OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1) (17 page)

BOOK: OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1)
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“Dominic,” she moaned as he rubbed his hand across her hot flesh.

“You never cease to amaze me, Princess,” he groaned. “You like it.” A statement rather than a question.

Pulling her up by the belt in his other hand, the one that was still wrapped around her arms, he buried his face in her hair. They breathed heavily for a few minutes before he finally confessed, “I fucking need you, Princess. Seeing your ass so red has my cock harder than it’s ever been. I need to feel your pussy squeeze it so tightly I can barely move. I need your screams of rapture more than my next breath. But you know what I need most, Princess?”

Was that rhetorical?
Because rational thought was beyond her at his words.

“I need for you to not move a fucking muscle. Be as loud as you want beautiful, but let me control you. Own you in ways you’ve never dreamed of.”

His words held so much more than need. They were full of promises, and the purest form of worship she’d ever heard. He wanted to show her he could own her so completely she never had to fear her trust for him.

It was about so much more than control. He needed her to do as he commanded so he could have faith in her trust in him.

If he only knew.

It wasn’t him she didn’t trust.

It was herself.

“Anything, Dominic.” She swore in that moment that she would do anything it took for him to be secure with her trust in him.




He’d never been
a dominant man before. Never felt the overpowering need to have complete control over anyone. Not even the first few times they’d made love. However, all the feelings he’d been having since he found her in Ireland were compounding into a giant mass of emotion he didn’t think he could curtail anymore. He needed to be in command now more than ever. He needed her to know that no matter what, he would take care of her. That aside from Jaxson, she would always be his top priority. He also felt it crucial that she knew she could trust him in such a vulnerable and consuming way.

As he gazed down at her body, ass red from his hand, body flushed from her shocking pleasure, he was ready to show her just who owned her. Letting go of her arms, he ran both hands over her heated ass, down the backs of her thighs, and to her feet.

“Down,” he whispered to her, watching as she slowly rested forward so her chest pressed flush to the bed.

Seeing her splayed out so provocatively was intoxicating. Her trust was inspiring.

“Perfect,” he praised. He could feel her bliss vibrate off her body in waves of satisfaction the more he complimented her.

Running his hands back up her thighs, he spread them apart as wide as she could go. Gripping the top of her leg with one hand, he slipped the other through her wet heat, pleased to find she was ready for him without the help of foreplay. His need was far beyond going slow anymore.

As his cock wept for her, he lightly pinched her clit to give her that little bit of pain they both seemed to need so much.

“You look delicious, Princess; next time, I’ll get you ready for me properly,” he vowed, as he guided his cock to her opening. The minute his head touched her heated flesh, he was done for.

His finesse was gone, and baser instincts took over. Slamming into her harshly, he gripped her hips with bruising force as he pounded into her tight, pulsing channel.

Her moans and cries egged him on. “Fucking hell, Deidre,” he groaned when she tightened even more on him.

It wasn’t long before he felt a tingle in his spine, signaling his impending release. Slowing his pace to gentle thrusts, he rocked into her to the hilt, so his groin pressed against her ass and told her, “Squeeze me, sweetness, work that pretty pussy for what she wants.”

“Dom,” she whimpered in her need but did just as she was told. And she did it beautifully. Her pussy milked his cock better than anything else. She tightened then released, swiveling her hips.

Stars began to spot his vision. He felt her pussy begin to flutter with her own release. Deciding to put them both out of their misery, he grabbed her hips, pulling out so just the tip of his cock was in her tightness and slammed back into her so hard he felt her cervix.

Her loud screams announced her release just as her pussy constricted on him to the point he couldn’t move. Her pulsing walls triggered his own release, and he began to unload inside of her as his body prickled from pleasure.

“Fuck!” he called out.




Guilt consumed her
as she lay in Dominic’s arms after one of the most intensely erotic experiences of her life. The way he’d taken her, made her bend to his will and left her off-kilter. And not in a bad way. Her trust of him was absolute. But the way he’d controlled her so completely and effortlessly had her wondering about the real her.

