Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance
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“Yes,” I moaned. “Ravish me.” I closed my eyes, picturing him in Viking furs and carrying me back to his longboat. I was his plunder tonight. He vanquished Talon and had claimed me.

I squeezed my thighs together as the liquid heat burned hotter inside me.

A raven cawed. I barely spotted the black bird sitting on a telephone pole. It almost seemed like it watched me.

The electric lock of his motel room whined and the door clicked. He threw it open and carried me inside the motel room. I gasped as he threw me down on the bed, my body bouncing in delight as he stood over me. My purse fell out of my hand and tumbled across the bed and fell to the floor.

He peeled off his vest. His body was all hard, tan muscles. “You are just delicious, Raven. You walk with the beauty of the night.”

I blushed as he moved to the bed. “Such eloquence from an outlaw.”

“Beauty can stir even a beast's heart,” he growled before his lips captured mine again. I moaned, stretched out on the bed, as his hands roamed the fabric of my dress. I savored his kiss as his touch ignited my body. 

I was breathless when he broke the kiss and eager to help him remove my clothes. He slipped the dress's straps from my shoulders. I sat up so he could unzip me. The dress became loose, slipping off my naked breasts. I lifted my hips so he could wiggle it down my legs and toss it to the floor. I shivered as his gaze drank in my quivering breasts.

Magnus went to them, nuzzling with his whiskered cheeks. I shuddered as the rough stubble slid across my sensitive nipples. They were hard and pink, sending delicious shivers down to my burning sex. His lips engulfed one, sucking hard. I bucked and squirmed, my thighs working against each other, trying to take the edge off my clit.

“Yes,” I purred, running my fingers through his wild, blond hair.

Magnus sucked harder while his hands roamed my body. He touched me everywhere: my flat stomach, my trembling arms, my sleek legs, and the curve of my neck. I grew wetter and wetter with each brush of his fingertips.

And then he found my panties.

I sucked in a breath as his finger dipped beneath the lacy waistband. He pushed in deeper, brushing the neatly trimmed, golden curls of pubic hair adorning my pudenda. I bit my lips, squirming more as he pushed deeper, reaching for my dripping sex.

“Yes, Magnus,” I gasped as his finger brushed my clitoris. My hips rose from the bed as a hot flash of pleasure shot through me.

His mouth sucked harder as he played with my clit, rubbing and caressing. The bed creaked beneath the ardor of his touch. My pussy clenched as the pleasure built. His bike had teased me the entire trip, priming me for his skilled touch. Magnus knew what he was doing. He played my body and I sang for him.

“Yes,” I gasped as my orgasm rolled hot through me. My past two lovers had never made me cum. I had barely even experienced that joy when I masturbated.

My eyes fluttered as bliss exploded through my mind. I shuddered and moaned, savoring every jolt of pleasure. My breath came in rapid sighs as my hips rose from the bed again. When I crashed back down, I realized Magnus was pulling off my panties. 

I was naked before him. Instinctively, I pressed my thighs together. His eyes were hungry. I parted for him. I wanted this sexy biker to ravish me. His hands caressed up my thighs to a pussy aching and dripping with passion.

“I'm more than ready,” I moaned. “Take me.”

“But I haven't devoured you.” He licked his lips.

I shuddered. My girlfriends had whispered about their boyfriends going down on them. “Eat me, big, bad wolf.”

Magnus lowered his face, his eyes locked on mine. I watched him over my heaving breasts. His breath was warm on my flushed sex. I shuddered as he teased me. He was just inches away. I moaned, my pussy clenching in anticipation. His finger was skilled. I hoped his mouth was, too.

I had nothing to worry about.

“Oh, my big, bad wolf!” I moaned, my eyes squeezing shut as ecstasy burned through my body.

His tongue was skilled. He swirled through all my folds. I never realized just how many wonderful spots there were down there. I savored every moment of his fingers and tongue caressing me. He alternated with long licks up my entire slit ending at my clit to short, almost sucking, swipes.

Magnus slipped two fingers into my tunnel as he feasted on me. I gripped the sheets, my back arching again as the pleasure burned through me. I sucked in deep breaths as I let the pleasure build and build. This was everything I wanted. I loved it. He was amazing.

