Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series)
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Mick walked out of the hardware store one afternoon, surprised to see Renee. She was across the street walking toward the bank pushing a baby carriage. JD bumped into Mick when he stopped abruptly. He nudged Mick in the back. When Mick didn’t move, JD followed the direction of Mick’s turned head.

“Either go over and talk to her or get moving, don’t just stand here like a dick with your mouth hanging open.”

“Fuck off, JD. I don’t need you telling me what I gotta do.”

JD shook his head and mumbled, “Pussy,” under his breath, knowing he’d said it loud enough for Mick to hear.

“I gotta get going. Jaz is at the house waiting for me to fix that door.”

“And you called
a pussy?” Mick snickered.

Mick crossed the street and stopped Renee dead in her tracks. She stumbled back a step and he grabbed her to keep her from falling. He looked down into her pale face and felt like a big jerk. She looked like she’d been having a rough time of it. Her eyes had lost that sparkle he used to admire and they had dark circles under them.
Not good,
he thought to himself.

Renee looked at Mick standing in front of her and she felt weak all of a sudden. She opened her mouth to speak, but her mind seemed all fuzzy.

She managed to get out one word. “Mick.”

“Yeah. How ya been? You doin’ okay?” Renee remained quiet, so he continued talking in a serious voice. “Look, just want you to know, I’m gonna be here for you and my kid. I know I haven’t been around, but this was a big shock to me. It took me a while to get used to the idea of being a dad, but I’m good with it now.”

Mick looked down into the carriage at his sleeping son. He was in awe as he watched the little baby boy sleeping so contentedly.

“What did you name him?”

“Michael,” she answered.

“That’s a good name, I like it.”

Renee really didn’t care for his opinion.
It wasn’t like you were around to help name him,
she thought. She looked around nervously, not really wanting to have this conversation.

“Mick,” she finally said, “please, I told you to leave me alone. Forget about me and my child. You know how I feel about that. I have to do what’s best for my baby and that doesn’t include having you in our lives.”

Mick’s whole body tensed and his eyes blazed down at her. “You should have thought of that before you decided to let me fuck you, Renee. What are you saying? I was good enough for a cheap thrill in a shack, but not good enough now? That’s my kid in that carriage and I’ll be damned if you’re gonna keep me away from him. Fair warning, Renee, I
be in your lives and I
help raise our kid. Just wanted you to know where I stand. I’ll be seeing you soon.” Mick wanted to grab Renee and shake her until she saw reason, but instead, he turned and walked away.

Renee stood there for a few minutes trying to get her racing heart under control. Seeing Mick again hit her hard. Taking a few deep breaths, she started walking on shaky legs to the bank.


* * *


Susanna was waiting for Renee to get home. She had prepared a huge antipasto salad for them both along with a pitcher of diet iced tea. Susanna was watching her weight and secretly knew Renee was still trying to lose some of her post baby fat. When she heard the carriage wheels rumbling across the porch floorboards, she hurriedly opened the door to give Renee a hand. Seeing the pinched expression on Renee’s face, she wondered what had happened.

Susanna looked down into the carriage and put her finger to her lips. Michael had fallen asleep. She gave Renee a big smile and motioned that she would carry him up to his crib. When Susanna came back down, Renee was sitting at the table pouring herself a glass of iced tea.

Susanna sat across from her and noticed Renee’s hands were shaking as she held the pitcher. “How was your little stroll with Michael?”

,” Renee said sarcastically. She plopped the pitcher down so hard that some tea sloshed over the rim. She hurried to grab a napkin and wipe it up. “I ran into Mick before I even got to the bank and he told me he wants to be a part of my baby’s life. Like, really! Why now? I told him it just won’t work, but he sounded pretty determined and said he would be seeing us soon. I just don’t know how I’m going to handle stuff like that.” Renee was talking so fast, Susanna had a hard time keeping up with every word. She sat back in the chair and let out a frustrated sigh. “I didn’t think I would have this problem with Mick. I figured he would just keep going about his merry way and leave me and Michael alone. What am I going to do now?”

“I don’t know, honey. But what I do know is that you’re young and pretty and a wonderful mother.” Susanna shrugged. “Who knows what the future holds? Maybe Mr. Right will come along and sweep you off your feet. Only thing is, I doubt Mick will back away. But then on the other hand, can you blame Mick? Michael
his. Don’t forget, he will have certain rights and truthfully, Renee, you’re just going to have to accept that. Try not to worry. I’m sure it will all work out. Now, let’s eat and not worry about things we can’t change.” When Renee reached for the pitcher Susanna grabbed it first and refilled both glasses. “I’m sure tomorrow will be better for you,” she insisted, wanting to cheer Renee up.









