Read MrTemptation Online

Authors: Annabelle Weston

MrTemptation (9 page)

BOOK: MrTemptation
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“Thank you,” she said with what she hoped was an equally
sexy smile. “That was so sweet of you.”

All her plans of remaining calm and serene, of acting as if
they were mere acquaintances, went out the window. She took the flowers and
buried her face in their scent so he wouldn’t see her blush.

“I thought you deserved them after the day you’ve had.”

She wished he’d stop being a lawyer for a little while. If
she could try to forget about what she’d learned this morning, he could at
least meet her halfway.

“My day is just getting started,” she replied boldly.

His eyes twinkled with mischief. She so adored a man who
could be playful.

“I would love to put these in water, do you mind coming to
my room?” Oh God, she’d said it. Forget dinner…maybe they could order room
Cadence, no!

“No, of course not. Those were my thoughts exactly.”

He wanted to come up… He’d brought flowers as an excuse. Her
heart sped up and her mouth felt suddenly dry. Every inch of her skin tingled.
He stood beside her, the scent of his cologne so tangy, spicy, masculine.

She wanted to bury her face against his neck, run her hands
through his hair. Take in his scent and lick a path from his neck to his lips.

She pressed the up button, and the sweat and nervousness
doubled. She was uncomfortable with this man—he made her feel on edge, as
though she’d melt into the floor at any moment. Did he notice? Or did he expect
her to be a basket case?

They traveled up to her floor in silence. The elevator music
did nothing to calm her nerves. What would she say when they were alone in her
room? Should she ask him if he’d like a drink?

She opened the door with her card and he followed her into
the room. As she placed the bouquet on the mantel above the fireplace, she
stole a glance at him from the mirror. He was such a handsome specimen. His
slacks didn’t show one wrinkle. The creases were perfect and the fit supreme.
She couldn’t help but devour him with her eyes. There was a hint of a bulge
beneath the zipper.


He watched her with his arms crossed. He unbuttoned his
jacket. Her heart pounded with that one simple task. His shirt hugged the
rippling muscles of his chest.

“Make yourself comfortable,” she said.

Her blood pressure soared when he loosened his tie and
unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, giving her a glimpse of the tan skin at
the base of his throat. She imagined unbuttoning the shirt farther, running her
hands across his broad shoulders and chest and… Maybe they wouldn’t be going
out to dinner after all.

She’d been eyeing him like a hungry tiger ready to pounce,
which wouldn’t be a smart move at all.

She shifted her gaze back to the flowers. “They really
brighten up the room, thank you.”

“I’m glad you like them.”

Now she was at a loss for words. She didn’t want to talk.
She just wanted to press her lips to his and kiss him for the next hour.

“How is your headache?” he asked.

“Much better.”

She sucked in her breath, squared her shoulders, schooled
her features into a look that didn’t show her true feelings and turned to face

His gaze traveled to the half-empty bottle of champagne
sitting next to her laptop.

“I celebrated when I got back,” she said.

He frowned. “I’d thought you’d be upset.”

“About inheriting all that money? Not a chance.”

His gaze bored into her and she didn’t look away.

She’d disappointed him. She could tell by the hardness in
his gaze and the firm set of his jaw.

“I don’t normally drink in the middle of the day,” she said.
Why was she making excuses?

“You’re not upset about your father’s will anymore?” he

She groaned inwardly. Why did he want to talk? “I suppose,
but I won’t pretend the evil trio are my favorite people.”

“That’s an honest answer,” he said with a tenderness she
hadn’t expected.

“Let’s not talk any more about my family tonight. Let’s have
some fun,” she said. She fiddled nervously with her purse.

“I’m ready,” he said, smiling.

She cocked her head sideways and let her gaze drop to his

Yes, I see that you are.”

She headed for the door. She’d be a puddle soon if they
didn’t get a move on. She needed some air.

He quickly caught up and opened it for her. He was too close
and she had to maneuver to avoid brushing against him.

