Read No Good Deed Online

Authors: Jerry Jackson

No Good Deed (23 page)

BOOK: No Good Deed
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Obidaan popped his head out, “I guess it knows you’re pregnant and won’t serve you alcohol.”

“How thoughtful, I nearly forgot. I’m going to have to get used to that,” she laughed. She drank up and ordered another one, “Grape juice,” she said this time.

Obidaan was relaxing in the tub, letting the bubbles and heat melt away the day when Relina appeared in the door, dressed only in a robe. “You just drop your stuff on the floor, like this?” she asked and very sensuously dropped her robe to the floor, revealing a well—kept figure, accentuated by a bulge in the stomach where their baby was growing.

“You look as sexy as ever, my love,” he stood up to reveal his naked and chiseled body. Taking her hand, he helped her into the tub. Once settled, they embraced and kissed passionately.

“Why me?” Don asked. He was laying in bed with Cecilia.

“Because you need me,” she replied, “Obidaan doesn’t, he has Relina, Alister doesn’t need anyone, and Terry, we’ll, I can’t help her there. But you, I could feel it when I hugged you. I could feel your longing, your crying out to be wanted and loved by someone. That’s why you smiled when I hugged you. Why do you isolate yourself?”

“I’m a monk. I have to maintain my discipline.”

“That doesn’t mean a vow of chastity does it?”

“Obviously not.”

She laughed at her question, “What I mean is, there’s nothing preventing you from dating or falling in love or getting married, yet you don’t. Why?”

“I choose not to.”

“You choose a lot of things. Like being unemotional, not dating, loyal to Obidaan and the others, loyal to your monk skills,” she was more looking through him than at him. Don was going to protest but she continued, “it seems you’ve sacrificed a lot to become the monk you are. Believe it or not, I know you. I have to write about you and the others since you hang around Obidaan all the time. But see, when we’re writing we don’t get just the raw data, we get the emotion related to what’s happening as well. And I can tell, you’ve repressed a lot of emotion. Who broke your heart?”


“Who? Your parents? An old girlfriend? Someone must have done something to you to make you shut down like this.”

“No one,” he said evenly, “it is a byproduct of my discipline. It is necessary for us to stay balanced and focused. If we become too angry, we loose control of our skills, too happy and we do not take them seriously enough. That doesn’t mean I can’t feel, it just means I have to be careful. I am proud of what I’ve accomplished. I have inner ...”

“Is that all you want?” She didn’t let him finish.

Don thought for a moment, “No.”

“You need love, Don.”

“Maybe I’m…” a wall went up in his mind, “afraid of love.”

“You can’t be.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not afraid of me,” at that she leaned over and gave him a kiss. They embraced and let the night carry them away.

The next morning, everyone woke up refreshed, cleaned, well fed, and ready for the new day. It took Obidaan and Don to drag Alister out of his bed and get him dressed. The five celestials that were with him giggled and wished him luck as he was dragged away. “Please, one more day, just one!” he begged but his pleas fell on deaf ears. “Bye ladies, was all he could console himself to say as they dragged him out of the room.

Terry came down humming an elven folk tune to herself. She seemed very relaxed and happier than she had been in a while. “Ready whenever you are,” she said.

Cecilia came by to hug and kiss everyone one last time before leaving, spending extra time with each of them, especially Don. Soon, they were off again. Ten minutes later, they were back at the forked road they passed the night before.

Because of the relaxing power of the celestials, everyone, even Obidaan, was in a festive mood and they let the events of the previous day slip into the deep recesses of their minds.

Six months from the day the started, they were back in Pinnacle with several treaties. Everyone was overjoyed to hear that Relina was pregnant and about to give birth; everyone except Mordechi.

Mordechi grew
more concerned as Relina’s stomach got bigger and the delivery time grew closer. Obidaan and Relina continued to go to church with everyone else, but did little else. He was sorely missed at the orphanage. At on point Tomas came by to visit them. The visit was pleasant and he stayed for dinner. He also offered to baby sit their child. They gladly accepted.

