Outfoxed by Love (Kodiak Point Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Outfoxed by Love (Kodiak Point Book 2)
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Not yet.

Despite the sweetness of her lips, he nonetheless tore his mouth away, determined to see to her pleasure first before he completely lost it. He’d never felt so out of control, so needy, so aroused.

Her creamy
white skin beckoned. Bending forward, he placed his mouth on her neck, the flutter of her pulse erratic, just like her heartbeat. His mouth slid down and hit the swell of her breast. Jan squirmed, but he held her down, so whilst her lower body undulated, and for a brief moment made contact with his bared flesh, he held back from giving her what her moans demanded.

I will make you come first.

The puckered tip of her breast met the warmth of his mouth, and she cried out. He would have smiled, but he was too busy suckling the nipple, drawing it into his mouth and fulfilling one of his many fantasies. He swapped to the other one, lavishing upon it the same attention, enjoying her low moans and smelling her arousal.

Oh, I have to taste.
Despite the luscious pleasure of her nipples, he traveled downward, over her flat belly to the almost white curls covering her mound. He nuzzled her, and her hips twitched. He rubbed his cheek against the softness of her upper thigh, the tremor of her limb bringing a smile to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on first one then the other thigh before he pressed his face against her pubes, inhaling her sweet scent.

He could hold out no longer.

He steadied her with his hands, loving the leanness of her body and her wanton reactions to his touch. Using his lips only, he grazed the petals of her sex.

Oh how she
bucked, and mewled, and squirmed.

Again, he brushed his mouth against her, licking his lips and groaning as her honey hit his taste buds.

He now better understood why bears didn’t like to divvy up their sweet treats. Between Jan’s thighs, he found a treasure he never wanted to share. 
Mine. All mine.
Need, possessive need took hold of him. He let his mouth devour her, basking in Jan’s ambrosia, determined to make her scream his name.

With her legs
spread and her pink sex exposed to him, he lapped at her moist core, and oh, how she bucked. Distracted and losing his latch once, or twice, he flattened his palms against her and held her still. With one outlet taken away, she relieved some of her tension by weaving fingers into his short hair, tugging him closer.

Fuck, but she tasted sweet
, and addictive, better than anything he’d ever known. As for her scent, her arousal, her need for him? That drove him absolutely wild.

Over and over, h
e lapped at her, paying special attention to her sensitive nub, enjoying her keening cries. His touch made her slick and hot. He shoved two fingers into her channel and was unable to stop a groan at the tight feel of her clamping around him.

me. You are so fucking tight and perfect.” She didn’t reply, unless her drawn-out scream counted as he triggered a climax with his thrusting fingers.

Wild and at the edge himself, he needed
to feel her around him, now. As his fingers pumped her still quivering channel, he positioned himself, the head of his cock thick and ready. He pressed his thumb against her swollen button, and she moaned loudly as her head thrashed on the pillow.

“Boris.” She said his name like a breathy plea.

His name.


He could wait no longer. He guided himself into her sex, sinking into her welcoming heat, inch by inch, his muscles tensing as he fought to go slow. Her sex stretched to accommodate him, a tight fist which he longed to pound, but he held back.

Jan was petite.
Fragile. Perfect. And … begging him to stop torturing her?

“Take me, Boris. Please. I can’t take anymore.”

He slammed his cock home. Or should he say into heaven? It surely felt like blissful perfection, all that heat, moisture, and the quivering of her channel welcoming him.

He might have stayed balls deep in her forever if she’d not wiggled her hips and said, “Move it, moose. I’m not going to break.”

Past words, he could only grunt as he began to seesaw back and forth, thrusting in and out, adopting a fast, rhythmic cadence that she matched. Their bodies rocked in harmony. Their hearts pounded erratically. Their lips locked, and they shared one breath as they rocketed to pleasure.

When her second climax rippled through her, he was right there with her, his cock jerking wildly within her, her sex milking him and drawing out his ecstasy.

He groaned her name, and she whispered his, the moment unbelievably intimate and perfect.

