Read Nether Regions Online

Authors: Nat Burns

Tags: #LGBT, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Romance, #(v5.0), #Healing the Past

Nether Regions (35 page)

BOOK: Nether Regions
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“So this is him,” Clary stated as she stepped through the screen door. She studied Bucky, standing with her hands on her hips, a damp dishtowel trailing from one hand. She was wearing her usual jeans with a sleeveless pink shirt and her tightly curled hair was pinned into a cheerful mop atop her head. Her smooth brown face tried for severity but failed. “Shoot. You said he was missing some parts, Delora. Looks to me, he’s got more than enough and can get around better than we can.”

She moved forward and impulsively touched his metal and plastic shoulder. Bucky smiled and postured for her.

“Designed it myself,” he said proudly.


Delora started to interpret, but Clary gestured her to silence. “He can tell me,” she said.

Sophie laughed softly. “They’re a pair, those two,” she said to Delora.

“I designed them.” He took his time, enunciating as clearly as possible.

“No shit! You did a fine job.” She allowed her fingers and eyes to admire the intricate workings for another moment before linking her arm through his prosthesis and leading him inside. “I just know you’re hungry,” she said, her voice trailing back to Sophie and Delora.

Sophie looked at Delora when Bucky tried to protest. “Don’t even try, Bucky,” she called.

Delora and Sophie laughed like two fools.

Chapter Sixty-Four

Late that evening, with Bucky settled into Grandam’s bedroom, Clary came into Sophie and Delora’s bedroom to say goodnight.

“I’m off to my cubbyhole,” she said, entering the room and climbing onto the bed to sit tailor-style between the two women.

“You’re staying the night then?” Sophie asked. She was lying against a mass of pillows, her head pillowed against her folded arm. Delora was next to her, lying on her side facing Sophie. She appeared to be asleep.

“Yeah, thought I would so I could fix a proper breakfast for y’all. Toaster tarts and cereal are not a breakfast, especially for a guest.”

“See, Salty gives you a ring and you feel just that secure that you can step out for a night,” Sophie said, laughing.

“She’s got a point, Clary.” Delora’s comment was muffled, but she couldn’t hide the giggle that followed.

Clary, instead of taking offense at the ribbing, merely admired the platinum and diamond engagement ring Salty had presented to her several weeks past. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?”

“And to think we were all worried about what he was up to,” Sophie muttered.

“Working is what. He wouldn’t buy it on credit like most people do.”

“Smart man,” said Delora, rolling onto her back.

“So when are you guys getting hitched?” Sophie asked.

“We were thinking about next spring.” She paused and studied the two women. “I’d appreciate it if both of you would stand with me.”

Sophie and Delora looked at one another. “Of course we will, Clary. You’re family,” Sophie said.

“No, I mean, really stand with me. Get hitched. Not legal, of course, and I know y’all say you’re already married in spirit, but let’s do it up right, with a big party.”

“Marry me, Delora?” Sophie asked, gazing at Delora with loving eyes.

Delora gazed back just as lovingly. “Of course, Sophie. Anytime, anyplace.”


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BOOK: Nether Regions
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