Read Proud to Serve Her (1 Night Stand Series) Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #Always a Marine - Book 4

Proud to Serve Her (1 Night Stand Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Proud to Serve Her (1 Night Stand Series)
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Shyness danced in her smile and her gaze dipped to his chest; a chest he puffed out a little under her examination.

“I guess this is a night of firsts for me.”

“Me, too,” he confessed, in part to comfort and part to calm his own racing heart.

“Oh?” Her voice didn’t quite squeak, but her cheeks flushed when the higher note punched up the skepticism in the syllable.

He chuckled. “Absolutely. It’s opening night. I’ve got a restaurant full of customers who came to sample the food, friends who made their reservations when I was still knocking down walls, and a crew of devoted employees who not only helped me choose the colors, but indulged every food experiment to help me pick out a menu.” He rubbed his thumbs along the sides of her hands, seeking to soothe her rapid pulse.

Instead of responding to the intimacy of his confession, she withdrew. “I shouldn’t have pulled you away from all of that.”

Damon closed his hands around hers, keeping her turned toward him, and shook his head. “You didn’t
me away from anything. I am exactly where I want to be. The other firsts are dinner with a beautiful and charming woman whose deeply expressive nature reveals exactly what she thinks and feels about my food and my company, while doing me the incredible honor of sharing her birthday with me.”

“Really?” The surprise widening her eyes couldn’t be feigned, because like her response to the kiss and her nervousness, it reflected in the lean of her body away from him, the sudden rigid lift to her spine and the inescapable clench of her fingers against his palms.

“Absolutely. You came here tonight to meet someone.” Time
for the frontal assault, no more games or misdirection
. He shifted his grip on her hands, sliding forward on his seat until his legs could brace the sides of her chair, effectively caging her in.
Just in case

“I know and I’m sorry he decided to miss out on the wonderful food, but I….”

“Wait. Please.” She couldn’t have slapped his conscience any harder if she’d tried. She was apologizing for being stood up and offering succor to his ego. He didn’t deserve it. “You came here to meet someone, an arranged date through the 1Night Stand service.”

Her beautiful, pouty lips whitened around the edges. He plowed forward, ready for the friendly fire.

“You weren’t stood up. I came out with your coffee to introduce myself, and you assumed I was a waiter. I should have just corrected you, but you were so nervous and tired, that I decided to play along. Then you were simply beautiful in your responsiveness and I didn’t want to make it awkward. Which is exactly what I’m doing now.” He sighed and caressed the pulse points along her wrists with his thumbs. “I’m sorry for that. Truly sorry that I misled you. But I am not sorry that you’re sitting in my restaurant, eating my food and sharing it with me, and I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive this Marine.”

“You’re my date.” She repeated the words, as though needing to say it aloud to make it real.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She wasn’t pulling away. That was a good sign. She wasn’t slapping him and calling him a jerk. That was a better sign.

A laugh escaped on a breathy exhale and her gaze lifted to the wall behind him, before darting back as she processed the information. “I’m not sure why I assumed you were a waiter. I thought you were my date just playing along and then I thought I was wrong.”

“I wasn’t sure either. Most of the staff is in white shirts and slacks, although some of the women preferred skirts.”

“You were too beautiful a man to be my date.”

He let the beautiful comment skate by, but not the too part and lifted his brows, leaning his face in and letting his nose just brush hers. “That’s an odd turn of phrase.”

“Have you looked at you? Then looked at me?” The self-deprecation littering the question wasn’t false either. She seemed to believe it.

He closed the distance between them and nipped her lower lip, pleased to see the color flood the white lines tightening the corners of her mouth. Resisting a smile, he gave her a stern frown. “First, I told you we don’t speak badly of the ladies here, and I’d much rather look at you than myself, thank you very much. Second, you must have truly been dating the wrong men to think his looks are a barometer for whether he qualified to be your arm candy.”

“Arm candy?” The sudden effusive laugh was exactly what he’d been hoping for. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No, I’m sorry, no man has ever qualified for my arm candy before….”

“So this makes me your first in that department. Very well. I accept and will do my best to live up to the title.”

