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Authors: Kim Dare

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

On This Day

BOOK: On This Day
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On This Day

By Kim Dare





Resplendence Publishing, LLC


Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118


On This Day
Copyright © 2011, Kim Dare
Edited by Christine Allen-Riley
Cover art by Les Byerley,


Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-409-3


Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


Electronic release: September 2011


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.






To my parents – who got married on a Wednesday,
and who’ve said “Happy Anniversary” to each other
every Wednesday since.













Chapter One



Frederick Tayton paused, one foot inside his house, the other still lingering on his doorstep. Quick glances through the various doors leading off the entrance hall showed that all the curtains on the ground floor had been drawn. The only source of natural light was the front doorway itself. When Tayton finally finished stepping over the threshold and closed the door behind him, no trace of sunlight disturbed the darkness.

If it weren’t for the fact someone had lit dozens of candles and arranged them artistically around the high, elegantly furnished space, Tayton wouldn’t even have been able to see the naked man kneeling in the middle of his hallway.

As he studied the scene before him, Tayton’s lips twitched into a smile. If nothing else, owning Denny certainly made life interesting. It also made it completely impossible for a man to know when he’d arrive home from work and find himself taking a starring role in an unexpected celebration.

Tayton ran today’s date through his mind.

Birthdays? No. Valentines? No. Christmas? No. Anniversary…? Well, none of the conventional ones anyway.

Striding confidently across the room, Tayton stopped in front of the younger man, wondering if his lover intended to give him a clue as to the occasion. Denny kept his head bowed and his hands behind his back.

The younger man was already hard, his cock curving up toward his stomach. Tayton’s own cock stiffened as he watched his submissive draw in a deep breath and let it out very slowly.

It wasn’t the anniversary of the day Tayton had given Denny his permanent collar or of the date they’d met or even of the date they’d first had sex. It couldn’t be the sixth month anniversary of the first time they’d conducted a full-blown scene outdoors, either. Tayton knew full well that they’d celebrated that just two weeks ago with an erotic little picnic, conducted on the kitchen floor in deference to the torrential rain pounding down outside.

“Pet?” Tayton prompted, as he slowly circled the kneeling submissive. The boy really was stunning; the flickering candle light lent his skin a beautiful warm glow as it highlighted various lines of lean muscle.

Nothing interrupted his view except the black leather collar around Denny’s throat. There wasn’t even a single pale-blond hair below his neck to cast a shadow. He was freshly shaved and obviously very ready and willing to please his master.

Denny tilted back his head and looked up at Tayton. “Are you hungry, sir?”

Food was the last thing on his mind. Tayton was just about to say so, when he saw Denny’s eyes flicker towards the formal dining room. Tayton followed his gaze.

Through the doorway, the dining table had been elaborately set, complete with the fine silverware and crystal glasses—most of which Tayton hadn’t actually set eyes on since he’d inherited it from an elderly aunt more than a dozen years ago.

His curiosity temporarily got the better of his lust. Turning his back on his submissive, Tayton strolled into the dining room to investigate. Everything within sight had been buffed and polished to within an inch of its life. Silver sparkled each time a candle’s flame swayed.

“Shall I serve your dinner, sir?”

Tayton glanced over his shoulder.

Denny had already moved into the doorway and lowered himself back to his knees. Tayton ran an assessing eye over the work the younger man had put into his preparations for the evening. It seemed Tayton’s original intention of a quick blowjob, supper eaten from trays balanced on their knees in the living room, followed by a sleepy evening in front of the television, would be best set aside for another night.


The submissive rose and silently retreated toward the kitchen at the back of the house. Tayton shrugged off his jacket, undid his tie and dutifully took his seat at the head of the table. Wine was already chilling on a sideboard. Freshly baked bread occupied a little basket on the table.

Leaning back in his chair and stretching out his legs beneath the long mahogany table, Tayton idly tried to work out what this particular date might commemorate. No doubt, his pet would tell him when he was ready, but guessing had become half the fun of these unexpected celebrations.

The one-year anniversary of the first time he’d flogged the younger man? Three months since they first explored the possibilities of suspension bondage?

Denny’s bare footsteps made no sound as he hurried back into the dining room carrying a tray bearing Tayton’s favorite meal. The scent of the steak reminded Tayton it had been a long time since he’d eaten, but that wasn’t the most important consideration running through his mind.

There was only one plate on the tray, only one place laid at the table. The plate didn’t contain a double portion designed to be shared either.

“Have you already eaten?”

“I’m not hungry, thank you, sir.”

