Read Propositions Online

Authors: Tania Joyce

Propositions (8 page)

BOOK: Propositions
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Nate put his hand on her arm and rubbed it to comfort her. Heat started to flare inside her from his touch. She heard his breath shorten. His close proximity to her was altering her train of thought.

“Want to get out of here?” Nate asked as he looked at her with pleading eyes.

“I can’t be seen leaving with you from here. Meredith? Cameras? Gossip?”

He stepped closer. “You make me want to throw discretion out the door.”

Jessica closed her eyes as his breath feathered in her ear. Warmth spread down the right side of her body and her knees went weak.

But no … not in front of everyone. She still had her dignity. Her eyes shot open and she looked around nervously. She stepped back against the wall, away from Nate.

She blushed at his suggestion. His cheeky smile and the hunger in his eyes made her falter. Her earlier battle with her confused feelings had been worse than relying on the outcome from a coin toss. It had been
—stay away,
—stay with. Every time she thought she’d decided not to be with him, something came up and it flipped back the other way. What was with that? But now, seeing him before her, the coin had definitely landed on tails. She inhaled deeply as the scent of him filled her senses. The idea of being whisked away sounded kind of fun.

She met his waiting gaze. “Let’s get out of here.”

He placed his warm hand on her cheek and was about to step in to kiss her, when she froze at the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor. Nate quickly stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets. Jessica struggled to breathe as she saw Meredith walking toward them.

* * *

“There you are, Nathan.” Her eyes rudely shot daggers at Jessica. “Discussing business, are we?” She raised a penciled-on eyebrow at him.

Guilt washed over Nate. What was he doing trying to seduce Jessica in the hallway? He had to be careful with the likes of Meredith Bowen about. “Just ran into each other in the hallway. That’s all.”

“I’m heading off to catch a cab. Night, all.” Jessica turned and headed out to the foyer.

“I’m heading off as well. Good evening, Meredith.” He went to walk around her but she stepped in front of him.

“Would you like my limo driver to give you a lift? You
’re staying in the Tower, aren
’t you?
” Meredith said with a twinkle in her eye. “I’m heading past there and could drop you off.”

He shuddered at the evocative tone in her voice. “No, thank you. My driver is waiting for me. Goodnight.”

Before she could utter another word, he rushed out into the foyer, through the revolving door, and glanced frantically up and down the street looking for Jessica. Where had she gone? Had she really left for the night? He started down the street for the taxi rank, and relief washed over him when found her toward the end of the line. She looked cold and out of sorts.

“Jessica, would you like a lift?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine. I’ll just get a taxi.”

Meredith had obviously unnerved her. Oh, he wanted to throttle that woman. Jessica’s notion of calling her a woodpecker certainly rang true.

“You look cold,” Nate persisted. “My car’s waiting just up the street there.” He thumbed in the direction of his limousine.

He saw her shoulders relax as she smiled at him and nodded. “Okay. That would be nice. This line looks like it’s going to take ages.”

Jessica walked next to him as they made their way down the street. As they were about to pass the entrance, Meredith barreled out in front of them. Her eyes snapped from him to Jessica. “Where are you two off to now?”

“Just giving Jessica a lift, because she looks freezing.”

“How gentlemanly of you.” The suspicion on Meredith’s face stretched Nate’s tolerance to the limits. He could see the headlines in tomorrow’s news:
Nate follows in his father’s footsteps—sleeping with women around the world.

God, the thought made him shudder. He hadn’t slept with a string of women; he couldn’t be more different from his father. But the tabloids wouldn’t care about the truth. Yes, this was a short-term fling, but no one was going to get hurt as a result of it. There was something different about Jessica; he just couldn’t put his finger on it yet. But damn it if someone like Meredith was going to be the one to put him in the headlines.

Nate ushered Jessica away to the string of limousines and drivers waiting in the cold night air for their clients. His driver opened the door on his approach. As Nate placed his hand on the small of Jessica’s back to aid her into the car, a shiver ran down his spine. It felt good to finally touch her. He’d being struggling to resist the temptation all night.

