Read Reclaim Me Online

Authors: Ann Marie Walker,Amy K. Rogers

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Reclaim Me (3 page)

BOOK: Reclaim Me
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“You expect me to accept this bullshit without a fight? You know me better than that. I’ll trace your phone if I have to,” he threatened. “Now tell me where you are.”

She needed to end the call and power off her cell.

“Let me talk to her,” a woman said.

“Is Harper there?”

“Yes, she’s with me. Were you just going to leave her here too?”

How the hell had he found Harper?
“Put her on the phone, please.”

Hudson blew out an exasperated breath, but a moment later Harper was on the line, asking one question after another.

“What’s going on? Where have you been all day? Why haven’t you been answering your cell? Did that French sleazebag threaten you?” If Harper only knew how on-target she was.

“No, I just needed some time to think this afternoon, that’s all.”

is what you came up with?”

“I don’t want to get into it right now.”

“Look, I don’t know what the hell is going through that head of yours, but you two need to work this out.” Harper wasn’t just Allie’s best friend, she was practically a sister. Convincing her that she’d had a change of heart was going to be almost as difficult as convincing Hudson.

“There’s nothing to discuss. I’m flying home.”

There was a long pause. Allie could picture the two of them, Harper chewing on her bottom lip, Hudson running a frustrated hand through his hair. “Fine,” she finally said. “I’ll meet you at the airport.”

“No, stay. Enjoy Paris; you just got here.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m flying home with you. Text me the flight info when we hang up.”

The look of smug satisfaction on Julian’s face when Allie ended the call was almost more than she could bear. Somehow Allie had to find a way out of this mess. And she only had a few weeks to do it.

Chapter Five

Allie settled into the leather seat and pulled the shade closed on the small window. She couldn’t wait to get out of France. The sooner she put some distance between her and Julian, the better. If she was honest, the same applied to Hudson Chase as well. Clearly he wasn’t buying what she’d told him on the phone. And if history was any indication, it was only a matter of time before he cornered her, demanding answers. After everything she’d been through already that day, she was nowhere near ready for a face-to-face confrontation with the man who knew her like no other.

“Would you like something to drink before takeoff?” the flight attendant asked. “A glass of champagne, perhaps?” A preflight cocktail was no doubt one of the many perks of traveling first class, but Allie didn’t feel much like celebrating. At the moment she should have been dancing with Hudson aboard a yacht on the River Thames, not flying home without him after being forced to break his heart.

“No, thank you. But a blanket and pillow would be nice.” With any luck she could manage to sleep the whole flight home, postponing the inevitable Harper Hayes inquisition until she’d had some time to get her story straight.

And speaking of her best friend, where the hell was she? The cabin was filling quickly and yet the seat next to her remained unoccupied. She glanced at her watch. Only a few more minutes until the flight was due to depart. Was Harper stuck in traffic? Or maybe customs?

Allie reached for her phone. If Harper was going to miss the flight, maybe she could at least help her rebook before they began to taxi. The call went straight to voice mail. She was about to leave her a message when a disembodied voice came over the plane’s PA system.

“Ladies and gentleman, welcome aboard flight two twelve with nonstop service to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. At this time please be sure your seat backs are in their full and upright positions and that your seat belt is securely fastened. All laptops must be stowed and all personal electronic devices should be switched to airplane mode.”

. She didn’t even have time to fire off a quick text before the flight attendant reappeared.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to turn off your cell phone,” she said as she handed Allie a neatly folded blanket with a small pillow perched on top. “We’re about to push back from the gate.”

There was a commotion at the front of the plane just as the next announcement began. This time it was the pilot’s voice over the loudspeaker. “Flight attendants, prepare for departure. Doors on automatic. Cross check and report.”

Allie bent to tuck her phone into the carry-on stowed beneath the seat in front of her. A shiver of awareness swept over her skin and she stilled.
. She felt his presence just as surely as if he’d touched her. But despite the brief moment she took to prepare herself, the sight of him still took her breath away. He was standing in the aisle, the muscles of his chest and arms flexing as he shrugged out of his wool coat and handed it to the flight attendant. His hair was damp, no doubt from the snow falling outside, and when he reached up to run his hand through the unruly mane, his sweater rode up, affording her a glimpse of his honed washboard abs and the trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath his belt.