Despite feeling drained, he remembered himself enough to not collapse on her and
crush her beneath his greater weight. But he didn’t go far. Lying alongside her in bed, he couldn’t help but cradle her in his arms, her cheek pressed to his chest, the top of her silky head just under his chin. Their legs ended up intertwined.

Not a word was spoken. Anything said now would have surely broken the magical moment. For
once, Boris didn’t want to think or do the right thing, or even move.

Just let me have a few minutes of peace.
Perfection. Let me have one memory of what my life could have been like.

Before he knew it, they’d fallen asleep.

Chapter Ten

It started with him mumbling. “No. No.”
A lowly chanted denial to go with the roll of his head on the pillow.

Someone’s having a
Woken by his motions, Jan leaned on an elbow and peered at Boris, his features illuminated by the green digital glow of her alarm clock. Poor guy, his expression was anything but relaxed. Brow furrowed and his lips tight, he thrashed, his movement getting more and more wild.

Reaching out a hand, she placed it on his cheek, meaning to soothe him. “
It’s okay, Boris. You’re having a—” Squeak.

Finishing her sentence proved impossible as he rolled atop her, one hand at her throat squeezing while he continued to mumble, louder now,
“No! Fuck you. I won’t say nothing. I’ll kill you first.”

Definitely a
possibility given Jan’s predicament. While a more docile female might have let her lover choke her to death. Jan wasn’t that woman. Problem was, how to stop him?

Given his size and obvious lack of ability to discern whom he choked, she doubted she could pry his fingers off
or wrestle him away. She could grab at the gun she kept close by, but shooting Boris seemed a touch extreme. But she did have one weapon in her arsenal that would do no lasting damage and was sure to wake him.

With her vision polka dotting from lack of oxygen, s
he said a mental sorry and kneed him in the jewels.

He drew in a breath, a big one,
and his grip on her neck loosened, enough that she could holler, “Boris, wake up!”

Instantly, his eyes popped open
and his body went still. He gazed down upon her then lower at the hand still circling her neck. Horror filled his eyes.

She couldn’t miss the anguish in his whispered,
“Fuck me, what have I done?”

quick, he rolled off her and kept going until he stood beside the bed, every muscle in his body taut with agitation. He paced the side of her bed as he mumbled, “Fuck. I’m so sorry. Fuck. I should have known better. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” His last expletive exploded a millisecond before his fist hit the wall, her poor plaster wall, which now sported a big hole.

cursed again and resumed pacing, mumbling under his breath. Jan pulled herself into a seated position against her headboard and watched him. When he seemed done with his mini tantrum, or so she assumed because his shoulders slumped, she said, “Are you done cussing and wrecking the joint?”

A chagrined moose with a hanging head wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”

This wouldn’t do at all
, not after the way they’d finally connected. Some would have called it sex, but Jan knew what happened was something more. Their joining was the start. Or would have been. Already she could sense him pulling away, regretting what they’d done.

She tried to lighten the mood.
“You will be sorry because I not only expect you to patch that hole, but given color matching rarely works, you’ve now volunteered yourself to paint the whole bedroom too.”

snapped his head, and he met her gaze, eyes ablaze with anger, and misery. His voice emerged gruff with emotion. “That’s all you’re worried about? Making sure I fix the damage? Who the fuck cares about a measly fucking hole? I just tried to choke you in my sleep.”

You were having a nightmare.” She shrugged. “It happens.”

“Yeah, it happens, every
goddamned night. It’s why I don’t sleep with people. It’s why I tried to stay away from you. It’s why I didn’t want this to happen.” He gestured to the rumpled bed, which still smelled of sex.

Oh no
, he was not going to use this as an excuse. He wasn’t the only one to blame. “I should have known better than to touch you while you were having a nightmare. Next time, I’ll try talking to you first.”

He raked a hand over his short hair.
“Next time? There won’t be a fucking next time. I warned you I was damaged. I’m not safe for you to be around.”

