Read Penal Island Online

Authors: K. Lyn

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic romance

Penal Island (4 page)

BOOK: Penal Island
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will love it, I promise.”

stared at
as if he had lost his mind.
He pulled the shirt apart, exposing the pert
breasts of the young woman beneath him.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, and he lowered his mouth to one of the soft
pillows with the hard nipple that he swirled his tongue around.
He slowly withdrew his hand from Mika’s
mouth, but she didn’t scream.
exhaled with a long sensual moan, spurring
bite down on the erect nub in his mouth.
He moved down along the soft body to the v shape and parted the smooth
A gasp of anticipation was heard
and Mika’s knees met the bed at the first stroke of

tongue between her engorged lips.
tongue swipes electrified the woman in Mika and she thrust her pelvis up and
down to capture its thickness.

ran her fingers through
’ hair and pulled
gently, urging him to enter her, remembering the young man from whom she had
been stolen.
In her mind, he was making
love to her once again.
He slid his
tongue along her inner thighs, tickling her, and making the wetness pool once
squeezed the young breasts as he entered Mika fully.
He pumped into her hard and she pulled him
into her, squeezing the raw power that brought her to climax again and
She started to scream with
pleasure, but
silenced her.
They couldn’t risk being discovered by Carver
and his buddy.
Mika put her hand over
her mouth as she continued to buck her hips with


the young woman to him,
plunged deeply into
her, pulling and pushing her to satisfy his need.
He lost all control and howled like a wild
animal as he came hard, his body trembling.
over her, pressing her body into the bed
as he panted, the sweat of their bodies mingling and forming a scent that would
be detected deep into the woods.

a safe distance, Stein could hear the two men arguing loudly as they passed
their makeshift dwelling and ventured toward the other side of the island.
When he could see the shadow of the tree house
that he and
had built, he watched the two men
go inside.
He shed his shirt so that his
tanned chest would blend in with the trees and waited for Carver and his friend
to come back out.

you, she isn’t here.”

swear, Carver, she was bound and gagged when I left her.
I did it to her with my own two hands.”
He held up his hands as if to make a point.

could hear the men inside the house that he had built and his anger began to
The two men nearly tore the place
apart searching for some sign that their hostage had been there, and then they
stood outside on Stein’s makeshift balcony where he had slept soundly in his
The hammock was still there and
Carver picked it up and slammed it to the ground in rage.

big man hiding behind the tree could take no more.
As if a ghost, he appeared from the shadows
and stared up at the two men.
we meet again.”

jumped back in surprise, but then he stood with his arms crossed and a sneer
formed his smile.
“Ah, yes.
You miss your former home?”

easily angered Stein had little check on his own anger and the heat rose
quickly in his chest and in his face.
was ready to charge like a bull when a familiar scent filled his nostrils.
He stood as still as a statue as he tried to
place it.

“Hey you, mammoth man, you in a trance or something?”

continued to focus on the scent that to him was aromatic, yet at the same time
it brought out the worst in him.
tried to focus on the aroma of human sweaty sex, but the rage won out and in a
second he was on the deck swinging at Carver.

was just as hardened as Stein, however, and years in chains had made him agile
now that they were off.
The big man
missed him as he swung, but Carver’s buddy was not as lucky.
With one punch, he fell to the ground.
When Stein lifted him up, the man’s eyes
fluttered and opened long enough to see the open mouth and the bared teeth.

man, what’s with you?”

turned to Carver who quickly stepped away.
Stein’s teeth drove into the neck of the slighter man, hitting the
jugular on the first try.
The taste of
blood filled his mouth and the realization of what he had done made him vomit.

watched in disbelief as his friend fell to his death, and then he and Stein
stood there alone, each daring a move from the other.
“What did you do?”
Carver leapt to the ground and picked up his
friend, but there was no hope.
He was
He looked up at the man standing
on the deck.
“Are you insane?”

showed no emotion as he watched the scene play out before him.
He had killed a man, letting his raw emotion
cloud his judgment.
He had promised long
ago never to allow that to happen…after being in prison.
When it had been him and
alone on the island, he had been fine.
He was not good with others.
He needed
to get away.
He ran into the house and
to where the steps led him down the side of the tree, and not looking back he
escaped into the woods.

