One Last Fight (Part Two) (Fighter Romance) (Dark Desires Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: One Last Fight (Part Two) (Fighter Romance) (Dark Desires Book 2)
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He shrugged, looking around my room. He was almost pacing but slower, like being here made him anxious. “They didn’t say anything about flowers, but you seem like the type of girl who likes flowers.”

“Well you are right about that. So how was it?”

He turned around and looked at me, his piercing blue eyes boring right through me. “It kind of sucked. Withdrawal isn’t really fun, especially when you’re already in pain from getting the shit kicked out of you. But after the symptoms ended, I was okay. But then last week we had to talk about our feelings, and then I wasn’t okay again. But I haven’t used, not once since you left.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“Because I couldn’t have you. I can’t have both. Leo helped me see that. But even after therapy, I’m still an addict. I’m still no good for you.”

I wasn’t going to let him pull this again. I was taking control of the situation, regardless of what he wanted.

I set down the flowers on the bedside table. He hardly noticed, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I want to be with you!” I said in a rushed whisper, willing him to grasp how much I missed him.

“But I—” he stammered, appearing totally baffled as to what to do with me. I was in control, and he didn’t know how to handle it.

“You what? You got clean. Why?”

He looked at his hands, picking an old scab. “For you.”

My heart pounded in my chest. “For me?”

“Yeah. I mean, they say I’m going to have to work really hard, but I found a therapist and I…”

I wrapped my arms around him and landed a kiss on his soft lips. He fell back onto the bed, and I didn’t let him go. He tasted sweet and alluring. He kissed me softly at first and then his kisses became more fevered, as if he needed my mouth on his. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I claimed it. I sucked him slowly, tasting him. His ran his hands up my body to my breast, and he kneaded it softly. He began pulling off my t-shirt, tossing it aside. We paused and I felt myself fall into his blue eyes. I was always falling into them.

“I am so proud of you.”

“I don’t deserve that,” he admitted.

“Then spend however long you need proving that to me. As long as you promise to do it just like this.” I nipped his bottom lip and that set him off. His eyes narrowed and in a moment he flipped me onto my back and leaned his body over mine. I had forgotten how strong he was.

His hand rested in my hair as it splayed out on the bed.

“All I wanted to do was get better so I could fight again. How the hell did I forget, for even a moment, how much I wanted to fuck you?”

“No idea. You have lots of time to make up for.” I smiled, though all I could think about was what he looked like naked. I had missed this. He laid kisses down my neck, and when he reached my chest he pulled down my bra so my nipples were exposed. He bit down on the right one, sending a sensation through my body that made my panties wet. I moaned softly as he replaced his mouth with his fingers and pulled on my nipple, causing an ache between my legs. Fuck, he was good. He continued playing with my nipples, and I moaned as pleasure built up in my body. My hand reached down and I massaged the front of his pants, where his hard cock pushed against his pants.

“Take off your pants,” he instructed in a gruff voice. “I have some repaying to do.”

I slipped out of my jeans and watched as he tantalizingly removed my underwear. Jordan dropped down before me and licked my pussy slowly as if he was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. It felt incredible as his tongue lapped up my juices, sending a tingle throughout my body. He sucked my clit into his mouth, and I moaned loudly as my pussy dripped.

“Oh god...oh god...” My words failed me as a guttural groan escaped my lips.

“Tell me. Say you want it.”

I could hardly catch my breath. “I want it. Fuck, I want it.”

He was still sucking on my clit when he buried a finger inside my pussy and started pumping. It was too much, too much all at once, and I cried out softly.  He curled his fingers upwards as he pumped in and out, hitting my G-spot.  He flicked his tongue faster and pushed his fingers up harder as I had an orgasm so delicious that I wanted even more. I was aching all over and I didn't want it to end, not for a second.

As I was coming down from my high, I watched as Jordan removed his own pants. He turned me over on my stomach, pulled me up onto my knees, spread my legs wide, and slipped himself inside. I leaned my head back, delirious with pleasure. Jordan fit inside me perfectly, and I got a wave of pleasure every time he moved. With his hands on my hips, he began pumping me faster, harder with every thrust.  He reached his left hand up and started to tug my hair back.  He hit my G-spot again and again, and I trembled under the pressure.  His right hand reached between my legs and started to rub my clit in time with the thrusts of his hips. 

As he pumped harder I knew I wouldn’t last long.

