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Authors: Barbara McMahon

Tags: #The Harts of Texas Book 1

Rebel Heart (21 page)

BOOK: Rebel Heart
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She traced a finger along his shoulder, watching as her fingertip registered the heat and strength of his muscles beneath his skin. She couldn’t argue with him, she hadn’t admitted she loved him then.

“But you have your dreams, too, and have to follow them,” she said, hoping she understood. Hoping she wouldn’t say anything to spoil this moment. Her heart almost exploded with happiness.

Jase loved her!

“Yeah. Can you understand?”

“I think so. Only, I don’t think I like watching you when you compete. I’m too afraid you’ll take another spill. Next time it might not be a broken arm but a broken head!” She remembered her fear as she’d watched him ride in Trinity.

“Nah, it'll never happen. But if I do, I have a place to recuperate.” He nuzzled her neck, trailing kisses to the underside of her jaw.

“You had a place all along—the Rafter C.” She sank further in love with him showing no sign of wanting to end their intimacy. His sister probably wondered if they were coming back out tonight.

“But you weren’t there, only here. Darlin’, when you walked into that hospital room, I was glad I was lying down or you’d have flattened me. I was intrigued by you from the start. And when you told me about your first husband, it hurt me to know you hurt. I wanted to change things for you, show you it didn’t have to be like that.”

“You could have corrected me when I started in comparing you two.” Her hands roamed over him relishing every tantalizing touch.

After so many years alone, Shannon reveled in sharing with another. In being with Jase.

“I wanted you to want me no matter what. Even if you thought I was an irresponsible rodeo cowboy.”

“And I did. I fell in love with you ages ago. Only after we were married, instead of drawing closer, we seemed to pull apart. I couldn’t help remembering how it had been before.” She rubbed her hands over the rippling muscles of his back, savoring the feel of his hard body against hers. Shannon knew she'd never feel alone again.

“I didn’t want gratitude.”

“That’s not the reason I love you.”

Yet she would always be grateful. Not only to him, but to the fates that had brought them together. Her life had been incomplete before Jase. She knew now what he felt. Grinning, she looked up at him.

“So I make you complete, huh?” she asked, the deep pleasure at hearing his earlier words like a soothing balm to her scarred heart.

“From the beginning. I touch you to be connected. I can’t keep my hands off you, in case you hadn’t noticed. You’re so soft and feminine, yet strong enough to face any challenge. It’s a wonderful combination. One I want to share forever. That was the talk I planned to have with you…I was going to stop your foolishness and make this marriage real.”

She smiled slowly. “You did. I was afraid you might not come home before Las Vegas, though you said you’d be here for Thanksgiving.”

“Darlin’, you had me so crazy I didn’t know which end was up. I thought I wanted to forsake all responsibility for a while. But once I left here all I could do was wonder how you were, how the repairs were going, how the men were working out. I wanted to be a part of it all. Even winning the rodeo events doesn’t mean as much as it did. Once the Nationals are over, I’m coming home for good.”

“But I thought riding in the rodeos was your dream.”

“It was and this year I’ve got as good a shot as I’ll ever have at winning an event at the National Finals. But win or lose this season, I’m not going on the circuit again. It takes too much time away from you. I’ve got a new dream now.”

She reached up and kissed him, her heart almost bursting with happiness. It was more than she ever expected.

“Of course we need to work on your timing,” Jase said sometime later. “My sister probably figures she’ll have dinner by herself.”

timing! If you hadn’t been so concerned about your ride the next day we could have had a fine night in Trinity. And I wanted to make this Thanksgiving special. It’s the first one with my new family.”

“And probably the smallest gathering we’ll ever have.” He kissed her one last time and slowly rolled over beside her, reluctant to be parted.

“What do you mean?” She sat up, knowing it was past time to get dressed. They had guests, a wonderful dinner to eat and blessings galore to be thankful for.

“I mean, next year at this time I expect a son or daughter to join us.”

The gladness almost shattered her composure. “Oh, Jase, a baby? I’d love to have your baby.”

“A father has a lot of responsibility, but I figure I’m up to it. You might say I’m experienced that way already.” His voice held a wealth of satisfaction. “I love you, darlin’. How long did you say Brianna and Josh were staying?”



—The End—



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Books in THE HARTS OF TEXAS Series



Rebel Heart
(Book 1)


Tangled Hearts
(Book 2)


Reckless Heart
(Book 3)



Please visit my website:
for a complete list of all my books.



BOOK: Rebel Heart
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