Those thick fingers pumped inside of me. Warm fuzzies rippled up my nerves, bathing my mind with bliss. I humped my hips, grinding on his face. My toes curled as the pleasure kept building. I tossed my head back, sucking in deep breaths. Oh, god, it was amazing.

“My big, bad wolf!” I moaned as I bucked my hips, the pleasure swelling inside me. “Oh, yes. You're going to make me...again.” 

“Good!” he growled. “Let yourself go for once. Enjoy the passion.”

“Yes!” The pleasure burned through me. The orgasm was even more intense than the first. My stomach contracted as the pleasure rippled through me. I rose and slammed back down on the bed as Magnus kept eating me. His fingers pumped in and out of me, caressing all the delights in my depths. The pleasure reached a peak. I never wanted this to end. I never wanted this night to end.

Magnus moved up my body, kissing as I shuddered. I savored the wonderful, buzzing bliss tingling my body. He reached my lips, kissing me hard. I didn't mind the taste of my pussy staining his lips. The tangy musk excited me. My hands slid down his strong body. I found his rippling abs and then his belt buckle. I fumbled at it as he kissed me. I pried open his belt and unfastened his pants. 

I pushed his jeans off his hips, followed by his cotton boxers. A hard cock spilled out, brushing my belly. I grasped it, stroking him. He was thick and long. My pussy clenched. Neither of my last two partners had his girth.

Would it hurt? He was so thick.

I didn't care. I pushed his cock down, the tip sliding across my belly and then between my thighs. Magnus's hands grasped my legs, pulling them up as I guided him to my opening. I was his to ravish tonight.

Magnus broke the kiss. His blue eyes stared into mine. Oh, why did he have to have such gorgeous eyes? Why did he have to be so sweet? Why did he have to be a dangerous biker?

“Magnus!” I moaned as he plunged into me.

My flesh stretched around his cock. My toes arched. There was some pain as my pussy adjusted to his girth, but there was far more pleasure. I was filled by a man. My hands slid up his muscular sides, pulling him down as he thrust with power into me.

The bed creaked as we made love. I writhed and bucked beneath him. The pleasure his cock churned inside my pussy inspired me. Every stroke sent wonderful waves of pleasure through me. I gasped and groaned as our flesh slapped together, his pubic bone grinding on my clit.

I held him tight, our foreheads pressed together as our bodies undulated. My hard nipples scraped on his muscular chest. My silken skin rubbed against his body. Everywhere our flesh touched was another spice to the delicious pleasure churned in my pussy.

“Are you an angel?” he asked as he slammed into me. “How did you fall into my lap this evening?”

“I don't know,” I moaned as I bucked. “It's just our lucky night.”

“Just a lucky night?”

“Yes!” I moaned. “A night that will never end! Oh, yes!”

My heart beat faster. I never wanted to look away. I wanted to be loved by him forever. But I was afraid. He was so strong and passionate. He was so dangerous. My life would be so complicated. I couldn't let myself love him.

My orgasm suddenly burst through me. All my fears were banished. I just shuddered in his arms and let his passion devour me. My fears could wait for morning. Tonight I would burn with passion with my big, bad wolf.

His thrusts grew harder. Magnus kissed me as the bed groaned with the force of his hips. A second orgasm churned through me. And then, with a growl, he erupted into me. I held him, savoring the intimacy.

For tonight, he was all mine. And I was his.

~   ~   ~

Odin, the one-eyed god, stared down at the corpse of his son. A raven, perched on his shoulder, cawed. Baldur no longer glowed. The javelin of mistletoe had pierced through his heart. “How did this happen?”

“The mistletoe was too young when all in Midgard swore their oaths to never harm our son,” the matronly goddess answered as she stepped forward. Frigg dropped to her knees and cradled the head of her son. A tear fell from her cheek and splashed on his handsome face. None was more beautiful to look upon than Baldur. “This cannot go unanswered.” 

“It won't,” the one-eyed god growled to his wife. “My Valkyrie will find justice.”

The grieving goddess looked up. “Your Valkyrie was here when our son died. Find another. She is tainted. This cannot be a coincidence. Our son's murderer plays a game, and she will be his piece.”

