Past & Present Collide (6 page)

BOOK: Past & Present Collide
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Chapter 12

September was fading away. She only had two more weeks before Derek would be arriving home and another week after that before their wedding. She was no closer to an answer though, and she was beginning to think setting him free and leaving would be her only option.

It didn’t help that a week and a
half had gone by since she had received a letter from Derek, she assumed since she hadn’t been able to give him any news of progress he was giving up and that only made things worse in her head. Deep down she told herself if he would just fight for her it would all become clear, but she knew that wasn’t the case Derek was trying to give her what she needed and in return she broke his heart and was still breaking it.

She was searching through the kitchen needing some good old co
mfort food when her phone rang. Stretching so her eyes could see the number she saw it was Derek and proceeded to lunge for the phone answering it on the third ring.

“Derek!” she screamed breathless, shocked, and most of all happy.

“Hello to you as well Kylie.” He tried to keep his voice composed but to Kylie he sounded so distant and she knew she had waited too long she had lost him.

“Derek….” She began but he cut her off.

“No, Kylie don’t say it. I just wanted you to know I love you, always.”

He fought back tears and so did she, and then the phone went dead.

“Derek, Derek!” She yelled but he was gone.

She slid down to the floor dropping the phone as her hands covered her face. “Derek, no please no, Derek” she sobbed again and again

“What did he say?” A familiar voice rang through her till it reached her ears. She looked up and spotted David leaning against the other wall of the kitchen looking down at her.

“He said he loved me and then hung up. I think I have my answer.”

She said pushing herself off the floor and racing past David to the bedroom.

That night dream
s eluded her and she just slept. The first full night of non-restless sleep since the process had started and she knew that what she would do in the morning would not only be hard, but it would be right for both of them at this point. Well so much for their happily ever after.



















Chapter 13

She awoke from her sleep rested. She knew that although the decision she was making was ultimately the right one it didn’t mean she would need every last ounce of strength she had to get everything completed without turning back.

She had two w
eeks before he came home, and making sure everything was completed and correct before he arrived was how she wanted things, and how she needed things.

She reached for her phone on the night stand to check the time
, and she noticed a newspaper article that wasn’t there before. She picked it up and decided to read it over coffee as she wrote her final goodbye to the love of her life.

At the dining room table fifteen minutes later with coffee in hand
, and stuff setup for her final letter she picked up the article and began to read it.


March 15, 2013

Woman found dead in oak tree of home she had just sold.


Kylie looked up; staring out the window at the oak tree she stared at so often. She knew the woman dead was Kaylie. She returned to the article and found that after an investigation they believed she committed suicide to be
with a love she had left decades earlier, but her last letter to those that found her was that she wanted the house to bless another couple in a way it never blessed her and her love.

Kylie was crying again, she wondered if Derek knew about the death but assumed he probably didn’t
, because knowing Derek he would have used this tragic love story as a sign and told her about it in hopes to persuade her.

Setting her coffee down she looked over at the pen and paper and knew she had to do this. When she heard a new voice,
it was a gentle female voice.

! You don’t have to,” looking up at the woman Kylie knew instantly who it was.

“Kaylie” Kylie spoke barely above a whisper.

Kaylie nodded, “yes”.

A new vo
ice joined them, “Kaylie you came back.”

He was standing at the other side of th
e table his eyes never leaving Kaylie’s; Kylie just watched she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or if they were really there, but what she was witnessing was beautiful.

“I came back” Kaylie finally spoke, her eyes locked on David’s eyes as much as his were on hers. Finally her stare broke from him back to Kylie.

Placing a hand on her shoulder her soft voice spoke, “if you love him, don’t do this, you don’t have to. Don’t make my mistake Kylie don’t.” And with that she crossed to the other side of the table out stretching her hand to David’s.

When he gripped her hand they both looked back a
t Kylie smiling and walked hand and hand out the front door disappearing into the oak tree.

Kylie looked back at the pen and paper and began to scribble a note to Derek.








Chapter 14

Kylie called John the next day begging for his help. She had plan that would knock Derek off his feet, and she hoped it would gain back some the trust she knew she lost during this chaotic process.

John arrived the next day whistling as he opened the screen door,

“Nice house sis, Derek surely got you right.” He snickered stepping completely inside.

She rushed toward him, hugged him and grabbed his hand leading him to a guest room upstairs where he could put his things down.

Kylie was a woman on a mission no time for small talk.

John seeing his baby sister’s urgency grabbed her other hand and spun her around to face him. She stared at him like he was throwing her off his game.

“Kylie slow down, I am here now and will help, but you need to take things easy. One step at a time Kylie.” John’s voice was gentle and wise.

Kylie sighed, throwing her arms around her brother, “thank you for coming John.”

Returning her hug John chuckled, “now that is a better greeting then being dragged through the house.”

She leaned back staring at her brother laughing as well, she was calm now. John was here and everything was going to be okay. He was going to help with the final preparations she was just hoping it wasn’t going to be too late in Derek’s mind. Releasing John she ushered him downstairs towards the kitchen, John had a semi long travel day and she owed him a meal.


Chapter 15


Derek walked into the house not really knowing what to expect. He convinced himself he had lost her which was why he left their last conversation at
‘I love you’
. He needed her to know that he loved her, would always love her. He began making his way towards the kitchen and dining room area.

As he neared the dining room table he saw a note addressed to him and heaved a heavy sigh. This was it the moment he dreaded. His name was in all caps across the front of the folded piece of paper.

The only glimmer of hope he held onto was that Kylie’s engagement ring wasn’t with it. Easing himself into the nearest chair he unfolded the piece of paper, a tear already falling from his eye.


Dearest Derek,

As I sit here writing this I had been planning on how to say goodbye my true love, but I got some good advice. With this advice I realized that the confusion I had been feeling wasn’t what was real. What is real is your love for me and my love for you.


I have a surprise for you one I hope you’ll love, and one I hope will earn your forgiveness for the pain and heartache I know I have caused you these last few months.

Oh and by the way I love you.

Your Kylie


Derek stared at the note in shock, relief, joy, and confusion. He had been so sure she was going to tell him goodbye, but she didn’t. He was still cautiously hopeful not sure what she had planned but still glad to have her in his life a little longer.



Kylie watched the whole thing play out from upstairs and after

Derek read the letter she went to work sending John downstairs to greet Derek. She ducked back inside the
master bedroom. Making sure she could still see what was going on without being seen herself.

“Welcome back buddy.” John said slapping Derek’s back bringing him out of his thoughts.

Derek turned extending a hand to John, “Hey thanks. Mind telling me what is going on?”

John smiled as he took Derek’s hand shaking it, “wish I could man, but my little sister has sworn me to secrecy.”

Derek sighed dropping John’s hand. “Where is she?”

John shook his head and made Derek stand, and then proceeded to steer him towards the front door and out onto the porch.

“Sit there and you will get all your answers soon buddy.”

Derek resigned and sat on the porch swing, Kylie’s favorite place in the whole house (even though he didn’t know that yet.) John entered the house winking at his sister as they passed each other. It was her turn now.

“Hi Derek” speaking as she pushed through the screen door.

He stood
up his eyes staring at her with confusion and love, but it was the confusion being most displayed.

“Hi Kylie” he said trying to sound composed, trying to make it sound like his heart w
asn’t still breaking, but he sounded afraid as if he expected she had just prolonged goodbye to carry it out in person.

Kylie couldn’t stand to him like that another second she rushed towards him throwing her arms around
his neck pulling him to her. Derek’s whole body relaxed and wrapped his arms around her waist sighing in utter relief.






BOOK: Past & Present Collide
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