Before she could walk through the door, Preston gripped her
wrist. She instantly stopped—and so did her heart. Silently, he shut the door
and she stood staring at him, her back against the cold wood.

It was going to happen. He would kiss her, right? She licked
her lips, unable to take her eyes from his. Her nipples tightened in
anticipation. Her pussy grew hotter, wetter. Every inch of her skin begged for
a connection, anticipated their joining.

He was only inches from her. Gone was the indecision he had
shown earlier. His doubtful expression had been replaced with a fiery look.

She opened her mouth to say something but before she could
get the words out, his mouth was hovering over hers. She couldn’t think of a
single reason why she shouldn’t yield to what he was offering.

She reached up and kissed him on the lips, a soft, gentle
kiss. Her nerves flared and it felt as though a thousand prickles of pleasure
danced over her flesh. She lingered for a few seconds with her mouth inches
from his. Waiting. Wanting him to kiss her back.

He didn’t return the kiss.

When she finally pulled away, he didn’t stop her. Her body
clenched in unfulfilled regret. Remorse for her actions gripped her. Had she
assumed too much? How awkward was this? She looked away. The touch of his hand
on her cheek stayed her movement.

She saw what she’d been hoping for. Preston’s green eyes
smoldered, the color taking on the darker hue of longing. He desired her. She
hadn’t been rejected. An eternity passed as she watched his face slowly come
closer. Her breath quickened along with her heart as she waited agonizingly for
his lips to caress hers.

Before she could draw another breath, his lips, as soft as a
feather, brushed over hers. It was a fleeting kiss, nothing more, but it sent a
first-class shiver up her spine. Her lips tingled where his had touched her.
The rest of her body, including the slick folds of her sex, quivered with sweet

He pressed his lips to hers again, still soft, undemanding.
His tongue stroked gently over the crease of her mouth, tasting her. She parted
her lips and his tongue danced inside to lightly touch hers. It was a tease.
His tongue pulled back and she pushed her tongue forward, wanting to taste
more. She wanted to suck his tongue back into her mouth. He lifted his mouth
from hers, leaving her craving more of his touch.

She blinked, trying to clear her head. When she looked up into
his eyes, she saw desire running so deep she actually shuddered. She wanted to
drag him back to her bed and have him show her all the pleasures those lips

“Wow,” she said. “You should patent your kisses.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

She ran her hand through her hair. “I don’t usually jump
guys who are taking me out for sushi.”

“That’s good to know.”

“You’re an exception to the rule.” It was clumsily said.

He must know every part of her was on fire, tingling in
anticipation. Her panties were damp with need, her nipples ached for him to
touch her. She’d always been so good at hiding her emotions but not tonight.
She was free from the constraints of being the mayor’s daughter. The son of a
bitch had cheated on her mother. She’d no obligation to him or his precious

Tonight she would take this ride and damn the consequences.

Preston’s lips touched hers again. Feeling bold, she opened
her mouth, letting her tongue trace the outline of his lips ever so gently. He
growled low in his throat and deepened the kiss. His hands gripped both of hers
and raised them above her head as he pressed his body into her.

Aware of the hardness of his cock against her hip, she
wiggled so it would throb right against her clit. A shockwave of pleasure
slammed through her. She arched into him farther to feel more of his heat. His
mouth covered hers, velvety and wet as they explored each other. His fingers
gripped hers and intertwined as he held her captive against the door.

Cadence secured her leg around his hip to pull him in
closer. She sucked in a breath at the contact. His cock was hard, thick and
pressed with just the right amount of pressure against her pussy. She

“Whoa,” he said. “Are you sure?”

“Do I look uncertain?” she shot back. “Don’t stop.”

They moaned as he pressed his hard cock against her wet
pussy, only their clothes barring them from the pleasure they both so
desperately sought.

She would have been happy to shed the barrier right then and
there but he stopped abruptly. Still gripping her hands above her head, he
rested his cheek against hers.

As her breathing slowed, Cadence voiced what she was
thinking. “Can’t dinner wait?”

“Don’t you think we’re going too fast?” Preston breathed
into her ear, and the mixture of his erotic scent and the hotness of his breath
on her neck caused her to shiver.

