Read Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) Online

Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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Chapter 3- Markus

Looking down at the woman that has consumed my thoughts for the last few months, seeing her fall apart is not something that I have been looking forward to. I wish that there was something that I could do. She looks up at me with those deep brown eyes, which is when I see the most beautiful thing, and I am a sick fuck for thinking it.

Her begging me on her knees with her head bowed waiting for me to give her what she wants and needs. My cock hardens instantly, what a sick fuck I am. This is how I have pictured her for the months since that night 8 weeks ago. This is how I have thought of her and here she is, but she is damaged and I don’t think anything that I can give her will help her but god help me I cannot stop myself from trying.

“Pet” I get out on a growl. “Make sure this is what you want. Once we start this I will not allow it to end, ever. I have been thinking about this for too long to let you get away once I have had a real taste of you.” I say looking down at her and reaching out to stroke her head but stopping myself before I make contact.

She looks up at me and I know she has a war going on within herself. She was just horrifically raped and assaulted, the man she was supposed to belong to walked out on her in that mix, and here I am asking her to submit to and belong to me.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I was there with the nurse as she was getting stitched up for fucks sake. I need to get the fuck out of here before I do something more that I will regret. She needs time, I cannot come on like a bull in a fucking china shop with her right now.

She slowly raises her head and looks at me so lost. I step closer to her and speak words that I would have never thought I would be saying to this or any woman.

“Come get up off the ground and let me tuck you in bed and I’ll sit with you until you fall asleep.” I cannot even fathom this reaction, when all I really want to do is bury my cock into that hot pink wet pussy right now. “You are in no shape to be making decisions or thinking about what you truly need right now but to rest and recover. I will get you tucked into bed and call Doc or Trip and have one of them come back to watch over you and the girls tonight.”

As I reach for my phone to get Doc over here to watch the house, I hear Pearl start to sob. I quickly type out a message to Doc and pick Pearl up off the floor. When we reach her bedroom I lay her down on the bed and stroke her hair to calm her and ease the tension and fear that is rolling off of her.

She continues to sob for about twenty minutes before she relaxes and seems to doze off. After a few more minutes of soaking up her warm body next to mine: I start to pull away from that sweet sexy smell that has been assaulting my senses. She quickly wraps her arms around me and tugs me closer to her.

“Are you are just going to leave me just like he did, without stopping the pain? At least you could stay until I pass out.”

“Pearl, you are in no state of mind to make decisions like this right now, and I am sure as fuck not going to take you and make you mine by making you fly as a one-time thing. I told you previously, repeatedly, that you would be mine so don’t try to start shit right now. I will tuck you back in and then I have to go, you are not ready for any of this or for…” moving her head to look into her eyes. “ME! When you are ready, I will be the only one who will have the pleasure of mastering you, Pet. Don’t ever question that.”

As she struggles to find sleep again I wonder if leaving her is the right choice. She is so angry and in so much pain, I am not sure what I can do for her right now. I am however, almost certain that making her fly right now is not the right move. I need to find the fuckwits that have done this to her and help to make her feel safe.

As her breathing evens out and she is lost to sleep I slowly extract myself from her room and head out. I find both of the girl’s bedrooms on my way out and make sure that they are both safely tucked in before I head out.

Seeing Doc I slowly walk up to his vehicle, open the passenger door, and take a seat.

“How is she?”

“Angry and in a lot of pain, I am not sure what I can do for her. She was practically begging me to take the pain away from her, to make her feel anything except them and I had to turn her down because I don’t think that is anything she needs right now. She has to be in such a fragile state with the rape and beating happening not even a week ago. I am not even sure how she could be asking for that? I mean, fuck, she was raped a week ago and she asked me to take the pain away. I don’t know what the fuck to do.” Scrubbing a hand over my face I ask, “How has she seemed to you these last few days?”

