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Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #David_James

Night After Night (27 page)

BOOK: Night After Night
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Once he let her up for air, she expressed one of her concerns. “My career and touring might make things difficult for us to be together on a regular basis,” she said, unsure how he felt about that.

“We’ll find a way to make it all work,
” he promised, making it clear he was supportive of her career. “You being gone isn’t going to be for forever. I’ll fly out to see you on tour on my days off, and I have a lot of vacation time I still need to take. All that matters is that you’ll always come home to

Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “I will,



Zoe finished rinsing the dinner dishes and loaded them into her father’s dishwasher. Since the incident with Sheila, Zoe had made a point of stopping by his house at least a few times a week to check up on Grant, and this evening she’d baked him a casserole, which they’d both enjoyed for dinner.

She figured in another hour she’d head home. With the opening of her boutique happening that weekend, there was so much she needed to get done. But spending time with her father had become equally important to her, especially after how close she’d come to losing him.

With the kitchen cleaned, she headed to the wet bar in the living room and poured a snifter of the cognac her father liked to drink after dinner, then took the glass to him where he was sitting in his favorite leather recliner.

“Thank you, honey,” he said with a smile. “Though I could have gotten the drink myself. I’m perfectly fine, you know.”

“Yeah, I do know,” she replied good-naturedly. Her father had received a clean bill of health from his doctor and had returned to work. The Meridian project was back in progress, and things were looking up for her father’s company, despite the embezzlement issue.

She sat down on the couch and curled her legs beneath her. “While I’m here, just let me spoil you a little bit, okay?”

Amusement danced in his eyes as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. “Problem is, I might get used to being waited on.”

She quirked a brow at him. “In that case, you need to find yourself a wife,” she teased.

He swallowed a drink of cognac and chuckled. “And you need to find yourself a husband to dote on, instead of me.”

Her father meant it as a joke, of course, but his comment made her heart squeeze tight and caused images of Sean to fill her head. “You’re the only man I have time for right now, Dad,” she lied. Truth was, while her days were full and busy, her nights were excruciatingly empty and lonely without Sean around. She missed not having someone to share the day’s events with, to bounce ideas off of, to be physically and emotionally intimate with.

The doorbell rang, startling Zoe from her thoughts. She glanced curiously at her father. “Were you expecting company?” A silly question, considering the only way someone could get to her father’s house was if he had given the guard at the main gate the name of the visitor.

“Yes, I am expecting someone.” Her father didn’t move from his comfortable position on the recliner. Instead, he focused on his drink and said, “Would you mind getting the door?”

She narrowed her gaze. “I thought you said you were perfectly fine and didn’t want me waiting on you.”

“I know what I said, but the person at the door is more for you than me.”

Curious now, she got to her feet and headed to the foyer just as the person rang the doorbell again. She opened the door and wondered if she was dreaming. A wonderful, sexy dream starring the man who’d become a part of her heart and soul.

Pulse racing, she blinked again, but the apparition didn’t disappear, which told her the man standing in front of her was flesh-and-blood real. “Sean?”

He smiled past the nervousness she saw in his eyes. “Hi, Zoe.”

Still, she stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was doing at her father’s house.

“Invite him in, honey,” Zoe heard her father say from the living room. “He’s welcome here.”

She snapped herself out of her shock and opened the door wider for him to enter. “Yes, come in.”

Sean followed her into the adjoining room. Her father stood from his chair, and Sean walked up to Grant and shook his hand. “Hello, sir.”

Grant nodded in a friendly greeting. “Good to see you, Sean.”

What was going on? Head spinning with confusion, she looked at her father. “What is he doing here?”

“He called me at work today and we had a nice chat about things that had happened in the past and, most important, you,” her father said, though he didn’t get into specifics. “When I told Sean you were coming over for dinner tonight, he asked if he could stop by to talk to you.”

She switched her gaze back to Sean, realizing there was something different about him but unable to put her finger on what it was that had changed. “Why didn’t you just call and tell me you wanted to talk to me?”

He shifted on his feet, looking more uncertain than she’d ever seen him. “Considering how we parted ways at the hospital, I wasn’t sure you’d
to talk to me.”

“On that note, I’m going to retire upstairs and let the two of you work things out.” Grant walked over to Zoe, pressed a light kiss on her cheek, and said in a low voice, “He’s a good man, Zoe, and he deserves a second chance.”

She had no idea what her father and Sean had discussed on the telephone, but she didn’t need her dad to tell her what kind of man Sean was. She already knew. But it was nice to know that her father thought highly of Sean, respected him even.

Once her dad was gone, she folded her arms over her chest and faced Sean again, waiting patiently for him to speak.

After a moment, he did. “When I took on this case through The Reliance Group, my main goal was to find your father and deal out a bit of justice for what he did to my dad,” Sean began, his intense blue eyes bright and clear. “But instead I met the sweetest, most amazing woman. A woman with the ability to believe the best in the people she cared about. Including me. That’s never happened before.”

