Read Nice and Naughty Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #General

Nice and Naughty (10 page)

BOOK: Nice and Naughty
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“Jason.” Her moan was ragged. “Can’t wait. Need to come.”

He pulled back once more before ramming inside her. His cock reached impossibly deep, drawing a gasp as her back arched in astonishment. His balls slapped against the base of the toy in her ass, sending shockwaves up her spine. She tried to suppress the sensations pushing her toward a gigantic release but he noticed and let her off the hook.

“Come for me, Alexa.” His command sent her flying. Jason rode through the spasms of her climax, extending the explosion of passion that threatened to overwhelm her. He fucked her hard, deep and fast until the pulsing pleasure rose again. Her head swished from side to side, trying to escape the intensity radiating from their joining. The wild grunts and moans of Jason’s impending orgasm, coupled with the sliding action of his body pressed tight against her clit, threw her into another round of contractions.

“Yes,” he moaned. “Milk my cock.”

She did just that, clamping around him in rhythmic pulses until she heard him shout her name. The searing heat of his come filled her as he gave her all the pent up need and emotion raging inside him.




Chapter Eight

Alexa slunk down the stairs in search of Justin. She grabbed the handrail to steady her liquefied muscles. Following her earth shattering release, Jason had tended to her, untying her and carrying her to the shower. The calm after the storm of passion they’d shared allowed her time to consider the ramifications of their actions. The etiquette of a relationship like this escaped her. Would Justin be angry? Had she cheated on him? Uncertainty and fear festered inside her with each passing moment. Although Jason acted like nothing depraved had happened and certainly he wouldn’t intentionally hurt his brother, she needed Justin to confirm it. Her confidence in her actions dissipated with each passing moment. Had desire colored her judgment?

She’d excused herself from Jason’s sophisticated, dark-wood paneled office where he researched the startup that had originally contacted him, kicking off this chain reaction of disaster. She intended to wait in Justin’s workshop for his return. Then, she could confess what they’d done and beg for his forgiveness if he didn’t approve.
If only it hadn’t felt so right.

She made her way through the kitchen toward the space Jason had indicated adjoined the garage. Light spilled from beneath the door and, as she drew nearer, she heard the pounding rhythm of hard rock music accompanied by the whir of a power tool.



Her pulse skittered when she considered Justin’s reaction. He might see her betrayal as grounds to call off their developing relationship. Her sweaty palms and the sinking dread in the pit of her stomach convinced her that the attachment she had to both men transcended simple desire. True, she craved their touch, had become addicted to the potent sexuality they embodied but, more than that, they captured her soul. Being with them was like finding a piece of herself she hadn’t realized was missing. She laid a hand on the door, frozen for a moment, before gathering her courage and shoving it open.

As though he sensed her presence, Justin pivoted when she entered. He clicked off the buffer he used to smooth a chunk of metal while she took stock of the workshop. Clamps, rulers, bits, blades and various accessories lined the walls. Tool chests bursting with supplies sat in each corner and machines ringed a huge raised bench table.

“Exactly what did you need that you didn’t already have two of in here?” Her foot tapped the smooth concrete and her arms crossed over her chest as she declared shenanigans.

“Uh…alright, busted.” He shook his head ruefully. “I just checked the perimeter with a walk around the house to give you and Jay some time to come to your senses and realize that a good, hard fuck was the best way to work out all your leftover stress. It was driving me crazy. I need to concentrate on this without a major distraction hanging over my head.”

“Wait. You
us to do it?” Some of her uneasiness seeped out. “Without you?”

His smile lit up the room. “You needed it almost as bad as Jay.” Then he turned serious. “Look, he’s never taken a woman he understood or connected with before. Sure, we slept with women, probably more than was wise. But they were never a serious thing. They were party girls, looking for a fun time. You’re the only woman who’s ever tempted him to love or challenged his self-control. And by the looks of you, it suits you both.”