“That feels so good,” I mumbled between breaths. That caused him to only move faster. My whole body shuddered as he started to push me over the edge.   I let my body give in to the orgasm as he pushed up hard inside me and moved his fingers faster on my clit.   He continued pumping his hips, breaking all reason in my mind. I was having the best sex of my life and I didn’t care if all my sisters heard my cries.

His body tensed as he spilled his seed into me and he fell on top of me, exhausted.

“You make me crazy,” he whispered against my temple.

“That makes two of us.”

He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “What does this mean for us?”

“I guess we’re together. I mean, that’s what I want.”

A smug smile played on his lips. “Well you do always seem to get what you want.”

“I’m used to it.”

He pulled out and lay down next to me on the bed, our naked bodies practically glowing in the afternoon sun. “There’s something I want, too.”

I turned on my side to look at him. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

“I want to beat Georgie’s best guy. Legit, in the cage. Prove to everyone he’s just a punk in a suit.”

“That’s going to take a lot of training and rehab.”

“Yeah. But I gotta do it. Earn back my title.”

I nodded. I had guessed this was coming. “A month? Give yourself a full month of recuperation, then do it.”





“Tell me again,” I pleaded with her.

“I’m not going to say good luck again. You don’t need luck. You’re going to beat this guy without a problem! You have been working so hard.”

She was right, I had been. Ever since the doctor cleared me to start hitting the gym again, I’d been there eight hours a day, seven days a week. I had never trained so hard in my entire life, but I wasn’t going to let Georgie’s guy beat me again. And this time it was a fair fight. One-on-one, in the cage. And it was a legit fight, none of that underground bullshit that I thought I wanted. The purse was still good, enough to pay Leo back for the money that he had let me borrow to go into rehab. Plus a little left over for maybe a nice dinner for my mom and him.

I had known something was going on with them for years, but neither of them would ever admit it. But it seemed that my injuries had brought them closer together. Or maybe it was seeing Sloane and me overcome our obstacles. And I’d certainly thrown a few in our way. Rehab had been an experience. One I would never forget, and one I didn’t want to repeat. I thought about Sloane the entire time— she was the whole reason I was there. I could’ve gone on living and fighting with the drugs. But I couldn’t have gone on without her.

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the locker room. I watched her hips swing back and forth as she slipped behind the metal door and out into the crowd. I could never get enough of her. Suddenly I was alone with my thoughts. A dangerous place to be for former addict. I still had some lighter pain medication in my bag in case I needed it for my face. And while I sat alone on the wooden bench I considered reaching and grabbing a few. It wouldn’t give me the high I needed, but it would make it just like any other fight. I hadn’t won in over two years without slipping some pills beforehand.

I don’t need them, I told myself. I walked over to the mirror above the sinks and looked at myself. My eye would never be completely back to the way it was. Reconstructive surgery can only fix so much. But it was a reminder of what had been. I felt a little bit like a monster, but that was the old me. Looking at the other side of my face, the clear tanned skin, the dark blue eyes, that was the new me. And that was the me I would be with Sloane going forward. No more pushing away, I was here to fight. For her, and for me.

Leo opened the door just a crack behind me and called in, “You ready, kid?”

I inhaled through my nose and clenched my fists under the wraps. “Damn straight.”

I put in my mouth guard and I followed him out, raising my arms as the crowd cheered around me. I lived for this. I got up into the ring within seconds and looked at the guy in front of me. He was only about three inches taller than I was, with a similar build. This certainly wasn’t the guy that Georgie was using in the underground. Those two had been gigantic, didn’t even look like regular human beings. But this guy? He was beatable.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Leo nodding to me lifting up his right hand to signal that I should open with my right hook. If I was fast enough I could block this guy’s first punch and get him in the side of the face before he even knew what was coming.

I heard the whistle blow, and the crowd around me was drowned out. The only thing I could hear was the beating of my own heart. Just as Leo had anticipated, the guy came at me first and I dodged him, standing back up and landing a right hook directly under his chin. He kicked me in the left side where I had broken those ribs, and I winced under the pain. But it was just pain. I could do this, without the pills. I backed up, giving some space between us and waiting for him to advance. When he finally did, I set off a roundhouse kick that got him right in the head. He was on the ground in a second—I heard the thump of his body hitting the floor. I sat on top of him and gave him a few more good punches in the face as I heard Leo yell, “Get him kid! Show ‘em what you’re made of.”

I landed one more good face shot before the ref pulled me off him. I turned around to look into the crowd and saw Georgie standing with a very unhappy look on his face. His guy was about to get beat, and he knew it.

