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Authors: Ecstasy

Nicole Jordan (4 page)

BOOK: Nicole Jordan
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“You don’t honestly want to see her tortured,” Kell asserted in a low voice.

“Yesh, I do!”

“What of the club? Do you want my reputation destroyed by a violent assault on a reputed lady?”

Grimacing, Sean brought his bottle to his lips. “Doan care,” he muttered.

Kell narrowed his gaze, belatedly wondering why Sean had brought Miss Kendrick here instead of to his own town house. Perhaps deep inside he’d wanted to be prevented from carrying out his planned vengeance. Or perhaps he’d purposely involved Kell in his machinations, bent on another sort of revenge….

Feeling a familiar ache at his brother’s festering resentment, Kell put a hand on his arm. “You should go home, Sean. You won’t find any further satisfaction by hurting her. Miss Kendrick’s reputation is thoroughly ruined now. Adequate enough revenge, wouldn’t you say?”

With a snarl, Sean shook off the restraining hand. “No! Not enough.”

Kell gave his brother a steady, intent stare. “Sean,” he said in a quiet, warning voice.

The younger man ducked his head, suddenly looking as if he might cry. After another glance at the helpless woman on the bed, however, he nodded drunkenly.

Kell led his brother to the main bedchamber door and unlocked it, glad to find Emma waiting anxiously in the corridor.

“Have someone take him home,” Kell murmured. “I will deal with him tomorrow when he’s in his right mind.”

“Yes, of course,” Emma said, putting a supporting arm around Sean’s waist and urging him toward the far staircase.

After watching them go, Kell shut the door softly, but he took a deep breath before turning to face his dilemma. What in hell’s name was he to do with the suffering, senseless woman in his bed?

Most certainly he couldn’t return her to her family in this pitiful condition. Indeed, for her own safety, he would have to keep a close eye on her. If the aphrodisiac she’d been given was even half as powerful as cantharides, she would be driven by sheer lust. And if left on her own, she might assault any man she encountered….

No, better to let her sleep off the drug and return her to her family in the morning.

Kell frowned. Raven Kendrick had thrown off the cover and was thrashing her bare legs feverishly, twisting her head side to side on the pillow. Steeling himself, he approached the bed.

She had turned onto her back, and her gossamer chemise did little to hide her sweet, firm breasts with their rose-hued nipples or the dark thatch of curls between her thighs. But it was the glorious raven tresses framing her heart-shaped face that held him momentarily spellbound—

Suddenly she reached out, her fingers clutching his arm with surprising strength as she gazed up at him, her eyes wide and unfocused. Kell found himself staring into deep pools of blue fringed by heavy lashes.

He cursed, damning the sudden quickening in his loins.

Yet, as if comforted by the sight of him, she abruptly stilled and let her eyes close. “My pirate,” she whispered. The faint smile that wreathed her delicate lips held incredible sensuality….

Hell and damnation.It was nearly impossible for him not to soften toward his beautiful, unwanted hostage. But he had to harden his heart if he had any chance of making it through the night unscathed without becoming her victim.

Extricating his arm from her astonishingly strong grasp, Kell went to the washstand to make certain the pitcher and basin held enough water to cool her fevered body. He’d seen the effects of a similar drug before, at a debauched revelry during his wilder days. She would eventually become hot as a volcano, simmering with sexual need, threatening to explode at any moment. Whatever pain she’d endured at his brother’s hands would pale in comparison to the torment she would experience from the drug if she didn’t find relief. And if he had the least measure of compassion, he would have to provide it for her, would have to help ease her suffering….

He glanced at the windows where a gray winter light still shone, grimly noting that it was late afternoon. Crossing to the fireplace, he stirred the embers and added a scoop of coal to counter the growing chill. He would have Emma bring up supper later.

At the bureau, Kell poured himself a generous glass of whiskey from a crystal decanter. Then gritting his teeth, he sank into the chair to wait, knowing it would doubtless be a long night.



Raven arched against her lover’s hand, desperately seeking the exquisite relief of his touch. Her senses were painfully acute. Her skin felt too tight, too sensitive, the ache between her legs unbearable.