Tayton studied the younger man’s profile very carefully. He was as stunning as ever, but as Tayton took in more details, he realized the boy was also full to the brim with nerves.

A frown touched the corners of Tayton’s eyes. He’d never seen any hint of anxiety from Denny regarding any of his previous impromptu celebrations. Tayton absentmindedly nodded his acceptance of his lover fasting on this particular occasion, but all his attention was now firmly fixed on trying to work out what the hell Denny could be so nervous about celebrating.

They’d been together for over a year, but Tayton was quite sure that he’d been away on a business trip twelve months ago to the day. That left some sort of six-month milestone, or maybe a three-month? Tayton glanced at Denny as the submissive knelt on a cushion at his side, waiting patiently for some opportunity to serve.

The steak gradually disappeared from Tayton’s plate, along with each of the side dishes.

“Excellent, as always.” Tayton ran his fingers through the younger man’s hair as he consumed the last scrap of food and sat back in his chair.

Denny wasn’t so nervous that he couldn’t blush at a compliment. Ducking his head, as if that would stop his master noticing his slightly heightened color, he quickly rose and cleared away the plate.

Now that Tayton was looking for the signs, it was all too easy to see the submissive’s shoulders were knotted with tension. Unwilling to have the boy wandering out of his sight until he’d worked out what was going on with him, Tayton followed him to the kitchen.

Denny stood by the sink, counting things off on his fingers as he worked through some mental to-do list. Walking up behind him very quietly, Tayton slid his hands around the smaller man’s waist and pulled him back until his arse was pressed tightly against his own crotch.

Denny gasped as Tayton settled his hands on his hipbones and pressed his erection against his backside through his trousers. An unexpected sensation against Tayton’s fly informed him that it wasn’t only Denny’s enthusiasm for celebrating anniversaries that was keeping him hard despite of his nerves.

Slipping a hand between their bodies, Tayton slid two fingers down the cleft between Denny’s buttocks until they pressed against the plug lodged firmly in Denny’s arse. It vibrated gently against Tayton’s fingertips as he jostled it within the tight hole.

Denny whimpered as he swayed back against Tayton.

“Have you been keeping yourself ready for me all day?” Tayton whispered in his ear.

Denny nodded. It seemed to be the only kind of answer he was capable of right then.

Smiling to himself, Tayton reached around Denny with his other hand and ran his palm up the boy’s torso until one of his fingers brushed across a pretty pink nipple.

Denny whimpered and bit down hard on his bottom lip.

Tayton murmured his approval into Denny’s ear. “Have you been making sure you’re nice and sensitive for me, too?”

“Yes, sir.” The words were barely more than a whisper.

“Did you use the clamps?” Tayton asked, rolling the little nub of nerve endings between his fingers.

Denny ground his arse back against Tayton’s crotch as he pressed his chest forward into his hand. “Yes, sir.”

“My favorite ones?”

Denny nodded, already struggling to catch his breath.

“Good boy.”

Denny’s head dropped back to rest on his master’s shoulder as Tayton pinched the nipple tightly between thumb and forefinger then released it.

“And what else do you have planned for us this evening?” Tayton asked, flexing the fingers of his other hand to press the plug more firmly against Denny’s prostate.

Denny whimpered as pre-cum leaked even more quickly from the tip of his cock.

Tayton smiled and brushed his lips against the shorter man’s temple. “What shall I do with you?” he mused. “I could—”

“Let me help you relax first?” Denny cut in.

Tayton paused for a moment before turning the other man within the circle of his arms and looking down into his eyes. Relaxing via anything but a very enjoyable orgasm wasn’t high on his to-do list.

“If you prefer not, sir…” Denny quickly corrected.

The boy was already hovering on the edge of his orgasm. Tayton could see the lust in his eyes as Denny looked up at him, but there was something else, as well. For some reason, Denny wanted to help his master relax far more than he wanted to help either of them to come—his plans for their evening were that important to him. Whatever anniversary they were commemorating was that important. Tayton studied his lover carefully, wondering if this was an anniversary Denny had expected his master to remember, too.

Denny dropped his gaze. “If you tell me what you’d prefer us to do, sir,” he invited softly.

Tayton shook his head. “Relaxing sounds good.”

Denny glanced up at him for a moment, as if he wasn’t sure he was serious.

“Go ahead,” Tayton encouraged.

“Thank you, sir.” Denny cautiously held out his hand to Tayton. Without another word, he led the way back into the hallway and up the stairs. Candles guttered as they passed them.

“I should…” Denny faltered as he spotted the flaw in his carefully laid out arrangements. Apparently, burning down the house wasn’t part of the plan.

BOOK: On This Day
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