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Authors: Alien Savior

Nicole Krizek (8 page)

BOOK: Nicole Krizek
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Kor walked over to the table and picked up one side, moving it so that it was perpendicular to the large padded lounger behind it. He sat on the lounger and told Ty, in a gravely voice, “Bring her over here.”

Ty, used to Kor’s dominance during sex, walked her backwards until she was standing in front of Kor with her back facing him. He reached up and grabbed Lacy’s hips and brought her down to sit on his lap, facing Ty. He encouraged her to lean back against him and used his hands to hook her knees over his thighs. As he spread his legs, hers opened up even wider gifting Ty with a perfect view of her pink paradise.

“By the Gods, Lacy…” Ty managed to say before trailing off and kneeling between their open thighs.

Kor ran his hands down, over her breasts, over her soft stomach, and down farther, watching his dark hands over her white skin. When he got to her nest of brown curls he used his fingers and spread her open, even wider, to Ty’s gaze.

“Taste her Ty.” he said gruffly while Lacy moaned at his words. “I know how much you want to.”



Lacy’s breathing sped up the closer Ty got to her pussy that throbbed with want. Every beat of her heart made her clit throb and she couldn’t stop herself from squirming in Kor’s hold. Finally, Ty was close enough and licked up along her entire cleft. He rocked back and closed his eyes in bliss,
then he latched his mouth onto her pussy and devoured her. Kor let go of the lips of her pussy to hold her steady on his lap against the onslaught of Ty’s passion.

He cupped her breasts, pinched her nipples, and Lacy let out a cry and almost arched off of him. She could feel it building, she was so close, and was trying to hold it off, but when Ty suddenly pumped two fingers into her tight channel she couldn’t help but fly apart. He sucked on her clit and pumped his fingers while she covered Kor’s hands in her own and encouraged him to pinch her roughly while she came.

When the tremors finally subsided, she looked down to see Ty beaming up at her.

“That was the best breakfast I’ve ever had.” He said smiling with her juices on his lips.

She laughed weakly, still recovering from her pleasure, and she felt Kor’s hard cock against her lower back. She remembered her fantasies of riding him while he was seated and immediately regained her strength.

She was mindful of his manhood as she sat up and turned so she sat straddling his hips. She leaned forward slowly and rubbed her breasts back and forth against his chest before whispering in his ear, “I’ve fantasized about you on this seat...”

She stopped to run her tongue around the shell of his ear and felt his breath catch. “And also in your chair in the Command Center...”

She latched onto his earlobe with her teeth while rotating her hips and lining his cock up with her center. “Will you let me have you like this?”

Kor was clearly at the end of his control because he put his hands on her hips and raised her enough for his cock to stand upright then brought her back down, impaling her with his hard length. She cried out at the sudden invasion but needed no encouragement, she lifted herself back up and repeated.

Suddenly, Ty was on her left side, his cock aligned with her mouth. She immediately latched onto him, closed her eyes, and began bobbing her head in time to her bounces on Kor’s cock. She felt Kor’s hair brush her chest and when she opened her eyes she saw him slouching on the lounger to line up his mouth to Ty’s cock as well. While she bobbed her head up and down his length, Kor dipped his mouth down to Ty’s balls and drew first one, then both, into his mouth.

Ty moaned loudly and wrapped a hand around each of their heads. When Lacy pulled back for a moment to catch her breath and relax her stretched jaw, Kor was right there, taking Ty’s cock in his mouth and continuing where she left off. Lacy massaged Ty’s balls and the sensitive area behind them. 

Their motions became more frantic the closer they came to the precipice and it was Lacy that went over the edge first.
When she cried out, “Oh God! I’m coming!”, each of the males’ control seemed to snap.

Ty thrust into Kor’s mouth a couple of times before throwing back his head and shouting his release to the ceiling. Kor had barely caught all of Ty’s seed before he gave a final thrust into Lacy’s
sheath, that was still clenching around his cock, and, he too, climaxed.