One night, Obidaan began to have a dream. He was sitting around the dinner table with his family, three children, two girls and a boy. Something was odd about the girls, no they were twins. They were eating and smiling and telling of events of the day when suddenly a hole opened up under them and everyone fell in, except Obidaan. He screamed for Relina and the children as they fell. He could see them getting further away. Without hesitation, he jumped in after them. He fell through the darkness, unable to see a thing, unable to find his family. Finally, he saw a light, he kept falling towards it until he was out of the hole. He was back at his house. The hole was gone. His house was empty and bare. He got up slowly and made his way to the front door and opened it. He could hear the wind gushing out side, or was it a roar, he couldn’t tell. He swung the door opened… He was fully awake now, he could feel Relina shaking him away, “Obidaan, it’s time!”

Obidaan was ready, he carried Relina to the cart and they were off to the church of healing. No magic can ease the pain of the delivery but they did make the delivery easier. Obidaan stood by her side, letting her hold his hand, which she held like a vice grip. Obidaan ignored the pain. They were finally about to have their dream realized.

The doctors helped her with her breathing and pushing. She screamed through the pain but soon a doctor was smiling, “We have a head, here it come. It’s… it’s a girl! A beautiful girl with green eyes, congratulations!” The doctor gave the baby over to another priest who took it to a basin to wash it and remove the umbilical cord.

They were about to end when Relina chimed in, “Wait, I don’t think I’m done!”

The doctor stopped, cast a spell then said, “By the gods! It’s going to be twins. It’s been years since we’ve had twins around here. So long, we almost never check anymore. I apologize.

“No problem,” Relina said between puffs, “just… ahh!” she was pushing again and the second one popped out.

“Another girl, green eyes also. Identical twin girls Relina and Obidaan, congratulations!” The doctor gave the baby to a priest, who cleaned and removed the cord. “Let’s make sure there’s nothing else there,” the doctor said jokingly as he did his final work and began cleaning up. Relina smiled, her brow dripping with sweat. Obidaan wiped it with a cool cloth; they kissed, savoring this blissful moment.

A few minutes later, they moved Relina into a room to rest and recover. About an hour later, two priests came in, holding the babies. They gave one to Relina and one to Obidaan to hold. The new parents were overwhelmed, tears of joy streamed down their cheeks.

At this moment, his dream fulfilled, doubly fulfilled, Obidaan was the happiest man in the world. He forgot about everything, the dreams, the ridicule, the scorn, the prophecy, the past, it all fell away as he looked at his wife and new children.

“So,” one of the priests asked, “have you decided on a name for them?”

“Not yet,” Obidaan said, “We’re still deciding.”

“Take your time; you’ll be here for a couple of days.”

Over the next couple of days Relina and Obidaan thought long and hard about the names before finally choosing Kimberlynd and Katarina.

It didn’t take long for the rest of Vanguard, Mordechi, Marsha, and the King and Queen to come by their room to see the happy couple. Everyone spent time ooohing and ahhing and making goo—goo eyes at the new babies. The babies didn’t seem to mind the attention.

“Wow, twins,” Alister said, starting punning, “I wonder what it’s like to have womb—mate.”

Without skipping a beat, Terry add, “And just think, two of them, they’ll be keeping you up in the wee—wee hours of the morning.”

Even Obidaan was able to get into it, “Yeah, this is going to be an heir raising experience for the both of us.”

“I guess you could say it’s a labor of love.” Don added.

Groans went not only throughout the room but throughout the hospital as well.

Mordechi, however, was very concerned with this new development. He still feared the coming of the Darkness and feared this may weaken their forces. While in his heart he felt Obidaan could handle it, his head rationalized that this would cause Obidaan to loose focus and could have dire consequences. He pulled Obidaan outside for a private conversation.

“I have to admit, Obidaan, I am concerned now that you have children; twins in fact. It’s going to take a lot to take care of them.” Mordechi began.

