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Authors: Ancelli

Perfectly Mixed (10 page)

BOOK: Perfectly Mixed
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“A week.” He could hear his sister ask, “For who?”

“Are you sitting down?” John chuckled looking at Shane. “Our baby bother.”

Olivia gasped and then screamed, “Baby brother?”

“Yes… James had another son. I’ll tell you all about it after you pull this off.” John laughed louder, Olivia was asking him a million questions at once.

“How do you know?”

“Believe me I know,” He picked up the envelope, and watched him. “Shane’s our brother, he’s standing right in front of me.”

“Shane!” She squealed. “Put him on the phone.”

John handed the phone to Shane, “Your older sister.”

Shane nervously grabbed the cell, “Hello…”

“Oh my God! A brother. Where have you been?” Olivia asked him so many questions his head was spinning. He chuckled at her antics; this is how it felt to have siblings.

Two hours later, John and Shane walked out of the building, “I’ll call you as soon as I hear anything,” and out of the blue his brother gave him a bear hug. “I got your back,” he pulled back. “Like you stated I’m good at what I do, and Janice is too. Go home and prepare for your upcoming wedding. Tell your fiancée I said welcome to the family.”

“I will,” Shane said before they waved their final goodbyes. He finally found what he was missing, family. He waved at his brother again as they drove off.



Chapter Sixteen


Larissa was worried out of her mind, it was after one a.m. and Shane still hadn’t contacted her. She called him several times, leaving him voicemails, and he didn’t reply. She wanted to share the good news, that he had been granted temporary custody of his son. Where was he? She heard a car pull up and a few minutes later the jingling of keys, and she rushed over to the front door. But then thought about it, what if it wasn’t Shane, what if it was Liza’s brother back for revenge? She backed away and the door swung open, and Shane stepped in.

“Oh God!” Larissa didn’t know she was holding her breath until he entered. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank God you’re okay,” she got on her tiptoes and kissed his lips, and then looked behind him. “Where’s Grayson?”

“Safe,” he gazed at her through hooded eyes. “I like this welcoming.”

“Stop playing,” she reared back, and smacked him on his chest. “Why didn’t you call me? I was worried sick.”

“Sorry about that, my phone is dead.” He pulled his cell out of his pocket, showing her, and placed it on the side table. “I took care of something I should’ve years ago,” he threw his book bag to the side of the door and placed a small gift bag on the side table. “Grayson’s with my cousin.”


“Yes, until I know for sure, he’s safe from that bitch,” and then he smiled. “Today started out awful, but ended on a positive note.”

“Why are you smiling?” Larissa watched him closely, something was up with him, he seemed happy. “Did you hear the good news?”

“What good news?” He slipped off his shoes, and pushed them to the side with his foot. “What?” Shane’s eyes widened in surprise. Larissa stared at him. If he didn’t know that information why was he blissful?

“I was at the police station when a CPS worker walked in and informed us that Grayson couldn’t stay with Liza until they conducted their investigation, so, he would be staying with you.”

“She really said that? Because I just took him with me without her consent. There was no way I was leaving him,” He grabbed the gift bag, strolled over to the couch, and sat.

“And then I received a call from your lawyer,” She observed him closely. “Janice O’Neal said she tried to contact you but your phone went straight to voicemail, and she said you gave her my number just in case. You have temporary custody of Grayson.”

Shane chuckled, “Damn she’s good and fast. I didn’t know the courthouse was open at night,” he said being sarcastic. “She must have pulled some strings.”

“I didn’t know you had a lawyer.”

“I told you I was securing our future,” Shane closed his eyes for a few seconds and then shot her a look of confusion. “Wait, what were you doing at the police station?”

She pointed at her lip, he didn’t even notice. “Filing charges.”

“Who the fuck hit you?” He raised his voice, forcefully leaning forward.

“Liza, after you left we got into a confrontation, it was a long time coming,” she sat next to him. “I’m okay, you should see her. She stormed in to the police station also, and they told her she is to stay away from Grayson until the courts make a decision.”

“Are you okay?” he lovingly stared at her, “Do you still want to marry me?”

“Now, more than ever,” she took his hand in hers and she entwined their fingers. “Shane, I’m in this for the long run, you know I’m no pushover.”

“I know…”

“If that’s not the reason you’re smiling, then why?”

“I have something unbelievable to tell you.” Shane placed his elbow on his legs and leaned forward. “I met my brother.”