She fell against Kor’s chest with her face towards Ty, who had managed to slide his way down and plant his butt on the lounger. Kor wrapped his left arm around her and his right around Ty, drawing him closer to their side.

They stayed like that for a while, allowing them all to calm their racing hearts.

Lacy had thought that having sex with two men at the same time would be too intense and too difficult to coordinate, but with these two men it felt natural. Even better than that; she felt empowered!

She was perfectly content to lay there, sprawled across Kor’s chest, and be held by her mates.

“So, how long are Arathian engagements?” She asked after a time.

Kor looked confused “Engagement? What do you mean?”

“It’s the time between when you ask me to be your mate and the time we have the ceremony to finalize it.”

The men gave each other a look, but it was Ty that said, “Little Lacy, we have no such engagements in our culture. Our mating is already finalized.”

She sat up, shocked at his answer, and looked from one to the other. “When did that happen?”

“When you agreed to become our mate.” Ty explained. “You see, in our society we do not have a ceremony. The moment when the offer to mate is accepted is the moment it is final, although usually later there is a celebration of the union with our family and friends.”

Kor touched her cheek gently. “Do you regret your decision to mate with us?” He sounded so forlorn that she couldn’t respond fast enough.

“No! No, not at all. I’m just surprised.” When they both relaxed she continued, “You see on Earth, when two people agree to get married, there is usually a long period of time before the wedding while they plan it out. They’re considered engaged until the ceremony where they exchange vows and rings before their loved ones. Only then are they considered married, or mated in your words.”

“That sounds like a lot of hassle.” Kor grumbled.

“Oh it usually is. And expensive. I like your way of settling things better, although I might miss not getting a wedding ring.” She held out her left hand for emphasis, but the moment was interrupted by Kor’s stomach rumbling.

Ty laughed as he got up, gloriously naked, and started towards the counter where Kor had left the food. She noticed Kor watching Ty’s movements with rapt interest and was fascinated by the relationship. A relationship, she realized, she knew very little about.

“So, how long have you two been together?” She asked as she settled back against Kor’s chest.

“Why don’t you take that one?” Ty said from his position at the cook top where he was heating some kind of dark food that Kor had already prepared.

Kor smiled at her and said, “We’ve been mated for eight years. We met aboard the Adastra. Ty was the Chief Geneticist, one of the leading geneticists in the search for a cure,” Kor said with pride, “and I was the second-in-command of the ship. He always worked very hard, studying the various races we came across for compatibility, and mostly stayed in his lab working long hours. I actually didn’t meet him until a few months into our mission when I was attacked at a colony and had to go to the Med Center for treatment.” When her look became one of concern he added, “I wasn’t badly hurt, so don’t you worry.”

He planted a kiss to her forehead to reassure her, but Ty ruined his efforts by laughing from his place at the
cooktop. “You and I obviously remember that differently. I clearly remember the wound that that serrated sword left in your side.”

Lacy’s eyes went wide and she ran her hands and eyes all over his torso looking for the scar. She found it on his left side, just below his pectoral and she bent to give the scar a tender kiss.

“My poor Kor.” She said.

“Don’t feel too sorry for him Lacy,” Ty called out from across the room shaking his head, “he started the fight on that colony, and then, after he dragged himself onto one of my examination tables, he refused any numbing medication before I closed the wound. Any pain he felt was his own doing.”

She turned wide eyes to Kor. “Is that true?” She asked.

“No, not all of it.
I didn’t start the fight, a Grungle did. He was cheating at the game we were taking bets on and I didn’t appreciate that. Not to mention that he was also wanted by the local law enforcement, so really, I was doing the colony a favor.” He said, smirking.

She looked at him skeptically, but allowed him to continue his story.