Justin stalked closer, taking her hand in his own tender grasp. He brought it to his lips and kissed the red lines decorating her wrists like bracelets.

“You enjoyed this?” he asked with genuine curiosity. Alexa shivered and nodded.

“And this?” He brushed his mouth over the dark spot on her neck she’d glimpsed in the bathroom mirror when Jason toweled her dry earlier.

“God, yes.” Admitting it caused a blush to crawl over her face. She attempted to regain influence by focusing on her anger. “But how was I to know you approved?”

He tugged her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. She listened to his steady heartbeat and relaxed.

“I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He settled his chin on top of her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

He cupped her shoulders in his hands and braced her. “Hey, look at me, baby.” The tenderness in his eyes warmed her heart instead of frightening her this time. “I’m even more thrilled for you and Jay than I am for myself. You’re the two people I love most in the world. Whether I’m there or not, you should do what feels right with him. I know he would say the same. You belong with us.”

They embraced for a long minute, neither having to speak. He ended the silence when awkwardness infiltrated her for not reciprocating his declarations. Justin didn’t pressure her for more than she could give.

“Come on.” He led her over to the component he’d been working on when she came in. “I need some help.”

Jason clicked the print button, sending the last of the supplier documents to the queue. He supplemented business acumen with expert research skills, enabling him to make strategic decisions. Over the years, he’d learned to double check information provided by prospective partners who targeted his successful firm for scams. Before things went to hell in a hand basket, he’d intended to hire Alexa as the program manager of the new operation. A large part of her position would be to act as a liaison who could decipher the technical specifications and translate them into terms he

could understand. She often performed a similar function in her role as a top consultant in the field.

His file on her proved her commitment to her career. She spent months working high intensity projects with ridiculous, long hours. On call, she had to be available 24/7 to extinguish any fires that popped up related to an initiative. Analyzing the information he now possessed would be second nature to her.

Jason straightened the papers, whistling a cheesy song as he made his way out to Justin’s workshop. The racket of metal and gears floating up to his bedroom earlier had clued him in to his brother’s ruse even if Alexa had been too preoccupied to noticed. He nudged open the door so he could steal a look inside undetected. He scoffed at his own silliness. He’d never craved a simple glimpse of a woman before, but a man in love for the first time wanted to savor every moment.

Alexa perched on a high stool, tinkering with random parts that made little sense to him. Close behind her, Justin stood relaxed, watching over her shoulder, one arm wrapped casually around her waist as they collaborated on a solution. Jason wondered how he could have known of her all these years and never realized she would be the perfect woman for them. Her profile hadn’t captured the adventurous part of her spirit and the chemistry between them had remained untested since he avoided public appearances.

So much time wasted.

He entered the room, making his way toward them. Their ability to concentrate with the radio blasting baffled him. Together, they turned and Alexa’s face reflected the same joy he experienced on reuniting with her after their brief separation. Her eyes smoldered with remnants of heat from their earlier interlude. Her submission thrilled him with its beauty and intrinsic trust.

Her protection was a responsibility he took seriously. If they could crack the secret and apply for a patent, their safety would be assured. Only once they eliminated the possibility of someone else profiting from the invention would they be free to continue



their lives in peace. Even if they gave up pursuing the engine design, they’d be at risk. Some crazy person might not believe the final piece of the puzzle eluded them. Suddenly, he wanted to finish this deal and get to the truly important part of his future. Just a few days ago, he’d have sworn the biofuel engine was the most significant development in his life but one sassy woman had changed his mind.

“What do you have, Jay?” Justin’s concerned grimace and insightful stare made it clear he shared the same train of thought.

“A present.” Jason pressed a quick peck to Alexa’s cheek as he set the documents down in front of her. More than a glancing touch and they wouldn’t get any work done. She rifled through the stack to get a sense of the information. On the third or fourth page she paused.

