Pursued by the Playboy (26 page)

BOOK: Pursued by the Playboy
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Marc’s voice derailed further speculation.  “So
you want to get married in the fall or winter?”

She reared up.  “What?”

“Personally, I like the idea of a fall wedding.  I hear September is the new June when it comes to weddings.”

Maybe she was still hallucinating.  Or dreaming.  Yes, that had to be it.  Surreptitiously, she pinched herself, and winced.   Cautiously, she said, “It’s already September.”

“I know.”  Marc sat up.  “But I’m a big believer in not putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

“You’re serious?”

“Absolutely.  So, your choice.  Fall or winter?”

And then she remembered.  The DiStefano version of Dr. Spock’s method.  Two choices:  fall or winter.  Did he really fear she would turn him down?  Swallowing a smile, she said, “Something small?”

“If you like.”

“I don’t want a big fuss.”

“No fuss, got it.”

“And I’m keeping my name.  There are enough Dr. DiStefanos around as is.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She leaned forward, draping her arms around his shoulders.  “I love you.”

She felt his smile against her lips, warming her all the way to her toes.  “I love you, too, Kate.”




They were married in October.  The wedding reception took place at the
Main Line
country club that had hosted countless other DiStefano weddings over the last half century. 

Marc’s extended family filled the elegant ballroom, children accompanying their parents, all beautifully attired and on their best behavior. 

Kate’s parents arrived together and managed to pass the entire evening without exchanging a single insult. 

Jake and Lily came with Jake’s parents, who flew up from
for the occasion.

Photographs of the glowing bride and groom appeared the following Sunday in the society column of the local newspaper. 

Elizabeth Warner DiStefano, named after Marc’s mother, entered the world six months later, one of the five percent actually born on her due date.  



About the Author

Jill Blake
loves chocolate, leisurely walks where she doesn’t break a sweat, and books with a guaranteed happy ending. 

A native of Philadelphia,
now lives in southern California
with her husband and three children

By day (and sometimes night), she works as a physician in a busy medical practice.
Pursued by the Playboy
debut novel.  


BOOK: Pursued by the Playboy
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