Read My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance) Online

Authors: Claire Fenton

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #African American, #United States, #Short Stories (Single Author)

My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance)
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I opened my mouth to speak but instead nodded. I saw Maggie do the same.

“Good,” Denise said, her face changing instantly. Her bright smile took us both in. “I would like both of you to be on your best behavior. Our party guests will be arriving soon. Please make sure they feel welcome.”

“Yes Ms. Fingle,” I said.

“Yes Ms. Fingle,” Maggie said.

“A town car is waiting outside for you, Tina. You’ve got a special assignment for the day,” Denise said, then looking at Maggie, “Maggie will handle things while you’re away.”

The town car pulled up to the Hotel, and I stepped out. My legs were still trembling from the Swedish deep tissue massage. My pussy ached and moaned from the Brazilian wax that left me as bald as a bowling ball.

I entered the lobby and hurried over to the front desk. Denise was on the phone speaking with a customer.

“Yes, plenty of ice, Mr. Fuare. We’ll make sure of it. Bye now,” she said, hanging up. “It’s nice of you to join us again, Tina. Did you have a good day?”

“It was so refreshing,” I said.

“How good for you,” she said, smiling with daggers in her eyes. “Those of us who have to work for a living have had a demanding morning. But knowing that you had a refreshing time makes it all worth it.”

“I was just doing what was asked of me,” I said. “What do you need me to do? Carry luggage? Show some guests the pool area?”

“Don’t be silly Tina. Tonight is the pageant. You’ve got an important role to play,” she said, her mood softening. “I’m sending you up to Mr. Stannis’ room to get ready.”

I walked off towards the elevator and saw Maggie waiting there. She glanced over at me and gave me a dirty look.

“What’s your problem?” I said.

“Oh nothing. How was your day at the spa?” she said.

“Don’t be a hater, Maggie,” I said.

“It’s not fair!” she said. “You go off to be primped and pampered and I had double the work here.”

She had a point, but I didn’t have any response. I pushed the elevator button. “Are you excited about the party tonight?”

Her eyes lit up, “Oh girl, it’s going to be off the chain. Or maybe on the chain,” she said with a mischievous grin.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped in.

“I’ll get the next one. Wouldn’t want you to keep him waiting,” she said as the doors closed.

I went straight up to Stannis’ floor and knocked at his suite door. The door opened and he stood in front of me. God he was gorgeous.
Dark hair, dark eyes, broad chest. He wore a tuxedo and it was cut exactly to his form. Every drape and fold was perfect.

“Hi,” I said, trying not to swoon like a schoolgirl.

“Come in, Tina,” he said. He opened the door and stood aside.

I walked in ran a hand down his chest. The feel of tightly woven fabric on top of the cut marble that was his body sent shivers down my body. I was torn between needing him to wear it and needing to rip it off him. “I’m glad to see you again,” I said.

“Tonight is very important, Tina,” he said, closing the door. “Tonight is about breaking through more barriers. Conquering more fears.” He put his hand on my cheek. “Are you ready for that?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

“That’s always it, isn’t it? You don’t know if you’re ready because you don’t know what’s being asked of you,” he said, his face close to mine. “So far we’ve broken down these barriers by educating you. Training you.”

“Making the unknown known,” I said. I closed my eyes, my lips parting slightly. When he spoke to me like this, it woke something up inside me.

“Very good,” he said. “But now I need you to jump into the unknown. It’s going to be different. It’s going to be uncomfortable. It might even be frightening. But I think you’re ready.” His nose touched my cheek, his breath hot against my jaw.

I didn’t know if I believed him. Something about his tone said that this would be different somehow. But I didn’t care. He’d been right so far, and I didn’t want to disappoint him. “I’m ready,” I said, going up on my tip toes to kiss him.

His lips locked onto mine, pure electricity flowing through me. Blinding and hot, it shot through my face, down my chin and neck. My ribcage tightened, my stomach wanting to do flips but pinned in place by my breath. My core flexed, poised and ready to jump on him.

“Good,” he said, looking down into my eyes. “Very good. Eagerness, very exciting. You’ll do great tonight.”

“Will I be wearing…” I said.

“Your leash and collar?” he said.

