Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)

BOOK: Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)
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Published by The Hartwood Publishing Group, LLC,

Hartwood Publishing, 400 Gilead Road, #1617, Huntersville, NC 28070


Rebecca’s Wolves


Copyright © 2015 by Becca Jameson

Digital Release: May 2015

Cover Artist:  Georgia Woods


All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Rebecca’s Wolves by Becca Jameson

Rebecca Larson is a busy woman. Between her nursing job and training for a Spartan Race, she doesn’t have time for a social life. A weekend hiking trip with her girlfriend is strictly for the purpose of getting the high-altitude workout under her belt.

Griffen Masters is not pleased his sister is bringing a friend on their annual siblings-only hike. And to make matters worse, the woman is human. She’ll never be able to keep up. However, the moment she arrives, his world tilts—she is his mate.

As if Griffen doesn’t have enough problems wooing his mate and trying to keep his hands to himself for the weekend, a mysterious force causes him to need medical attention at the peak of the mountain.

Miles Bartel is a long-time friend of Griffen and a vet. An added shock—Miles is also destined to mate with Rebecca. But the questions are piling up. What happened to Griffen in the first place? And how much light can Miles’ grandmother, a medicine woman, shed on the situation?

The mating is inevitable and urgent. Everything else will have to wait. But strange events occur nearly every day, keeping all three on their toes. And answers are not forthcoming. If something doesn’t give soon, frayed nerves will start to affect their relationship.



To all my fans who have loved my wolf ménages and pressured me until I stepped back into the Wolf Masters world to create more. Thank you all for your support. I’m so excited about where this series is going!



Chapter One

“Hey, brat. You ready for this weekend?” Griffen smirked at his sister as she rolled her eyes in his direction.

“You do realize I’m twenty-four years old, right?”

“Yep. But you’ll always be the baby in the family.” He tapped the frame of the door to her bedroom and leaned in. “Why aren’t you packing?”

“I’ll get to it.” She spun her desk chair around to face him and crossed her arms.

Shit. He didn’t like that stance. What was she up to? “Don’t even think about bailing on us. We’ve been taking this trip together for years. All five of us. It’s a tradition.”

“Oh, I’m not bailing. But I
bringing a friend.”

He shook his head. “What? No. No way. This is a siblings-only trip. As usual.”

“Not anymore it isn’t. I can’t spend three days and two nights clambering around in the mountains with four older brothers any longer. The testosterone alone is more than I can handle. I’m bringing a girlfriend this year.”

Griffen stepped inside her room and sat on her bed. “Who?” He didn’t think he was going to like her answer. She didn’t have very many shifter friends, and he couldn’t think of a single one who would be interested in hiking in the Flathead National Forest. And none who could keep up their pace.

“Her name is Rebecca Larson.”

“Rebecca? Where do you know her from?”

“She’s a nurse at the hospital. She taught the CPR class I took a few months ago. We realized we had a lot in common.” Rebecca shrugged. “We’ve been running together.”

“She’s human.” It wasn’t a question. Griffen knew she had to be human. If she were a shifter, he would know the name.

“She is.”


Sharon rolled her eyes. “Griffen, stop being an ass.”

“First of all, there’s no way she would be able to keep up. It’s ten miles to the top, steep and rugged. And second of all, I don’t want to spend forty-eight hours babysitting a human girl.”

Sharon stood and pointed a finger at him. “First of all,” she mocked, “she can out-hike you any day of the week, female or not. She’s training for a Spartan Race, and she needs the high-altitude workout. And second of all, she’s my age, twenty-four. We aren’t babies, as you seem to think. We’re grown women.” She settled both hands on her hips and cocked one hip to the side.

Griffen narrowed his gaze at her. He took a deep breath. “Spartan. Is that one of those obstacle course races?”

“Yes.” Sharon tossed her thick brown hair over her shoulder. “Trust me. She can keep up. She’s fun. And I need the female camaraderie.”

He hesitated a beat. “And I suppose you want me to let the rest of your brothers in on this plan.”

“Yep.” She gave him her sweetest smile and batted her eyes.

Griffen was a total pushover when it came to Sharon. He’d been eight when she was born. All four brothers adored her, but Griffen had been the only one old enough to grasp the idea that his parents had brought a girl into the house. He’d spent a great deal of time protecting her from the others when they were small. “Fine. But I hope you’re right about this. Trace will have a conniption if she can’t keep up.”