“Mick the dick! Phone’s for you!” Roach called out.

Mick shot Roach the middle finger salute and went over to grab the phone. It was his friend Tom, the bail bondsman over in Vestal. He called on Mick whenever there was a huge sum of money involved because Mick always got his man.

“Come over and pick up the paperwork I have out on this guy,” Tom told him. “Your cut’s going to be fifteen grand for this one.”

“Hey man, thanks for calling me. I’ll stop by a little later this evening. You gonna be in your office tonight?”

“Yep. I’ll be here waiting. I’ve got some paper work to get done. See you then.”

Mick hung up the phone and walked over to get a drink. This was just what he needed, to get away for a while. The prospect behind the bar put his favorite beer down in front of him. Striker sat down next to him and a beer appeared in front of him also.

“Another bounty case you’re taking on? How long ya gonna be gone this time?”

Mick shrugged his shoulders. “Not sure. I’ll find out more later after I see Tom. You good with me taking off again? This one’s a big bounty; I’d hate to miss out on it.”

“As long as the club get its cut, yeah, I’m fine with it. Guess I’ll have to figure out who can cover for ya at The Den. Can’t put Big Daddy in there anymore,” Striker groaned. “Fucker nearly bankrupted us last time you weren’t around.”

Striker lifted his beer in a toast to Mick. “Here’s to a successful hunt. Watch your back, bro.” Mick tapped his beer bottle to Striker’s and downed the last of his brew in one long chug.


* * *


Mick threw some old jeans and t-shirts into his duffel bag, carefully packing to make sure he left room for his extra ammo. He also made sure he had his credentials showing all the states he was registered in as well as his gun license. Last thing he needed was to get into a legal jam out of state somewhere. He packed all his gear into his older Chevy pickup and pulled out.

Mick was tired and totally disgusted. He felt like he was going around in circles hunting down Jack “The Boss” Jones, who was a wanted felon. Every time he would come close, the fugitive had already moved on. Mick tried one more tactic and went to Jack’s sister’s house. He lied and said he was an old friend and was looking him up for “old times’ sake”. The sister said she had washed her hands of him and didn’t know where he could be. She did mention some friends he had and maybe he should look there.

Luck was finally on Mick’s side when he staked out the house of one of Jack’s friend’s and saw Jack through the window. He sat and watched the house for days. No one entered and no one left. Mick had a lot of patience, but it was wearing thin fast. Finally, the side door of the house opened and Jack walked out, scanning the area before he got into a car and drove off. Mick followed discreetly behind. When Jack pulled over to use a pay phone, Mick parked his truck past the booth and walked up to Jack with his gun drawn. He tapped on the wall of the phone booth with his gun. The element of surprise was on Mick’s side. Jack had no choice but to surrender. Once Mick had him handcuffed, he took Jack to the local police station. Mick wasn’t going to chance him getting away. He filled out all the necessary paperwork and left. All he had to do now was wait a week or two until Jack’s identity was confirmed and pick up his check over at the bail bondsman’s office in Vestal. He drove back to the motel where he had a room for quick cleanups so he could shower and change his clothes. Five weeks of hunting this one down had taken its toll on him.

He decided to find a bar, have a few drinks to get himself in a mellow mood, and hopefully forget all his problems for a while. Mick stopped when he saw a sign that advertised frosted mugs of draft beer. He went in and grabbed a stool at the bar. He started pounding down the beers mixed in with a few shots of Jack Daniel’s and it wasn’t long until he didn’t have a care in the world.

When a pretty girl came sauntering over and sat next to him, he bought her a drink. She introduced herself as Janie and was chatting to him casually, but Mick was having none of it. He’d gone over five weeks without sex and was ready to explode through his jeans. “Why don’t we skip the small talk, babe. Let’s go.”

Janie looked at the sexy, muscled guy and was all in. “Sure, honey. I live near here. Come on, big boy, I’m taking you home.” She giggled.

Mick grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door.

Janie couldn’t wait to get this one all to herself. As soon as the door to her apartment closed, she started kissing Mick. He began ripping off her clothes, and she helped him. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed where he quickly undressed and sat down.

“On your knees, babe. I like to be sucked off first.”