A red flush raced over her skin and her eyes glittered. He squeezed her hands lightly before retrieving their wine glasses and topping them off. Pressing her glass into her fingers, he clinked them together. “To a night of many firsts.”

She hesitated and he read the quiet question in her eyes.

“Yes. I meant that exactly how you’re thinking right now.”

Her exhale was swift and she covered the little gasp of sound with a swallow of the wine while he hid a smile behind his own glass. Teasing a response from her would be the greatest pleasure of the night. He couldn’t wait to see her eyes soft and dewy, hear the sweet, explosive breaths as he peeled away the layers of everyday armor to delve into the sensuous woman hiding behind the gray top and sensible skirt. He wanted to find the woman that chose the red-bottom shoes.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She took another swallow of liquid courage and he shifted toward her again, intrigued.


“I wanted you to be my date…even when I thought you were the waiter….”

“Wish granted.” Their glasses clinked again. Her pink cheeks heightened the gleam in her eyes and he nodded toward the food. “Time to close your eyes.”

“Oh…I forgot we were eating.”

The chef in him winced—no one should forget his food, much less eating it. His masculine pride swelled. He’d made her forget the food.

She set the wine glass down and folded her hands in her lap. Her lashes lowered and he shifted his seat again, easing the ache of his too-swollen cock pressing against the cage of his pants. She was so damn responsive.

He’d begun the meal intending to feed her soul.

Now he intended to completely seduce her senses.

“The steak,” he began, “Is a filet, cut thick to allow for a slower cook and richer juices….” When her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips, he forced himself to cut into the meat, but his body longed to thrust into hers, burying himself balls deep until little gasps were all she could make.


“…it’s rubbed with extremely fine grinds of dark and light roasts and cooked slowly over open flame until the juices begin to flow.”

Was it possible for the man to become even sexier? Her mouth watered at the description. Despite the meal she’d already consumed, the cheeses, the wine, the salad with its skirted steak soaked in sweet sin, and the creamy soup, her stomach still tingled in anticipation of what else he offered. The scrape of knife and fork against the plate sent awareness racing across her skin.

Her nipples ached against her normally comfortable bra, the fabric almost too much against the turgid little points. The dampness flooding her panties should embarrass the hell out of her, but all she could think about as she sat, eyes closed, waiting, was whether it was steak he’d offer, or another bliss-filled kiss.

A vague sensation of crazy danced through her mind. Things like this just didn’t happen to her. She was the practical one. Legal briefs, takeout, and episodes of Grey’s Anatomy populated her nights where the doctors spent more time on their love lives than their surgeries.

The rich scent of coffee teased her nostrils and her mouth opened. She expected the offering on the end of a fork, but his thumb caressed her lower lip as she took the bite from his fingertips. Curious, she caught his fingertip lightly with her teeth and lapped the flavor of the coffee-basted steak. The coiling tension in her middle exploded, sending languorous waves through her limbs and she sighed.

He tasted better than the food.

His chuckle sent her temperature climbing, but she didn’t regret the action, releasing him with a half awkward kiss to his thumb before biting into the steak itself. A second wave of explosions rippled across her taste buds and she groaned.

Tender and juicy didn’t do the flavor justice. The filet was warm, soft and seemed to break apart on her tongue. The rich meat flooded her senses, but riding the current above the marriage of blood, flame and smoke was the morning kiss of rich, gourmet coffee. The flavors tangled like a walkthrough between a Starbucks and a steakhouse. Her mind didn’t know what to process first, but she swallowed the piece, torn between regret and anticipation, opening her mouth to ask for more only to find a second bite waiting for her.

He teased her with the last piece and let her draw on his fingers, chuckling as she lapped at the pads of his fingertips before devouring the bite. So they repeated the dance. He never failed to touch her, stroking her cheek, and even grazing her nose with his when he cleaned the dribbles that escaped with feather light kisses.

She fisted her hands, fighting the desire to reach out and capture the scorching flame that engulfed her every time he came near. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes and she barely felt the first trickle of dampness on her cheeks.