“Brother?” Larissa raised an eyebrow in confusion. “You have a brother?”

“Yes,” he reared back into the couch. “Babe, please don’t think I’m keeping shit from you. I’ve never mentioned this to no one but Deborah. It was a part of me that I kept hidden, afraid I guess.”

Larissa caressed his arm, “You afraid? I doubt that.”

He gave her half of a smile, “I was afraid of rejection. You know how my childhood was, I didn’t think I would be good enough for them.”

“You are good enough,” Larissa cupped his face. “No matter what anyone thinks, you are enough.”

Shane moved forward, “I finally can say I am. After pulling a gun on me, John believed me after reading the paperwork I handed him and hearing what I had to say. He accepted me.”

“He pulled a gun on you?”

“Yes, but I don’t blame him. He didn’t know who I was, and I wasn’t taking no for an answer. He assumed I was blackmailing him.”

She eyed him. “Were you?”

He chuckled, “You know me so well. John is one of the best lawyers in this town. I swallowed my pride and asked him for help.”

“Is he going to help you?”

“Yes,” he chortled. “He called the lawyer you spoke to, he’s already coming through for me. I don’t know how to explain this feeling inside, I have you and you’ve filled my life with joy, but I still felt like a part of me was missing something, and now I believe I’ve found it.” He wrapped his strong arms around Larissa, moving her closer to him. “I have a brother and four sisters now.”

“Four sisters?” Larissa was an only child; she could only imagine how it felt to have siblings.

“Olivia, Abby, Diana, and Vickie. I spoke to Olivia she seemed pretty nice.”

“If they are anything like you, I know they’re great people.” She placed her head on his chest. She was overjoyed for him. It was written all over his face, he was happy despite everything that was happening with Liza and their son. “So when do I get to meet your siblings?”

“Next Friday.”

She jumped up out of her seat, staring at Shane, “Next Friday? That’s our wedding date. Don’t tell me you changed your mind?”

He smacked the side of her ass, “Hell naw. My sisters want to throw us a lavish wedding.”

“Shane, I don’t have money for a big wedding right now,” she looked away not wanting him to see the sadness in her eyes. “I was fired.”

“Why?” he raised his voice, making her face him again.

“Because of what happened today,” she sighed. “Tiffany did me a favor, I couldn’t let her get in trouble for helping me. I used my influence to get the assignment at Liza’s job, and then we got into a confrontation that became physical. I don’t blame them, there are consequences to my actions.”

“This is my fucking fault, shit!” he yelled, leaning his head on the couch pillows behind him in frustration. “Just when I thought things were looking up.”

“Really, Shane, this is that bitch’s fault not yours,” Larissa stepped forward and took his hand in hers. “I’m going to be fine. I’ve already emailed my resume to a couple of agencies and I have money in savings.”

“I’ll go talk to your manager tomorrow,” he gazed at her. “You loved that job.”

“I love you.” She leaned in, giving him a kiss on his delicious lips. “A job can be replaced. I just wasn’t planning on spending money on a wedding. You said we were going to the court house, and I was fine with that.”

“We’re not paying for it, my newfound family is, they wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Shane nipped at her lower lip. “And if we wanted a big wedding you wouldn’t be paying for it, job or no job. I would move mountains to make your dreams come true.” He circled his arms around her waist and picked her up, placing her on his lap. “Larissa, you have made me want and wish for things I never thought possible. Girl, I was blessed the day you walked into my life. I can’t thank that fool enough for standing you up that night. You chose me.”

She laughed, “As I recall you didn’t give me an option.”

“Once I laid eyes on you, I knew what I wanted, getting to know you and loving you was my prize.” Shane caressed her neck, making her shiver. “I love you.”

Larissa’s lips curled up in to a smile, and she began rotating her hips on his lap, arousing him. “Show me how much you love me.” She grinded down, dry humping on his bulge. “You know what I want.”

Shane grinned, “You know the deal, babe,” he pushed up. “You have to tell me what you want.”

She bent her head and started giving him feather kisses from his neck to his earlobe. Shane’s dick was getting harder with every kiss and lick she gave him, and then she whispered, “Make love to me, Daddy.”

“Fuck yeah!” Shane wrapped her legs around his waist, and he pushed forward standing up. “Where haven’t we made love yet in this house?” He inspected the area, and then he smirked. “The dining room.”

“That’s where we eat,” her hands were circled around his neck.

