Read Reckless Abandon Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Adult

Reckless Abandon (3 page)

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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“Wrong answer.” I took a seat next to her.

“Go to hell.” She turned her body away from me. Bingo.

“Nope.” I touched the glass to her bare arm. Eva looked down at it, before taking it and throwing back a mouthful of the amber-colored liquor.

She ran the back of her hand over her lips; pouty lips that I knew were burning from the alcohol.

“Why do you fucking care, huh? Aren’t you just here for some tits and ass being shoved in your face, before taking home whichever pussy you want?”

“Is that what you want to happen?”

“Oh no, I don’t think so. I’m not playing that game.” Eva pushed the empty glass to the center of my chest.

“What game, Eva?” I grabbed her wrist. She tried to tug it back, but I held my grip on her delicate wrist. I placed her empty glass on the table beside the couch. I fished out an ice cube with three of my fingers.

“What are you doing?” She tried to look over my shoulder.

“Shut up for two fucking seconds.” I ran the melting cube over the inside of her wrist, rubbing it in small circles. Hearing Eva’s hiss from the cold meeting her skin was music to my ears. I sluggishly blinked, then looked up at her. I lowered my mouth and pulled the ice away at the same time. My lips came in contact with her wrist. I flicked my hot tongue against her cold skin. The goose bumps spread across her forearm. Eva’s face softened, and her eyelids shut with a slow blink as she exhaled.
Got her!

I kept my eye on her as I gave her a nip on the inside of her wrist. I did it hard enough to make her gasp and jump at the same time. My intention was to do it hard enough for it to leave a mark, and so she’d remember who put it there.


“For what?” Eva jerked on her arm but I didn’t let go. I pulled her small hand down to the crotch of my jeans, so she could feel exactly what I thought of her.

“To apologize.” Her gaze fell to her hand’s current location, on my dick.

Pulling her free hand back she shoved me backwards so I was flush against the back of the couch.
Oh fuck!
Eva seductively started to crawl in my lap. Her shoulder blades worked their way up and down like a lioness. She gripped the cushions on the back of the couch on either side of my head. I spread my legs, wide enough for her to straddle my one thigh. I could feel her heated little cunt through her thin shorts.
Oh hell yes, she wants this dick.

The next thing I knew her lips were on my earlobe. She took it between her full lips and sucked until my lobe was between her teeth. My hands ran up the back of her stocking clad thighs, and rested on the round mounds of Eva’s ass.

“If you ever put my hand on your dick again, without my consent, I’ll fucking cut it off myself,” she hurriedly whispered into my ear before shoving her bent knee into the family jewels. Eva stood over me, while I cupped my balls in pain, and cursed her the fuck out. Satisfied with herself, she fluffed her hair and walked out on me. I believe I just found the woman who is destined to be my Old Lady, fuck me.

Chapter 4




“Get the fuck off me, Hunter.” Eva brought me back to the present as she forced her gaze to the side of the room. She avoided eye contact with me.

“And what exactly would you do? I’m guessing your Old Man doesn’t know who you really are yet? Or are you just waiting for him to fall in love with you before you dick him over too? You are good at ruining people.” Her eyes shut tightly, and her jaw tightened.

“Fuck you.” Her voice sounded uneasy. I knew the effect I had on her. Eva was my greatest accomplishment. She learned to submit to me, and in return for her trust, I gave her my heart.
Fucking pussy-whipped.

“Fuck me? That’s the fucking thanks I get for trying to save your ass?”

I released her hands and gripped her jawline, forcing her to look at me, my other hand still on her throat. I saw the first tear escape the corner of her eye. I absent-mindedly stroked the column of her neck with my thumb to try and soothe her.

“Get off me!” She struggled. Eva pushed her heels into the ground and tried to buck me off with her hips. “You have no rights to me anymore.” Hearing her say those words was like another fuckin’ swift kick to the balls.

“You still have my last name, so yeah- I do have a fucking right.”

“You made me leave!”

“After I fucking found out who you really were!” I shouted in her face.

“So what?”

“SO WHAT? That’s all you have to say? You should be someone else right now, somewhere else. Married, living in a big house with a white picket fence with kids running around and a baby on your tits.”

“That’s cute and all but is that really what you thought I’d go and do? I can’t just end my life and change what I do.”

“Oh yeah, I know that, Eva. You made that clear when you made your decision that night. So, I took matters into my own hands and ended it. Before you got in too deep.” I squeezed her jawline.

“Hunter…,” she held onto my hand that rested on her throat, “if you don’t stop…” Her face flushed. Either Eva was pissed or turned on. I’m siding with the latter of the two since we used to have hot make-up sex after a fight. Rarely, did we make it through the fights in their entirety. Maybe we fought for the sex.
Focus, Hunter.

“You’ll do, what?”