He glanced down and caught her staring. “See something you like?”

She ignored his obvious innuendo, choosing instead to address the much bigger issue. “What are you doing here?”

“Going after what’s mine.” He slid into the seat beside her. His eyes never left hers as he efficiently fastened his seat belt. The intensity of his stare was overwhelming and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from blurting out everything that had happened over the past two days. The urge to throw herself into his arms was almost more than she could bear. What she wouldn’t give to have him hold her, to feel his hands stroking her hair, to hear his voice whispering in her ear, telling her they could face anything as long as they were together. But Julian had insured that was no longer an option, and in order to keep Hudson safe she had to do as she’d been instructed. So instead of telling him how relieved she was to see him, she laid into him for poaching her friend’s ticket.

“Where is Harper?” she asked as the plane pushed back from the gate.

“I imagine right about now she’s somewhere over the Atlantic, enjoying a lovely meal on a leather sofa, which is more than I can say for our current accommodations.”

Thinking the best defense was a good offense, she shot back, “No one asked you to take this flight.”

“Did you expect that I would return to Chicago without finding out what the hell is going on? You know me better than that, Alessandra.”

“I told you on the phone—”

“Save it. You didn’t tell me shit on the phone.”

“I told you it’s over, Hudson.” Her throat tightened as she forced out the words. “And I mean it this time.”

“Everything was going fine, better than fine.” He paused and a muscle in his jaw flexed. “Until that asshole called.”

The plane surged forward, hurtling down the runway. Allie’s stomach sank as the wheels lifted from the ground, but the sensation had little to do with gravity and everything to do with the pained expression on Hudson’s face.

“In fact, I can pin down the day and time that he did. Because that was the moment I felt you start to slip through my fingers.”

Of course he had sensed the change. And he was right. Everything had been absolutely perfect until the morning Julian texted her that grainy black-and-white photo. Somehow she had to convince Hudson there was no connection. “Julian only called because he wanted his ring back.”

“Yes, Harper filled me in on the details that brought her to Paris. But it wasn’t about a goddamn ring, was it?”

“Two separate issues, Hudson. My decision to end things is based on us. It has nothing to do with Julian.”

“Bullshit,” he practically shouted.

Allie glanced around. The lights in the cabin had been dimmed in dereference to the passengers sleeping or watching in-flight movies on the monitors installed in the seat backs in front of them. A few were engrossed in e-readers or magazines and the woman across the aisle was playing solitaire on her tablet. Yet nearly all of them looked up at the sound of Hudson’s outburst. “Keep your voice down, please,” she whispered.

Hudson rested his elbow on the console between their two seats and leaned closer. When he spoke his voice was low and rough, and held the hard edge of unmistakable determination. “Julian is a man who is always working the sidelines. And I know there are no circumstances under which you would take that fucker’s call, much less agree to meet with him, unless your hand was forced. What stings the most is that you lied to me. You didn’t even give me the opportunity to help you handle the matter. So cut the shit and tell me what in the hell is going on.”

He held her gaze but she held her ground. With a heavy exhale he sat back against the leather seat. “Fine. I’ll wait. We have nine hours until we land in Chicago, so at some point you’re going to start talking. And Allie, there’s not an ‘if’ anywhere in that damn sentence.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, our pilot has turned off the fasten seat belts sign. You are free to move about the cabin.”

Thank God
. Allie unbuckled her seat belt and bolted for the cluster of bathrooms in the middle of the plane. But when she tried to close the door an arm shot out to block it. Hudson stepped into the small lavatory, locking the door behind him. The space was tight and cramped, with barely a few inches between them.

“You can’t come in here.”

He smirked. “I believe I just did.”

“What if someone saw you?”

“Half the plane heard us arguing, Alessandra. They’ll assume we’re seeking privacy to have the requisite makeup sex.”