With each word he spoke she felt herself relax, felt the tension drain from her body, and she couldn’t resist stating the obvious. “That’s because you hadn’t met the right woman before me,” she said, injecting a bit of humor into the conversation.

“So true,” he admitted, and grinned. “You saw the good in me, even when I didn’t think there was anything decent left because of the things I’d done in the past.”

“What changed?” she asked, needing to know.

“I paid a visit to my father in prison and we had a long-overdue heart-to-heart about a lot of things. It made me realize I was hanging on to a lot of shit that just doesn’t matter anymore and it was past time to let it go and move on with my life.”

For Sean, the revelation was huge. “Did you figure out what does matter?”

“You,” he replied without hesitation, his voice stronger and more certain than she’d ever heard it before. He approached her and clasped both of her hands in his bigger, stronger ones, holding on tight. “
matter. And what I feel for you matters.”

Hope swelled in her heart, filling it to overflowing. “I like the way that sounds.”

It was then that she realized what was different about Sean. He was calmer now, more at peace with the man he was. The blame and recriminations he’d carried with him for so long were gone, and she knew he’d finally forgiven himself for the past.

“I want you in my life, Zoe,” he said, entwining their fingers so they were intimately connected. “I
you in my life. You make me want to be a better man. A great husband, and the best father possible.”

Before she could respond to that, he dropped to one knee in front of her and pushed his hand into his front pocket, trying awkwardly to retrieve something from inside.

Unable to make sense of his sudden move, she frowned. “What are you doing?”

“I’m only going to do this once in my lifetime, so I want to do it right,” he said seriously, and finally withdrew a small black velvet box.

Picking up her left hand, he flipped open the top of the jeweler’s box and presented her with a generous-sized diamond solitaire engagement ring. “Will you marry me, Zoe Russo?” he asked, his voice wavering ever so slightly with nerves. “Will you be my wife, the mother of our children, and the woman I spend the rest of my life with?”

She was so shocked by his unexpected proposal, so elated, she couldn’t speak.

“I’ve already talked to your father, and he gave us his blessing,” Sean rushed on to assure her. “All you need to do is say yes.”

Not that she needed her father’s permission to accept Sean’s proposal, but it was nice to know her dad approved of the man she planned to marry.

“With you by my side, I know I can have all the things I never believed I deserved,” he said when she took too long to give him an answer. “A real home. A complete family. Love and total acceptance.”

Seeing just how anxious he was, she knelt in front of him on the carpeted floor, so that they were face-to-face and on equal ground, which was how she intended for their life together to be. Equal, in all ways.

She reached out, laid her palm against his cheek, and smiled. “Yes, Sean O’Brien. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Thank God,” she heard him mutter, right before he slipped the ring on her finger. Then he slid his hand around to the back of her neck and brought her mouth to his for a hungry, possessive, forever kind of kiss.

Losing herself in the wonderful, splendid moment, she fisted her fingers in his shirt and tipped backward, so that she was flat on her back and he was on top of her, right where she wanted him to be. She moaned as he settled his hips between her thighs and gasped as his hand squeezed her breast.

Even as the heat of desire spiked inside of her, she realized that there was one very important thing missing from his proposal. She tangled her fingers in his hair and slowly, reluctantly, pulled his head back until he was staring down at her.

“I think there’s still something left for you to say,” she said huskily.

He thought long and hard, then understanding dawned in his eyes. “‘I love you’?”

She laughed in amusement. “Is that a question?”

“Hell, no. It’s the truth.” He grinned, looking like a man who had everything he wanted in life and more. “I love you, Zoe Russo. And damn, but it feels good!”

She sighed, the sound blissful even to her own ears. “Yeah, it does feel good, doesn’t it?”

“Don’t you have something to say to me, too?” He gave her a mock-stern look.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing again when he was trying to be so serious. “I love you, too,” she said, staring up at his gorgeous face. “But you already knew that.”

“Yeah, I did,” he said as he lowered his head and touched his lips to hers. “I just like hearing you say it.”

He kissed her again, the intoxicating blend of passion and emotion heightening the pleasure escalating within her. His hands moved over her body, seeking, caressing, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, groaning as the hard length of him caused a scintillating heat and friction between her thighs that made her restless and wild.

She wanted him naked, and she wanted him inside her.

With a low, deep growl, he tore his mouth from hers. He was breathing hard, and the hot need blazing in his eyes told her he wanted the same thing.

“We need to get out of here, because there are so many inappropriate things I want to do to you right now,” he said, his voice vibrating with the sexy threat. “And for that we need a whole lot of privacy.”

She shivered, knowing they had a lot of great sex to make up for. Knowing, too, that her father would understand when he found them gone.

“Then what are you waiting for?” she asked as she gave Sean a sassy, sexy smile. “Take me home.”

St. Martin’s Paperbacks Titles by Janelle Denison

Into the Night

Night After Night

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.




Copyright © 2011 by Janelle Denison.


All rights reserved.


For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.


ISBN: 978-1-4299-5018-3


St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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