Read On Her Six (Under Covers) Online

Authors: Christina Elle

On Her Six (Under Covers) (16 page)

BOOK: On Her Six (Under Covers)
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“Sam.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, nudging her away.

She pushed forward, landing a kiss on his ear and running her tongue along the lobe.

“Sam,” he gritted out.

“Mmm, Ash, you taste so good. I think I need another bite.” She slid her tongue along his jawline, nipping and purring.

His eyes closed as a stream of scorching lava shot from his neck straight to his cock.

He was done. He could take caning across his bare back or bamboo under his fingernails, but he sure as hell didn’t stand a chance against this kind of torture. A man’s resolve was only so strong against a woman like Sam.

Telling his subconscious to take a hike, he hitched her leg over his lap. She drew a quick breath, but then settled astride him as if her body was made to fit his. Her legs cradled his thighs, and the center of her heat married flawlessly over his growing erection.

Imagining what it would feel like to be buried deep inside her, he shifted to encourage more friction. Her body went rigid, her spine as straight as a damn board, then she relaxed and trailed her hands along every piece of his available skin. Up under his sleeve to his biceps, where she squeezed the muscles; across his chest and stomach; his back. The impression of her touch lasted even after her hands moved on to their next location.

His shirt was off in seconds, and he was doing his damnedest to remove hers just as quickly. Would she be upset if he ripped it from her body? It was a mere scrap of fabric anyway.

She breathed a path of hungry kisses down his neck and chest. “As I was saying, there was this guy—”

When he unlatched her bra, her breath hitched. Damn. What other noises could he coax from her?

“You’re sexy as hell, you know that?” He tossed the garment behind him. “And you’re going to be so fucking delicious.” He took one of her taut buds into his mouth, licking and sucking like a kid with a lollipop in a race to reach the creamy center.

“Ash,” she breathed, gripping hard to his neck, her back arching. “Oh God, Ash.”

He chuckled under his breath. He loved a vocal woman.

Had his hair been longer, she would have ripped it out by now. He’d have to give considerable thought to letting it grow.

“Ash, I want to…I came to…”

“Me too,” he said, bringing her mouth to his. “Me too.”

He devoured her, licking and sucking, taking her lush lips hostage. Christ, she tasted good. It was a mix of lasagna and a flavor purely her. His heart rate picked up when he skimmed his tongue along the bottom edge of her nipple. She shivered in his arms.

“…talk to you,” she tried again.

He grasped her breasts, their slight weight cradled in his palms, and ran his thumb over the wet tips.

When he lifted her hair and kissed along her neck, her head fell back, giving him greater access. Heavy moans replaced her words. His nose nuzzled her throat. Breathing in her invigorating female scent, it made him crazed with lust and wanting her. His tongue came out and tasted the soft skin on her neck. His blood boiled.

His free hand gripped her waist so she couldn’t escape. She was his prisoner and he was determined to make her want more. With his mouth, hands, and body, she’d know just how badly he wanted her. Needed her. It consumed him.

“Can I—?” she tried to speak again.

“Whatever it is—yes.
Yes, Samantha, yes

She didn’t say anything else once he stood, her legs wrapped like a clamp around him, and hurried toward the stairs. Ash wasn’t sure he’d make it as far as the bedroom, but he was for damn sure going to try.

Chapter Nineteen

Is this what heaven feels like?

Ash grabbed and pulled at her, reaching for anything he could stick in his mouth. She helped by bending and contorting her body.

The sensations shot through her like fireworks. Damn the cliché. Truly, she had fireworks exploding inside her, stretching, expanding, and rushing to be released. They sizzled in her belly and then blasted to her heart, down her arms and legs, and especially in the crux of her sweet spot, where the sensations began to build again. She had no idea her body could feel like this.

Good Lord, the man had magic hands, eyes, mouth—everything worked in tandem to ignite her most elemental flame. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

Her purpose for seducing him was…

Wait, what was it?

She couldn’t think of anything but getting this man inside her. Which was not at all supposed to be the plan. Moisture pooled between her legs with each touch. The evidence of his arousal pressed against that moisture, calling to it, welcoming it home. It felt normal. Natural. Not at all like Estelle said it would. No feelings or emotions—that was supposed to be the plan. But something deep inside needed him. A burning she’d never felt before.

He guided Sam down on the bed and hovered above her, his gaze thoughtful as he studied her. A wonderfully playful curve appeared on his lips. It seemed to promise more enjoyment. And she was A-okay with that.

When he unbuttoned her shorts, it came to her:
Seduce him so he’d tell her the location of Heinrich’s compound.

Estelle taught her the fine art of seducing a man, but she never told Sam how to ensure she wouldn’t lose her own brains in the process.

. She was in big trouble. If he managed to remove her shorts, there would be only one thin layer between her sanity and oblivion. Her cotton panties weren’t going to withstand his raw power.

“Goddamn, I want you,” he said through a heavy breath. “So fucking bad.”

Yep, definitely big trouble…

“Like no one else. You hear me? No one else, Sam.”