“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”

“No, it’s not.” He loomed over her in the tight quarters, enveloping her in his rich, masculine scent. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, see the dark desire that burned in his blue eyes.

Allie stepped back, bumping against the small sink. There was nowhere to go. No escape from the man who at the moment was both her temptation and torment. “Excuse me?”

“It’s not what the people out there are thinking that has you worried. It’s what you’re thinking that has your pulse racing.” His voice lowered to a husky drawl. “Because despite all the bullshit you’re attempting to feed me, right now you’d like nothing more than to have my cock buried deep inside you.”

His crude words had her sucking in a sharp breath but there was no denying their effect. Heat pulsed through her core and her nipples tightened against the rough lace of her bra. “Don’t.”

“A poker face was never your strong suit.” His eyes roamed over her. “I can read you like an open book, Alessandra, and right now you’ve got that fuck-me look. Say it. Tell me you want my cock claiming you.”

“Hudson . . .”

His lips hovered inches from hers. “Let me have you, Allie. Tell me you want me.”

“Yes,” she breathed.

In a heartbeat his mouth slanted over hers. The feel of his lips moving strong and insistent against hers was all it took to break through her last defense. In a rush of dizzying relief she moaned her surrender. He took full advantage, deepening their kiss with lush sweeps of his tongue.

“Are you ready for me? Because I can’t wait. I have to feel you around my cock. Now.”

His untamed need sent a surge of pure lust coursing through her veins. She reached between them and began unbuckling his belt. “People might hear us,” she panted, her protest lacking the conviction of her frantic fingers.

“There is no one else, Allie. Just us.”

And in that moment, it was true. There weren’t hundreds of people just outside the door or even threats looming over their heads. Nothing existed but the two of them and a driving hunger to be joined on the most intimate level.

His hands skimmed down her hips to the hem of her skirt, pushing the fabric up as his palms glided over her skin. In one swift move he lifted her onto the edge of the small sink, positioning her at the perfect angle. He spread her legs, his hands smoothing along the inside of her thighs, until his fingertips found the soaked satin of her panties. His breath hissed and his grip tightened around the edge of the delicate fabric. Allie felt a sharp tug as his fingers shredded the material and then a rush of cool air against her core.

She reached for him, pushing his pants just low enough to free him from his boxer briefs. He groaned as he fell hot and heavy into her hand then he closed the distance between them, grinding his mouth against hers and wrapping her legs around his hips. “Put me inside you.”

She guided him to where she was wet and aching, and with a hard, deep thrust he buried himself to the hilt. Her head fell back against the mirror, and though she knew they needed to be quiet, she couldn’t help the low moan that escaped her lips. He pulled back and thrust again, quickly finding the rhythm they both craved as he moved inside her with slick, relentless drives.

The hum of the engines seemed to grow louder as Hudson’s thrusts grew sharper and more desperate. “We’ll never be over,” he growled, his ragged breath warm against her skin. “Never.” One hand slipped between their bodies to where they were joined, stroking her in that knowing way that never failed to make her come.

Allie’s fingers raked into his hair, clutching him tight as a white-hot rush consumed her. The plane dipped into an air pocket and the momentary sense of weightlessness only added to the sensation that she was falling, spiraling over the edge into a mind shattering release. Hudson drove high and hard one last time, then stilled, his body shuddering as he came inside her.

Once the tremors subsided, Hudson lowered her carefully back to her feet. His arm banded around her waist and his hand slipped under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. The haunted look she saw reflected in his eyes broke her heart. It was too much. The emotion of the past two days came crashing down around her and she choked on a strangled sob.

“What happened? What did he threaten you with?”

“I can’t.”

“Don’t start that again.”

She shook her head. “I mean not here. When we get home.” There was no sense in fighting the inevitable. She was crazy to think she could push him away, even if it was for his own protection. Their bond was too strong.

Hudson gave a tight nod. “Fine. But I want you to tell me everything.” His expression was somber, but his touch was gentle as he brushed the pad of his thumb over her swollen lips. “Whatever it is, I can protect you.”

She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. “No, you don’t understand. I’m the one who’s protecting you.”

BOOK: Reclaim Me
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