For so long, she’d been told what to do, how to be, and if she disobeyed, there were always consequences. When she’d left school, only after barely graduating, she’d started to figure out who she was. She discovered she liked to be a little wild and outspoken. She wasn’t meek in the way she’d been conditioned to be her whole life.

With Dom, though, it had been effortless. He commanded and she obeyed. Was she reverting back to her former self? Would she lose her identity—what little she’d found—if she let it continue?

It’s because you trust him, Deidre, that you allow his control.
There’s a thought.

“I can feel the wheels turning in your mind, Princess. What are you thinking?”

Did he have to know before even I did?

“I just…” She paused not knowing exactly how to word it. Hell, her own thoughts were a jumbled mess. “What we just did…what you just did…”

“Was it too much?” he demanded, sitting up so he could look down on her.

Taking a fortifying breath, she told him truthfully, “It was perfect. Maybe too perfect?” She should have kept her mouth shut. A look of disappointment crossed his face so quickly she almost missed it. “When I’m with you, I get lost in this need to please you. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to lose myself, too.”

He didn’t say anything. It was so quiet she could have heard a pin drop.

She’d hurt him. She didn’t need the fact that he was getting up and dressed with sharp, angry movements to tell her that. No, it was the way his eyes went cold. Lost any trace of caring or leftover lust.

Real fucking smooth, Deidre.
She scolded herself.

“Dom, wait, I didn’t mean it like that–” she started when he interrupted with the flattest voice she’d ever heard from him. “I know what you meant, Dee. I’ll be back. Don’t leave this room.”

“Wait!” she called, but he was already gone.

Her tears of regret came fast and heavy.




Dom didn’t know
who he was more pissed at, himself or Deidre.

What she said was on point. He had overwhelmed her so fully that she didn’t have much freedom. It wasn’t his intention for her to lose herself; he just wanted her to need him in the same way he needed her.

It was all-consuming.

Passionate to the point of pain.

Never in his life had he believed he would feel what he did for her. It was borderline obsession. Since he’d found her, he’d toned down everything he felt because he didn’t think she was ready for his needs. Tonight had proven it.

The one burning question he had was, could he let her go?

If it came down to her being happy with herself, he would like to think he could. But he wouldn’t do it without a fight.

Growing up, he’d watched the passion his parents had. Their love for one another had always been palpable. Until he met Dee all those years ago, he’d never felt a connection to anyone. He knew it sounded perverted because she was only ten, but back then it had been a kinship of loneliness and a desire to connect with someone. At the time, she craved someone to give a shit about her, and he’d been looking for someone to make him feel human again.

Reaching the lobby of the hotel, he knew he wasn’t leaving her here alone. She was vulnerable in Ireland by herself, so for a while, he was going to people watch. He didn’t think Bradshaw knew she was with him, but he couldn’t be sure, so he wanted to see if they were being followed.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he took in the scene as couples floated around the hotel carefree. Jealousy threatened to consume him. They could be free, not a care in their worlds. He wanted to have that with Deedee and Jax. A reality he never even imagined.


His son was his world until two months ago. He’d never let anything pull him away from the little boy the way finding Dee had. When Bradshaw contacted him to find her because she’d disappeared, he’d originally been resistant to do it. He still didn’t know why he finally relented, but he was glad he had. Case was right when he’d said she made him smile. Until her, he’d been going through the motions of life for Jax. There wasn’t much that made him happy outside of his son.

It was a depressing yet eye-opening thought. She was essential to his happiness.

While he was debating on going back up to the room, an older man accompanied by two younger ones entering the hotel caught his eye. They were too rich for this hotel. Wearing expensive Armani suits, the younger two had bulges in their sides telling him they were armed. But the older gentleman was the one who held his attention most, he had a familiarity to him Dom couldn’t place.

When the old man spun around and their eyes met for the briefest of moments, it hit Dom like a ton of bricks.

