Oceans Apart (Ocean Dreams Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Oceans Apart (Ocean Dreams Book 1)
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She curled up on one of the large, outdoor daybeds and looked out over the water. Such a beautiful place to be. She needed to stop more and enjoy every moment. Annie had never gotten to pick where the family went on vacation or what they did together, unlike Tracey. Annie was almost never thought of. She sipped from her glass and placed it on the table beside her. She scooped a spoonful and wrapped her lips around it. She closed her eyes. What she had just tasted was the epitome of heaven in a bowl. So light and fluffy while her taste buds were savoring the luscious chocolate flavor.

‘Was this how Tracey felt when all her whims were catered to? Happy? Content? At peace?’
Annie wondered. Before she knew it, the bowl was empty and the glass of wine needed to be refilled. Annie picked everything up and went back inside. She placed the bowl on the table, poured herself another glass of wine, and took a large swig. Maybe I should call Tracey. Let her know where I am? Annie looked at the clock and worked out that it would be close to nine in the morning in New York City.

Annie went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, folding her legs beneath her. Taking a deep breath she picked up her phone and dialed her sister’s number. Annie almost hoped she wasn’t there so she could just leave a message on her machine, but after the fifth ring, the phone was answered.

“Hello?” a deep, male voice answered, which threw Annie for a loop.

“Ah, yes, hello. Is Tracey there please?”

“Just a second,” replied the unidentified man.

Annie could hear muffled talking and giggling in the background. She wasn’t surprised her sister had someone there. Their mother had always shadowed her while trying to get Tracey’s career off the ground. Ever since, Tracey hated to be alone. Annie got used to being alone and being second to her sister. If it wasn’t Beverley who was with Tracey, there was always a fellow actor, director, or some hunk she met at a recent soiree who would keep Tracey company. Annie had had a few boyfriends over the years, but only one who was special. He too, eventually found his way into Tracey’s bed and asked Annie why he should settle for second best when the first prize was available.

“Hello?” Annie’s attention turned back to the receiver.

“Tracey, it’s Annie.”

“Annie, how are you, sweetheart? Long time,” Tracey gushed at Annie.

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Annie replied.

“So what’s up? Just make it quick as I have company,” giggled the older sister.

“I just thought I would let you know that I am in Australia—” Annie started.

“Australia! Why the hell are you there?” interrupted Tracey. Annie knew Tracey had always wanted to go to Australia and it would really irritate her that Annie had visited first.

“I’m on holiday and—”

“Holiday. What about work?” Tracey accused her.

“Tracey, I haven’t had a holiday in—” Annie tried to tell to her sister.

“So? What do you need a holiday from? Your job is easy. A monkey could do your job,” she scoffed

“Tracey!” Annie yelled down the phone. She had no idea where she got the courage to do that.

“Excuse me? There’s no need to yell at me,” huffed Tracey

“Well, you never listen to me. You wouldn’t even have any idea what I did for a job. Life has always been about you. I don’t care anymore about what you want, need, or think. I am living my life how I want to live it. I quit my job. I’ve left Nashville for who knows how long and right now, I am in Sydney. I just thought I would be courteous and let you know my whereabouts in case you wanted to contact me, but I can see that you honestly just don’t care. I’ll leave you to your company. Goodbye, Tracey.”

Annie ended the phone call and threw the phone into the mountain of pillows. She sat shaking ever so slightly, but she felt good. No, she felt great. Tracey had made her so mad that finally she was able to summon the courage to tell her off. Never in her life had she even thought about doing that; but now, nothing was out of the question. She would always love her sister and be there if she needed her, but Annie was through with coming in second and being told what to do.

Annie rose from the bed, undid the sash on her robe, and tossed it on the end of the bed. She was still naked from after her bath. “What the hell!” said Annie. She slipped under the Egyptian cotton sheets in nothing other than her birthday suit, something she never did. Thinking back to what she started in the bath earlier, before she was interrupted, Annie thought there was no better way to relax and ensure a good night sleep.



