Read Mr. Rockstar Online

Authors: Erin M. Leaf

Mr. Rockstar (10 page)

BOOK: Mr. Rockstar
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The tone of his voice had her trembling.
“Yes.” She licked her lips as he trailed his fingers down her shoulder to the crook of her elbow. “They’re beautiful. I can’t believe you wrote them about me.” She paused. “About us.”

He smiled and it did things to her she couldn
’t explain. She shifted, heat walking through her skin.

I was so fucking lost, Belle. I’ve been trying to write new music for the last year, and it all sucked. Then I flew across the country to help the sister of my best friend and everything changed.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. The tickle of his stubble felt electric. “Everything.”

She cupped his face.
“You would have found your way without me. Maybe you just needed a change of scenery.”

He shook his head.
“No, Belle. It was you. I haven’t felt this way in years.” He kissed her palm again. “I don’t know how to explain it.”

She pulled away.
“So you’re, what, abducting me because I’m some sort of muse?” She didn’t like that. Not at all. A sliver of fear uncoiled at the base of her spine. “I’m a person. Not just something you can use to jumpstart your creativity.”

No, it’s not like that.” He sat up, face screwed up with frustration. “I’m not explaining this right.” He touched her knee, clearly not wanting to spook her. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

Almost there, Vin,” Charlie said, startling her. To her shame, she’d forgotten he was there.

Thanks, Charlie,” Marvin said, glancing out the windows.

Take me to Ian’s apartment,” Isabelle demanded. All the heat that had been building in her had congealed into a horrible, nauseating lump in her gut. She wasn’t going to let Marvin drag her wherever he wanted, just because. “Does he even know I’m with you?”

’s eyebrows lifted. “Of course. I talked him into letting me come get you. He knows I wanted to see you again.”

I made him promise he wouldn’t tell you,” she muttered, angry all over again.

Belle,” Marvin said.

She glared at him.

He tried again. “Isabelle, please. Let me take care of you, just for a little while. Let me explain.”

The car stopped outside a large iron gate. In the distance, Isabelle could see what looked like a castle: a large white house with Grecian columns and a huge second floor terrace that looked out over a meticulously manicured formal garden.
She swallowed, more overwhelmed than ever.

The back is more natural,” Marvin said quietly.

She glanced at him. He was clearly trying.
“Okay,” she said reluctantly. As the car pulled up the long white driveway, she wondered just what she’d agreed to.


Marvin helped Isabelle out of the car. As she shaded her eyes from the sun, he let himself drink in the sight of her. She was just as beautiful as he remembered: long wavy hair, gorgeous eyes, curves that made him want to hold her close all day long. Her straw hat was clutched in her free hand. She looked like the elegant lady of the mansion. He wished she were his.

When Charlie grabbed her bag from the trunk, Marvin intercepted it. Charlie gave him a look and he shrugged. His long-time friend, bodyguard, and driver knew him too well.
“I’ll just park the car and be on my way, then,” he said.

Marvin nodded, both relieved and disgusted with himself. He didn
’t often chafe at the restrictions of his life anymore—bodyguard, assistant, publicist—but right now he really just wanted to be alone with Isabelle. Charlie gave him a knowing smirk and drove off. He lived in the groundskeeper’s cottage at the west end of the property with his wife and daughter. The arrangement worked out well, but Marvin knew he was in for some ribbing later.

It’s a beautiful house,” Isabelle said, interrupting his thoughts.

Thank you,” he said, not sure how to explain what it meant to him. “My mother always wanted to live somewhere like this. Like something out of a fairytale.” His grip on her suitcase made the handle creak.

Her expression told him she knew what he didn
’t say. “I’m sure she would be happy that you can live here.”

Even if
Marvin thought, interpreting the empathetic tone of Isabelle’s voice.

I like to think so,” he murmured, ushering her up the steps. “They died too young.”

Isabelle nodded. “So did mine. Car crash.”

“I know. Something we have in common.”

She grimaced and he cursed himself for turning the conversation onto such a grim topic. He covered his frustration by unlocking
the front door.

Isabelle gave him a look.
“No housekeeper to come let us in?” She teased. “Or a butler?”

He snorted.
“No. I can’t relax with people all around me all the time. Can’t work like that, either.” He was grateful she seemed to want to put the topic of death aside, too. He opened the door and rolled her carry-on inside. As always, he had to stop and appreciate the raw beauty of the marble floor in the foyer. It was black and white and the slabs were laid out in a simple geometric pattern. Across the huge space, a giant curving staircase led the way to the second story.

If I’m here, you won’t be alone,” Isabelle said.