The whistle blew again, and this time the guy advanced too fast for me to set my hands before he landed a blow to my face. My head was pounding but I kept going. I pushed ahead, putting us into a lock. After the ref separated us, I bounced around the cage a bit trying to figure out my next move. I wanted to look at Leo, but I didn’t want to lose eye contact with my opponent. He would take that opportunity to strike.

But he wasn’t as smart as I was. He looked at Georgie, who made a kicking motion, but I ran at him. A direct punch between his eyes and he was flat on his back, almost out cold. I knew what that meant. I was the victor. The referee held my arm up in the air and the crowd cheered my name. I ran down from the cage and searched the crowd for Sloane, finding her standing right next to Leo, who was clapping with a huge smile on his face. He was always proud of me, and I was lucky for that.

“You won!” She screamed. “Oh my God Jordan, you won!”

I took out my mouth guard and spit out a little extra blood before wrapping my hands around her face and kissing her with all the force I had just had in the cage. I won the fight. In the cage, and for her heart.



Morgan is working on her first standalone story, Caustic.

It will be available at the beginning of September2015.


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And now, a gift from a friend!

Turn the page for a look at Savannah Rylan’s HOT Motorcycle Romance, Forbidden.






Fallen Idols MC 1

Trista and Blaze Book 1



Savannah Rylan



Freedom and family. The two things the open road gave me.

The roar of the engine died down as I shut off my machine. My Harley was only five years old but she needed a little work. I frowned when I noticed a rust spot on the back. Probably had been blood that stayed on there too long. I stood up and took off my helmet, shaking out my long dark hair in the early evening. Looking in the rearview mirror, I adjusted my hair to appear fuller, not that it needed much help.

My hand brushed against my latest tat, a raven at the base of my neck. The symbol for the Fallen Idols MC. I was a member. A total lifer. A one percenter. The Fallen Idols had been my home since I was a baby. My parents had helped established the place, and I'd been raised as an outlaw. Sure, we did charity shit and fixed cars, but that wasn't who we were.

Tonight, however, I wasn’t a Fallen Idol. I was just a girl looking for a man. It wasn’t that I wasn’t proud to wear the cut, but sometimes it freaked guys out, so tonight, I just had on a typical black leather jacket. It zipped up just below my breasts, which were barely spilling over the top.

I walked across the dark macadam into my favorite biker bar. The Rusty Bucket was a hell hole, but they served good drinks, and the view of the water was awesome during a sunset. Sometimes, I just came here to drink, and sometimes I came for a good time. Tonight, I needed that good time.

It had been a while since I’d been with anybody. And I certainly wasn’t the type of girl to keep a steady boyfriend. I just couldn’t afford that lifestyle. People died around me. I didn’t want someone who I cared about to be one of them. I had enough people to protect as it was. So I was just looking for a good fuck. A girl’s allowed a little adventure.

As soon as I entered, I noticed a few men with their eyes on my curves. Swaying my hips as I walked, I made my way over to the bar. I was hopeful I wouldn’t have to pay for any drinks. It only took a moment before some bigger guy sat next to me. He had tats up his arms and was bald. A little too old for me. Also he was easily three times the size of me, and I was no tiny girl.

“You look like you could use a drink.”

I shrugged. “You might be right.”

He dragged his finger down the length of my arm, and I pulled away slightly. He gave me a bad feeling.

“If I buy you a drink, what’s it going to get me?”

Yuck. Nothing was the honest answer. “You know what? I’ll buy my own drink.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” His tone had changed from playful to annoying. And I wasn’t fucking having it.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. “It really doesn’t. But her getting a drink from you? That doesn’t make sense either.”

I could hold my own, but I liked the sound of the guy behind me.

The bald guy stood up. “You got a problem with me getting her a drink, boy?”

I turned around on the stool to see a tall thicker built guy behind me. He had a dark blonde faux hawk, and bulging muscles under a grey t-shirt. His tatted arms had me more than interested. His deep voice set me on edge, in a good way. He sounded tough, my kind of man. My pussy started clenching just looking at him. Baldie didn’t stand a chance.

“As a matter of a fact, I do.” One swing from the stranger was all it took before big Baldie was on the floor. As he went to recover, I put my heeled boot on his chest.

“Stay down, tiger. I’ve found my date.”

No one in the bar moved; they just kept doing their nightly routine. Drinking, smoking¸ and making fucking plans. I was ready to make mine.

I grabbed my purse. “What’s your name, stranger?”

“Blaze, yours?”

“Kelly.” That sounded good for tonight. Trista might tip him off to who I really was. A badass MC member. Blaze, that sounded familiar though. I couldn’t figure out why.

