Read One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1) Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #Bangkok, #Erotic Romance, #contemporary erotic romance

One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1) (4 page)

BOOK: One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1)
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“You smell so good. I want to eat every inch of you.”

Her whole body shuddered at his words. Unused to talk during sex, she found it excited her and she wanted to hear more. Wanted him to tell her everything he would do before he did it.

“I’m going to eat all of you, but first I think we need some topping.”

Topping? She stared at him and waited for an explanation. Tom rose to his knees and reached up onto the table. He picked up another piece of mango. The sliver of yellow fruit seemed to glow against his dark skin. Beth braced herself, but the first contact of cold, slick fruit against her heated flesh stole her breath. She shuddered violently and lifted her ass off the chair as he slid the mango over and through her pussy. He swirled the quickly warming fruit around her opening, forced it inside then moved it down to her virgin ass.

No one had ever ventured there before and Beth wouldn’t have thought she’d be comfortable with such intimacy but the sensations rippling through her sex told her otherwise. Her pussy fluttered and her muscles grew taut. As he massaged the nowmashed fruit into and around her sphincter he lowered his mouth to her clit. It was like being electrocuted. Tingling and shivering uncontrollably, she barreled over the edge, screaming her release so loud she felt the rawness in her throat. But it didn’t stop there. He kept sucking, stroking, devouring. No part of her went untouched.

She had no idea how long he ate at her, how many times she came as he took her with a carnality beyond reason. She’d never believed in out-of-body experiences but this had to come close. The pleasure her body and mind were being subjected to couldn’t be real, couldn’t go on without killing her.

At some point he’d raised her feet to his shoulders, pushed her knees wide. His tongue probed every crevice, every hole, and with incomparable skill, he took her to previously unimagined heights. When he probed her tight back entrance with his tongue, he pushed two fingers inside her pussy. Blinding light streaked through her body. She collapsed, as if her bones had melted, and slid from the chair into his lap. Cradling her close, he fumbled between them. He lined his sheathed cock up with her soaked entrance and thrust into her heat.

Drained, Beth let him control their movements. With her legs draped over his arms he held her off his lap enough to make his thrusts full length. As his body stroked in and out of hers, she found enough energy to open her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. Tom looked at her with such intense desire, her heart skipped a beat. His dark, expressive eyes telegraphed his pleasure.

When he thrust impossibly deep and held there, he kept his gaze on hers, called her name on a harsh breath and emptied himself inside her.

* * * * *

Beth snuck out of Tom’s bed as the sun rose on the city of Bangkok. With one last look at the man who’d fulfilled every one of her fantasies and more, she ignored the pain that lanced her heart and the horrible churning in her stomach, and left the room. This was how it should be. No exchanging of phone numbers, no sharing of more than first names. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat and the urge to go back and tell him she’d changed her mind. She wanted more than one night with him. Far more.

Wrapped in a hotel robe, she made her way to her room, praying no one would see her. Safely at her door, she swiped the keycard and pushed it open. With relief and regret, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it. For a few moments she took deep breaths and tried to bring her rolling emotions under control. The thought of never seeing Tom again played havoc with her mind and her heart. The man meant more to her than any man she’d ever met and she didn’t even know him. Straightening her shoulders and steeling her spine, she pushed off the door and did what had to be done.

After a quick shower, she felt ready to face the world. She’d never be the same but she’d move forward from here, start her new life, her new job. She may ache at the thought of never seeing him again but she could never regret the time they’d spent together. He’d given her more than anyone else in her life and for that she’d be grateful. The thirty minute drive to the airport seemed longer and the urge to tell the driver to turn around was so great she had to bite her lip to stop the words from leaving her throat. She hadn’t been surprised when she and Tom didn’t cross paths in the hotel lobby, but she’d secretly wished they would. After being ushered through customs and out to the private plane, Beth resigned herself to never seeing him again. An attendant greeted her and showed her to her seat. Beth sank into the plush leather chair with a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, exhausted from lack of sleep and physical activity. She was startled awake when the pilot came over the loud speaker and informed her of a delay in departure due to a late passenger.

The attendant returned and offered Beth a cool drink. She accepted it with a smile then turned to stare blindly out the window. Her mind continued to replay all that had happened last night. Everything she’d done with Tom. The memories were enough to stir her body, enough to make her skin tingle as if he was still touching her. She squirmed in her seat, her pussy slick with renewed arousal. A commotion behind her told her the other passenger had arrived and the attendant’s voice confirmed it.

“Sir, may I take your coat?” she asked in her lilting, ‘I’m here to please you’


“Yes, thank you. And I’ll have a scotch on the rocks after takeoff.”