I swallowed. They were now my leash and collar. I felt a twinge from my slit. That primal part of me knew what came with putting on the collar. It remembered servicing him. It remembered him mounting me from behind. I touched my neck, the feel of the collar choking me while he rammed home.

“Of course,” he said. “I can’t have my pretty little bitch strutted around without her full regalia. That wouldn’t be presentable.” His voice took on a deep gravel timbre, that voice he gets when he wants me.

“Is that how you want me?” I said, my voice teasing him. “Obedient and on all fours? Ready to service that huge cock of yours?”

“Naughty little bitch,” he said. He pressed himself against me, the fullness of his erection evidence of his excitement. His prick extended down one pant leg of the tux, lifting it away from his leg. His hand went around my waist and he kissed me deeply. His tongue swept into my mouth, an oar steering the ship of our lust.

“How are some men born with so many gifts?” I said. My hands went to his rock hard chest, fingers splayed to take in the magnificent breadth of it. It seemed to go on forever in each direction, an horizon of virile masculinity. I wanted to know each ripple of muscle, each crevasse in his flesh. My hands wrapped around behind his jacket and dropped lower. His ass was amazing, and I felt it flex under my fingertips.

“Just lucky, I guess,” he said, grinning. He kissed his way down my neck, his teeth grazing my shoulder. His hands went behind my back. His fingertips pressed against the thin fabric of my dress, the grooves and ridges of my spine like keys on a piano. “Though I have to admit, I am torn,” he whispered against my neck.

“Torn about what?” I said, gasping as his big strong hands scooped up my ass. My legs separated and wrapped around his waist, my ankles locking together behind him. “Let me guess,” I said. “You’re not sure how you want to take me first.”

He got that look in his eyes, the one that told me soon he would be on top of me, behind me, inside me. He lowered me, my aching crotch rubbing against his hard cock through his pants. He stared at me intently, his whole focus on me. “I’m always sure of what I want. Whether it’s business or pleasure, I know what I want.” He punctuated this sentiment by pressing against so hard I could have taken his pulse with my clit. “But I’m not an animal. I have to think of the expectations of society. Decorum, if you will.”

“Sometimes you’re an animal,” I said. My need for him was threatening to burn me up inside. I thrust a hand down between us, snaking into his pants. I found my prize, teasing my fingers through his trimmed undergrowth. He was like a marble pillar, fully engorged and ready for me. His tip was leaking pre-cum, his balls unable to control the need to spill their contents. “I think you have less control over yourself than you think,” I said, my hand dipping lower and caressing his heavy balls.

“It’s time to get ready,” he said, his hands lowering me.

“What?” I protested, my legs unwrapping, my pussy screaming for him. I was dizzy with my need for him. Now to go unfulfilled was just unthinkable. It was cruel. I smiled coyly, my finger and thumb seizing his zipper. “Maybe just a taste?” I said as I lowered it. I could see his dragon begin to spill out from his castle.

“It’s time to get ready, Tina,” he said, pulling his zipper back up. “What you feel right now, that’s good. Use it,” he said, tipping my chin up towards his face. “You’re so beautiful right now.”

I looked up at him, his dark eyes seeing right into my soul. “But we’ll be together later?” I said, biting my lip.

“Yes,” he said.

“When?” I said, squirming.

“Not soon enough,” he said, kissing me deeply.

I smelled his cologne, savored the hard press of his lips against mine. I could do this. “What do I need to do to get ready?”

“Come into my bedroom,” he said, taking me by the hand. We walked into his bedroom and he turned on the light. On his bed several items were laid out.

“Oh,” I cooed, walking over to a large red leather corset. “This is beautiful.” I ran my hands down the hardened shiny leather, feeling each smooth contour. The laces were white woven silk. It was heavy and solid with triple reinforced stitching.

“I knew you’d like it,” he said, his voice hinting that he was pleased with himself. “Have you ever worn a corset?”

“No,” I said. “Help me put it on!” I peeled off my clothes, leaving them behind without a second thought. I stepped into the top and pulled it up into place, my boobs sliding perfectly into place.

“Like a glove,” he said. “I’m going to tighten the laces now. You’re going to feel pressure, and it will be a little harder to breath. But don’t panic, your body will adjust.”

I heard whirring as silk slid through the grommets and the corset tightened. I concentrated on my breathing, keeping it steady despite the feeling of being a python’s lunch. Then it stopped getting tighter and Mr. Stannis tied it off. It no longer felt crushing, it just felt like I was being held. It felt like armor, like I was being protected.