“Yes it will.” Obidaan said, “But don’t worry. I’ll always be here for you. I haven’t abandoned my paladin duties. You have nothing to fear.”

“I’m sure you mean well, but, I still believe you are the linchpin in all of this. We can’t have you distracted and this is a major distraction.”

Obidaan got concerned by what Mordechi had just said. The blissful moment was gone and the past began to flood back in. Obidaan was angry.
How dare this mere priest tell me how to run my life. Doesn’t he know I could crush him right now? Still, he’s just showing concern, but I am a paladin, I shouldn’t have to put up with this!
He turned to Mordechi, “Look, I know you’re worried, I know you’ve been having dreams and premonitions for years, but I’m telling you to stop worrying about it. I will not let anything happen.” Obidaan was reassuring.

“I know you won’t, Obidaan, thanks,” he said. “Go on, get back to the others.” Obidaan left.
“I just wish I could feel it in my heart,”
Mordechi said to himself. The flower given to him by his gods began to feel cold. He took it off and placed it in his pocket, forgetting about it.

Obidaan felt a ping at Mordechi’s second to last statement. He knew Mordechi wasn’t sure but wasn’t going to express it. Obidaan didn’t worry about it. He’d show Mordechi. He’d show them all.

Obidaan was with the others, ogling over the children when a familiar voice was heard at the door, “Congratulation my friend. I see you are living the dream.” Obidaan looked up to see who it was and his eyes widened when he saw Gheriballi Triton.

“Gheriballi!” Obidaan could barely hold his excitement. He rushed over and they gave each other a mighty hug, and then continued to shake hands. “My goodness, what brings you here? Wait, that’s obvious. What I meant is how did you know?”

“You can blame that one on Cecilia,” he said. “I don’t know who’s prouder, you or her. When they were born she went screaming all through the Hall yelling ‘It’s twins. It’s twins. Yes, y’all my paladin, Obidaan just had twins, beat that!’ I think she would have handed out cigars if it weren’t for the fact they don’t really consume anything.” Everyone got a laugh out of the story. “Oh, here,” he handed Obidaan a couple of packages, “these are for the babies.”

“Thanks,” Obidaan said and opened them; they were baby clothes, a couple of rattles, with the symbol of justice and the seer on them, some other wooden baby toys.

“You’d be surprised what they can whip up at the Hall.” Gheriballi confessed. “So with Cecilia running around like a proud mother hen, I decided to drop by, see how you were doing.”

“And I do appreciate it,” Obidaan just realized everyone was looking at them, “Oh man, where are my manners? Everyone, this is Gheriballi Triton, Paladin of Justice. More than that, he is the one who trained me and helped me reach my true divinity. This is Don, Terry, Alister, Mordechi over there, and in the bed my wife Relina. The one on the left is Kimberlynd and the one on the right is Katarina.”

Gheriballi shook everyone’s hand heartily. For Relina he bent down and kissed her on the forehead. “You have a lovely wife, and children. I once told him that paladins shouldn’t get married, and he got very angry with me, I see why now. If I had someone this lovely waiting for me, I’d be married myself and this world be damned,” he said with a laugh (ping). “Well, I just wanted to see how you were doing; I’ll take my leave now. It was good to meet all of you. G’day.”

“Wait,” Obidaan said, “you don’t have to leave so soon do you? I mean, stick around, we’ll be going to the tavern later; well most of us,” he chuckled a bit, “I’d love to buy you dinner.”

“Well…” Gheriballi started, “hell, who am I kidding, I don’t have anyplace pressing to go. Sure, dinner sounds great. Know a place I can get a room and wash up?”

“The Five Coins Inn. They have rooms you can rent. We’ll be there around six. See you then.”

“Excellent! I’ll see you later,” Gheriballi left.

They continued talking and holding the babies for the rest of the afternoon. Just before they left for the inn, they got another visitor. They were equally surprised, but not as happy when they saw her walk through the door.

