk around somewhat
covered. The bikini is has thong bottom; it is a shiny blue material. The
bottom is basically a small triangle of fabric and three pieces of string. The
top is two triangles with two pieces that tie around my neck and two that tie
around my back. The fabric only covers my nipples and a bit of my breasts. I am
popping out, but when I see myself in the mirror, I am overjoyed by how sexy I
look. I put on the silk robe and take the basket. Maria says I can wait by the
pool until the clients arrive.

There are a couple of long wooden pool seats. I lie on one
and place the box down next to me. Because Maria lives in the woods, the pool
area is large but private.

When she emerges from the French doors, the couple with her
looks nervous. She is small and pretty. He is tall and muscular, with very
large hands. He must spend a lot of time in the sun, because his arms are

“Jayni, I would like you to meet Pierre and Celeste.” I
gather that they are French and they smile at me. I do not speak French, so
Maria talks to them briefly, and explains that they do not understand English.
Celeste strips down to a bikini almost as small as mine and dives into the
pool. Pierre approaches me and opens my robe. He squeezes my tits and kisses me
passionately. His fingers slip into my pussy while he kisses me. He pulls away
and licks his finger. He may not speak English, but his grin speaks volumes.

Pierre unbuttons his shirt and walks to one of the wooden
chairs. He takes off my robe and I lie down. He gestures for me to flip over
and starts to spread suntan oil over my back. I am slippery when he flips me
back over and starts rubbing oil into my front. As soon as he finishes, he
unbuttons his pants and slips them off. He has no underwear on and his tanned
cock is already glistening. I reach for it but he shakes his head. He sits on
the other chair and watches me as he rubs himself. I want to do it for him but
every time I make a move, he holds up a hand to stop me.

Celeste emerges from the pool and when she sees her
husband, she giggles and goes to him. Her tiny frame seems like it could never
hold something as big and engorged as what he is stroking, but she slips over
it just fine. I watch them as she rides him and exclaims in French. I can tell
she is coming when she starts shaking. After she is done, he lifts her off of
him and moves over to me. Celeste is smiling and she watches. Pierre mounts me.
The oil makes me slippery and I am sliding back and forth on the chair as he
gets into position to enter.

Between the oil and my own desire, I cannot get a good hold
on the chair and when Pierre hammers me with his massive cock, I cry out. My
body is moving up and down on the chair, sliding with his thrusts and the utter
lack of control rips through me. Celeste leaves; she does not look upset but I
hope I did what I was supposed to do. I don’t want to be fired on my first day.
Pierre lifts my slippery body and cups my ass so that I am in the air, my legs
around him. He pulls me down onto his cock and it is so deep inside me. He is
rough, but it feels good as he gets me closer to orgasm. He takes me and
carries me to the fence surrounding the pool area. I am being plowed against
the fence and I start yelling his name and cursing about how great it feels. I
am surprised, of course, when a door opens in the fence, and a young man walks
into the pool area. He is my age and gorgeous. He sees Pierre and somehow they
communicate that Pierre is almost done, so as soon as he comes, he hands me off
to this stranger.

The stranger is the opposite of Pierre. He is not rough,
but he slowly runs his hands over my body. He is also carrying me, with his
fingers making circles on my pussy lips. He turns me over on the grass by the
fence and gets his clothes off, his dick bulging against me. Slowly, he slips a
tiny bit in at a time. By the time the whole of him is inside me, I come all
over him. As soon as he finishes, he gathers his clothes and leaves. It is then
I notice Pierre, Celeste, and Maria watching me. I am writhing in the grass.

Maria speaks to Pierre and Celeste in French. They gather
their things and leave and I am alone with Maria. She brings me the robe.

“Looks like you had a successful day. See you tomorrow.”

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