“Well, Kelly, you want a drink? Or should we get out of here?”

I liked how fast he moved.

“Let’s go.” I pulled him by the hand through the front door.

“Where to beautiful?”

I hadn’t thought that far, usually it was the back of some guy’s car. I was only in it for the sex, but with Blaze, I wanted to know more. “My place?”

He looked surprised. “I’ll follow you? I’d like to see you on the back of that bike.”

Of course he would. “Sounds good,” I said swinging a leg over the leather seat. “Try to keep up.”

“I will,” he winked at me.


“Want a beer?” I offered from my fridge. It was one of the few things I had in there.

“I thought I was supposed to buy you a drink?”

He pressed himself against me, so that my back was against the wall. My breath caught in my chest. Jesus, he moved fast. Just how I liked it. Something about him didn’t just make me hot, it made me want to know more. As he pushed his body into mine, I found myself melting under him. Damn, he was good.

“You were.”

“Let me do better than that.”

He snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me tight against him before he guided me to my living room sofa. He caressed my breasts as he laid me down and pulled off my shirt to reveal my voluptuous breasts. He licked his way down my body, taking special time for each breast. He swirled his tongue into my belly button, and gripped my hips. As he reached my panty line, he stuck his tongue right under the waistband, the nearness of his tongue to my wetness driving me crazy.

“Do it already!” I whispered hastily.

“Ooh, I like a feisty girl.” He chuckled.

He slowly, agonizingly pulled my thong down with his teeth, before blowing lightly on my sex. I convulsed as goosebumps ran through me, and he took advantage, suctioning his mouth over my mound, sucking and nibbling. It was pure torture. He flicked his tongue in and out of me, slowly, tortuously, and then slid two fingers inside me as he lazily made me his personal lollipop. His fingers began thrusting in and out of me, my body trembling from the feel of his touch.

“I need you. Now. Fuck me!” I couldn’t help myself. Something about him turned me on in ways I hadn’t felt in a long time.

He gave me a look filled with pure passion and sex, but didn’t remove his mouth from my clit. He began to energetically pump his fingers and suck on me at the same time, and I could feel the rise of my orgasm.

Before I could quite get there, he dragged his mouth off me and positioned his length at my entrance, playfully moving it back and forth across my slit. I would murder him, but I needed my orgasm more.

Luckily, after just a minute of teasing, he pushed into me in one swift motion. Once he was seated fully inside, he leisurely slid in and out of me, in the most irritating of ways. I moved to try and force him to go faster. I wanted to go over the edge with him. He gave me a lazy smile before grabbing my hips, and holding me steady. He then stopped altogether, and put his mouth on my tits while his rock hard cock throbbed inside me. He started to fuck me again, now in time with his mouth on one of my breasts. The feeling of double pleasure made me moan. He took his mouth off of my breasts, and he began to pump. Hard. My tits bounced, and the look that the movement brought to his eyes took me close to orgasm.

He pounded harder. He was so deep in me I could feel him on my g-spot. That did it.

“Shit!” I yelled.

As I felt the waves of my orgasm crash over me, he slowed just a bit, to let me feel the full effect. Pleasure ran rapid through me, spreading out and conquering every inch.

After finally coming down from my high, he pulled me up, and sat me on the edge of the couch, pushing himself back inside me. The gesture sent shivers coursing through my body.

He carried me over to lean me against the wall where we started, and slammed himself into me, over and over again. His biceps flexed from holding me up under my ass, and the tattoos stood out, getting me all worked up again. I grabbed his face, smashing my mouth against his, showing him how good he felt inside me by assaulting his tongue with mine.

The passion of our kiss set me off again, and a second orgasm began to develop. I clenched my legs around his back, pushing him deeper into me. I rode him hard and fast, triggering him. He grunted as we came together, his seed spilling inside me.

Gently he released me to the ground, the linoleum cold under my bare feet.

“Oh my God, that was so fucking good,” I murmured against his skin.

“Yes it was.”

I looked up at him, dark eyes with answers lurking behind them. What was it about him that made all of the feel so easy? I didn’t trust anyone, but Blaze, something was different. In every way I needed it to be.

“Will you stay?”

“The night?” He questioned.


“Do you ask guys to stay often?”

“No,” and that was the truth.

He kissed me again, my body still trembling slightly from my last orgasm. “I’ll stay. For you.”

BOOK: One Last Fight (Part Two) (Fighter Romance) (Dark Desires Book 2)
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