“Go away,” Annie groaned at the ringing telephone. Raising her arm, she answered it in a huff.

“Yes?” she asked in her most annoyed voice.

“Morning, Nashville, rise and shine.” The male voice on the other end was way too happy for this time of the day.

Annie sat up in bed. “Pardon me? Who…” Then it all dawned on her. “Cameron?”

“The one and only. Get your skates on and grab your gear. I’ll be waiting for you in the lobby,” said Cam before the line went dead.

Annie looked over at the alarm clock. Eight o’clock already. Thinking she must have slept through the wake-up call, she bounded out of bed and to the closet. She dressed and packed her things into her tote bag. She was nearly running out the door when she stopped and thought maybe having a quick look in the mirror might be a good thing. Dropping the bag at the door, she hurried back to the bathroom.

‘Ugh! That was close,’
she mumbled to herself, not liking the reflection looking back at her. She ran her hands through her blonde curls and tied them back into a ponytail. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she looked and felt alive again. Grabbing her bag as she left the room, she headed down to meet Cam, hoping he was as nervous about today’s outing as she was.

Cam couldn’t sit down. He hadn’t been this highly strung about teaching someone to surf before. He was fine the entire drive into the city. Normally, his confidence was sky-high. He was, after all, five times and current world champion on the Pro Tour.

C’mon, mate. Suck it up
,’ he told himself while inhaling deeply.

Cam looked up and saw her approaching. He blew out the deep breath and stared at the gorgeous woman who was coming toward him in short denim cut off shorts and a white tank top. A deep purple bikini strap wrapped around her neck. How he would love to untie that. Cam knew what they were covering up and saying he didn’t want to see them again would be a lie.

“Wow!” said Cam as Annie stopped in front of him

“Oh, my God, what?” Annie was looking around to see what had caught Cam’s attention.

“You.” Annie’s head snapped back to look at him.

“Me?” she squeaked.

“I guess I didn’t take too much notice yesterday,” Cam said quietly hoping she didn’t hear him.

“Excuse me?” Annie looked puzzled. “Have I got toothpaste on my face?” She started wiping around her mouth as Cam laughed. “No, nothing like that. You look…” Cam was trying to find the right word; but everything that came to mind, he thought would have her running back up to her room in a flash.

“Refreshed.” He smiled at her and it was returned with an equally big grin.

“Thanks. I’m ready and starving, too,” she said. Cam smiled, pulled down his sunglasses, which were perched on top of his head, and started toward the hotel entrance. She followed but Annie felt a little uncomfortable. Why? She thought. He was gorgeous, sexy as hell, and nice as pie to her. She couldn’t recall a time when she actually felt noticed. Besides her father’s occasional interest at home, she was fairly neglected. At work, well, work had been simply demeaning. However, to be noticed by someone as dynamic as Cam? That did wonders for her dwindling self-esteem.

Cam’s car was waiting right outside. He jogged a little ahead of her and opened the car door before she reached it. Annie smiled a nervous smile at him and hopped in. She remembered about the seatbelt being sticky sometimes; but as she pulled it over her, it glided without a problem. Cam jumped in, buckled up, and started the Jeep. Music blared from the sound system and he turned it down before pulling out and into the Sydney morning traffic.

They were both silent on the ride back to Bronte, except for the odd occasion when Annie’s stomach grumbled and made its emptiness known. Annie had her window down and began to smell the salt in the air. They weren’t far from their destination. Annie decided to break the silence. “So where are we going for breakfast?” She really was famished.

“Ah, well, I thought we could go to my place,” Cam said while looking ahead. He then turned to Annie to see her reaction. He could tell she wasn’t too sure about that idea.

“Your place?” she questioned him.