His lips pressed against her stomach, crossing the sensitive skin of her abdomen. She giggled at the soft, ticklish touch. His hands roamed, kneading her breasts and butt. She squirmed and wiggled, melting with every touch.

He tugged her shorts down, down, down…

And they were off.

She was screwed.

Or at least she would be in about five minutes.

There was no way she was going to regain control of this situation. She craved his touch too much.

Hungry eyes stared into hers as if she was the only woman he had ever looked at that way.

Something changed. A charged connection that hadn’t been in the room minutes ago. There was no hesitation between them. No inhibitions. Her body thrummed in anticipation of what his look meant.

“I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he promised. “Will you let me do that?”

She nodded again, like a moronic bobblehead. Man, what he was doing to her.

His gaze went to her breasts. “So perfect.” He cupped one and then the other. She resisted the urge to turn away. To cover herself. With him, she wasn’t self-conscious. She was beautiful.

When his hand traveled between her thighs and slipped beneath her panties, her heart stopped. He placed his warm fingers on her.
Holy hell
. She was supposed to be the one in control. The one doing the touching. But her brain didn’t seem to want to get with the program. And her body smirked in response.

“Shit, Sam, you’re so wet.” He closed his eyes, the corners crinkling in approval. “I love how receptive your body is to everything I do. Let’s see what happens when I—” He slid one finger inside.

She damn near catapulted off the bed.

His grin was enormous.

“Ash,” she moaned.

“Tell me.”

“I…I…” God, he felt amazing.

“You what?” His grin widened, his blue eyes sparkling.

She squirmed and twisted under his touch. It was impossible to talk. At this point, she didn’t know what she wanted. She came here with a purpose, but now she wanted nothing more than for him to continue his ministrations on her body.

His fingers retreated and his gaze met hers. Without his hands on her body, her heart returned to a more regular pace and she could think clearly, and breathe easier.

She reached out to brush away a tiny bead of sweat from his brow. Her eyes met his and held. It gave her a surge of confidence.

With little effort, she pushed against his shoulders, flipping him onto his back. Straddling his hips, she tortured him with her mouth. Following his example from earlier, she pressed her mouth all over his chest and stomach. Loose tendrils of her hair brushed his naked skin, his muscles rippling in response. His diaphragm rose and fell with each breath, and she rode the wave with pleasure.

He moaned deep in his throat, confirming that this brute man wanted a pushy woman in his bed.

She bit and sucked on his lower lip. Domination was euphoric. He was hers for the taking. Boldly, and not knowing where it came from, she slid her fabric-covered folds against his shorts-covered rock-hard length. His eyes darkened. Excitement. Intensity. Anticipation. And she was the cause. Her pulse raced in response. Dying to extend this power, she took one of his nipples into her mouth and nipped with her teeth.

He sucked in a sharp breath. “Jesus, Sam. What are you doing to me?” It was his turn to squirm.

Grinning, she dragged her tongue down the center of his chest. He tasted even better than she’d imagined. His stiffness pressed against her body as her mouth traveled toward it.

Loud and ragged breaths erupted from his lungs, speeding up with each movement she made. His hands pressed against her back, holding her against him.

She kissed his stomach and slipped her fingers inside the waistband of his pants. Pausing, she met his eyes, increasing the suspense. Dominance over this man had gone to her head.

, woman!” Ash cried out. “What are you waiting for?”

She couldn’t suppress the chuckle bubbling up. He was putty in her hands. Well, most of him. The important part strained against his shorts, screaming for release. Estelle was right. Sam seemed to have the power to make Ash do whatever she wanted.

As she pulled his shorts down, she spoke in a soft voice, “Ash?”

“Yes.” The sound rumbled from deep in his chest.

“How do you feel?” His shorts were off. She placed a kiss on each muscle of his chest, and then dipped her fingers into his waistband.

His head lifted from the mattress, and his breathing stopped for a brief second. His gaze sharpened on hers. “Frustrated. Horny as hell. Why? How should I feel?”

She needed him crazed with need before she could accomplish what she came to do. Currently, he seemed too with it.

“You need to relax,” she said in a soothing tone, circling a nipple with her finger. “Let me do all the work.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, babe, that’s not how this works. I’m always an active participant. Always. Most of the fun is knowing I got you off.” He started to sit up, probably to take the foreplay reins, but she shoved him back against the mattress.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, then hunger.

Yeah, he definitely liked pushy women.

“Just lie back and enjoy,” she said.

He laced his fingers behind his head, his biceps flexing.

Her fingers glided along the elastic of his boxer briefs one final time. One yank and he’d be bared to her. Once she let the tiger out of its cage, she’d have no way of taming it. He would take her, and she wouldn’t try to stop him.

She wanted this. She wanted Ash to make love to her. Only he would satisfy her body’s cravings.

Slipping her hand under his waistband, she closed it around his bare flesh. His moan and closed eyes only encouraged her. She began to slide her hand up and down the silky shaft in a steady rhythm, eliciting additional moans.

Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips as she thought about Estelle’s lesson. She had to get it just right. This was crucial.