Sharon smiled hugely. “She’ll put Trace to shame. Trust me.”


“Are you sure about this?” Rebecca zipped her backpack and lifted it off her bed. “You aren’t trying to set me up with one of your brothers, are you?”

Sharon turned toward the door. “Lord, no. I just need someone with me to balance out the testosterone.”

“I can’t believe you have four brothers, and I’ve never met a single one.” Rebecca had moved to Cambridge two years ago. The town wasn’t that large. How had she never met any of the Masters?

She was apprehensive about this plan. The only reason she’d agreed to go on the trip was because she desperately needed the hiking miles under her belt. The terrain would be steep and rugged and the air thin. It was perfect. And she didn’t want to hike the distance on her own.

Sharon shrugged. “I learned early in life if I wanted any true friends, I needed to keep them away from my brothers. They’re all older. And according to most women, they aren’t hard on the eyes. In high school I never knew who I could trust. Any girl who met my brothers was my ‘friend.’” She made air quotes to emphasize her sarcasm. “I hated it. So, I usually keep them separate.”

Rebecca hesitated. “You know I’m not that kind of friend, right?”

Sharon grinned. “Yep. That’s why I invited you. Trust me. None of my brothers are going to hit on you. They know my friends are off limits.”

“Good. Because I’m in over my head these days between work and training. The last thing I need is some guy flirting with me.”

Rebecca followed Sharon out to her car and tossed her stuff in the back seat before climbing in. “Thanks for inviting me. I hope your brothers are in as good a shape as you said because I need to put some hard miles under my belt this weekend.”

Sharon smirked as she started the car and pulled away from the curb. “Griffen—he’s the oldest—said the same thing about you.”

“He did, did he?” Rebecca wiped her palms on her thighs. This was going to be fun. Even if all four of them were sexy and fit, she fully intended to make them work. She’d done several long runs with the bubbly brunette next to her. She knew her friend was in excellent shape. But four older brothers? Surely she could make Griffen eat his words.

Chapter Two

Griffen swung his backpack out of the truck bed and set it on the ground. They were going to leave the truck and Sharon’s car at the base of the mountain and hike the long winding trail to the top.

“What time are Sharon and her friend supposed to arrive?” Trace asked.

Griffen glanced at his watch. “Any minute.”

“Have you met this girl?” Zachary asked.


Logan stepped around from the other side of the truck, carrying his pack. “I can’t believe you agreed to this. We’ve never brought anyone extra along on this trip.”

Griffen winced. “Yeah, well you three weren’t the ones in a face-off with Sharon when she pleaded her case.”

Trace chuckled. “Dude, you’re such a pushover when it comes to her. Admit it.”

He shrugged. This was true. He couldn’t deny it.

As he lifted his backpack and turned toward the foot of the path, Sharon’s sporty, white four-door sedan pulled into the gravel lot. Good. The last thing Griffen needed was for his brothers to start grumbling about the women being late.

Sharon and her friend climbed out of the car and grabbed their belongings from the backseat while Griffen watched from several yards away. He blinked as Rebecca leaned over to pick up her pack. Her tight ass was sexy as hell, and her thighs and the rest of her long lean legs were right up there with her butt. She was indeed fit, as Sharon told him.

When she stood and turned in his direction, he swallowed hard. She wore her long auburn hair in two braids that made her look younger than twenty-four, although long didn’t really describe her hair. If it wasn’t braided, he suspected it would reach past her butt. As he watched, she tossed the two thick braids over her shoulders and shrugged into her backpack. Her tank top stretched tight over her chest, giving Griffen a fantastic idea of what her breasts were like beneath.

. He hadn’t considered the idea Sharon’s friend would be sexy.

And then she smiled. Her full lips stretched across her face, showing off perfect white teeth and cute dimples on each cheek. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and white with a scatter of freckles on her nose. She obviously kept the sunscreen industry in business with that complexion. Golden highlights in her hair sparkled in the afternoon sun.

She sauntered toward Griffen next to Sharon.

Griffen was aware of his brothers at his back, but they were amazingly quiet. Did they find her as attractive as Griffen did? He had a sudden surge of jealousy, as though he owned first right of refusal or something by being the oldest or having known her name before any of the others. He shook the ridiculous thought from his head.

A breeze blew across the parking lot at the same time as the ladies stepped closer.

Griffen inhaled at just the right moment to catch Rebecca’s scent.

BOOK: Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)
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