“Maybe,” the one-eyed god said, a smile cracking his lips. “But what a piece she will be. The murderer may find her harder to control than he thinks. Sigurd was her mother and Ragnar her father.”

~   ~   ~


Magnus still slept when I woke up, his naked body half-wrapped by sheets. I smiled, my body still buzzing on the passion of last night. I had never experienced such love. But he scared me. Scars and tattoos covered his hard body. He wasn't afraid of violence. Last night, he didn't hesitate to punch Talon.

He was dangerous and sexy. My heart beat, begging me to stay as I gathered up my dress. But it would never work out. He was a biker and I was a barista. I pulled on my dress and panties before finding my purse on the floor. Half its contents had spilled out on the threadbare carpet. I grabbed my phone, its charger, lipstick, keys, my compact mirror, packets of moist towelettes, and a pair of tampons and dropped them into my purse.

Magnus rolled over; I froze. If he woke up, I would never leave. Those blue eyes were so intense. I padded to the door. Creeping out of the motel room was the hardest thing I had ever done. My stomach twisted with regret as I gently closed the door behind me.

“This is the right thing to do,” I reminded myself.

A raven cawed as it perched on electric wires. Had it been there all night?

Across the street was a Denny's. I rushed across the highway and entered. The waitress gave me a knowing look. I flushed. My tangled hair and rumpled dress advertised what I had last night—a one night stand.

Not looking the waitress in the eye, I headed for a booth. There was an outlet beneath the table. I plugged in my phone. Once it turned on, I called Haleigh to come rescue me.

I doubted I would ever see Magnus again, but I would always remember him.

~   ~   ~


The sunlight streaming through the window woke me up. I groaned, rolling over, reaching for Raven.

She wasn't in bed.

I sat up, looking around. She was such a passionate woman. Tall and fierce. When Talon had grabbed her, she hadn't screamed or cried. She fought against him. Raven was a warrior. I had never met a woman like that. The moment I saw her walking through the fog, I knew this woman was special.

And she was gone.

There would be hell to pay for assaulting Talon. I had walked into the Blood Eagles's territory and punched their vice-president. But it was worth it for her.

I looked around, hoping to find some trace of her. I spotted something lying on the floor, half-hidden in the bed's shadow. A nametag. I picked it up and flipped it over. It was a rectangle of green plastic, her name carved into it next to the logo of a boar drinking a cup of coffee. My heart thudded as my thumb ran over her name, tracing the indentations.

I smiled. I had a clue. Raven wasn't getting away from me that easily. I would tame her.

To be continued...

Want to find out what happens when Magnus tracks down Raven? Click here for Love's Choice!

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We reached the top of the stairs and he threw open the first door we came to, revealing the master bedroom. A cream comforter covered a king-sized bed, the frame made of dark-stained wood, which dominated the center of the room. A matching dresser and makeup table lined the walls besides the louvered doors of a closet.

“Watching you stand with that flaming sword facing the monster was amazing,” he growled, setting me down on my feet. “You were beautiful and powerful. A warrior. My Valkyrie with a sword of fire, burning with all her passion. You were fearless.” He grinned. “You were the Warrior-Queen Boudica facing the Romans unafraid.”

I had no idea who Boudica was, but his words stirred me. His blue eyes shone with passion. “And you were...” I struggled to find a comparison. Jacob, from Twilight? No, that was insulting to this strong man. “I don't know. Amazing. Powerful. Strong. Wonderful, Magnus. You were wonderful.”

His hands grabbed the hem of my wet polo shirt, ripping it off my body. My white bra was also soaked, my breasts bleeding through the material, my nipples dark shadows. His hand slid up my stomach to my breasts, gripping them through the material as he seized my lips in another kiss.

My body quivered. His kisses sent such waves of fire burning through my body. My hands found his hard, rippling stomach. I slid higher, dipping beneath his leather vest to caress his strength. I pushed the vest off as we kissed, my fingers tracing down his arms and back up to his neck. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.

His fingers were deft. My bra came undone. He had a lot of practice at that.

Magnus pulled my bra off of my shoulders and down my arms. My naked breasts pressed against his chest. My nipples rubbed on his pecs. Wonderful tingles shot down between my thighs. I moaned into his kiss, pressing my body against his muscular strength.

BOOK: Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance
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