That voice. Beth’s body reacted to the sound of the deep, husky tone. Her nipples hardened and her pussy clenched as she remembered that voice speaking erotic words as he ravished her.

Oh God, Tom!

What was he doing here? Why was he on the plane taking her to her new job, her new life? She closed her eyes and waited for him to see her. Leather squeaked as he took the seat beside her. His body heat radiated out in waves and his scent flowed over her, through her.

Oh God!

“Morning, Beth.” He stroked a finger down her cheek to her chin, lifting and turning so she faced him. “Open your eyes.”

What could she do? She couldn’t
open them, but the thought of seeing him again had her emotions churning and her libido stirring. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at the man she’d hoped with all her heart she’d see again. He sat next to her—big, solid, real.

The smile on his lips and the look in his eyes spoke of his pleasure in seeing her and until that moment she hadn’t realized how scared she was that he wouldn’t be pleased. With gentle fingers he caressed her chin, soothing and arousing in equal measure.

“I missed you this morning. You should have woken me.” His words were tinged with disappointment.

“I . . . . I thought it best I go,” she whispered.


“But . . . I thought—”

“Yes, I know what you thought, Beth. But you were wrong.” He stroked her jaw, down her throat and over her collarbone. The action brought last night back with a vengeance.

Her body heated, pulsed, grew moist. Renewed craving for this man flooded her, her arousal obvious to anyone who looked. The things he did to her confused and excited her and she was thrilled by the thought that they’d get more than one night.

“Welcome aboard, Mr. Windham. We’ll be taking off in a few minutes and should arrive in Phuket on time.” The pilot’s voice boomed through the cabin.

“Mr. Windham?” Beth barely forced out the words.

“Beth, please, let me explain.”

The guilty look on his face scared her.
Her boss
. She’d slept with her new boss.

“Oh God!” On a groan she pulled away from him, backing up against the window, putting as much distance between them as the seating would allow.

“It’s not what you think. Beth, please.”

He’d softened his voice to a soothing tone. The same tone he’d used when they’d made love.

Made love? Since when had what they’d done been anything more than sex?

With a realization no less stunning than walking into a brick wall, Beth realized that’s exactly what they’d done last night. It might not have started off that way, but that’s certainly how it had ended.

She’d fallen for him. Fallen for the man who’d given her more pleasure than she’d ever dreamed of. Fallen for her boss.

“It’ll be okay, Beth.”

“How? How could any of this be okay?” she asked.

“Relax, let me explain. I promised I’d never hurt you, didn’t I?”

Gulping back the tears that threatened to fall, she bit her lip and nodded.

“I knew who you were in the bar yesterday afternoon. I knew who you were because I hired you. I’ve wanted you from the minute I saw your photo. For weeks I’ve lived with a craving I’d never experienced before.”

He reached for her hand, entwining their fingers. “I thought if I spent one night with you, one night getting my fill, I’d get rid of the craving. Only it didn’t go away. My desire for you grew stronger, more urgent. Every time I plunged inside you I left something behind. A part of me I can never get back, a part I don’t want to take back. Beth, I know this sounds ridiculous and we don’t really know each other, but I’ve fallen for you. Fallen so hard and so deep I’ll do anything to prove to you how real my love is. I want you to give me a chance, get to know me. Let me court you, show you how good our lives together can be.”

If Beth didn’t already think she loved him then his sincere words and the look in his eyes would have convinced her to give him a chance. The connection they’d made was soul deep, and could only lead to a deeper connection over time. She hadn’t known she was crying until Tom lifted his fingers to brush her tears away.

“Don’t cry, Beth. I’m sorry. Sorry I lied, sorry if I’ve hurt you. But I promise I’ll make it up to you every day for the rest of my life if you’ll let me. We’ll take it one day at a time until you’re ready for more.”

“Yes.” The word fluttered from her mouth on a puff of breath.

“Yes?” The hope shining in his eyes confirmed she’d made the right decision.

“Yes. I’d like to get to know you, like to see where this thing between us can go.”

She couldn’t commit to more than that—not yet—but she hoped with all her heart they could make this into more than just one night in Bangkok.

~The End~

About the Author

Rhian Cahill writes erotic romance using her world travels for inspiration. A native of Sydney Australia, she now lives in Singapore with her husband and four children. It wasn’t until she moved to Singapore in 2007 that she began to pursue publication full time.

To learn more about Ms. Cahill, visit her Web site at:

* * * * *

If you liked One Night in Bangkok, you might also enjoy the following books from Rhian Cahill and Noble Romance Publishing:

Singapore Fling

BOOK: One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1)
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