His body appeared so relaxed he could be asleep—eyes closed, hands locked behind his head, his muscles at ease. “Mmm-hmm,” he murmured.

She tightened her grip.
Up and down. Up and down.
Then, as she gathered her thoughts, ready to broach the subject, his eyes snapped open. Those baby blues flashed and a growl erupted from his lungs.


That quickly she was on her back, looking up at a very turned-on male. His face was red, which was funny since all the blood in his body was supposed to be somewhere else. His muscles were taut and spine straight. His nostrils flared with each breath, the warm draft blowing against her already heated skin.

He was untamed. Wild. And all because of her.

“I can’t stand not touching you,” he said. “I thought I could, but it’s not possible.” He leaned back and looked down at her, his gaze roaming her body. He shook his head. “Yeah, I definitely can’t keep my hands off you.” No sooner had he said it than one of them stroked down from her throat and cupped her breast. With rough fingers, he teased the nipple, coaxing it to attention.

Pleasure ripped through her.

So much for keeping emotions out of it. So much for locking her heart up. She wanted this. All of it.

What about your mission? What you came to do?
It was a fleeting thought, passing out of her brain just as fast as it came in. At the moment she was having difficulty holding on to any single thought. She’d badly underestimated Ash and his ability to hold her in his arms and make her feel like the only woman who’d ever matter. His ability to make her body come alive under his touch and yearn for more.

She’d underestimated the depth of her feelings for him.

“Say it, Sam. If you don’t want this, now’s the time to speak up.”

Say it. You’re in way over your head. Say it, Sam.

When she didn’t say anything, he paused, hand still on her breast. “I need to hear it. That you’re into this, too. That it’s not just me.” A hint of vulnerability crept into his face, and it pulled at her. “Please tell me it’s not just me.”

It wasn’t. It couldn’t be. Not with a man like Ash. A protector. Enforcer. Lover.

No hesitation at all, she nodded. “Please. I want this. I want you.”

A quick rush of air escaped his lips before he slid off her to remove his bottoms. Her panties skated down her legs just as fast. He rolled on a condom, then crawled back onto the bed and positioned himself over her. His straining arms bracketed her head. His hips tilted forward and stiff pressure nudged against her opening. He stared into her eyes with an expression so open she almost gasped. He was bared to her. His tough-guy armor stripped away. She cupped his cheek as her lips lifted into a soft smile. He was vulnerable. It didn’t happen often. He didn’t let his guard down for just anyone. He trusted her. That realization alone was enough to send her flying. But then he pressed his hips forward, nudging in and out. By the third time he was halfway in.

She gritted her teeth in frustration and opened her legs wider, urging him on.
Just a little farther.

His head tipped forward, his forehead resting on hers. “Christ, Sam,” he mumbled, eyes closed. “It’s like you’re squeezing the goddamn life out of me.” The muscles in his shoulders bunched as his body shook slightly. He was holding back. Fighting the urge to drive into her.

She shifted, twisting her hips enough for him to slide to the hilt.

They both stilled and released a long, slow exhale, taking in the delicious feeling of his body joined with hers.

He lifted his head and opened his eyes. Holding her gaze, he began to move. Slowly, carefully he pulled his hips back, then glided forward.

Her body responded, following his lead, answering every swivel of his hips with one of her own. Warmth sparked and spread through her lower abdomen, filling her with need. Desire ignited so strong and demanding she might never find relief, at least until he gave her more. Until he pushed her body to its limit.

“Ash, that’s…that’s so…”

“I know,” he murmured. “Jesus Christ, I know.” He gripped her backside, which forced her left leg higher, creating a whole new angle for him to explore. He must have sensed the change, the possibility, because his eyes widened. He pulled back almost enough to pull completely out, then he thrust forward in one quick motion. Pulled back. Thrust forward. And again. Each time harder than the last. He increased his hold, his fingernails piercing her skin.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Sam,” he rasped. “No fucking idea. None.”

She was getting the idea, because he did the same thing to her. She arched her back, begging for more. Her insides clenched in an attempt to keep him inside. To prolong the exquisite torture.

But he kept up his motion, assaulting every last shred of willpower she had to regain control. He was possessing her, forcing her to his will. And she reveled in it.

“Shit,” he said. “Tell me you’re getting close. I wanna hold off, but—”

She raked her fingernails down his back, scoring his naked skin.

A rough groan rumbled from his chest. “Fuck. Yeah, tell me what you need. Right. Now.”

She wrapped her legs around him, hooking her feet behind his back. Heat exploded inside her. The uphill climb came quick, building and ready for release. “Nothing,” she said, panting. “Just. Don’t. Stop.”

“No way that’s happening,” he said through a choked laugh.

He was getting close. His body enveloped hers like a steel cocoon. He increased speed. “That’s it,” he said. “I can’t—I’m going to—”

“Me too,” she said. “I’m right there.”

She barely finished her statement before she exploded, crying out. He groaned and his head fell forward. Heavy breaths blew against her ear.

“That was…” she started.
Incredible? Amazing? More than she ever could’ve imagined?

“Yeah,” he said. “It was.”

BOOK: On Her Six (Under Covers)
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