“My point exactly,” he took long strides toward the dining room. “I plan on feasting on you,” Shane gently placed her on the table, and then pulled her robe open. “Yes,” he gazed at her naked body. “All mine.”




Shane didn’t know what he did to deserve the goddess before him, but he thanked God every day for Larissa. She stood by him through thick and thin, when any other woman would’ve bailed at the first sign of trouble. He moved forward and dropped on his knees, spreading her legs apart. Fuck, she was already glistening with her juices. He tongue kissed her pussy, and Larissa’s head banged on the hard table. “Are you okay?”

“Don’t stop.” She moaned, “Continue…”

Shane continued his assault on her pussy. She tasted different, sweet and salty at the same time. He slurped, licked on her clit, and then took turns dipping his tongue in her canal. Larissa was hitting the table with her palms, and then she grabbed his head, and pulled him closer to her core, his nose hit her clit making her cry out in pleasure.

“Shane!” her legs wrapped around his neck as her climax took over. Damn that was fast, he chuckled against her pussy, and continued eating her. “I need… you inside me now!”

He pressed his tongue on her swollen pearl. Larissa’s thighs were getting tighter around his neck. Shane could feast on her all night, but she had other ideas. “You have me on lockdown,” Shane placed his hands on the table, trying to move, but her legs were locked behind his neck.

“You want this,” Shane stood, taking down his pants. His cock sprung from it’s enclosed place. He stroked his manhood up and down. “Baby…”

“Yes, that’s what your honey wants,” Larissa leaned up on her elbows, gawking at his cock. “I need my dose of your medicine now.”

“Dr. Morgan at your service,” Shane grabbed her ankles, easing her closer to him. He settled in between her legs, and gently plunged into her sweet core. Larissa’s toes curled as she moaned his name. Her pussy muscles wrapped around his rod as he slowly fucked her. “Fuck!” he banged on the table.

“Yes!” She arched her back off the table, clawing at the wood, “Yes! Oh shit,” she chanted as her canal started twitching around his dick. “Don’t stop! Oh shit, it feels so good,” she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Shane began fingering her clit, making her wetter. She was in ecstasy, he inched his cock out of her wetness, leaving the head in and then lunged forward. “Babe, you’re so fucking wet.”

“I’m… coming…” She fell back on the table, and her whole body began to shake like a leaf. Her grip on his manhood was about to make him cum too. Shane was fucking her uncontrollably, shaking the table. “Oh yes…. yes… yes…”

“I’m coming, baby!” He clutched her hips, and continued stroking in and out of her pussy. The pulsing sensation from her orgasm pushed him over the edge, and he came hard.




They took a shower and walked back out to the living room. “Fuck, woman, now you got me hungry,” he sat down.

“I cooked earlier, do you want some?” Larissa twisted toward the kitchen.

“Yes, please,” he grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. “Damn it’s almost three o’clock.”

She entered the kitchen; he heard her open and close the refrigerator, and then the microwave dinged.  “Shane, no eating in the living room.”

He shook his head, getting up and strolling into the kitchen. “Smells delicious.” Shane looked at the rice, beans, and chicken waiting for him on the kitchenette table. He pulled out a chair, and sat. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Larissa yawned as she sat next to him with her legs under her butt.

“Babe, go to sleep,” Shane gazed at her hooded eyes.

“I’m fine,” she placed her elbow on the table, resting her cheek on her palm falling asleep. “I’ll go to bed when you do.”

Shane chuckled looking at her as her eyelids dropped, and then opened wide. He grabbed his fork, and dug into the tasteful food his woman prepared for him. Larissa was a wonderful cook; shit he was lucky he thought. Growing up he hardly ate home cooked meals, his mother always fed him TV dinners. He thought those meals were scrumptious, until he started going over Deborah’s house and tasted her hearty meals. She was an angel in his life, whenever he was allowed to visit. He was deep in thought when someone knocked on the front door. “Really?” He slammed the fork on the table, scaring Larissa out of her sleep. He hated when people interrupted him when he was making love or eating.

“What’s wrong?”

“They don’t fucking learn.” There was another knock, and this time he was going to take his time answering the fucking door. “Stay here,” he said in a stern voice and stood. He picked up his plate, and walked over to the trash, dumping the rest of his food, and placed the plate in the sink. Shane marched out of the room, sick and tired of Liza and her shit. If she sent her brothers and man again, he was going to shoot them for real this time. Shane tilted his head, glaring at his fiancée, “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?”

BOOK: Perfectly Mixed
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