“Helena,” his voice brooked no argument and her lashes lifted, tears falling freely. The trembling in her fingers seemed to vibrate through every bone until even her hair seemed to shiver from the assault on her senses. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

The words wouldn’t come. How could she explain the riots breaking out all over her body? Her breasts ached. Her wet sex clenched. Her toes curled insider her shoes. She shook with the force of the torrent racing through her blood. She tasted the food, but it was the flavor of
that lingered.

How could she explain how she never wanted these moments to end? How could words ever adequately describe the waves of emotion that swelled and dragged at her, tumbling over every practical objection her mind stuttered to produce?

He set aside the knife and fork. His hands cradling her cheeks as he brushed away the tears she couldn’t even work up the embarrassment to hide as they slipped, one after another, out of her control.

“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” his voice trembled low and deep. The dark hair shaping his face was thick, barely long enough to graze the tops of his ears. His perfectly shaped ears, with their gentle whorls and lobes that looked ripe enough to graze with her teeth, to lap at with her tongue until he shivered.

His broad forehead crinkled with the frown drawing his dark brows together over his sensuously lit blue eyes. She’d called them bedroom eyes when she’d first glimpsed them, but they were so much more. They pushed past every barrier she erected, dodging her defenses or simply dismissing them. She wanted to drown in those eyes, sink into the sea of sumptuous pleasure they promised.

Swallowing past the lump filling her throat, she whispered, “You.”

The admission cost her, it took every ounce of her strength to shape the word, nails digging into her palms as the quivers in her belly continued to ripple outwards, gaining in strength. The riptide of sensation jerked her under and she didn’t want to fight it anymore.

“It would be my pleasure,” he murmured. His mouth slanted over hers and robbed her of the need to say anything else. The world tilted and she surged forward, wrapping her arms and hopes around him, a tempest exploding within her as he lifted her out of the chair and into his lap.



Chapter Five



Damon stroked his thumbs down her cheeks, urging her mouth to open wider for him. The silken heat of her bottom pressed against his raging hard on. He deepened the kiss. His tongue slid against the rough ridges of flesh behind her teeth and then up to tangle with hers. It was an altogether satisfying kiss, but he wanted more.

Her greedy little fingers fisted on his shirt. He nuzzled a trail of kisses from the corner of her mouth to taste the salty tears that continued to slip from her eyes. Raising his head, he waited for her lashes to flutter open, for the glistening warmth of her autumn brown eyes. Darker than wine, her pupils dilated as though the black sought to swallow up every last drop of light.

“When we built
, we added six apartments upstairs.” He caressed one hand along the column of her throat to the silk of the gray blouse, smoothing the fabric over her shoulder until he reached the bare, warm flesh of her bicep. He wanted to touch every inch of her smooth skin.

She rolled her hips, her tight, round bottom rubbing the length of his erection, shredding his barely contained control.

Apprehension tensed her sweet, soft lips. He braced himself for her objections, her rejection. If she would spend the rest of her night sitting in his lap, he could get drunk off her hot, wet kisses and he would find a way to handle it.

“I’m not very good at it.”

The confession reined in his raging libido and he tipped her chin up. Hints of shame clouded her damp, desire-filled eyes. Tears trembled on her lashes. Her chest rose and fell matching the ragged pant of her breaths.

“Not very good at what, sweetheart?” Because she was one hell of a responsive kisser, meeting him thrust for thrust, coaxing a wild heat in him that he was having a damn hard time keeping banked to even have the conversation. If not for the whisper of bodies beyond the privacy curtain, he’d lay her out on the table in front of him, peel up her skirt and feast on the sweet delicacy of her sex until he’d satisfied his craving to know every sound she could make.

His cock twitched, thoroughly encouraged by that game plan.

“Sex.” The corner of her mouth turned down and her lashes dipped, hiding her eyes. “I tried it a few times in college.”

He would not laugh, but the noise still escaped as a small snort. “Let me guess, fifteen minutes of fumbling in the dark, a few thrusts and he was done?”

BOOK: Proud to Serve Her (1 Night Stand Series)
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