Read Pack Challenge Online

Authors: Shelly Laurenston

Tags: #Romance Werewolf Shape-shifter Paranormal erotic

Pack Challenge (16 page)

BOOK: Pack Challenge
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Not all, but most wolves liked it rough. Zach definitely liked it that way, but he didn’t want to hurt Sara. She couldn’t handle any of this yet.

So, trying for that whole gallant thing he’d never really been good at, Zach’s hold on Sara’s wrists tightened.

“Sara. Wake up.”

Those astounding brown eyes popped open but he’d bet hard cold cash she was only half awake. And, goddamnit, she was feral. Again.

She ground her hips against his, her sex wet and hot against his stomach. “Fuck me, you shit,” she growled out.




Shelly Laurenston

Zach gritted his teeth, fighting himself and this crazy woman at the same time. “Sara. You need to calm down.” She
a horse tranquilizer.

Sara fought his hold on her wrists and it was a struggle. Her strength growing every second he was around her.

“Fuck me or I’ll find someone who will.” Raising one eyebrow, Zach now fought hard not to laugh. “Really?” he couldn’t help but ask.

Even feral, her adorable face screwed up into a frown. “No. It has to be you. I want you.” Through clenched teeth, she snapped, “So fuck me already!”


But she couldn’t hear him, not with that new tremor coursing through her body. Her head flung back, her long hair brushing against his thighs, she writhed on top of him.

He clenched his jaw, holding her tight and watching her. God, he’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her. Still, he couldn’t…right?

After a few more moments, she looked back down, the aftershocks still causing her to shake. Her eyes opened and for less than a second he watched them shift to wolf and back to human.

Panting hard, she begged, “Please, Zach. God, please fuck me.” Zach nodded, unable to deny her anything at this point. And unable to deny himself—or his dick—either.

Holding onto her wrists, he sat up, pushing her back in the process.

Once up, he shoved her back into the mattress. She started to sit up.

“Don’t,” he snarled, “even think about moving.” She lay back, staring up at him with those feral eyes.

Reaching over, he grabbed one of the unopened condom packets scattered across the bed. “You trust me, beautiful?”


Pack Challenge

She watched him, one second staring at his hands while they slipped the condom on his raging hard dick, next staring into his eyes. “No,” she finally answered. “I don’t trust anybody but my friends.”

“Do you like me?”

“Not particularly.”

“Good.” He stepped off the bed, grabbed her ankles and swung her around while yanking her down so her ass rested at the very edge. “That makes this so much more fun.”

The animal inside her snapped and she kicked out her foot, trying to hit him in the nuts. She’d gotten fast, but not fast enough. He slapped her foot out of the way, then placed his arms under her knees, pulling her wide open. Her pussy glistened and he could easily see the wetness on the inside of her thighs.

She struggled to get her legs free, so she could probably kick the shit out of him. She wanted to control this and probably thought she had.

Now he’d gone and pissed her off.

Zach lifted her ass up, placing his cock right against her pussy. “Look at me, Sara.”

Those intense—and currently feral—brown eyes focused on him.

Nope. No logic or reasonable thought there. She’d lost those for the moment, it seemed.

Instead of bothering with trying to calm her down or prepare her, Zach slammed his cock into her instead.

Sara let out a scream, her back arching off the bed. He held her legs in his arms while he pumped his dick inside her.

Hands twisting in the sheets, her body writhing under his forceful fucking, Sara whimpered. Sweat broke out over both their bodies and Zach fucked her harder.

“Play with your tits, Sara,” he ordered her. She glared at him, her lips pulling back over bright white canines. “Do it,” he pushed, flashing his own fangs.


Shelly Laurenston

Snarling like an annoyed pup, Sara gripped her breasts in both hands and squeezed. Her snarl turned into another whimper and her pussy tightened around his dick, showing them both how much she was loving it. “Tug on your nipples with your fingers. Get ‘em hard for me, beautiful.”

She did, her face softening as her fingers played with her breasts.

“Oh, yeah,” he moaned. “Just like that.” She grinned and it felt like his dick doubled in size. How could one woman’s smile make him so hard?

“Does that feel good?” he asked, working hard to control his own impulse to come all over her.