The simple truth of her statement put his heart in his throat.
“I know.” He had to clear his throat. “You’re different.”

She cocked her head.
“You work with my brother all the time, don’t you? So, there’s another exception.”

He shrugged, then smiled.
“There’s something soothing about your family, I guess.”

She stared at him in disbelief.
“Soothing is not the word that comes to mind when I think of Ian.”

He laughed.
“Come on. I’ll show you to your room.”


When she sank onto the bed in the middle of what he jokingly called the “White Room” in his head, he had to close his eyes and count to ten. She looked like she belonged there, in his house. In his bed. Even though it wasn’t his personal bedroom, it was still
, and he wanted her to stay forever.

This room is gorgeous, Marvin,” she said, stretching out. Her breasts bounced gently behind the colorful silk top she wore.

He moved closer, mesmerized. There was no way he was leaving this room without touching her.

“Everything is in shades of white, and I would’ve thought it might feel sterile, but instead it’s pretty. Relaxing. Look, the walls are taking on the color of the sunset.” She pointed at a long stretch of rose-colored light slanting across the damask wallpaper.

He sat down on the bed
, eyes drinking in the sight of her. “Beautiful.” He ran a finger up her instep.

She looked at him and her breath caught.

The erection that had subsided earlier roared back to life when he saw the look in her eyes. “Belle.”

She licked her lips.

He had to have her. He tightened his grip, pulling her down the bed until she was wedged up against his hip. “I want to touch you.”

She nodded, hands reaching for him, and then he was kissing her, lost in the way she tasted and felt. She opened to him sweetly and he growled, dipping inside. She smelled like strawberries and sleep and home. He nipped down her neck and laved his tongue across her collarbone.

“I guess we’re not talking, then?” she asked.

He lifted his face.
“Can we do that later?”

She chuckled and instead of answering, slid her legs over his hips. He shuddered and pressed forward, moving so that he was over her, erection lodged
between her thighs. He rolled his hips and she gasped.

Yeah, that’s it baby,” he murmured, rolling his hips again. He was so hard he hurt, and there were way too many layers of fabric between them.

Marvin, what are we doing?” She gripped his arms and locked her feet together behind his waist.

Stop thinking so hard,” he said, kissing her again. He pulled her arms up over her head and plundered her mouth, feeling wilder with every soft sound of satisfaction that fell from her lips. “I need to be inside you, Belle.”

She nodded and tried to get her hands free, but he wouldn
’t let her go. Instead, he tugged on her blouse, grunting in satisfaction when the buttons parted. Her breasts spilled out, soft and lush, and he tilted his head to kiss them, then froze, shocked.

She went very still, but he could see her breathing stutter as he stared at the small tattoo of a pair of mourning doves she
’d had inked right over her heart.

Chapter Nine


Isabelle struggled to breathe. Marvin had gone completely still and silent, even though she could still feel his cock
right up against her pussy, hard and insistent. He was still aroused, but that didn’t reassure her. His face had gone through too many emotions in the last few seconds for her to understand what he was feeling. Was he upset? Angry? Pleased?

She tried to bring her hands down, cover up the tattoo she
’d gotten three weeks ago, but he wouldn’t let her. She felt more naked now than she ever had when she was unclothed. She thought about the sting of the tattoo needle and even with Marvin above her, staring, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. She’d gotten the doves etched onto her skin because of what he’d made her feel during their one night together. She didn’t want to forget a single moment, but she’d never intended for him to see the tattoo. Never expected him to, frankly.

Why?” he finally asked, voice hoarse.

She shrugged, not wanting to answer. She couldn
’t lie, but she could avoid the question.

Why?” he asked, softer. He brought a hand down to trace the feathers that faded into the underside of her breast. The look on his face broke her heart.

Because that night was special for me,” she finally said, telling the truth. She searched his face, hoping for some sign that he understood what she was saying. “Because you’re special to me.”

His throat worked, and he opened his mouth, but instead of words, a
broken sound came from his lips. He kissed her breast gently, then sucked her nipple between his teeth and bit down.

Isabelle writhed, a mix of heat and worry careening through her.
“Marvin? You’re not angry?” she gasped.

No. God, no, Belle,” he said, licking over the image on her flesh. “You have no idea—” He broke off and kissed her again, wilder than before.

She curled her fingers into fists as his warmth washed over her. His lips teased and nibbled until she thought she
’d go mad. “Marvin, please,” she begged, not sure what she wanted.

He licked down over her collarbone, then bit down
again, teeth holding her still. “Belle, you have no fucking idea what you do to me.”

