Read Propositioning Mr. Raine Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #General Fiction

Propositioning Mr. Raine (16 page)

BOOK: Propositioning Mr. Raine
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She exited the outer door and was outside, so cool air hit her face as she sucked in air. A sob passed her lips and then she was running, taking off at a jog down the street toward the motel. She wanted to go home, no longer wanting to stay in town anymore.

It was too close to Navarro and his on-again girlfriend. They would be just down the street from her, touching each other.

* * * * *

Navarro watched Trina leave. What the hell? He frowned. He’d seen raw pain flash in her eyes the second before she’d spun away. She’d slammed into three people on her way out the door but she hadn’t seemed to notice. She’d just fled the bar as if the place were on fire.

“Hey.” Tammy rubbed his chest. “Buy me that beer.”

He tore his attention away from the door Trina had just disappeared through. Trina had walked up to him and wanted to talk. He knew she probably wanted to try to explain away why she’d lied to him about being a widow. He hadn’t wanted to hear her damn excuses. He’d been married to a woman who had fucked around on him with other men and he’d always thought those men were the worst sort—to knowingly touch another man’s wife. Trina had made him one of those lowlifes when he’d unknowingly helped her commit adultery.

“I forgot something in my truck. I’ll be right back.”

Navarro pulled out of Tammy’s grasp and headed for the door, after Trina. Maybe they should talk since he had a few things to say to her. He’d thought she was too good to be true and damn it, she had been. It pissed him off. He stormed out of the bar and turned left to the parking lot. He stopped, scanning for her SUV. He frowned when he didn’t see it.

8His fists clenched. How the hell had she left so fast? Behind him the door opened and he spun around as Tammy walked out. She stopped and smiled, her hand went to her hip.

“Let’s get out of here and go to my place. I’ve missed you, Nav.”

Chapter Ten


Trina was going to kill her brother-in-law. Four nights ago she’d gone home after the scene in the bar with Navarro to find Paul there. He’d broken in. She should have picked up the phone and called the police and had him arrested for trespassing and just been done with it. She’d instead let it go because he was Ted’s brother. She already had been upset enough without causing a confrontation with Paul. His lame excuse was he’d had to use the bathroom and didn’t think she’d mind him breaking a window to get in. She minded all right.

She’d also put up with his shit because she was hurting. Even shitty company was better than rambling around her empty house feeling sorry for herself. Paul at least kept her busy. It was a full-time effort not to kill the guy. Every time he opened his mouth it was a challenge not to tell him where to go and she doubted he would appreciate a suggestion to vacation in hell. She reminded herself that it was Friday and he was leaving on Saturday. She had less than twenty-four hours to go and she kept telling herself she could survive that.

Paul said he was worried about her and wanted to spend a few days in Hailey to make sure she was doing well. He was full of shit and she knew it. He was spying on her, plain and simple. She’d found evidence of that because she’d noticed that things were moved in her house. He’d gone snooping in her bedroom too. She knew it but she just couldn’t prove it.

Trina had to tune out his bitching about the lack of interesting scenery the entire ten minute drive into town. She parked in front of the diner and got out quickly. She fought the urge to grip her dress, hike it up her legs to her knees, and sprint away from him.

For a nickel she’d run for her damn life to get away from the annoying man. She had needed to get out of the house so they were having dinner in town.

She walked inside the diner ahead of Paul, not giving a damn if he was behind her or not. Inside she immediately headed to a table by the window to sit down at the edge of the booth seat while putting her purse by the window. She was afraid Paul might try to sit next to her but the move worked. Paul paused beside her before he took a seat across the table, obviously unhappy as he frowned at her.

“This is the best place to eat in Hailey?” He glared around the large room with his upper lip curled in disgust.

“They serve really good food.”

He snorted as the waitress walked over to hand out menus. Trina flashed the woman a stressed smile and ordered raspberry iced tea while Paul ordered a soda.

Trina opened her menu even though she almost knew it by heart but she kept her 8attention locked on it so she didn’t have to look at Paul, who was seriously pissing her off.

The waitress came back a few minutes later to take their orders and Trina noticed more people were coming into the diner as they passed her table so she glanced at her watch, noting it was almost six o’clock. The diner did serve great food and she knew a lot of people ate there on weekends. The waitress, Betty, took their orders and disappeared.