“The same, but, watch that one Prez. She knows what she wants and just because her life has been in an uproar the last week doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what she needs. I was so surprised that she was going to see that trauma doctor and has gone repeatedly over the course of the week. She really is something special.”

“That she is Doc, that she is.” I slowly say more to myself then to him looking back towards the house I have just left, slowly stroking the beard that has continued its growth.

“Prez, I will kill you if you fuck with that woman. She has been through too much- not just with Tank, this club, or the shit that went down last week. Her husband was a real piece of work and she has been through more shit in the last fifteen years of her life than she should have been. Having dinners with her has really shown me the whole picture and she is one hell of a woman. Pearl is not another piece of meat or club whore. You need to keep that shit to yourself or go find one of the club girls if you have an itch.” As I turn and look into his eyes seeing red from his blatant disrespect he doesn’t back down an inch “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM PEARL, BLAZE!”

“Watch yourself Doc! I will let it go this one fucking time but, I am still the President of this fucking MC and you have no right to disrespect or question me, especially over a woman who means nothing to this club.” Leaning in closer to him I continue “I understand your concern for her, Doc, that you have started to care for her just like Trip and …fuck most of the brothers, but, what happens to her is really none of your fucking concern. I will not listen to you or talk about her again and if you cannot respect that this shit will come to blows.”

I open the door and as I step out into the darkness I turn back to him and lean into the door frame of the truck regretting what I am about to say even before it is out. “After we get those fuckers Pearl will really be nothing to this club. Layla, her brother, and that other fuckwit went after her to get back at the Devil’s Iron for their treatment of Layla, nothing more. Tank didn’t fucking claim her, he left her and when it is over she will be in the wind and things with this club will start to get back to normal.” Just saying those words to Doc has caused great unease within me which is only worsened when I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn around to see Pearl standing directly behind me.

Slowly I step forward as I reach towards her I take in the tears streaming down her face. “Pearl, what are you doing out here?” barely gets out of my mouth before her hand connects with my face.

“FUCK YOU BLAZE!” As I reach for her she screams out “Stay the fuck away from me. And keep your fucking brothers away from me too!” She turns and runs into the house slamming and locking the door behind her.

I kick the ground under my boots and shake my head groaning out “FUCK” as I look towards Doc.

“I told you Prez you are not made for a woman like that. You are just not suited to be in her world. Just leave us to watch over her and get her through this patch of darkness until we can find Layla, her brother, and the others. Which we will all have no problem helping you take care of, then you can pull us back and let Pearl go.”

“Letting Pearl go is what I want?” I say eyeing him up. “What are you trying to get at Doc?”

“We have all seen the way you are with her Blaze, don’t fucking try to deny it. You were ready to kill Tank when you thought he had done this to her. She was his for fucks sake and you still blatantly tried to claim her the night of the attack, not even 12 hours after he was about to claim her and she went through the worst experience of her life.” He shakes his head as he continues, “Protection is one thing Blaze, but that is not what you wanted with her and you know it as well as I do. You are no good for her so just stay the fuck away and let us take care of her.” He takes a step closer to me “Take this small bit of advice from me, even if you don’t want too.  Go back to the clubhouse, the Dungeon, or wherever you fucking want and find some club whore, submissive, or whatever to erase Pearl from your mind.”

“Fuck you Doc!” I say as I stalk back to my truck and take off like a bat outta hell. The whole drive back to Chicago she is never off of my mind. The way she looked at me as I turned away from the truck will never leave me. How could I have not rushed to apologize or ask her forgiveness? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Chapter 4- Pearl

After hearing the way that Markus was talking to Doc I guess I learned his true feelings. I thought he cared more about my welfare but, I guess I am nothing but a problem to him and his precious fucking club.

As the days slowly pass I see Doc and Trip following me and the girls wherever we go. I have not invited them back inside for dinner or even spoken to them since the night that Markus came to Milwaukee. I feel bad knowing that they are out there watching over me and the girls but, it is too much for me to invite them in after everything that Markus said. The thought has crossed my mind to call the cops and complain, but I do feel safe knowing they are out there watching over me.

