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Authors: Avery Gale

Out of the Storm (13 page)

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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Tobi’s body stiffened, “Oh God, I’m not sure I’m going to survive this.”

“Oh, sweet kitten, you are not only going to survive, but you’ll flourish I promise you.”  Kyle took the soft feather Kent handed him and drew broad painting strokes around her breasts, careful to avoid the areolas and nipples but enjoying watching them tighten in response. When he trailed the soft interior vane of the large feather he was using down her midline the muscles under her abdomen quivered.  Leaning over her, he drew circles around her navel with his tongue as she groaned and started to try to lift into his touch.  Kent helped press her back to the mattress and Kyle spoke against her ear, “Stay still and let me play a bit.”  He was pleased that she was shaved but if she became theirs, they would have her waxed so she didn’t have to bother with it every day.  Maybe they’d make room in the pavilion for on-site spa services. 

By the time he had moved his tongue in a hot trail all the way to her pussy, her honey coated labia was almost pulsing with need.  Kyle ran the tip of his tongue around her clit and watched the little bundle of nerves push even further from its protective hood.  He paused just long enough that he knew she’d had a chance to regain some of her control before he blew a puff of air over her clit and immediately sucked it in and pressed down on the tight bud with his teeth.  Tobi’s scream was long and high-pitched and as she arched so strongly, she pushed out of Kent’s hold.  Every muscle in her body seemed to seize at the exact same moment, her body seemed to light up from the inside as she let the waves of pleasure work their way through her. 

Tobi’s chanted pleas to various divinities made him smile as he moved up between her legs.  He quickly rolled on the condom that his brother handed him and just as he started to slowly push inside her still vibrating vagina, he pushed the blindfold off and watched as she blinked, her eyes were the deep emerald he’d noticed they became when she was aroused.  It took her a few seconds to adjust to the dim lights but the color had remained the same.  “I want to see your eyes as I enter you, kitten.  And I want you to see mine so you know how much I want you.”  Kyle pushed in slowly giving her swollen tissues time to adjust to his invasion.  “Fuck.  You are so hot and tight.  Damn, I want to make this last so we are going to go slowly.  No, baby, please don’t tighten down on me, my control is already hanging precariously by nothing but the finest of threads.” 

Continuing his slow quest for entrance, Kyle pressed forward in fractions of an inch before pulling back.  He continued to make slow progress and never let his eyes stray from hers.  Watching her eyes darken and dilate further with desire until her pupils were surrounded by a narrow ring of moss green was incredible to watch.  He felt her heart pounding against her chest and the small mewing sounds she was making were about to slingshot him into the stratosphere.  When he felt the tip of his penis press against her cervix Tobi’s moan felt like a choir of angels had burst into song. “Does that feel good, kitten?  Do you like knowing I’m shoved inside you as far as I can go?”

“Oh God, you feel so hot inside me.  It feels like you are trying to burn me up from the inside out and my body is all too willing to comply.  Hell, every cell in my body has turned mutinous and it wants to steal my control.  I can feel every ridge of your cock as it presses inside me.  I loved Master Kent’s fast and furious, but I love this too.  How can that be?  I don’t understand, but I don’t want to waste a second of this feeling thinking about it either.” 

Kyle tried to hold back, but her words had been all it took to shatter all of his illusions of control and send them hurtling into space.  He set a steady but pounding rhythm and slid his arms under her knees so her legs were draped over his elbows.  He knew the slight shift in position had worked perfectly when he shoved deep and she started gasping and begging for more.  Kyle was sure she didn’t realize she was pleading and if she did, she probably didn’t even know what it was that she needed.  The spongy spot his cock was caressing with every stroke was precisely what he’d been aiming for because he was determined they were going to come together.

“Please, Master, oh please, I have to come, please let me come.”  Tobi’s desperation not to come until she’d been told to was a testament to her submissiveness. 

Kent smiled at him because they both knew he hadn’t told her to wait for permission, and the fact she’d already referred to them both as Master spoke volumes about how perfect she was for them.  Being a submissive was truly at the very heart of her personality and he wondered if she had any idea what a big part of her had been missing.  He knew she was on the cusp of losing the battle to hold back and he didn’t want her to feel as if she’d failed, so he leaned down and whispered, “Come for me, kitten.”