“All done,” he said. “How does it feel?”

“It feels strange. Different, but good. Different for sure,” I said. My bare nethers stood out starkly, my puffy pussy lips bare to the cool air of the room. My dampness ran a cool streak down one thigh. I looked back on the bed and saw the rest of my outfit. I picked up the tail plug. My tail plug. “Would you be so kind?” I said, handing it to him. I crawled onto the bed on all fours.

“With pleasure,” he said. He opened his mouth, his tongue emerging to slather the silicone knob end with his saliva. He put one knee on the bed and bent down.

“Oh!” I gasped as his mouth pressed in between my ass cheeks.

“Mmmmphmm,” he grunted. His tongue darted out, licking and rimming my tight asshole. He pressed the tip of his tongue at my entrance and wiggled delightfully, sending waves of pleasure through me. His hands pulled my asscheeks apart, spreading me open for him.

“Please,” I said. I felt my pussy dripping with anticipation, eager for him to mount me. The rhythm of our bodies, the crushing weight of him on top of me.

“No,” he said.

“Please,” I begged. I didn’t care if I sounded pathetic, this was too much for anyone to take.

“I said no,” he said. Then his hot tongue was replaced by the cooler plug of my tail. He spat down between my ass cheeks and pressed the tail forward.

I stuck my fingers in my mouth and sucked, like I was instructed. My sphincter relented, and the plug slid up inside me. The tail lay against the backs of my thighs. “Thanks,” I said, hoping he caught my displeasure at this ceaseless teasing.

“This isn’t easy for me either, Tina,” he said, his hand brushing against my cheek. “You have no idea how badly I want you. How badly I need you. But if we start that now, it will be hours before I’m done with you,” he said.

Hearing those words made me weak at the knees and I had to steady myself against the bed. “I’ve never been to a party like this,” I said.

“Very few people have,” he said, putting on my collar and leash. “And the pageant tonight should be something spectacular.”

“When does it all start?” I said.

A large bell rang three times from right above us on the roof. A low, droning sound.

“It just did. The old fire bell system, now used for more celebratory purposes,” he said. “Until dawn, the building is sealed. No one in or out. Every guest is here for the party. And you’re here for me,” he said, leaning down from behind me to suck on my earlobe.

I moaned and leaned back against him. “As you wish,” I said.

“Let’s not keep the party waiting too long,” he said, handing me a white masquerade half-mask.

The elevator doors opened into the lobby. I don’t know how Denise did it, but it didn’t look like the lobby at all. Red and gold sashes and scarves covered everything. The lobby was full of people. There were men in tuxedos, ladies in designer evening gowns.

And there were the pets. Dozens of us. Men and women both, looking primped and dapper. One older woman, elegant and stately in her ball gown, had three pets. Two were big black studs in leather harnesses, their cocks hanging low between their legs. The third was a redheaded woman, her fiery hair braided immaculately.

Mr. Stannis walked out of the elevator, slowly enough for me to comfortably crawl at his heel. I could feel the eyes of the room drift towards us. Two levels of eyes, the owners and the pets. Everyone wired up for this celebratory spectacle, juices flowing and cocks twitching.

As we came down in the elevator, my nerves felt like they were going to get the best of me. But now, all that melted away. I felt like the belle of the ball, even if I was on all fours. I knew the men around us all wanted to fuck me, and the women all wanted to be wanted in that way. I smiled lustfully, letting my ass sway a little more, my tail swishing left and right.

We mingled in the crowd, Mr. Stannis making pleasant small talk with an older man from behind his masquerade mask. No business, all pleasure. Like old friends asking about vacations and hobbies. The older man’s pet looked like a Persian guy. He was thin, but his skin was perfect. A cock ring was cinched tight around his cock and balls. He sat back on his ankles, his cock standing up straight and red. His eyes went over my body, liking what he saw.

I could hear Mr. Stannis and the other man talking, but it like background noise. I was focused on this other pet and his enthusiastic cock. I watched him put his fingers in his mouth and coat the head of his prick with his spit. He swirled his fingers around his straining head.

BOOK: My White Billionaire Bundle (BWWM Billionaire Romance)
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