Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3 (8 page)

BOOK: Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3
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When I’m finally done, I reach up and flush the toilet and put the seat down. I sit rather clumsily on the lid with my head in my hands. Both of their hands are resting on my thighs. “I just need a minute.” I was woken up so abruptly but it’s taken until now for my body to catch up.

“What can we do, baby girl?”

“Toothbrush and a bath,” I say and Kyle stands, walking toward the tub and then the water starts running. Talon doesn’t leave my side while Kyle sets about drawing my bath. Neither one of them say anything to me, which is okay. I don’t know what to tell them and I’m certain they don’t know what to say. “I feel better.” Which isn’t a lie. Once I was done retching it was almost instant relief.

“That’s a good thing, right?” Kyle asks as he comes to stand next to me. I look up at him and he’s naked, and for the first time, he’s not hard and it makes me sad to see it. I glance back down and Talon, naked also, is soft.

“It’s a good thing,” I mumble. “What did I eat last night?”

“You had that bar-b-que chicken wrap thing and french fries,” Kyle tells me and I start to remember.

“Do we need to get you to the doctor?” Talon asks.

I shake my head. “No, I’m pretty sure this is morning sickness. I’m alright, I just need to relax for a few minutes. Drink some water and with any luck, go back to sleep.”

“You got it, angel.” Talon stands, holding his hands out for me to take them. I move slowly, afraid I’m going to make myself dizzy again. Both of them escort me to the tub and help me step in. I pull my t-shirt over my head and I hear hisses from both of them as they take in my nakedness.

I sit down gingerly in the tub and look back at both of them. What was once soft is now getting hard and I am comforted by the fact that my body still turns them on. Though there are no visible signs of pregnancy, they know what’s inside. I move past their cocks to their faces, both eager. “Come on,” I say quietly and they both step in.

Talon turns me, pressing my back to his front. Kyle looks at me, desperation to be held is playing in his eyes, but I can see worry. “It’s alright, I won’t break,” I reassure him and he turns, leaning against me. I put my head back on Talon’s shoulder and Kyle puts his head back on mine. I wrap my arms and legs around him, holding him to me. I soak up the warmth of the water and their bodies.

I can tell that Talon is hard as stone, pressing against my back, but there is nothing sexual charging the air.

When we climb out of the tub, I am quickly dried off, and I brush my teeth to get rid of the taste in my mouth before a clean t-shirt is pulled over my head. It’s one of Kyle’s. I can tell because it’s smaller. Talon’s shirts fall onto my thighs whereas Kyle’s, though still big on me, barely covers my sex.

The brushing of the t-shirt against my nipples makes them harden and ache. “Take the shirt off, please,” I groan. “It hurts.”

Kyle goes for the hem and pulls it over my head. “What hurts, baby girl?”

I want to cry, not because of the pain but because this is only the beginning of what’s to come. I’d felt the heaviness in my breasts a few days ago and brushed off the soreness caused by Talon’s all too eager mouth and fingers, but now reality sets in. “My nipples,” I whisper, hoping to avoid giving away the flood of reality running through me.

“What can we do?” Talon asks.

“Put me to bed. Cuddle with me,” I whisper back, still not trusting my voice.

They lead me into the bedroom and lay me down first. I roll towards Kyle’s side and Talon slides in behind me, then Kyle lies down gently.

After about ten minutes of cuddling I’ve finally mustered up the courage to ask a question that’s been bugging me for two days now. “Why won’t you touch me?”

I can feel them both stiffen around me. “We touch you all the time,” Kyle says stiffly as his hand rubs along my stomach.

“That’s not what I mean, and you both know it. You haven’t touched me since Thursday night and that was with a test we hadn’t seen. Since then, nothing. Do I turn you off now?” The tears threaten to spill over and I don’t care, I let them go.

Kyle turns to face me. Putting my face in his hands, his thumbs wipe away the tears. “We don’t want to hurt you,” he explains.

Frustration boils to the point of explosion. “I’m no different than I was on Thursday before we took that test.”

“It’s just, its different now,” Talon says behind me. I try to turn and Kyle releases my face.

“Why, because instead of wondering, which was okay, you know the truth and despite everything you’ve done and said, it’s all of a sudden not? That doesn’t make any sense.”

I sit up, a little too fast, but I recover quickly and slide out from under the covers, crawling to the end of the bed before I slide off. “Nothing’s changed, nothing will change, that’s what you both told me and now… now it seems as though it has.”

“Angel, please, calm down.”

“No Talon, I won’t. I need to understand why all of sudden I’m no longer attractive to you, why you don’t touch me.”

“Does this look un-attracted?” Kyle says as he pushes the blankets down his body, revealing a beautiful hard-on that’s glistening at the tip. “Addison, you’re fucking gorgeous, you’re smart, and you’re fucking sexy, maybe even sexier now that we know you’re pregnant. Our not touching you has nothing to do with you being unattractive, it has everything to do with the fact that I am scared shitless, Addison. I’m scared of hurting you, I’m scared of hurting the baby, and I’m scared of everything that’s happened this week. It wasn’t on my agenda to get you pregnant, but it’s happened. We-” he gestures between the three of us, “made that choice to take the chance because we didn’t consider the consequences of what could happen. We slipped up once because we didn’t have anything, but none of us went back to using them again. And now… now you’re pregnant.”

“Do you think I trapped you into this? To get something out of it, to make you stay in my life?” I say as straight and emotionless as I can.

“Oh dear god, no,” Talon says. “That’s never been a thought in my mind. Angel, we played this game together, we got into this together and we stay in this together.”