The next week goes by very slowly and I am still struggling with the need to feel free. I wish there was some way that I could let myself go and let go of all these memories of that horrible night, of the men who left me brutalized, and the man that continues to haunt my thoughts.

When I go to work that next Monday the bruises and marks have faded from my body but, my mind is still far from functioning. I am off my game and the students can smell the “blood in the water.” Within the first half day I have had two fights in my classroom and had a desk thrown at me. All of which cause me to have a complete break down at lunch which made me leave school early and call it a day.

I know that Doc is still following me, I saw him as soon as I left the school. He is probably reporting back to Blaze but, I don’t care I just can’t deal with him or this shit right now. Making it home slowly through the streets of Milwaukee my mind goes to the baby that is growing inside of me. That I need to get my shit together because I will be raising another kid ALONE! I slowly stroke my hand over the bump.

Walking through the back door of my house I head straight to my bedroom. I set my alarm to pick the girls up from daycare and take my clothing off. Sliding in under the cool sheets as soon as my head hits the pillow my phone starts buzzing.

Ignoring it I turn over and rub the small bump that has started to show itself on my belly. As I whisper sweet nothings to my baby my phone continues to buzz. After a while there is a pounding at my front door, then a while later at the back door. Then I hear a voice outside of my bedroom window yelling at me to answer the fucking door or he would kick it the fuck in.

As I roll out of bed throwing a shirt over my head and grabbing my phone I stagger toward the door noticing that I have 4 missed messages, all from Blaze over the last two hours. FUCK ME!

“What do you want Doc? I have had a shit day, I feel like shit, and I just want to sleep for a bit before I have to go get the fucking girls.” I yell as I pull the door open. Doc is not the man I see standing on the other side of the door though. I am greeted with Markus’s deep blue eyes and the fear I see in them.

Markus catches first the sight of me in only a t-shirt and he quickly adjusts himself. Then as he is looking at me more and sees my worn down appearance as he quickly tries to push his way into the house.

“What are you doing, Blaze? I’m trying to fucking sleep because I had a horrible first day at work. Fuck I didn’t even make it till the end of the fucking day and I had to come home. Your being here is just the icing on the fucking cake HUH?”

“Pearl, shut it. I told you to call me Markus, and you will not disobey in any area, especially in that area, Pet.” Clenching his fists at his sides he keeps on “Doc told me about your day and I was on the road anyway so I decided to stop over here first to make sure that you were okay.” He reaches for my cheek but, I quickly snap my head to move out of his range.

“Stop! Just go Blaze. I don’t want to see you or talk to you so just go. Let me get some sleep before I have to go get and deal with the girls. You can take Doc and Trip with you too. I’m sure Layla and her brother could care less about me at this point. I know I could give a fuck less about seeing them again. They got what they wanted and I’m sure it’s done. I am nothing to this fucking club anyway, Right?”

Reaching to shut the door I don’t make it far before Markus slams a hand against it to keep it open.

“NO, Pearl that will not be happening, we will stick by you until Layla and that piece of shit brother of hers and his friend are found and taken care of. You mean more than you should to the entire club, especially me, don’t fucking ever question or forget that.” He tries to take a step into the house but, I don’t budge.“I told you once and will tell you one more time since you seem to have forgotten. YOU WILL BE MINE but you are in no state of mind to make decisions right now and I will not give you any reason to back away from me once I have had you. I will wait for you to come into a better state of mind before I have the pleasure of mastering you, Pet. I know what you heard that night outside, let me explain.”

“Whatever Markus, I just want you to leave so I can get some rest. PLEASE, just go.” Reaching for the door he lets me shut it this time. As I turn to walk back to the bedroom the tears start flowing down my cheeks and it is hard to find solace in sleep.

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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