I know those eyes




She was getting
worried. It’d been hours since Dom left her, and she’d spent most of that time crying her eyes out. But she finally had her head on straight. She just hoped he hadn’t abandoned her.

Just as she was about to go searching for him, the door opened and he walked through.
ollowed by the men from the airport.

Getting to her feet, she wasn’t sure what to do next. Did they force Dom to bring them to her? Or was he working with them?

A million thoughts raced through her mind as the old man watched her. When he reached his hand out to her, she shrunk back unsure of what to expect from him. Her eyes were glued to Dom as he made his way towards her. When he wrapped her in his arms, she began shaking in fear.

“What’s this, Princess?” he asked referring to her shaking.

Too afraid to speak, she simply nodded at the other men in the room.

“You don’t know them?” He seemed confused.

“The...uh...the airport, they tried to make me go with them,” she whispered.

“Please allow me to introduce myself,” the old man began in an accent he didn’t have previously. “My name is Malaky O’Connor.”

She could feel her jaw drop. That was her grandpa’s name. But it couldn’t be. Her mam had no family left.

Like Bradshaw’s your father?

“What else did she lie about?” Shock and hurt colored her voice.

“Sit, please,” he asked waving his wrinkled hand at the couch. As she did, his guards went to stand at the door. Dom stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders—her silent strength.

“Maureen was a troubled girl. All her life, it was always one thing– “

“Don’t. Just stop. I don’t want to hear anything bad about me mam.” Her stress was building like it hadn’t in years if she was reverting to her old speech.

“You’ve just said she lied, but you don’t want to know what made her lie?” He sounded angry about it.

“I just want to know why you’re here.” Dom squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

“Your mam sent me a letter a few months ago indicating you were in danger. I came looking.” So simple, yet so fucking complicated at once.

“Why? You don’t know me. What do you care?” She felt feisty. He was alive, and she’d never heard from him before? She didn’t get it.

“You’re me grandchild, of course I care.” Now he sounded hurt. Well, fuck him.

“I’ve been your grandchild for eighteen years. In boarding school for seven, and nearly sold before that. So please continue to act as if you care. I’m dying to hear how hurt you must be. You’re clearly a man of wealth, yet my mam struggled for more than a decade because Bradshaw is a complete waste of skin. You could have helped her. Helped me!” Tears were threatening to consume her.

“Princess,” Dom’s voice held a warning.

“No, Dominic! Fuck him and his stupid money. I was treated like shit my entire life! I never knew I had family, but you...” She pointed angrily at her grandfather. “You knew about me, didn’t you?” He nodded. “Then why? You say Mam was troubled. You had to know how bad Bradshaw was.”

“We didn’t– “

“We?” she murmured.

“Princess, sit and listen.” Looking to the man who held everything she was, everything she would become, she tried to understand how he could be so calm until she saw the look in his eyes.


Speechless didn’t begin to convey how she was feeling. Shock could be close. Stunned would be getting somewhere. She just felt…lost.

So much was being thrown at her, she couldn’t tell who or what to trust anymore.

“Oh child, ‘tis not so simple.” Malaky sounded tired.

me,” she pleaded, wanting to rip whatever it was off like a Band-Aid. Enough of the pomp and withholding. She was ready to move on.

“I shall start from the beginning then?” At her nod, he painted a picture of her mother that she had a hard time believing. A drug addict? Alcohol? It was all mind-boggling. “She gave her mam and me such a hard time with everything. Then one day she disappeared. We feared the worst.”

He paused. She wasn’t sure if it was to give her time to absorb what he’d said or to clear the obvious hurt the words were causing.

“When was the last time you heard from her?” She had to know.

“I’ve heard from Maureen sporadically over the years. The first time was two years after she left, when we got an invite to her wedding to Bradshaw. Your grandmother tried to warn her against it. He was never a nice man.”

“Why did you let her then?”

BOOK: OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1)
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