She knelt down and took his huge dick in her hands and licked her lips before licking his dick up and down the sides and over the top. She tongued his slit on top before taking his length into her mouth. Her mouth worked him like a vacuum and it wasn’t long before he was shooting his load down her throat. Mick grabbed her under her arms and lifted her onto the bed.

“That was good for a primer, babe. Now for the real deal.”

He dug a condom out from his discarded jeans and rolled it on. “I like it rough, babe,” Mick said in a low, gravelly voice. “Can you handle it?”

“Give it to me, honey,” she pleaded. “I need it rough.”

He plowed into her, in and out like a piston, pumping madly. Janie rocked back and forth to match his rhythm and cried out in pleasure mixed with pain as Mick reached between them to pinch her hardened nipples. It wasn’t long before she came, fast and hard. Mick shot off like a rocket a minute later, yelling out his release.

Mick walked into her tiny little bathroom and flushed the condom down the toilet, then washed his hands. He walked back into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed alongside her and closed his eyes. Tired out from the booze and long, sleepless nights spent on stakeouts, he promptly fell asleep.

Janie laid there looking at Mick’s sculpted body.
He is one hot sex machine,
she thought to herself, hoping he would stick around. She finally found a man who completely satisfied her needy sexual appetite. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.


* * *


Mick woke up the next morning wondering where he was. He looked around the strange room trying to think back to the previous night. It all came back to him when he felt the most pleasant sensations on his lower half. Janie’s head was buried between his legs and his cock was down her throat.

This is one hot chick,
he thought to himself.
Nice body, and that tight, sweet ass…
He was glad he decided to stop in that little bar. This little diversion was just what he’d needed. He laid there enjoying her deep throating him, and soon she was half gagging, half swallowing trying to get it all down. “You really love dick, don’t ya babe?” he snorted.

Janie picked her head up and licked her lips. “Whatever gave you that idea?” she joked back at him. Later that day, after Mick was sexually satisfied once again, he got up and got dressed.

“Will I see you again?” Janie looked at him with big, hopeful eyes.

“Not sure. But if I’m back this way again, I’ll definitely look you up.”

Janie walked over to a small table and wrote her phone number down on a notepad that rested there. “Here’s my number. Call me sometime, will you?”

“Sure thing.” He gave her a wink, then walked out the door without looking back.

Soon as the door closed behind him, he wrinkled up the piece of paper and threw it in the bushes.


* * *


Mick walked into the clubhouse with a long, confident stride. It felt good to be back and wearing his colors again. Striker was sitting at the bar with his old lady, Holly. When he saw Mick walk in, he nodded for him to come over. Holly got up and said she had to use the ladies’ room.

Striker smiled as he watched Holly walk away, thinking she had adjusted well to his lifestyle. He thought back to the very first night she had come into his clubhouse. She had on tight Levi jeans that hugged her curvy hips and, between the low-cut top she wore and her blonde hair teased out, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She didn’t fool around with any of the brothers and he liked that. He watched her for a few weeks before he made his move. When she came to him and said she was pregnant, he didn’t hesitate. He made her his old lady and never regretted it. Now they had a three-year-old son named Sam.

Mick sat down in the seat Holly had just vacated. A beer was put in front of him. “How much money is the club getting from this one?” Striker never pulled any punches. Mick always gave the club twenty percent of his take.”

“Three grand,” Mick replied after taking a swig of his beer.

“Good.” He slapped Mick on the back. “Welcome back.”

Mick smiled and shook his head. It was always business first with Striker, but he did admire Striker’s sharp business mind.

“What took you so long this time? By the way, you look like shit.”

“Thanks,” Mick grunted. “Let’s just say I found a little R & R. Can’t remember too much about her, but one thing I do remember, her mouth was like a fuckin’ Hoover and she had the tightest cunt I ever fucked.”

Striker whooped out loud. Roach came walking over to see what was so funny. When they told him, Roach asked her name and what town she lived in. He said he could sure use a good pipe cleaning. Just then, Holly came walking out of the bathroom headed for the kitchen. She squealed when Striker threw her over his shoulder and told her she was neglecting her duties. As he was carrying her up the stairs to a room, the bros all hooted when they heard Holly asking Striker, “What pipes need cleaning in the clubhouse?”

Roach challenged Mick to a game of pool. “Come on, I could use some extra cash and you can tell me where to find this chick.”

Mick smirked, “It’ll cost ya twenty bucks for that info, bro.”

BOOK: Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series)
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