“It’s what I won’t be able to stop doing, is what I’m worried about.” Her rich brown eyes bore into mine. More like, searched for something in mine. I could read her like a book, and she was longing. Longing for me.
Oh not this time, baby girl.


I must have fallen asleep as some point. My body jolted upwards off the small bed. My head had a dull ache from my hair being pulled. That fucking bitch! I winced as my fingertips massaged my scalp. I licked my dry lips, tasted the dried blood in the corner of my mouth, the same mouth that was wrapped around Jax’s…oh God. I felt a dry heave working its way through my body.


Watching Nicole walk out of the room, fucking killed me. The look in her eyes will haunt me. The fact that Jax disrespected her, touched her, fuckin’ A. I couldn’t even think it without my blood pressure rising. I had to get us out of this situation, and fucking fast. The brothers have to realize we are missing and come looking for us sooner or later. I can only pray that they will come here.


I was half surprised to find that the room I was being held in had a bathroom. I rushed through the doorway to take the longest pee in the history of America. I avoided the mirror that hung on the wall, I didn’t want, nor did I need to see the hot mess I was. I felt dirty, filthy from what Jax made me do. I didn’t even want to picture the fucked up shit he had in store for me. But now that Jeremy, Hunter and Derrick are here, who the fuck knows what will happen. If Jeremy had only listened, and let me handle shit, we’d be all right and Jeremy would be safe.

Leaving the Condemned Angels wasn’t something I whole-heartedly wanted to do, but it was something that needed to be done. I have grown up and into that MC, those men are my family. Hell, I grew up with Roxy, and there wasn’t a moment I couldn’t remember without them. When shit hit the fan with my Mom and Dad, Moretti was there for me. In fact, the entire MC family was there for me. Hospital visits from when I OD’d, rehab was arranged and paid for, visitors every weekend, holidays, graduation- I had the entire group there. They had multiple chapters come in to see Roxy and I in our cap and gowns. They’ve seen me grow, fall, recover, and succeed.

Jeremy had saved me from myself, and for that, I owed it to him, his family, and the MC to do the right thing and give myself over. I wasn’t going to let my sperm donor ruin my true family. They were all I had left in this world. A hard pounding at my door abruptly interrupted my thoughts. Before I knew it, the door swung open.

“Nikki?” I heard Jax sing out into the tiny room.
In here, you stupid motherfucker.
Sighing, I took a deep breath and met him in the bedroom.

“What do you want?” I grumbled at him, crossing my arms across the front of my body, feeling incredibly uncomfortable after today’s earlier events.

“I have something for you.” My heart jumped and my pulse sped up
. Jeremy?

“Awe, look at how cute you look, thinking I actually brought you something you wanted.”

“Fuck off.” I turned my back to him. Jax’s heavy boots clunked on the floor as he made his way to me. I felt his body so close to mine, his large frame against my petite body. My hair was swept away from my neck, and over my other shoulder, exposing my neck to him.

“Don’t be mad at me.” His tattooed hand gripped my waist and his lips hit the curve of where my neck and shoulder met. I shrugged away from him and rotated on my heel.

“Fuck you. Don’t touch me, you sick fuck! I’m your sister, for cryin’ out loud!” I sneered at him.

“So fucking what? Nina and I, we are very close. You and I may be related in some way or another, but Christ, look at you!” His vibrant blue eyes scanned my body.

“Fuckin’ disgusting. What about your Old Lady? Doesn’t she get jealous when you fuck your sister on the side?”

“Nah, it’s an agreement we have and that she respects. Maybe your Old Man has the same agreement with you?”

“Ha, you’re funny. That’s the biggest fucking joke I’ve ever heard.” I laughed out loud, only to have Jax push me up against the bathroom door. I squared my body up to his.

“You’re a Devil now, the only Old Man you’ll have is me. So you’re going to see a whole new kind of world, little girl.” Jax roughly cupped my cheek as he slowly licked my lips. I had to fight to keep the bile down in my throat. He released his grip and trailed his hand down the side of my body, palming my left breast, and jiggling it roughly.

“God damn, you taste so sweet, so innocent. I can’t wait to fucking ruin you.” Jax chuckled as he turned and walked away from me. “Oh, and by the way, Eva will be by to give you clothes, you’ll be performing tomorrow. Get your rest, because you’ll have one hell of an audience.” The door slammed behind him, causing me to jump.

“Fuck.” My head hung as tears burned my eyes.
I want to go home.

Chapter 5


I stared into her eyes, I could see right through her facade. My Eva wasn’t stupid enough for this shit. A woman of her stature, and ranking- it didn’t add up. I took a deep breath; her sweet perfume coated my nostrils. She still wore the same perfume.
Fucking focus, she means nothing to you! She’s a traitor and has lied before and she will do that shit again, don’t fucking trust her.
I told myself, as I further scanned her face. My body was fighting me; it remembered just how good Eva felt below me. I slammed my palm against the floor by her head, which caused her to jump. Her small hands shoved at my chest.