“So, I was in the Med Center, all sewn back together, and I could tell that Ty had been eyeing me while he was treating me, so I…”

“Wait!” Ty shouted, interrupting Kor’s story. “I was eying you? You’re the one that couldn’t keep your hands to yourself while I was closing that hole in your side, and you’re the one that followed me into that supply room to run your hands all over my cock, even
though  you could barely stand from the blood loss.”

Kor set Lacy down gently on the lounger before standing up and walking over to stand next to Ty. Lacy had to strain to hear his words.

“You thought I was plenty strong when I had you pinned against the wall with my hand around your cock, pleasuring you till you came.” Kor said in a low rumble.

Ty seemed to go soft, probably remembering their time in the supply closet, while his cock stood ready for more.

“Oh yeah, I remember now.” He said, still dazed.

Kor seemed satisfied with his answer and smacked Ty on his ass before sauntering back to where Lacy was sitting. Ty had given a little yelp, but then smiled and continued cooking.

Kor rearranged her back onto his lap and Ty brought over a couple of plates, piled high, with delicious smelling food. They both began to steadily feed her small bites from the plates.

“So were you
guys inseparable after the… uh… supply closet action?” She asked with a smile.

Ty laughed, “Not quite, but I was much more willing to spend my free time out of the Med Center’s lab after that.”

She turned to Kor, “Was your relationship a problem when you became the captain?”

“No. Ty and I were already mated by then and there are no rules against it.”

“How did you become captain? Or do I not want to know?” she asked.

He smiled at her a little sadly. “Our captain was badly injured in a fight with a
Voro-Anim battleship. The console he was using overloaded and he was caught by the blast. He survived, but was unable to continue his duties.”

Kor seemed saddened by the memory and Lacy felt guilty that she had asked.

“We were able to locate a transport ship that was heading back to Arath and they took him back for recovery and rehabilitation.”

“Is he alright now?” Lacy asked, scared of the answer.

Ty answered, “Yes, he was able to get surgeries back on Arath that I couldn’t have preformed aboard the ship. Last we heard he was enjoying retirement with his mates.”

“Good, I’m glad he’s alright.” She didn’t want her mates to feel sad and they obviously respected and cared for their previous captain.

Once she was full, and the men finished every last bite of food on the plates, they decided to get cleaned up in case they met with the Adastra sooner than planned. Lacy gathered her dress and put it back on, but she noticed that she had begun to smell a little ripe.

Ty saw her wrinkle her nose and softly laughed, “Would you like to clean yourself as well?”

She immediately brightened. “Can I?” she asked.

“Of course you can
..” He held his hand out to her, “Come, I’ll show you.”

Kor broke off at the Command Center. “I will meet you later. I just want to check the sensors again.” He kissed Lacy on the cheek and strode through the doors, still wonderfully nude.

Ty and Lacy caught each other watching his butt flex as he walked away and had to share a laugh.

“He is magnificent, isn’t he?” Ty asked.

“Oh yeah, you both are.” She suddenly had a distressing thought, “Do all the Arathian men have bodies like you two?” If so then she was in serious trouble of visual overload if she was on a ship full of them.

Ty seemed to give the question a lot of thought before answering as they walked to the sleeping chamber. “Kor and I are of average height and size for Arathian males, and most keep
themselves physically fit, but you’re right if you’re thinking that Kor is especially attractive,” he said with a cocky grin. “there are very few males who measure up to him in terms of physique or mental acuity.”

“Then I’m a very lucky girl because I got a two-

She laughed at his quizzical look.
“Never mind.” She said between chuckles. “I just meant that I’m doubly-lucky because I have him and you. Both prime specimens of your race.”

They stopped at the opened door to their room and she took the chance to run her hands over his chest, enjoying the feel of his hard muscles, encased in soft, caramel-colored, hairless skin. She certainly was a lucky girl, especially when his cock started to harden and was soon reaching for her body. She gave him a naughty smile and then stepped into the bedroom.

BOOK: Nicole Krizek
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