“Please,” she begged, “make it stop.” She felt so feverish, so hot, as she wavered between illusion and awareness.

“Steady,” he murmured in reply, as if gentling a fractious mare.

His hand slipped inside her bodice and gently stroked the tender flesh of her breasts, playing over her taut nipples. She sighed at the soothing coolness of his palm offering her relief.

Her fantasy had never been so vivid, so intense. She was acutely aware of her pirate lover in a way she’d never experienced. The animal heat radiating from his body. The male musk of his skin. The delicious taste of his mouth. The demanding gentleness of his caresses…Nearly shaking with desire, she reached for him, wanting him with a blind, ferocious need.

He wanted her as well, she could tell. He hadn’t fully undressed, but beneath his breeches, he was hard, swollen, ready to take her. Yet when she touched his loins, he stiffened and drew back, out of reach.

His hand moved lower, though, down her body, slipping between her thighs, as if he knew exactly what she craved.

“Let me help you….”

She scarcely comprehended the words, but his voice sounded like poetry: dark, sensual, arousing. Whimpering, she lifted her hips to him and dug her fingers into the bedcovers.

His hands were magical against her moist, yearning flesh, assuaging the terrible sweet ache that consumed her. When he relentlessly increased the pressure, inciting a wild throbbing inside her, a cry of longing escaped her.

Still stroking, he bent to her, his lips finding her peaked nipple through her chemise. Wet, white heat scalded her through the thin fabric.

She moaned aloud at the sharpened pleasure, while his fingers continued to work their sorcery, ravishing her with tenderness.

His caresses roused her blood to liquid fire. She was simmering from the molten heat, assaulted by raw, unbridled feeling. She bucked in an effort to escape the intensity of it, but the dark velvet of his voice urged her on.

“That’s it, let go….”

Thrashing her head, she strained against his hand, begging him to take her. How she longed to feel him inside her! But still he refused. Yet to her profound relief, he slid his fingers deep within her, penetrating her slick cleft. She felt her pulse racing, her blood pounding at the hot, voluptuous sensation. She was burning, crying out for fulfillment. She writhed with the frenzied need coursing through her, her body shuddering as her hips undulated.

The rush of sensation ruthlessly intensified, and she went wild with excitement. An instant later she screamed as agonizing pleasure tore through her senses, erupting in pulsating waves, her climax so prolonged, she thought she might die of the painful bliss.

For an endless moment, she shook in uncontrollable spasms as he continued to wring every last drop of relentless pleasure from her quivering flesh. Finally she fell back, delicious rapture washing through her exhausted body. Her limbs felt limp and heavy and utterly boneless as the fiery heat cooled….

Turning to him, she nuzzled her face gratefully into the hard wall of his chest and sank into sleep.

Kell bit back a low curse, keenly aware of the effect Raven Kendrick’s meagerly clad body had on him. After nearly four hours of attending her, the pain in his loins was excruciating.

He had relieved her suffering as much as was humanly possible, yet he couldn’t relieve his own. She was his captive, completely at his mercy. What kind of bounder would take advantage of her drugged state? Even if shewas burning to have a man between her legs?

Whatever aphrodisiac she had been given was more powerful than any he knew of. It had made her sexually insatiable and frantic for a lover. Despite his skill, manual stimulation wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her. She would need more, woulddemand more….

He eased back, away from her warmth, but that slightest bit of distance was scarcely an improvement. He should have put out the lamp. Her shift was dampened from the many times he had bathed her feverish skin, and the cambric had molded itself in a transparent film to her body. The rigid peaks of her nipples strained against the delicate fabric.

Involuntarily his gaze drifted down her body, over her slender hips and thighs, and lower, where her shift rode up. Those long, naked legs were so slim and lovely. It was too damned easy to imagine them wrapped tightly around his flanks as he took her—

His arousal throbbed sharply in anticipation.

He drew a slow breath, trying to ease the brutal tension in his body. Her condition would likely last for hours, and he had to find the strength to resist her allure.

Averting his gaze from her body, he instead focused on her face. In sleep she didn’t resemble a heartless bitch. On the contrary she looked appealingly vulnerable, with her long lashes fanned out against her smooth cheeks.