“Not as strong as I remember,” I whispered in her face, her baby hairs floated away from her temples.

“Fuck you.” Eva’s cheeks grew red with frustration.

“You already did that, in more ways than one. You going soft, Eva?” I saw the fire burn in her eyes, and her teeth clench.

“I said, fuck you! Get the fuck off me, you piece of shit.”
God, she’s so damn sexy when she’s pissed.

“Why, all of a sudden you have a change of heart?” I let her up. I caught a glimpse of her black lace panties, and new ink displayed on the backs of her upper thighs. Little bows tattooed right under that apple- shaped ass of her.
Fuck me.

“You’re so fuckin’ confusing. Always playing mind games, Hunter. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth shut. Do us both a favor, and do what Jax wants and get the fuck out of here. Forget you even saw me.” Eva’s hand was on the lock of the door.

“Me, confusing? How about you?” I was somehow letting her get the best of me. I was pissed, and her change of pace put me over the top.

“Care to explain?” She released the lock, slowly turned to me, and took her stance with arms crossed.

“Two seconds ago you’re eye-fucking the shit out of me, and taking me down ole’ memory lane. Now, you’re all “badass”, and think you can fuckin’ boss me around? Telling your husband to listen to your Old Man?” I backed her up against the metal door. Her eyes narrowed, and her cheeks flushed. I knew she was pissed.

“The reason I’m all “badass”, is that I have a fuckin’ rep to uphold here, Hunter. I’m sleeping with your enemy! We’ve been done and over since that day you made me leave. We have nothing further to talk about here. The longer I stay in this room, the greater the chances are of you giving me up. I have a job to do here, and you’re not a part of it this time.” She was stern with her words, trying to fuckin’ hurt me. I couldn’t deny the tightening in my gut when she admitted she was sleeping with Jax.

“One- I didn’t make you leave, I allowed you to leave- alive. Two- I just want to get the fuck out of here alive, and will do so, when I have what we came for. Three- is what’s between your legs
getting the job done for you?” I yelled at her, louder with each thing I was ticked off on my fingers.


My blood boiled at his words. My right hand immediately shot up and slapped him across his face. We stood there breathing hot air into each other’s faces. His raked his teeth over his bottom lip, then looked me square in the eye. Those dark eyes of his zoned in on my mouth. My lips parted with my heavy breathing. Before I knew what happened, Hunter’s mouth crashed down onto mine, and my arms flung around his neck. His large hands circled my waist and pulled me into him. I stepped on just the balls of my feet in my sky-high heels, and pushed upward, closer to Hunter’s mouth. It was as if we had never skipped a beat. My ass slammed against the door as he roughly pinned me with his body. Our kiss was aggressive, raw, sensual and stimulating. My body hummed against his. Every feeling, thought, and memory from our past relationship engulfed me. Hunter was, and still is, my addiction. Goddamn him.
Oh shit, what the fuck am I doing?

I immediately forced my hands between our bodies. My hands rested on Hunter’s well-built chest. I had to refrain from feeling the rest of his rock hard body as I pushed Hunter away and pulled my face away from his. A groan fell from his mouth as his eyes gradually opened. Our chests rose and fell as we both tried to catch our breath.

“What the fuck are we doing?” I whispered, my focus was on his full bottom
lip, which
was now deliciously swollen, thanks to me.

“The fuck if I know.”

“It was nothing; we’ll just forget it happened. I should go.” I tried to tame my wild hair and licked my lips before rubbing them together. I still tasted him as my tongue darted out.

“You’re right; it is and always will be nothing.” He sounded offended, and tried to cover it up with his temper. Hunter pushed off the door, and my gaze hit the floor between us. I half expected him to finish what we started. Walking back to his metal seat, he sat there, just as I had found him minutes before- hands behind his back, facing away from me. My heart dropped into my stomach. I rapidly slapped the cuffs on Hunter’s wrists.
How could I have been so stupid?

“Isn’t this just fucking ironic? You’ve probably been dying to do that since we’ve met.” His voice was cold, and disconnected. I ignored his comment, and the painful ache in my heart.

“Well, since it’s like that, you should know that your girl has been taken a liking to.” I tightened his cuffs.

“My girl?” He looked at me sideways with an eyebrow cocked.

“Nicole.” I already knew that she was Jeremy’s but I just had to confirm since she didn’t earlier.

“She was never fully mine.” It stung to hear that she was anything with him. “That’s Jeremy’s Old Lady. So Jax better watch the fuck out.”

“Well, then it will be refreshing to see someone fight for their Old Lady.”
Low blow, Eva.

“Eva, let’s not even go there. You’re right, you should go.”

“I know that I’m right. Jax is waiting for me.” I left him with that, and slammed the door shut. I leaned against the wall in the hallway and inhaled a deep breath, trying to soothe my nerves. I raised my trembling hands to my face as the memory of our last night together flooded into my mind.

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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