“Addison,” Kyle says softly. “We know that you never intended for this to happen like this. I know that it’s way too early in this relationship, but I cannot change what’s happened. I cannot take it back, I refuse.”

“Then why? Why haven’t you touched me, made love to me?”

Neither one of them say anything. I walk over to where my pajama pants are sitting and I pull them on. I go back into the bathroom for Kyle’s t-shirt and despite the tenderness, pull it over my head. Neither one of them have moved since I left the room. “Bottle cap,” I say and they both hiss.

“Please, angel, don’t.”

“I already have.”

“Addison, you’re upset, we get it, but you can’t shut us down like that. Please, we need to talk about this,” Kyle says.

“I tried. You both clammed up like I stole your tongues. Obviously I turn you off, otherwise you would have made a move, said something, done something, but you didn’t. You both just sat there. This is not easy for me. At all. I am pregnant; I am pregnant because of a choice we all made together. If you can’t live with that choice, love me for that choice, or show me that you love me after that decision has been made, then I don’t know what else to do.”

Talon sits up on the bed, climbing up onto his knees. “Take it back,” he begs. I cock my head at him. “Take back your safe word,” he demands. “That phrase is sacred and we will not dishonor it if it is your wish, so take it back so we can talk.”

“I take it back.” I reply reluctantly.

“I’m scared, Addison. I am so fucking scared of the future, of everything, of the fact that you’re now pregnant. I’m scared of who I will be as a father, and a lover. I don’t fucking know how to do this, Addison. I don’t. I need your help, I need your guidance and I need your understanding. This is so fresh and new for all of us. I want to worship your body from head to toe. I want to make love to you like I need air to breathe. It’s a goddamn necessity for me to show you how much I love you. I’m afraid to touch you, because I don’t want to hurt you. I’m afraid, god, I’m afraid to be inside of you, afraid I’ll hurt you, or the baby. Can you understand that? Can you understand why that’s scary for me?” I nod at Talon’s confession. Tears are streaming down my face in thick waves.

“We did it before we knew. We’ve done it countless times since Tuesday, and then you just cut me off. It’s not fair because it makes me feel like I no longer turn you on, that you no longer want me sexually. It scares me, Talon.”

Kyle climbs off of the bed. His cock is still hard and heavy, sticking straight out from his body and he comes to stand behind me. He hooks his thumbs into my pajama bottoms and pushes down. Then he comes back to the hem of my t-shirt. “I know this hurts. Please let me take it off.” I uncross my arms and he pulls it over my head. Like lightning Talon’s mouth is stroking fat, wet, languid strokes across my nipple.

A shiver of pleasure pulses through me as I fall into Kyle. His arms wrap around me. “We want you, baby girl. We need you. I didn’t know how to do this after we found out. We started to and you stopped us. It hurt, but I stopped because I knew that wasn’t the right time.” His hands caress along my stomach. “We didn’t know how you felt about it. We failed to communicate with one another.”

Kyle begins kissing my neck and down my shoulder as Talon’s tongue meets my nipple once again. Despite the soreness in them, the mix of pain and pleasure sends ripples of lust throughout my body.

“Take us, angel.” Talon looks up at me through his heavy eyelids. “We’re all yours,” he hums as he takes my other nipple into his mouth.

I bring my hands up to his cheeks, urging him up. He follows my urging until I am face to face with him. “I can’t. You and Kyle need to prove that nothing has changed.”

Kyle pushes me forward toward the bed and I follow his lead. I am quickly sandwiched between the two of them. Talon’s mouth is on mine in another heartbeat and Kyle’s lips trace along my collarbone. I melt into their touches. A part of me wants to make them stop. I feel like I’ve tricked them into this.

“Stop…” I breathe.

“Baby girl?”

“I need to know…are you doing this because you want to or because I’ve guilt tripped you into it?”

Talon takes my head in his hands and looks me straight in the eyes before he says; “You can never guilt us into loving you. I am doing this because I love you, and because I need you.” His lips crush mine and I wrap my hands around his neck, holding him to me. I can barely breathe, so I back away. I turn in the circle of their arms and face Kyle.

“I’ve wanted this since Thursday night, I just didn’t know how.” I cup his cheeks in my palms.

“Just like any other time before,” I whisper and he too kisses me hot and hard. Talon’s hands begin tracing along the curves of my body and I shiver, goose bumps racing, nipples hardening painfully and my knees go weak.

“Come here, angel. Lie down, let us show you.” I can’t resist his request and I climb onto the bed toward the pillows. All of the blankets are shoved off of the bed and the majority of the pillows too, except the one under my head.

They both come on either side of me. Kyle’s hands caress along my stomach. “Your body is changing already,” he says with a small smile and I look down. Laying like this I can see where my stomach doesn’t sink like it used to. It’s minor and in a different position it wouldn’t be noticeable. “It’s hard,” he says as he gently presses into me.

“Protected,” I breathe. Both of their hands begin exploring my body, while one goes up, the other goes south. Hands, tongues, mouths with open kisses. I am awash in sensations as they continue to caress me. They both come to my breasts at the same time, looking at me, seeking my approval and I nod slightly.

Ever so gently their tongues lick across my nipples and they harden instantly. Pain and pleasure shoot straight to my core. I am ready and wanting them with every ounce of their love, with every inch of their bodies. My back arches and I moan as their mouths and tongues slowly work at my nipples.

I can feel gentle pulling and sucking and I know that pleasure and not pain is their goal. The hands farthest south begin to roam, caress and touch. Eventually leading to a hand cupping my mound. Mouths sucking gently have me wound up so tight that when a finger strokes my clit, I nearly explode. My back arches again and another hand spreads my lips, seeking entrance to my core.

BOOK: Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3
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