“Lucinda?” Alister asked, “What brings you here?” he figured she came to see him, but he was wrong.

“Keep your pants tied up,” she said to Alister, “I’m not here to see you. Believe it or not, I’m here to see the happy couple,” her sincerity almost made everyone forget who they were talking to.

She walked over to Obidaan, who was being polite and courteous. She could see they were tense. “Relax people. I’m not here to cause any trouble or do anything to upset anyone. I really am here to see the couple and the baby. Let’s face it, it’s rare, no very rare that a paladin sticks with someone long enough to have children, more or less twins. Oh and next time you see Cecilia, pop her in the mouth for me, her bragging gave me a headache.”

Obidaan didn’t get a ping from her, so he loosened up. “Ok. In that case, welcome. Cecilia annoying you?”

“She’s telling everyone when they come in the door practically. Trust me O, there isn’t a paladin around who doesn’t know about your children. News travels fast in this world, even faster in the paladin world. Now which one’s Kimberlynd and which one is Katarina?”

Obidaan pointed out the children; Lucinda went over and made gaga faces at them. The girls just smiled back at her, they were totally unafraid of her, unlike the staff member who showed her to the room. “May I?” She asked Relina. Relina was a bit unsure so she took a quick glance over at Obidaan, who nodded in approval. She gave Lucinda Katarina. When Lucinda picked her up, Katarina seemed a bit agitated and looked like she might burst into a crying fit but within seconds Lucinda had her cooing and grasping her finger. She walked around the room with the baby. Soon she had the baby laughing and making happy noises, then calmed her back down. She then pointed the baby over so she was looking at Obidaan, “See, that’s your daddy,” she said in a soft, sing—songy voice, “If things had been different, I’d be your mommy, yes I would.” she made a frowny face, “but I’m sure you’re just happy to be alive, yes you are.” Everyone was taken slightly aback by the comments. Lucinda chuckled and gave the child back to Relina.

“You know we were never meant to be, Lucy,” Obidaan said.

“Yes, I know, O. However,” she walked to him and put her hand on his chin, then looked him in the eyes, “you’re a hard man to get over, O. All these years, I thought I was over you. Then I hear you had twins and I’m right back in high school again.” She kissed him very gently on the lips, barely touching her lips to his, then recomposed herself. “Well I must be going,” she then when over and kissed each child and Relina on the forehead. Relina, and almost everyone in the room, was surprised by her compassion. “Those are definitely your kids O,” she said as she started to leave, “I went by the maternity ward first. One baby got a look at me and began screaming and crying, causing a chain reaction. The doctor there had to put them all to sleep again. Your kids though, accept me just the way I am, just like you do,” she held back a tear and some frustration. She was at the door now; she looked back, “Take care. I’ll be at the Silver Arrow if anyone needs me.” That was an obvious hint to Alister. As she departed the building she let the tear run down her cheek.

“She is quite the enigma,” Don quipped when she was out of earshot.

“Yes, yes indeed.” Obidaan and the others seemed to be drifting.

“Hey!” Relina snapped them out of it. “Don’t y’all have to meet someone for dinner?”

“Yes.” Obidaan regained his composer, “Let’s go everyone.”

“Right behind ya.” Terry said as they gathered up, kissed Relina and the children, and left. Mordechi did not join them, he went back to the temple to pray and meditate.

Gheriballi was coming down the steps, now dressed in less formal clothes.

“Well,” Obidaan started, “we had an interesting guest, Lucinda paid us a visit, and she was actually polite and very civil.”

“I take it she still has a thing for you,” Gheriballi said, “I don’t think she will ever get over you. Now, what’s for dinner?”

The night passed uneventfully. They continued to chitchat and Gheriballi and Terry danced the night away. She was enamored by his charm and he equally so by her beauty. Gheriballi invited her up to his room that evening and she graciously accepted.

BOOK: No Good Deed
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