“We should talk,” Paul said softly.

Trina looked at him and sipped her tea. “What do you want to talk about?”

He studied her with a frown. “I don’t know what you see in this town or why you want to live here.”

“I think the town is wonderful, the people are nice, and I love the house. I am enjoying living in a small town.”

“It’s as boring as hell and there’s nothing to do here. You have to miss Orange County.”

She sighed. “I don’t.”

An unhappy expression fixed on Paul’s face as he continued to frown at her. “I have been thinking, Trina. Ted wouldn’t want you to bury yourself like you are in this morgue. You need someone to tell you what to do and Ted knew that about you. You’re one of those weak women who flounder helplessly without a strong man to take control of you.”

Trina was so stunned she was speechless as she stared at Paul.
He couldn’t have just
said that for real. No way
, her mind reasoned.
I’m hallucinating because he had has driven me
insane this week.
That has to be it.

“This is what is going to happen. I’m taking charge of your life and you are going to put that house up for sale so we both are going back to California together. I will make the ultimate sacrifice and I’ll marry you. You’ll transfer all of your money into my account and I’ll take care of you like Ted did. We’ll set up an allowance for you to live on and you can stay home like you did with Ted to be my little house slave.” He paused as his focus dropped to her breasts, smirking. “I hope the sex is worth it.”

She realized she had a death grip on her iced tea when the pain in her hand became noticeable and knew she was about to break the glass. She let go of it so she didn’t get cut. She opened her mouth and then closed it.
He really just said all of that
. She let that sink in and then the rage hit.

“That’s why you wanted to come to town with me, isn’t it? You want to do this here? Really?”

“Now relax. Are you on medication, Trina? Is it in your purse? You’re looking a little flushed with excitement. I hope you know what a sacrifice I’m making but I’m willing to do that for you. I’m sure it is the best thing for you. From now on, I’ll call all the shots.”

9She reached for her tea and gripped it while she slowly stood. She had the table dig into her hips as she straightened as best she could. She lifted her tea and raised it over Paul slowly and tilted the glass. Satisfaction filled her as she watched it unfold. Paul’s expression turned horrified as his shocked gaze followed her movement. He barely closed his eyes in time when the ice and tea spilled over his head, soaking him. Trina sat, putting the glass on the table, and watched her brother-in-law gasp and sputter as he wiped frantically at the wetness on his face.

“Are you crazy?” He hissed, glaring at her and frantically looking around as he grabbed napkins to dab at his wet shirt. “What is wrong with you?”

The waitress almost ran to their table. Betty looked wide-eyed and shocked as she stared at Paul and then her gaze darted to Trina. Trina picked up her purse and scooted out of the bench seat. She stood, forcing a smile at the waitress.

“Make my dinner to go please and bring the bill.”

The woman glanced at Paul and then nodded and fled. Trina glared at Paul. He was staring at her, looking pale and stunned. Trina was done, knowing she had taken more than enough shit from him. She realized the diner had gone quiet and knew that she and Paul were causing a scene the second she’d dumped the tea over his head but she was too furious to care.

“Listen to me and listen to me good,” she ground out. “You are an asshole. You don’t tell me what to do, ever. The day you control my life, well, that day is when hell freezes over. I’m not some weak little wife type, asshole, and I don’t need a man to control me or tell me what to do. If you ever try to pull this shit again I’ll show you weak when they have to surgically remove my shoe from your ass. When you walk in the door of my house after you find a way back there, you have five minutes to pack up your things and get the hell out or you’ll need that surgery. I want you to get on a plane, take your miserable, bitchy little bald ass out of my life, and don’t ever come near me again. Do you hear me?”

His mouth had fallen open and he’d gone paper white. He said nothing. Trina glared at him. She moved, bending over as she gripped the table, fighting the urge to smack him.

“Did you hear me?” She yelled that.

Paul paled even more as he nodded but didn’t say a word. She did watch his face turn red though after it stopped being paper white. His fists gripping the table balled tightly and she saw his knuckles whiten while rage filled his green eyes. She experienced a little satisfaction over what she’d said to him, having stood up for herself.