He’d rarely seen any woman so arrestingly lovely, but hers was an unconventional beauty: fresh, vivid, wholly enchanting. And her mouth…that sensual, provocative mouth was parted in sleep….

He had tried to avoid kissing that incredible mouth, but she had clutched at him, raising her face to his, imploring him. And in a lamentable moment of weakness, he’d given in, tasting her warmth.

“Witless fool,” Kell muttered accusingly to himself. He hadn’t wanted her to taste so sweet and hot.

She moved closer just then, pressing against him, and Kell tensed. He’d removed his boots and coat but left on his other garments as a barrier between them so he wouldn’t be tempted by the intimate contact of skin to skin. Yet clothing had proven little protection.

“My splendid pirate…” she murmured, curling her fingers on his chest.

Pirate? That was the second time she had called him that. He raised an eyebrow as he caught her hand and urgently removed it from his body. What would a blue-blooded debutante know about pirates? But then she obviously had more depth of experience than any unwed young lady rightfully should.

In truth, he’d been frankly surprised by her evident carnal knowledge—and by her boldness. He could well understand how she’d teased and tormented his brother into forgetting his own name.

She stirred against him, and Kell knew his temporary reprieve had ended. With a resigned sigh, he reached down to give her what she craved.

His hand claimed the softness of her, and instantly he felt moisture, warm and silky, coat his fingers. When he slid them along her drenched cleft, she whimpered gratefully.

He stroked her for a moment, then penetrated her warmth with his fingers, sliding inside her hot passage. She moaned and twisted under his caresses, clutching at his shoulders as she tried to get even closer.

The movement of her body only sharpened his desire, and Kell clenched his jaw against the pain. She was like live fire to his touch: beautiful, hot, wild.

His own breath was ragged by the time she climaxed for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight. Her cry was sharp and agonized, her body arching and shuddering in his restraining arms.

He held her close until the feverish tempest within her had stilled. As soon as she relaxed, though, he eased away, not knowing how much more torture he could endure.

Taking advantage of the lull, he closed his eyes, needing a moment’s rest. What he really should do was stroke himself to assuage the savage ache….

He must have dozed off, for he woke to the most incredible sensations. A dark-haired woman was leaning over him, staging a delectable assault on his helpless body. She had unbuttoned the front flap of his breeches and was trailing her lips over his swollen erection, ravishing him as he slept….

His hand curled in her raven hair, urging her on—

Startled awareness made him go rigid.

Wide awake now, Kell caught her hands and dragged them to her sides. A mistake, he realized, for she only leaned closer, giving him a perfect view of her bare swelling breasts that now spilled over the bodice of her shift. Ripe and rose-hued, they loomed eager for a man’s caress…his caress.

A lightning stroke of desire surged through him.

Dragging his gaze from her luscious breasts, he found himself staring up into wide sapphire pools that were glazed with passion.

“I will never love him, I swear,” she murmured huskily. She bent even closer, her tantalizing mouth hovering over his. “I am yours. Only yours…”

“Bloody hell,” Kell muttered under his breath. He’d refused to take advantage of Raven Kendrick’s slumberous state, but she had done just that to him in her hunger for a man.

And he wasn’t a damned saint—far from it. The temptation to take her was so great, he could feel himself yielding.

She kissed him then, her tongue sliding enticingly into his mouth, seeking. In self-defense, he shifted his hands to push her away, but her nipples stabbed his palms.

Kell groaned. When she straddled his hips, he no longer could summon the will to resist. She was feverish with wanting, every flame-hot inch of her ripe for the taking, and he intended to allow her to have what she craved.

He grasped her hips, lifting her slightly and easing her onto his huge erection, drawing a harsh breath at the exquisite feel of her sleek heat….

Suddenly she stiffened. She gave a sharp, twisting movement, trying to impale herself on his rigid shaft, but then she stopped, a look of quivering surprise on her face.

A startled surprise that Kell shared. Shock reverberated through him at her virginal tightness. She was untouched by a man….

Frantically he jerked his hips, withdrawing from her chaste body and holding her away.

She looked down at him in bewilderment, her hair a tangle around her beautiful face, her glazed eyes pleading.

BOOK: Nicole Jordan
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