Tobi’s reaction to his command was so quick he had barely managed to seal his lips over hers when her scream filled is mouth.  He loved feeling the vibrations of her voice moving through his own mouth as he caught her vocal release.  Kyle traced every inch of her sweet mouth with his tongue before increasing the thrusts of his hips as he drove in and out of her relentlessly. He’d felt her sweet cream coating his cock as she’d come and he loved the wet sounds their bodies were making as he made love to her.  When the fire in his balls began streaking up his spine before it plummeted back down to his cock, Kyle moved his mouth to her ear, bit down on the lobe, and growled, “Again.”  She didn’t disappoint him because just as the kaleidoscope of colors lit up the world around him, he felt her channel tightening down like a vice once again. 

The climax that slammed into him was the most intense experience of Kyle’s life and when he was finally able to pull in gasping breaths, he realized he was pressing Tobi into the mattress. 
Fuck, she’ll never be able to breath with me laying on top of her.
Struggling to roll to the side, he kept his arms wrapped tightly around her so she was pressed flush against his chest.  “Kitten, are you alright?”

“Honestly?  I have no idea.  My entire body feels like it’s covered in those sparklers we all had as little kids.  Everything is still tingling.”  She sounded as spent as he felt and letting her go so he could take care of the condom was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.  Now he understood the look he’d seen on Kent’s face earlier after their interlude in the shower.  Kyle felt as if he’d been totally destroyed and then put back together too quickly, and now there were still some pieces that hadn’t yet been returned to their rightful places. 


Tobi wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to walk again.  Kyle had literally turned her into a big pile of goo and all she could do was lay limp as he pulled away and Kent rolled her so he was holding her against his chest.  She could still feel her heart pounding and her body was shaking but she didn’t understand why.  “What are you thinking about so hard, sweetness?  I can almost hear the wheels of that sharp mind of yours spinning round and round.”  Tobi could hear the amusement in Kent’s tone and even though it seemed to take a monumental effort, she managed to smile. 

When she tried to speak all she could do was squeak out the words and the shaking seemed to be getting worse.  “Shaking.  Why?” was all she could manage to push past her dry lips.  Just then Kyle reappeared with a warm rag and a bottle of water, which he handed to Kent.

“Here, drink this first and then we’ll talk after Kyle cleans you up.  But so you’ll stop worrying, the shaking is perfectly normal.  It’s a reaction to the extreme isometric tension of your muscles during your release.  And the short story is that it’s proof of the intensity of your climax.” 

As she was considering his explanation, she felt Kyle move between her legs and start to clean her sex.  Jerking to try to sit up while pulling her legs tightly together, she said, “Oh God, no, please, I can do that.” But her efforts were cut off quickly by Kent’s enormous hand splayed over her chest as he pushed her back against the pillow and Kyle’s hands manacled her ankles and pulled her legs back apart. 

“Kitten, I’m perfectly aware that you can do this, but it’s my responsibility, privilege, and pleasure to do it for you.”  He went back to work cleaning her before patting her tender tissues dry with an even softer towel as he kept speaking, “Consider this.  You have put yourself in our care for the weekend and we take that very seriously.  Your trust is a precious gift and we won’t abuse it or devalue it by not holding up our end of the bargain.  This is a time for me to pamper you and also check for injuries or signs of bruising.  Those things would require additional attention and you wouldn’t be able to see the area as easily as I can.  Do you understand?” 

Tobi hadn’t considered those things and hadn’t run across that in any of the research she’d done either.  But then, most of what she’d seen had been scary and she had been close to deciding there wasn’t anything in the lifestyle for her when she’d come on a couple of e-books that had stressed the romantic side of BDSM.  She’d read the stories and they had rekindled her interest and given her hope that this might be what she had felt was missing in her previous sexual experience.  “Yes, I do understand.  And thank you for taking time to explain it to me.”  She hadn’t really known what else to say, after all it wasn’t like she could say some of the crazy things bouncing around in her head. 
Hey, thanks for giving my pussy a first class pounding and then checking it for damage. Lord love a leper this is a whole new level of flocked-up, even for me. 
She jumped when Kent’s bark of laughter jolted her into the realization that she’d spoken the words aloud…again.  Closing her eyes and groaning, she asked, “I didn’t say that out loud did I?  Oh God, please say no.”