Without thinking, he glanced back toward the doorway. There was Meredith. Watching his every move.
He turned away and slipped into the back seat after Jessica.

It was welcoming and warm inside the car after standing out in the brisk air. The driver took off down the street. Nate leaned against the back corner of the car seat. Everything was going to be fine. Nothing he could do about it now.

The feel of Jessica next to him drew his attention.

“I know it’s been a rough night. Do you want me to take you home or … do you want to come back to the hotel?”

Her eyes glowed warmly and a smile curled on her lips. “Hotel,” she whispered.

It took all his willpower not to take her then and there in the car. He couldn’t wait to run his hands up and down along the smooth skin of her thighs. Kiss her red lips. Taste her skin. And embed himself inside her. He swallowed hard trying to get his thoughts under control and loosened his neck tie in an attempt to lower his body temperature.

“How was Melbourne?” Jessica asked him suddenly, in a businesslike tone.

Yes! Distraction conversation for a moment would be good
“We should get the video edits back in the next few weeks. We have two weeks to make any changes before the programs start running on various channels in Australia and Asia, and at our next meeting, we need to discuss …”

Nate couldn’t help but grin as she rattled on. He’d noticed she did that when she was nervous. “I’m amazed you pulled all those meetings together for me at short notice,” he said, when she took a breath. “You’re doing a fantastic job.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

Her passion for her job and her company excited and rejuvenated him. It made him realize that he loved what he did too. He’d been running flat for months. Just working day to day. But Jessica’s enthusiasm was contagious and had reignited his drive to oversee the growth of the Somers organization.

“I’ve worked with heaps of agencies around the world and your flair is a rarity,” Nate said. “You’d do well in Europe.”

“Europe? I’d have an uphill battle convincing Alex on that one.” She smiled, but he could see sadness in her eyes. “Alex is driven by money, making it, not spending it.”

Nate remembered the many times he’d been excited about ideas for growing their business and had continually been blocked by his narrow-minded father. Yet again, he noted that he had more in common with Jessica than he could have ever imagined.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she turned her head to see the city pass by outside her window. Silence hung in the air as he watched the night lights dance across her skin. She was simply beautiful.

As the car got nearer to the hotel, Nate looked down at Jessica’s hand resting on her lap. Within the short drive, their bodies had slowly edged closer together. Their legs were now barely an inch from touching. They were drawn toward each other like magnets. He’d never found anyone who seemed to be the whole package—elegant, sexy, intelligent. Snapshots flashed through his mind of all the crazy places in the world he would like to make love to her. Places where she could wrap those long legs around him. Places where he could look at her and drown in her gorgeous brown eyes forever.

Don’t be stupid! That’s not going to happen

Nate pulled himself up short, clenching his jaw. He closed his eyes to refocus on what was truly happening here.
Just sex. This little get-together is just for sex!
Nothing more. Nothing less.

* * *

Nate called out to the driver. “Can you go down through the carpark to the elevators, please?” He turned back to Jessica. “Away from too many prying eyes.”

Jessica managed a few calming breaths. “Thank you.” Yes, keeping their encounters private was necessary. She didn’t want to be a headline scandal.

The chauffeur pulled up by the elevator bay, hopped out and opened the door for them. Nate collected his luggage from the trunk of the car and bid the driver goodnight. As they entered the elevator, Nate pointed out the security camera as the doors closed behind them. Did he seriously think she was going to jump him in the elevator?

Jessica sighed.
Probably would have if he didn’t point them out.

As they stood like statues facing the doors, Jessica could hear Nate’s heavy breathing. In. Out. In. Out. The thought of that warmth rushing all over her body made it a struggle to remain standing still as the elevator sped toward the thirty-second floor.

She followed Nate down the short hall to his apartment. He swiped his door key in the card reader and stood aside for her to enter. The door closed behind them with a click. With a flick of a few switches, Nate turned on the downlights before he abandoned his suitcase and flung his arms around her. His lips took instant possession of hers. His body finally pressed against hers, making her skin tingle from her head down to her toes. All her senses were finally aligned and focused on him.