She snorted. “You’re not safe? Um, did y
ou miss the part where I woke you by kneeing you in your manparts? I’d say if anyone was in real danger it was you. Lucky for you, I was awake and knew it was you, else you might have woken to a gun in the face.”

His jaw dropped. “
You have a gun in here.”

“I told you
before, I keep one under my pillow.”


She couldn’t help a roll of her eyes. “Of course it’s loaded. It wouldn’t do me much good empty, now would it?”

He scrubbed his face
, and as he once again paced, he mumbled some more. “Oh fuck, that could have been so bad. Oh fuck.” His self-recrimination she could handle. But him getting dressed and hiding that delectable body? No way.

Where do you think you’re going?” she demanded.

“I need to leave.”

“It’s the middle of the night. Come back to bed. We need to talk about this.”

“There is nothing to say, Jan.”

“I’d say there’s plenty. Starting with why you have these nightmares and what can we do to stop them.”

“It’s part of my post
-traumatic stress shit, or so the fucking military shrink said. And no, I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to forget it. But I can’t. Drugs. Alcohol. Big fucking joints. It doesn’t matter what they give me, or I try, there’s nothing that stops them. I’ve tried. Tried so fucking hard.”

“Yeah, but before you didn’t have me to help you.”

“Exactly. Which meant I couldn’t hurt you, hence why I have to leave.”

He meant it. Traumatized by what he’d almost done, he would go. Thing was, could she ever get him to return?
“What about what happened here? We made love, Boris. Doesn’t that count for something?”

Pain flashed across his features, quickly followed by cold resolve.

Her stomach tightened.

“I warned you I wasn’t the man for you. What happened
tonight hasn’t changed that.”

Oh, but it had. Before
, Jan could still hope that maybe she could forget Boris. Now, however, she’d gotten a taste of the passion and the caring she could have in his arms. No way could she settle for anyone else. Unfortunately, he seemed determined. “So what, you’re just going to walk out?” She couldn’t help the angry lilt to her words. She thought she’d finally gotten through to him. Shown him how good they could be together. And they were
. Her pleasantly sore body could attest to that, and yet there he was, ready to leave.

“It’s safer for you this way.”

“Safer for you, you mean. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You’re a great big chicken, Boris.”

“I’m a menace.”

“Only when you sleep. We can deal with it. I can use a separate bedroom. Or we could handcuff you to the bed. Which might be a lot of fun actually, now that I think of it.” Mmm, just thinking of the possibilities of a tethered Boris, naked and at her mercy, made her wet.

He, on the other hand, didn’t seem as intrigued given his jean
-clad butt was headed out the door.

“Don’t you dare leave!” she yelled.

He didn’t reply.

So she played dirty. “What if Gene comes back?
We never did nail that attic shut. Are you just going to leave me here, alone? Defenseless?” Okay, so she exaggerated. She’d blow the head off any intruder who dared to accost her. However, she hoped her words would ignite Boris’ instinct to protect. “I thought you were supposed to keep me safe?” Oh, how her daddy would have howled to hear her false plea. It worked, though.

The tread of his feet on the stairs paused.
He uttered a loud sigh. She held her breath and waited.

Slowly, he returned, not meeting her gaze
, shoulders slumped in defeat. He didn’t come back to bed, though. Nope. He went straight to her closet and threw himself on the carpeted floor, the tips of his feet hanging out the doorway.

He wasn’t seriously planning on sleeping there
, was he?

Given he didn’t move or say a word, she could only surmise he was. For a moment, she debated ordering him back to bed, but given how close he’d come to leaving, she let the not quite sleeping man lie.

One step at a time.

Her moose wasn’t kidding when he said he had issues. They would take more than one night of sex or words to fix. Lucky for him, she’d inherited her mother and father’s tenacious nature. Boris might try and go back to the way things were, but now that Jan had wiggled through a crack in his armored heart, no way was he keeping her out.

I’m here to stay, even if I have to outfox you into becoming a permanent part of my life.

BOOK: Outfoxed by Love (Kodiak Point Book 2)
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