“You know, sweetness, I’m not sure which is more amusing—your tour guide chatter during the mental field trips you seem to favor or the look on my brother’s face.”  Tobi was certain that Kent’s teasing was as much to get Kyle to lighten up as it was to gently point out her error, but from the look on Kyle’s face, she didn’t think it had been very effective.

“Kitten, there are several problems with what you just said.  First, your mindset is not right or you wouldn’t have even been thinking that.  Don’t forget that a submissive’s duty is to please their Dom and since it
pleases me
to care for you, that should have been the end of it.  Secondly, I take exception to your crass rewording of what I’d explained to you and you had
to accept.  Third, you misled me to believe that you had accepted information I’d given you in all sincerity.  And finally, you are too bright and beautiful to curse and substituting in words will not count as acceptable.  That was four issues and I’m going to give you four swats, but rest assured you are getting off very easy.  This isn’t how I wanted this to end tonight, but you’ve left me no choice, because you are better than this behavior, kitten.  You wanted to learn about the D/s lifestyle and I assure you this is only the tip of the iceberg.”

She noticed he’d moved so he was now sitting on the edge of the bed and she had a flash of panic, not from any kind of fear of being spanked because the truth was the idea was kicking her arousal into high gear once again.  No, this panic was pure fear of rejection.  She spent all of her time trying so hard to please everyone else that she inevitably ended up messing things up.  When she looked up he was watching her and he just continued to study her for long moments before asking, “Do you want to use your safe word, kitten?”

Tobi already felt the tears starting to burn the backs of her eyes as she shook her head back and forth before remembering that she had to speak her answers.  “No, Sir.”

“Come here, kitten, and lay over my lap.”  Kent helped her sit up and she crawled over the bed and put herself over Kyle’s knees so her feet were still touching the floor, but he easily shifted her position.  When he’d finished, her ass was peaked and no doubt positioned in perfect alignment for his hand to land on her padded flesh.  Her feet weren’t touching the ground, which meant the only thing keeping her from falling off his knees was his left arm wrapped around her torso.  She’d been beaten every time her father had come home drunk after her mother died so she didn’t fear the pain, but knowing she had disappointed him made her heartsick.

She hadn’t been prepared for the first slap because her mind had been wandering through the trenches of her childhood so she hadn’t been able to hold back the gasp.  “I’m sorry.”  She had gasped the words because her father had always added strokes if she made noise and didn’t immediately apologize.  The rest of the swats came quickly and didn’t hurt as much because she’d been mentally prepared.  When he was finished, Tobi had instinctively put her hands out so she’d be ready when he shoved her from his lap, but he had just used his hand to massage her stinging ass cheeks and then slid his fingers through her folds.  And even though she was damp, she was far from wet. 

“Kitten, you were aroused by the idea of me spanking you when I first mentioned it, but then everything changed—why?  I’ll caution you that you already know lying, even if it’s only by omission or editing, is not allowed.  And kitten, you are in a pretty vulnerable position to take any risks.”  She wasn’t sure, but it almost sounded like he’d been amused at his own words. 

“I…um, I remembered when my dad…well, that was a pretty bad time in my life.”  Those were the only words she got out before he lifted her and turned her so she was once again sitting on the bed.  She immediately used her heels to slide toward the end of the bed.  It was time to face the fact she’d blown her chance and move on down the road.  Not only was she going to end up unemployed, but she’d just managed to blow the chance to spend time with the two hottest guys she’d ever known. 

Kyle’s hand wrapped around her ankle and stilled her movements.  “Where do you think you are going, kitten?  Do you really think you were going to get away with that lame-assed explanation?  Or that we’d be finished with you just because you got four swats that obviously triggered some awfully unpleasant memories?”  She didn’t answer his questions, but just blinked frantically trying to stem the flood of tears that was building up faster than she could hold them back.  Tobi felt like that little Dutch boy with his finger in the dam as the wall cracks all around him and the water washed over him despite his best effort to hold it back.  She didn’t even realize she was crying until she heard his muttered, “Fuck” as he picked her up and moved to sit on the bed. Leaning against the headboard, she felt Kent pull her feet into his lap. 

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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