Skin. She wanted Nate in the flesh. Too much fabric hindered her way. With hasty fingers she unraveled his tie and made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt. As she glided her hands back up over his chest and down the lengths of his arms, she pulled his shirt and coat along in their wake. For someone out of practice, she was certainly good at getting his gear off. A skill she was very grateful for.

“Jess, what have you done to me?” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

“Nothing just yet. Give me a sec.” She struggled to unfasten his belt, before it released and she slipped it free from his trousers. She held it up beside her and dangled it playfully before she dropped it to the ground. “Well, I’ve already had dinner and a few drinks. So there’s no need for you to wine and dine me. Let’s just get to the sex. I want you inside of me now.”

She wanted to forget this evening—the boring dinner, Meredith and her troubles. Hot sex was just what she needed.

Nate’s eyes blazed. “I’m only too happy to oblige. Besides, I’m not sure if I’d make it through a whole date with you.” He pulled her back into his arms. His hands ran down over the curves of her back, found the bottom edge of her top and peeled it up over her head. She arched her chest toward him as his thumb circled over the front of her silky bra. Her nipples peaked beneath the fabric as he cupped her breast.

She knotted her fingers up through his hair and pulled his lips back to hers. She savored the taste and the dance of their tongues. He reached up to take her hand and drew back from her kiss. His eyes burned into her with a fiery desire that made Jessica catch her breath.

“Come on,” he whispered.

Kicking off her shoes, she let him lead her to the bedroom. Standing before him at the edge of the bed, Jessica ran her palms over the hard plain of his chest. Following his light dusting of hair, her fingernails trailed to the top of his trousers. Slowly, she unzipped them. That was Nate’s undoing. He kicked off his shoes, rid himself of his clothes and pushed her down onto the bed.

In his naked glory, Nate arched over her as she lay beneath him. As she rubbed her hand up and down along his shaft, a deep groan of pleasure rumbled in his throat. He kissed her. The touch of his lips against hers sent ripples of heat all through her body. She grasped onto his hips and drew him in closer to her. She felt like she would explode if he didn’t enter her soon.

She groaned when he pulled away. It was just starting to get really good!

“Wait, I’ve got to get to my drawer,” he said.

Jessica giggled while admiring the view as he leaned over her and opened up the drawer of the bedside table.

“It better not be handcuffs.”

Nate chuckled and flashed her a gold-foiled condom packet in front of her. “So what … no toys, whips or leather straps?”

“Not my thing.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “I just like your dick.”

The fire that burned in Nate’s eyes made Jessica’s heartbeat soar.

“I’m very glad to hear that,” he said. She felt like she was melting into the bed as Nate returned to kissing her. “Besides, I think we’d break too many things the way we’re going.”

Jessica had to agree.

Nate sat across her hips. His cock standing up like a flagpole made her want him to hurry up. He grunted with frustration as he struggled to open the packet. She placed her hand over his to stop. “I’m on contraceptive injections.” Yes, they should’ve had this discussion before they were both in such a compromising position. “For controlling my cycle, not a rampant sex life. So, if you’re not riddled with STDs, how do you feel about no condoms?” She’d rather do away with them if they were going to do this on a regular basis.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” He threw the packet onto the bedside table. “And for the record, no, I don’t have any diseases.” He took her hand in his and pressed his lips against her palm. His eyes, full of what looked to be adoration, captured hers. Or it could have been downright lust. Jessica’s pulse picked up to its former pace. Nate leaned forward over her and lowered his body down against hers. He connected with her once again. Every cell of her body hummed and felt alive as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Nate smiled as he pressed his hips firmly into hers. His penis bulged hard against her opening, teasing her arousal into overdrive. “You feel so good. I want to savor you for just a moment longer.”

Jessica rubbed her hands over his firm buttocks. She pulled them to her as she wiggled her hips beneath him. “Is that long enough?” she asked as she kissed across his shoulder and collarbone.

BOOK: Propositions
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