Hell, no.

“No,” she breathed back. The only movement she made was to
put her foot back on the floor.

Preston slowly unwound their fingers and pressed a searing
kiss to her swollen lips. Then he released her.

Unhappily for Cadence, he had more self-control than she

“Cadence, I…”

She put her finger across his lips. “Don’t apologize.”

“I shouldn’t take advantage of…”

“A client?” she scoffed. “Could you forget about the Burkes
for one night? I have.”

“We’d better go,” he said.

She shrugged to hide her disappointment. “Whatever you say.”

He reached around and opened the door. His hand brushed the
bare skin of her arm. She loved what his touch did to her. She was giddy. She
was lighthearted. She was ready to fuck.

Why he had backed down was the million-dollar question.

I mean, who’s taking advantage of whom?

As the elevator descended, Cadence relived the kiss over and
over and fought the urge to press him against the wall until he kissed her like
that again. Her entire body sang for more. She tingled all over and the ache of
unfulfilled satisfaction throbbed in her pussy. He could kiss her senseless for
all she cared.

She coughed and cleared her throat. When had she become a
vixen? When had she become one of those kinds of girls?

Frank was waiting by the open door of the Escalade. He
looked very macho wearing a leather jacket. She climbed in first and stole a
glance at Preston. His gaze met hers with an invitation. He sat next to her,
picked up her hand and squeezed it.

Shafts of fire ran up her arm, bull’s-eyed to every nerve in
her body. Her nipples were permanently hard and her clit throbbed for more of
his cock to press against her. That single act of holding hands became one of
raw sensuality and she envisioned his hands holding hers above her head again
and again and claiming her in the most earth-shattering way possible.

Her pulse quickened and her pussy twitched. She was a wanton
hussy tonight. It thrilled her to think of herself as brazen.

Preston gave Frank an address downtown. Tribeca. Sweet.

They pulled away from the curb. Cadence sat back and rested
her head against the headrest.

“I remember when you were sixteen,” Preston said.

She turned her head to look at him. His voice wasn’t as
serious as his expression. “You do? That was a long time ago.”

“Almost ten years.”

“I vaguely remember you. You were a tall, skinny guy and
wore wire-rim glasses.”

“That’d be me,” he said.

“You were always so glum.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “I had a lot on my mind.”

“Were you at Mother’s funeral?” she asked.

“Yes. I’d escorted my mother.”

“Really? Did we talk?” She wished she could remember more
but the whole day was a blur.

“You asked me where the bathroom was. I couldn’t stop
staring at you.” His eyes, even in the dim light, mesmerized her, and his lips,
full and luscious, begged her to try them out again for size.

“Oh really?” she teased.

“I remember my mother giving me a look that said ‘you better
turn around right now and wipe that drool off your face’.” His laugh was low in
his throat and stroked her insides.

It seemed impossible he could’ve had the hots for her all
those years ago and she hadn’t picked up on the vibes. Just good luck, from
what she’d experienced upstairs, that he still did.

“Well I assure you I’m all grown up, so you can look all you
like.” A wicked laugh escaped her. “I’m not so sure about the drooling part.”

She could try to convince him she noticed him now but words
were so inadequate. Her thoughts wandered to how she could hike up her dress
and straddle him, eagerly and with no reservation. The image made her smile.
Her face coming down on his at the same time as she gripped his hips and met
his mouth passion for passion.

Would that just take the starch out of his collar? What was
she waiting for?

She swept her fingers through his hair and tugged, pulling
him closer. His tongue, hot and wet, swirled with hers as they kissed in a
mind-blowing frenzy.

Euphoria took over. She’d live in the moment for a change,
with Preston. His hands roamed over her breasts, thumbs over her hard nipples,
his mouth hot on hers. She was on the edge of a mile-high cliff, ready to jump
and not caring about the consequences. Her body anticipated every move,
hungered for it. One more minute of this exquisite torture and she would come
completely undone.

BOOK: MrTemptation
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