She shuddered. He was so strong, he held her easily with one hand. The other he used to unbutton her pants. When she moaned, he chuckled.
“Hold still.” He reared back, looked her in the eyes. “I’m serious.”

She frowned at him.

Heat flared between them and he tightened his hold on her wrists.
“Hold still, Belle. You won’t regret it.” He leaned up and pulled down the covers so that they covered her hands. “Here. Grab onto this.”

She kicked her legs up.
“No, Marvin.” She squirmed until he was forced to roll over onto his back. “
hold still.” She straddled him, rocking gently into his groin. Her pants slumped down her hips, bunching up between them, but she didn’t care. He still felt amazing—so much controlled power and muscle at her command. She rocked harder, sliding over his erection. She wanted to make him feel good, make him feel as lost and desperate as she did.

He smiled at her, slow and devastating, then closed his hands over the top of the comforter.

She licked her lips, then reached down and popped the buttons on his jeans. His erection sprang out, thick and hot.
“No underwear?” Her hand closed over him automatically, fingers gently learning what he liked. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing. Preston had never liked it when she touched him and she didn’t really have any other experience, to her shame.

He shrugged, still smiling.
“Boxers bug me.”

She had to laugh, even as her hand tightened around him.
“A lot of things seem to bug you.”

He gasped, eyes closing.
“Not that.”

Her hand stilled.

He opened his eyes and stared at her. “Not you.”

She licked her lips and ran her thumb experimentally over the tip of his cock. He was wet and he jumped in her fingers as she played with him.
“I want to taste you,” she whispered, shocked at her boldness.

He groaned, back arching. His hips thrust up, almost throwing her off. Somehow, his cock grew even thicker as she held him.

“You can do whatever you want to me, baby,” he said, voice cracking.

She let go and shimmied down his legs until she was standing, then grabbed his jeans and tugged.

His eyes glittered at her. “Boots first.”

She blinked, then looked down. He still had his boots on. She frowned at him and he sat up, abs flexing as he took them off. As he bent over, she pulled on his shirt and he slithered out of it and lay back down. Isabelle had to stop and stare. He was spread out like a centerfold: jeans undone, muscles and tattoo and sex. She bit the inside of her cheek. She wanted to touch him all over, all at once.
God, he’s beautiful.

Don’t just look, Belle. I’m dying here,” he said, taking himself in hand. He stroked himself once, twice, then let go. His cock sprang up against his abdomen, dusky and thick.

She shoved down her pants and kicked them off, then climbed between his legs. Her
knee caught under her blouse, nearly pulling her over. She took it off impatiently and flung it to the floor. She reached for Marvin’s cock, bending down to tentatively lick the tip. He groaned and his hips bucked.
Salt, musk, hot
burst over her tongue. She took a deep breath, then slipped him inside, experimentally running her tongue around him. He writhed beneath her, legs trembling. She could tell he was trying to hold back. She slid off with a pop.

You taste good,” she said, startled when her voice came out husky.

God, Belle. Please don’t stop,” he murmured, the muscles in his arms standing out as he struggled to hold still.

She looked up the length of his body, kissed the feathers etched into his hip, then took him in again. She learned what made him tremble, what made him groan, and what made him shudder. She stroked his balls, delicately tracing the sensitive skin, then licked down until he cried out.

“Belle, stop. God, I can’t hold on.” He sat up, dragging her off him and onto his lap. He kissed her. “I want to be inside you.”

She nodded and he rolled them over. To her surprise, he didn
’t immediately reach for a condom. He undid her bra and tossed it aside and then he kissed down her shoulder, thumbs flicking over her nipples. Isabelle sank her hands in his hair. It had grown a little, but not enough to give her anything to hang onto. He nipped the inside of her elbow, then moved to her breasts, suckling first one, then the other. She flung her head back restlessly, heat pooling in her groin.

Yeah, that’s it, Belle,” he murmured and then he slid down some more and put his mouth over her panties. She almost lost it, she was so close, but he lifted away, teasing her. When he took off her panties, she resorted to begging. “Marvin, please, I need more.”

He smiled and dipped down, tongue sliding over her clit. He licked her again and again, bringing her close to the edge, but never letting her go over. She shoved a
t his shoulders with her hips.

Something wrong?” he asked, lips pink and swollen.

Isabelle moaned.
“God, you’re killing me.”

He licked his lips deliberately, then sank a finger into her pussy. She trembled. When he added another, she couldn
’t help it. She tried to shove herself down on his hand, needing more. Much more. He slid a thumb down her pussy, gathering wetness, then teased at her asshole. She went completely rigid. What was he doing? When he rubbed at the sensitive nerves, sparks of pleasure shot through her. Why did that feel so good? He wasn’t even touching her clit!