“Yeah, I cook a mean omelette and my coffee is the best,” he boasted. Annie must have looked unsure as he followed up with, “If you’d prefer to go somewhere else, no problems.” He sounded a little bummed at that suggestion but he couldn’t hide the fact he was hoping to entertain her at his place. ‘
God, if she knew how much trouble I’ve gone to. Not only to clean and tidy the house, but also to get the freshest ingredients from the local market first thing this morning, she would think me crazy,
’ he said to himself.

“No. Your place sounds fine. It makes sense with it being right on the beach.” Annie didn’t want to disappoint him and she was more than a little curious to see inside his house. The wooden panel fence and gate she saw him walk through yesterday were impressive but it was nothing to what they were guarding behind them. Annie had seen at least two floors with views of the beach. She was getting excited to see what he looked out on each day.

Cam slowed the car down and pulled into a driveway where a large gate was impeding their entry onto his property. It suddenly started to slide to one side. Annie figured he had pressed a remote button but she didn’t notice. The gates were nearly fully open when Cam drove through and drove straight toward an open garage that adjoined the stunning house. He killed the engine, sat back, and looked over at her.

“Hungry?” he asked her with a smile. Annie nodded. Cam got out of the car and Annie tried to follow but the seatbelt wouldn’t budge. She wiggled it around, but it still wouldn’t come undone. Her door suddenly swung open and Cam leaned over Annie and pressed the button. It undid straight away but Cam didn’t move. He turned his head and looked at her. They stared at one another, lost in each other’s eyes. Annie thought Cam was about to do something when she heard barking.

She smiled. “Aww! You have a dog?”

“Oh, yeah.” Cam stepped back and Annie got out of the Jeep. “Her name’s Bowie. She’s a Border Collie so just watch; she might jump up at you. She loves visitors,” Cam told her with a smile.

Annie followed Cam to a door he opened and ushered her into the house. He pressed a button on the wall and the garage door slid down. The nails of an excited dog were heard coming toward them. A beautiful and sleek black and white Border Collie, complete with tongue hanging out the side of her mouth, came bounding toward them. Annie thought the dog was going to jump up at her; however, when she saw Cam come through and then shut the door, she stopped and sat.

“Good girl, Bowie,” Cam said and walked over and patted her on the head. She looked up at him with affection. You could tell there was a loving bond between them. Cam turned to Annie and said, “Annie, this is Bowie. Bowie, Annie. Now you be nice to her and there might be a treat in it for you.” The dog seemed to know what Cam was talking about. Bowie started wagging her tail then got up and headed up the stairs to their right.

“She’s beautiful,” Annie said. She loved animals; dogs included but had never had a pet. Another thing her parents thought was a waste of her time as a child.

“Yeah, she’s a great mate. Come on up and I’ll start breakfast.” He motioned for her to go up the stairs and followed her, taking in the view of her shapely arse. He really wanted to reach out and grab it but had a feeling that she might not appreciate it. Well, at least not before breakfast.

Annie arrived at the top landing, took a few steps into the room, and looked around. In front of her, was an open plan living and dining area with an enormous kitchen to the rear. There were stainless steel appliances that looked like they should be in a restaurant kitchen and the dark granite counters highlighted the smooth white cupboards below. The furnishings, she was sure, were designer. She moved forward toward the kitchen and then turned around. Annie’s mouth dropped open. Her feet seemed to walk themselves to the expansive floor to ceiling windows. She was looking out at one of the most beautiful views she had even seen. Bronte Beach was below. The blue waters of the Pacific Ocean were sparkling under the morning sun’s rays. The golden sand lined the shore and the morning beach -goers were sprinkled across it from end to end. Annie had never seen anything so perfect.

Cam came up beside her and opened the double doors out onto the balcony. He walked out. Annie followed. “Not bad, eh?” Cam whispered to her in a soft voice.

“Yeah, not bad,” was all the reply she could muster, still in awe.

BOOK: Oceans Apart (Ocean Dreams Book 1)
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