“Ms. Mattews?” The waitress was behind her and spoke hesitantly. “Here’s your food. I boxed up both meals.”

Trina turned and opened her purse. Her hands were shaking as she pulled out three twenties and handed them to the waitress. “Here.” She thrust the money into the woman’s hand.

Betty’s eyes widened. “It’s less than twenty.”

9Trina took the bag. “I’m sorry for causing a scene.” She was embarrassed now that she’d blown up. “Keep the change and I’m sorry I cussed in public.” Her gaze roamed the diner and she flinched as she saw a few kids. “I’m sorry,” she said louder, meeting the gazes of a few parents. “I…I’m sorry I lost my temper.”

As she spun around to walk to the door she met a familiar and sexy pair of dark blue eyes. She wanted to die on the spot. She did stumble as she took a misstep but she kept going. Her horrified gaze left Navarro’s. He was sitting by the front door in a U-shaped booth with Tammy, Adam, and Ryder. All four of them were staring at her, right along with everyone else in the diner. She dropped her head, feeling her cheeks burning with shame. She wanted to run but just kept walking to escape the room.

She pushed the door open and blinked back tears as she left the diner, moving quickly toward her SUV. Navarro, his girlfriend, his brother, and Adam had just witnessed what happened with Paul. Hell, she’d be the talk of the town by tomorrow. It was a small town and she’d cussed out a man in a family diner. More tears burned the back of her eyelids. Now everyone would think she was the crazy widow lady who lived out on the Vern place, thanks to that asshole Paul. She really hated him.

* * * * *

Navarro laughed. Ryder had been teasing Adam about his stripper. He glanced at Tammy, seeing her irritated expression still in place. She’d invited herself to dinner with them when she’d seen the three of them park at the diner and she was pouting over the fact that he was ignoring her. In his defense, he’d just wanted to have a meal with Adam and Ryder. Ryder was leaving and they’d come into town to drop him off to pick up his car that was getting a tune-up before he hit the road.

Navarro saw movement and looked over Ryder’s head as a woman with blonde hair wound in a tight bun stood a few tables down. His eyebrow rose as she dumped a drink over some middle-aged man’s head. The guy sputtered and looked shocked as the woman sat back down. Betty, the waitress, rushed to the table.

“Shit. Some guy just got a drink dumped on him.” Navarro jerked his head in the direction of the center of the diner. “Some woman just hosed him.”

Ryder and Adam turned their heads. They heard the man but couldn’t hear what he was saying. Navarro chuckled, amused by the incident. The woman at the table suddenly moved and then stood. Betty rushed off toward the kitchen a second later.

The blonde turned sideways to face the table she’d just vacated and shock hit Navarro when he realized it was Trina. He’d know that profile anywhere.

Navarro tensed, listening to Trina going off on the man. Trina’s voice had been shaky and even from across the room, he could hear that she was really upset. He saw her hand rise as she subconsciously clutched her purse to her chest and then she leaned over to yell at the guy. He watched in stunned shock as she turned to face the waitress.

Trina was shaking more as she took the bag from Betty and paid her. Trina looked 9toward the back of the diner and he heard her apologizing, sounding ready to cry. He moved, scooting toward the edge of the seat, ready to go to her.

Ryder kicked him hard under the table. Navarro jumped as his glare flew to his brother. Ryder shook his head, giving him a look that said “stay out of it and stay put”.

Navarro forced himself to relax as his focus flew back to Trina.

She turned to leave and her gaze caught his. She almost jerked to a stop. She paled and her mouth opened. She seemed to yank herself out of the stunned moment quickly.

Her gaze tore from his, darted around his table, and then she moved faster for the door.

She glanced at him one more time and then almost ran as she left the diner.

The man at Trina’s table got up. His face and bald head were wet. His shirt had wet trails from where the drink had run down his clothes. He looked pissed off as hell as he stormed for the door. The guy’s hands were balled into fists and he resembled a furious little troll to Navarro as he was hot on Trina’s heels. Navarro moved to get out of the booth, realizing the guy was going after Trina and he looked angry enough to hurt her.

BOOK: Propositioning Mr. Raine
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