Yeah, you’re so gorgeous,” he said, suddenly slipping a finger in her ass. He kept the others in her pussy and the dual sensation brought her even closer to orgasm. She couldn’t talk anymore, couldn’t do a damn thing except pant and beg with her body. He leaned down and licked over her clit, fingers still busy. She keened, and he backed off.

Hang on, Belle,” he said then, moving away. She tried to follow him, mindless with need, but he was back in a moment, rolling a condom down his prick. When he turned her over, she didn’t understand what was happening.

Trust me,” he said into her spine.

She nodded and he brought his fingers back to her pussy and ass. He slicked more of her arousal
over her anus and then the blunt head of his cock was against the tiny hole. His fingers flicked her clit again. “Is this okay?”

She shuddered, shoving back. She needed to be filled.
She needed him to hurry.

Belle? I need you to tell me this is okay,” he said, still working over her clit. He eased back and slipped a finger back into her ass.

She groaned when he kissed her shoulder, then added another finger. It burned a
little, but it felt so good, she didn’t care. “Yeah, it’s okay, Marvin. Please.” She had a feeling he wouldn’t let her climax until she’d said the words out loud.

He let out a short, sharp breath, then put his cock back against her ass.
“Yeah, okay. Breathe out. Relax.”

she thought, dazed, then he reached over and grabbed something else from the nightstand. When she saw that he had a soft, small vibrator, her eyes widened. “What is that?” she asked, but then he pushed his cock inside her ass and she had no attention to spare.

Just hang on,” he said, voice strained. His fingers flicked over her clit again. “Yeah, relax. Let me in, Belle.”

She sighed as the pressure eased and instead of pain, a delicious burn spread throughout her body. He rocked in a little and she gasped. She wasn
’t as close to orgasm anymore, but when he touched her clit again, she almost bucked him off. “God, Marvin, what are you doing?”

Making love to you, baby,” he said, shoving in a little bit more. He was so big and so tight, she didn’t think he’d fit, but he worked himself inside, little by little. When his balls hit her pussy, he sighed. His erection throbbed like a hot steel rod.

When he didn
’t move, Isabelle had to, just a little. She squeezed her internal muscles, making him grunt.

God, you’re so fucking tight, Belle,” he managed, then he brought the vibrator close to her clit and turned it on.

Isabelle went crazy. That
’s the only word she had for what it felt like. The vibrations pulsed through her entire body, and when he pressed his fingers inside her pussy, she collapsed on the bed, writhing and moaning and desperate. She felt like Marvin was all around her. Inside her. He was her whole world and it was like plunging into a frozen lake with molten lava at the bottom. She felt hot, then cold, then hot again.

Marvin bit her shoulder and kept going, fucking her with his fingers even as he circled the vibrator on her clit. How he moved his hands with their combined weight on them, she had no idea and didn
’t care. When he began to fuck her ass, she felt the top of her head come off, her orgasm hitting her without warning.

Yeah, yeah, that’s it, come for me, baby,” he said, hips moving with short, hard thrusts.

Isabelle couldn
’t breathe.
This is just too much pleasure
, she thought drunkenly, and then another toe-curling orgasm hit. She clutched the comforter so hard her fingers hurt, and then Marvin slipped the vibrator into her pussy and grabbed her hips, hauling her up and fucking her harder. The toy sent her careening into another climax while Marvin held her immobile, cock impaling her.

Fuck, I can feel it, through your body,” he groaned. When his hips stuttered and he fell over her, she clenched her muscles. The vibrator buzzed and she came again, too. She didn’t know what was happening to her. She’d never orgasmed so many times, not with anyone. Not with herself. She couldn’t do a damn thing except hang on and shake. Marvin was still shuddering when he plucked the toy out, tossing it on the bed, then rolled them onto their sides. His hips were still moving, slower now, sliding his softening cock in and out of her ass until they both calmed down.

She was the first to move. She reached down and turned off the little vibrator.
“Why is there a vibrator in this room?” she asked, still somewhat dazed.

He shifted, rolling her over so that her head dropped onto his shoulder. They were sticky and sweaty and she didn
’t give a damn. She snuggled in, twinges of pleasure-pain still shooting through her.

Would you believe it was a gift?” he said.

She lifted her head.

He nodded.
“I get so much crap at music industry things, you have no idea.”

So you just dumped that one in here?”

BOOK: Mr. Rockstar
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