Read My Favorite Mistake Online

Authors: Elizabeth Carlos

My Favorite Mistake (2 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Mistake
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I brought his head
back up to mine, and I kissed him so hard, our teeth clinked together. Still
kissing me, his hands suddenly jerked my dress up, and fingered the waistband
of my soaked panties. I released his hips, put my feet on the carpet and raised
my bottom, signaling that I wanted the white cotton gone, and he raised his
head and asked, “Are you sure?”

It was a horrible
idea, and we weren’t a couple, and I didn’t know how this day would end,
but…“I’m sure,” I told him, looking him dead in the eye.

Suddenly my
panties were gone, and Rick rocked against my aching core. The denim felt good
for about five seconds before I realized I’d be completely chafed before it was

“The jeans are
going to have to come off,” I told him.

“Okay, but can I try
something first?”

“Um, okay.”

Rick scooted back
until his face was in front of my pussy, and he stared at it for a few seconds.
When I was about to curl up out of embarrassment, he inhaled my scent, making
me extremely glad I had showered just a few hours earlier. I held my breath as
he began stroking my folds with his fingertips, wetting them, and then focusing
on my clit. Then he added his tongue. After that, I just focused on the
incredible sensations with his every lick and stroke. Finally, he did just the
right combination and I came with a scream.

My scream of
pleasure changed to one of intense pain when Rick thrust into me and then
stilled. “Shit,” he whispered. “I was going to go slow.”

“But then you
didn’t?” I bit my lip, almost drawing blood, because it hurt so badly. I’d
heard first times could be painful for girls, but this had me feeling like I’d
been torn in two. I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if I hadn’t
been so wet to begin with. Tears were spilling out of my eyes, running down my
temples and into the carpet. By now my arms were around Rick’s back, so my
nails dug in, trying to get some relief.

“I’m sorry,” he
whispered, his thumbs wiping away my tears.

“You’re saying
that a lot today.”

“Sorry.” Then he
winced. “Do you want me to pull out?”

“As much as I want
to say yes, the damage is done. Just, try to be careful with me.”

He stared into my
eyes. “I promise.” I think he meant it.

His eyes never
leaving mine, Rick started moving very slowly. While it never stopped hurting,
it faded more to a dull ache instead of the ripping pain. Rick took me
releasing my fingernails from his skin as a signal that he could go a little
faster. A few seconds later, panting, he grabbed my panties, pulled out, and
shot his load into them as he did the “O” face; you know, the one I had
probably done a little while earlier just before I’d been ripped apart.

I laid there for a
couple of minutes, relishing the fact that I didn’t have a part of another
human being in my pussy. I was going to get some ibuprofen in me as soon as
Rick let me up, because the boy was kissing me again. I could taste myself on
his lips and I decided I didn’t taste too bad. “God, I love you,” he told me,
before he smoothed down my dress, helped me with my straps, and fastened and
zipped up his pants. It was then I realized he’d never even taken off his
shirt. I couldn’t help it; I started laughing my head off.

“What’s so funny?”

“Rick, we just had
sex, and our clothes stayed on! Even our shoes!” I burst into laughter again.
Rick stared at me, and then started laughing, too.

He stood up, and
then helped me up, too, noticing that I winced when I was back on my feet. “You
might want to soak in the tub for a while and take some Tylenol or something.
I’ve heard it helps,” he told me.

“Yeah. That sounds

Rick had my
crumpled panties in his hand. “Do you, um, want these back? I could wash them
for you.”

They were covered
in his cum and probably some of my blood. “No thanks. If you could burn them,
that’d be better.”

Rick started fidgeting.
“Look, I know that this was probably a really bad idea, since we’re not
together or anything, but I want you to know, this was the best moment of my

“Really?” I
couldn’t help but be skeptical. While losing my virginity to the boy I’d always
loved was certainly special, I certainly didn’t think that this was the best
moment of my life. That would involve the moment he got me off, you know, just
before he tore me apart.

“Faith, we were
each other’s firsts. That’s a big deal. Granted, I’d always planned on it being
with you, I just assumed rings would be involved.”

My mouth had
dropped open. “This was your first time, too?” I decided to focus on only the
first big bombshell. I wasn’t ready for the reminder that he’d been really
serious about me when we were younger, not when it ended so badly.

His eyes narrowed.
“I thought I made that clear earlier. Yeah, Faith, I gave it up to you. Happy?”


“Oh, you just
automatically assumed the minute we broke up, I screwed every female that crossed
my path?”

“But it’s been two
years! You dated a lot!” I doubted that he and those girls were just holding

“That summer after
we broke up, I did. I was just trying to make you jealous, to make you regret
having cheated on me. But the joke was on me, wasn’t it? I haven’t dated anyone
since. Honest to God.”


“They weren’t you.
You’re the only one I ever really wanted. I guess I never gave up hope that
we’d get back together some day. You’re also the only one I still want. Just so
we’re crystal clear on this.” He studied me for a few moments and then nodded,
seemingly satisfied that I believed him.

“Next time we use
a condom,” I told him.

“Next time?” That
hope in his eyes always got me.

“I don’t care what
guys say, the pull out method is not very reliable. I’m not ready to have a
shotgun wedding. And with my grandma, you know it would be one.”

“It wouldn’t be
the end of the world. I wouldn’t mind.” He shrugged.

“Guys really do
lose their minds after sex. Let me be clear: I am not ready to change diapers
until after I graduate from college. We are going to do our best to keep that
from happening. Got it?”

“Got it. So what
are we, friends, or more?”

I sighed. “More.
Definitely more.”

Rick pushed for
more right away. “When can I see you again?”

“I happen to have
this evening open.”

Rick’s smile split
his face. “What a coincidence. I have this evening open, too.”

“Good. Pick me up
at seven. Wear something pretty.”

“No problem. I
love you, Faith.”

“I’m liking you a
whole lot more. Remind me to tell you how I’m feeling after dinner.”

“Will do.” Rick
kissed me, slow and sweet, and once we took a breather I leaned in and said,

“Yeah?” He looked
a little dreamy. I doubted he’d stay that way for long.

“Grandma just
pulled in.”




About the Author

Elizabeth Carlos loves her family, friends, and British
humor.  She can usually be found with her nose in a book, a pen in her hand,
and a pet on her lap.  Housework and laundry are the first casualties when
she’s in the writing zone.

BOOK: My Favorite Mistake
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