“Yeah,” she moaned out.

“Do it a little harder. Imagine it’s my mouth sucking on you.” Sara wiggled a bit as she twisted her nipples and her pussy slammed down on him like a vise.

“Yeah. That’s it, beautiful.”

He shuddered and fucked her harder, longer. Unable to stop.

“Please, Zach.”

“Please what, Sara? Tell me what you want, beautiful.” Hands still gripped her breasts, played with her nipples while sweat poured off her, leaving the bedding beneath her soaked.

“I need to come.” She writhed desperately and he knew with the right touch she’d go off like an underground volcano reaching topside.

“You sure you’re ready? Sure you want it bad enough,” he spit out between gasps for air.

Like that she went feral again, that snarl roaring right back. “Just do it!” She leaned up, brown eyes ripping through him. Her voice more wolf than human. “Make me come or I’ll tear your throat out!” Christ, what a vicious little bitch. And defnitely what he’d always wanted. He couldn’t get deep enough inside her. Couldn’t get close enough to her. He wanted to crawl inside her and stay there forever.


Pack Challenge

Zach pushed her farther back on the bed while bringing his knees up on the mattress. He left her legs resting across his thighs, leaning down to look her right in the face.

Burying his hands in her hair and pulling hard, he never stopped pounding away inside her. Never let his body find its own release. Not until he made sure she found hers. And as mean as she was right now, coaxing sweet words wouldn’t do it for her. Loving, affectionate touches would never get her there. There was only one thing to do.

Rubbing her clit with his pelvis with every thrust, Zach growled, “You better come for me, bitch. You better come for me right now or I’ll leave you hanging there. Begging me to let you come. Begging me to send you over that edge.”

“You son of a bitch!” She slammed her fists hard against him. A human male would have had destroyed shoulder blades, but Zach sneered and yanked her head back, forcing her to look up at him.

“Do it, Sara. Come.” He licked her neck. It tasted perfect. So he fit his teeth right below her ear.

“Come, Sara. Come or I’ll make you regret it.” He bit down and that was it.

Her entire body bowed under him, arching off the mattress, nearly shoving him to the floor. Her hands grabbed hold of his shoulders, fingers digging deep as her legs wrapped around his waist and held on tight.

Screaming and sobbing, she came hard. Her body rocking against his, her pussy clamping down and holding Zach inside her.

Finally, Zach let himself come and as soon as he let go, a second wave rocked through her. It felt like their release went on and on, their bodies locked in battle until they could no longer move.

When Zach could once again function, he pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at Sara’s face. Her eyes opened and he saw all that feral lust had disappeared. At least for the moment.


Shelly Laurenston

She gave a soft smile and fell back asleep.

Zach gently pushed Sara’s sweat-soaked hair off her face and kissed her nose. “I am so in over my head with you, aren’t I?” As if in answer, Sara turned on her side but not before shoving him off with one good push. By the time he hit the floor, she was snoring.


Pack Challenge

Chapter Fifteen

Sara finally opened her eyes. At first she wasn’t quite sure where she was. But she quickly realized it was her bedroom, in her house—with one large arm thrown possessively over her waist.

Tell me I didn’t.
But she knew she had. It all came flooding back to her…sort of—the club, the bar fight, that bitch Casey. And the best sex she’d ever had in her life.

Frowning in thought,
Maybe even twice?

She didn’t know. She couldn’t remember. At least when she lost it, she really lost it.

She looked over her shoulder at Zach. Out cold, his dark brown hair fell across his face, but she could still see the bruises and cuts from the bar fight.

Sara couldn’t believe that was her last night. She’d been completely out of control. Although, the more she thought about it, the more she realized she hadn’t been out of control—at least not in the usual sense.

In fact, she’d been completely aware of every move she’d made. Almost hyper-aware.

She glanced over at the clock on her night table. Still had a couple of hours until she had to be into work, but she simply couldn’t face Zach when he woke up. He would, naturally, think her a big ol’ slut. Probably want to pass her around to his friends. She couldn’t really blame him.

She didn’t merely throw herself at the guy. She practically tackled him.

The thought made her cheeks burn.