vowed revenge as he stared into the dead eyes of his friend.
Torn between the urge to run after Stein and
the need to bury his friend, he fashioned a makeshift grave, made the sign of
the cross, and headed off after the man who would pay for taking from him the
only person he had ever trusted.

knew that he would not make it back to the boat.
Carver was not far from him.
He had detected the man’s scent only minutes
after he had fled the site of the tree house and he had never lost it.
It had not grown stronger which gave him some
sense of safety, but he was not willing to jeopardize the safety of
He sped up
and went deeper into the woods where the aromatic scents of the wildflowers
would hopefully hide his scent or at least confuse it in the mind of Carver.
He heard the lumbering steps as he hid in the
trees not far from the path.
paused but he did not stop as he sniffed the air.
He had lost Stein’s scent and he continued to
the cave.
The ship would be expecting
its cargo and Carver would assure its delivery.
Deep within the cave were four women who were making the transport to
their new lives as sex slaves.
unbound them and ordered them to don the bright frocks and to stand before
“Smile,” he ordered, and the
frightened young women faked a smile.
They had been in the cave for only two days, but that was long enough to
learn submission.
Their frightened faces
pleased Carver.
He would be paid
handsomely by the Europeans.
talking,” he demanded, and they dutifully followed him to the beach, saying
They had trouble adjusting to
the light after being in the dark for two days with little sleep and little

pushed away from Mika when he heard the sound of footsteps.
“Stay,” he commanded.
Mika lay still as
left her alone and went above to spy on the boat once again.
He recognized Carver, but the women were an
unfamiliar sight to him.
Intrigued by
their obedience to such a ruthless man,
and waited for what would happen next.
When he heard a horn sound from far away, he focused the binoculars on a
seafaring vessel that appeared much more modern and luxurious than the rickety
old boat that Carver’s friend had steered to shore.
Was this the boat that Mika had spoken
The steamer stopped only long enough
for the four women to board and then it was off again.
Carver had been given a handsome sum and he
flipped through the bills smiling broadly.
His smile soon waned, however, when he thought about his buddy.
This was a two man operation.
He couldn’t do it alone.
One of them had to stay here while the other
brought the women from the island.
turned and wandered back into the woods, wondering if the “gravy train” was
His dream of making billions was
disappearing quickly.

didn’t hear Mika sneak up behind him.
“Did I hear a boat?”

turned and placed his hand firmly on her mouth.

Damn, woman.
You want him to hear


“The scum who’s running this shady biz.”

made me miss the
didn’t you, the boat to my
life, my new husband.
You’re the scum.”

turned and grabbed Mika by the arms.
“That man is a cold blooded killer and a human trafficker.
You were on your way to be bought and sold as
a sex slave.”

eyes were big as she listened in disbelief.
“Is your friend in on it?
haven’t seen him in awhile.”

knew that Stein was not involved in Carver’s business but he had no idea what
had happened to the big oaf.
Where are
you, Stein?

turned to Mika when he heard someone coming from the woods.
“Get down.”
Slowly Mika went to her knees and waited.

came through the clearing and stopped at the edge of the water.
He looked out at the vastness as if he
expected something.
watched through the binoculars as Carver continued to wait.


voice was one that was certain to carry, and
kicked her lightly.


looked their way and
leaned down.
“Shut up.
I mean it.
This is no game.”

was quiet as she waited for
to tell her what
was going on.
dared to look again, Carver was trying to shade his eyes as he continued to
watch the horizon.
Still hidden from his
patiently waited for whatever was expected
by the man.

sighed loudly in the small space.
was bored and becoming irritated with
He was causing her to miss the ship that
would take her to her life of riches.
She was certain of it.
“You can’t
see from there,” she whispered.
need to get a better look.”

glanced at her and nodded.
It was
He climbed to the top of the ship
and hid behind some crates, leaving Mika alone.

quietly, the young woman moved away from the cramped shelter and to the far end
of the boat.
She had one foot off the
boat when she felt a strong manly hand on her crotch.

my, where are you going?”


know you were trying to leave?”

he doesn’t,” answered
for her.

Carver…he’s no good for you, lady.
gonna have to punish you.”

evil grin caused Mika to back up and into

He pulled her back hard and
slammed her down on the boat.
He kissed
her neck and held her breasts firmly within his grasp.
“I was going let you watch and see what
happens, but not now.
You want to go to
that man on the beach, then go.”

BOOK: Penal Island
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