“Why didn’t I think of this?” She spoke to herself, engrossed in the data. Ignoring Justin’s bewildered look as he tried to interpret the rows of numbers, she began to organize the sheets into piles. She continued to talk to herself.

“We already know what that was for.” She crumpled one of the papers and tossed it into a heap of scrap metal that appeared to be bungled attempts at replicating the component.

“No.” She added another wad to the trash. “Nope. Got that one. Not it.” Garbage. Garbage. Garbage.

“I take it things haven’t been going well down here?” Jason raised an eyebrow at his brother.

“Using the notes, we were able to recreate all but one critical piece of the component.” He sighed. “We thought we had it but it looks like our friend trusted no one. For the vital connection he removed the full details of the materials used and replaced them with some kind of code. CP. We tried copper pipe, chrome plates, chipped platinum and any other conductors we could think of but, so far…” He shrugged wearily. Alexa swiveled around, displaying an invoice so they could read it. The letterhead stated
Chastal Partners—your source for fine specialty metals
. Below that, a quantity of one sat beside a single line item—
half-inch gold conduit.

“Tell me you have some,” she pleaded.

Justin yanked open a drawer. Things rattled and banged as he rummaged through it.

“One eighth, three quarters, one sixteenth…” He grinned, selecting a piece and screwing it onto the fitting. He dropped the component into the chamber and attached the necessary wires.

The three of them stood silent, staring at the completed engine.

“Go ahead, honey.” Justin rested his hand on Alexa’s lower back and Jason reached out to squeeze her left hand. “Start it up.”

She inhaled and looked at them in turn, then nodded. They held a collective breath as she pushed the ignition button.

The engine roared to life.

For a moment, they stood stunned. Then Alexa squealed and dragged them both to her, kissing Justin as her arm crushed Jason’s waist. She faced Jason. “You gave us the key.” She followed her words with a sweet, tender kiss that sucked the breath from his lungs.

He smirked as she turned to Justin. The pride and desire in her eyes melted his brother. Justin swooped back in for another quick kiss before she whispered, “And you made it work.”

They both said, “But we couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Jinx.” Her laughter was infectious.

She reached out and shut off the engine. “What do we do now?”

“I set up an appointment with a patent officer for first thing tomorrow morning. I knew you two would figure this out.” Jason had used his connections to score a time slot that usually took months to schedule. “There’s nothing else we can do until then.”

“I can think of a thing or two to pass the time.” Justin’s wicked smile left no room for misunderstanding. “Let’s celebrate.”


Chapter Nine

“I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Alexa purred.

She reclined on the huge, downy bed in what she had come to think of as her room. The twins alternated feeding her from a decadent selection of berries, cheese and champagne as they lay propped up on either side of her. Naked, their statuesque bodies made a feast for her eyes that rivaled the gourmet food they proffered.

“That would make Justin an angel, which is clearly not accurate.” Jason’s dry wit made her laugh and some of the sparkling wine Justin held out to her dribbled down her chin, onto her chest, landing above the lacy edge of her turquoise negligee. Both brothers had insisted she keep her underwear on until she ate, but the deepest hunger she had was for them.

She peeked up at Justin to find his stare glued to the curve of her breasts and the droplets of amber liquid pooling on them. Alexa turned to Jason, manipulating his sense of propriety by arching an eyebrow in false indignation. “You’re not going to let it stain my bra, are you?”

Justin growled from her other side as Jason’s head dipped down and his tongue flashed out, lapping up the spilled champagne. The flowing touch on her skin coaxed a moan from her.


Each brother took one of her shoulders and raised her up. Justin’s hand snaked behind her back and untied the top with one smooth flick of his fingers. They each peeled away a side of the garment. Justin removed it, flinging it over the side of the bed, while Jason continued to lick and suck her flesh. He lifted his head and reached for the bottle of expensive bubbly resting in a bucket of ice.

BOOK: Nice and Naughty
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