Shelly Laurenston

She carefully slipped out from under his arm and off the bed, her entire body feeling sore and deliciously used. Throwing on some clothes she left lying on the floor, she quietly—and quickly—escaped her own house.

Zach knew the minute she woke up. He felt her whole body tense up.

She slid out of bed, got some clothes, and was gone.

Part of him wanted to stop her. Grab her fine ass and drag her back to bed—he wasn’t near being done with that body. But he was too busy kicking himself in the ass. She was his. Even if she had no intention of letting him near her again, no other woman would ever get close to him.

He wouldn’t let them. Bound to her for the rest of his life, the realization did not make him happy. Forget he never wanted this in the first place.

Forget he was convinced she might be clinically insane and definitely feral. The bottom line was, she ran. She didn’t kiss him awake or make him breakfast. She didn’t even stop to shower. She woke up, saw Zach lying next to her, and took to the Texas hills. Not a good sign when one was just starting out in a relationship.

Zach turned over with a sigh and looked up at the ceiling. “You are an idiot, Sheridan.”

Sara unlocked Miki’s apartment door with her key. They each had a set of the others’ keys for safety reasons. Theory was it was for emergencies only; otherwise, you knocked. This definitely constituted as an emergency.

She found Angelina asleep on Miki’s incredibly comfy couch and Miki asleep in the recliner. Neither moved when she walked in, so she


Pack Challenge

slammed the door shut. Angelina didn’t move, but one eye opened and focused on Sara. Miki, however, flew out of the recliner, the book she still had in her hand raised as a weapon.

Sara looked at her two closest friends. “Well…I’m a whore.”

“Oh, please.” Angie closed her eyes again and turned over.

Miki seemed equally unimpressed. “Not again.” Miki threw her book on the old coffee table. “Give us a break. And what the fuck happened last night anyway? We leave you alone for two minutes and you up and disappear on us.”

“We were worried sick,” Angelina added from the couch; her voice muffled because she buried her head into the cushions.

“I just went for a walk.
Then things spun out of control
!” Sara yelled the last sentence.

“Skelly called last night. He’s unbelievably pissed at you. He said to tell you that you are going to pay for the repairs and he’s debating whether to bar your ass.”

Sara didn’t blame the man, she felt like the whole thing was her fault.

“So are you going to tell us what happened or not?” This from muffled-Angelina.

“I need a shower first.”

Miki took a step back. “You haven’t showered?” She pointed an accusing finger. “You’re still covered in his DNA, aren’t you?” Sara started to say something, and then thought better of it. She needed her friends right now. Instead, she stalked off to the bathroom, while Miki and Angelina burst out laughing.

“And throw out the soap when you’re done!” Once clean enough for Miki’s standards, Sara changed into sweats she had left over at Miki’s and filled her friends in on the last sixteen hours, while they ate bacon and eggs cooked by Angelina. Although Sara remained extremely sketchy on the fuck-of-a-lifetime details.


Shelly Laurenston

“So basically,” Angelina analyzed, “you were the bone and they were the dogs fighting over it…uh…you.”

“I am really starting to hate your analogies.”

“Whatever. And his cock was huge?”

Miki choked out past a piece of toast, “So don’t need to hear that.”

“Enormous.” Sara held her hands up to give an approximate length.

“Rock on.” Angelina gave the thumbs-up and pushed herself off the couch. “I need coffee. Anyone else?”

Both Sara and Miki nodded and Angelina moved off to the tiny kitchen right next to the tiny living room.

“Still hungry?” Miki asked quietly as Sara sopped up the last of the egg yolk with her toast. Sara shrugged. She could eat a ton of bacon and never get full. She loved bacon. Miki’s eyes narrowed as she studied her friend. “Perhaps you’d like a steak? Rare?” Sara put her plate down on the coffee table. “Uh…no. Why?” Miki shook her head. “No reason.”

“Okay.” Sara knew that tone—years and years of experience. “What’s going on?”

“Well, we have a theory.”

“No,” Angie called from the kitchen. “
do not have a theory.
have a theory.”

“Whatever,” Miki snapped back. “It’s just that I’ve been analyzing the situation.”
. “And based on your recent body change—”

BOOK: Pack Challenge
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