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Authors: Boston George

Redrum (9 page)

BOOK: Redrum
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“Nah, I ain't heard shit.”
“Find out who was behind this before the night is out.” Kendu turned and headed back to his car, leaving Deuce standing there.
“So it's like that?” Deuce yelled out, not liking the way Kendu spoke to him.
“Muthafucka!” Kendu growled as he walked back over to Deuce. “Nigga, you suppose to be on top of all this shit! Where the fuck was you at when all this shit went down?”
“I was on my way up here,” Deuce lied again.
“You slipping. Whoever did this was the same muthafuckas who hit up Carmen's spot as well. They watching us.”
“How you figure?” Deuce asked.
“Fuck you mean, how I figure? Open your fuckin' eyes!”
Kendu walked back over to his car and slid behind the wheel and pulled off.
Deuce stood there and watched as Kendu pulled off. He felt bad for what he was doing, but at the end of the day, it was every man for himself, and he wasn't about to be the one who got left out while everybody else ate. Kendu wasn't feeding him enough to get full, so he planned on doing what he had to do, and if that meant taking him out, so be it.
Amazon looked over and saw that Kendu had something on his mind. “What that clown was talking about?”
“A whole lot of nothing,” Kendu said in a disgusted tone. “This the second time we done got hit, and he don't know shit.”
“That's 'cause he probably the nigga who's robbing you,” Amazon said with a raised eyebrow.
“Nah, I grew up with Deuce,” Kendu said, quickly erasing the thought from his mind. He couldn't see Deuce doing something like that, especially after all the stuff the two had been through together.
“All I'm saying is, keep a eye on that clown. If he's in charge while you away, then everything falls on his shoulders, and he should be held accountable.”
“I'ma get to the bottom of this,” Kendu said as he pulled up in front of Marcus's building.
Kendu and Amazon quickly exited the car and made their way inside the building. Amazon reached the door and banged on it like he was the police.
Seconds later they heard feet shuffling from behind the door before it opened. Marcus opened the door with a 9 mm in his hand. “Damn, Amazon! You knocking like you crazy,” he said as he tucked his 9 mm back in his waistband.
Immediately Amazon cocked back and swung with all his might, punching Marcus in his face, knocking him out instantly.
Kendu quickly rushed inside the apartment with his .45 drawn. “Don't fuckin' move!” He yelled, keeping Marcus's girl and some other grimy-looking guy in check.
“What's this all about, Amazon?” the grimy-looking man asked.
Amazon replied by smacking the shit outta him. “Did I say you could speak to me?” he growled. He pulled a knife from his back pocket. “Y'all niggas wanna steal money?” He flicked out the blade in a quick motion and started stabbing the man repeatedly until his body lay lifeless.
Amazon then turned to Marcus's girlfriend and grabbed a handful of her hair. “Get over here, bitch!” he yelled and plunged the knife in and out of the woman's chest.
Kendu looked on in amazement as Amazon put in that work.
Once Amazon finished with the woman, he turned his attention to Marcus, who was just now coming back around. He walked over and removed Marcus's 9 mm from his waist. “Get yo' bitch ass up!” He snatched him up by his neck and dragged him outside to the elevator.
Kendu just looked on and followed Amazon's lead.
When the elevator finally arrived, Amazon shoved Marcus inside and pressed the button for the top floor.
“Why you doing this for?” Marcus mumbled, holding his fractured jaw.
Once the elevator reached the top floor, Amazon shoved him out of the elevator and into the staircase.
“What the fuck you doing?” Marcus said with fear in his voice, as Amazon escorted him up to the roof.
“I'ma show you what we do to niggas with sticky fingers.” Amazon lifted Marcus up over his head and walked over towards the edge of the roof.
Kendu watched on in disbelief. Just as he was about to say something, Amazon tossed Marcus off the roof.
Kendu quickly ran over to the ledge of the roof and looked down and saw Marcus sprawled out on top of a parked car. “You have a serious problem.” Kendu shook his head, not believing what he just saw. “You need help.”
“Had to make an example out of that clown before other niggas out in the streets think it's okay to start stealing money,” Amazon said.
“I understand sending a message, but you be going overboard.”
“Overboard?” Amazon echoed. “Today was a light day.” He bust out laughing.
Diamond sat in Perry's office in the club, with her feet up, sipping on some coconut Ciroc. Ever since she had hooked up with Perry, life was sweet. Perry made sure she never wanted for anything and treated her like a queen. Sometimes Diamond found herself still thinking about Kendu, but she'd quickly erase him from her mind. He was now her past, and Perry was her future. Anything she wanted, all she had to do was ask. And Perry came straight home every night, so she never had to wonder or guess what he was out doing.
As Diamond sat chilling, she heard a light knock on the door before it opened.
“Hey, baby, you all right?” Perry said, peeking his head inside.
“Yes, baby. I'm fine.” Diamond smiled. “What you doing? Checking up on me?”
“You know I'm going to always check up on you, baby.” Perry came inside and planted a kiss on Diamond's lips. He sat on the edge of the desk.
“I'm a big girl that knows how to handle herself,” she said in her sexy voice.
“Tell you what”—Perry leaned over and kissed on Diamond's neck. “Why don't you go to the house and wait for me to get there?” He handed her the keys to his BMW.
“You sure that's what you want?” Diamond asked in a seductive tone. She kissed him. “Sure you don't need me to help out around here?” she asked. But really she didn't feel like doing shit. All she wanted to do was go home and relax in the hot tub.
“You just make sure you ready for me when I get there.” Perry smacked Diamond's ass as she left his office.
As Diamond made her way down the stairs, with each step she took, she could feel all eyes on her, all the jealous stares. It didn't matter to her, though. She held her head up high as she exited the club.
She hopped in Perry's BMW and peeled out the parking lot like she was on a high-speed chase.
Kendu stood on the block with Dirty Black and the rest of his crew just chilling. He was on his fourth drink, trying to drink away his problems, when he noticed an unfamiliar car pull up. Immediately his hand slid down to his waist, until he saw the driver get out the car and head his way. Spider walked with a cool bop until he reached Kendu.
“Yo', where the fuck you been at?” Kendu huffed. “I been calling you all week!”
“Yo', niggas ran up in the spot and tried to rob us,” Spider told him. “I laid one nigga down and got up outta there.”
“So why the fuck you ain't been answering when I called?”
“Because I'm wanted for murder!” Spider answered. “My moms called me, talking about they had kicked down her door looking for me, so I tossed my phone.”
“How they know it was you?” Kendu asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“Somebody in our circle must of set it up 'cause I don't see how else niggas would connect that murder to me.”
“You think that nigga Deuce had something to do with it?” Kendu asked.
“Not sure, but that nigga been acting kind of weird lately.”
“Yo', what's good? Everything all right over here?” Dirty Black asked as he walked over.
“Yeah, everything cool,” Kendu replied.
“A'ight. I'm just making sure.” Dirty Black looked Spider up and down like he was a chump.
Before either man could say another word, a black minivan made a sharp stop across the street from the group of men.
“Yo', watch out. It's a hit!” Dirty Black yelled as he pulled his 9 mm from his waistband.
Kendu reached for his gun, but before he could reach it, he saw the minivan door slide open, and three machine guns come out firing.
Once the gunshots started banging out, everybody immediately got low. Before Spider had a chance to do anything, seven bullets ripped through his body, killing him instantly. After about a hundred rounds were fired, the minivan quickly sped off, burning rubber in the process.
Dirty Black quickly hopped up off the ground and chased the minivan halfway down the street, popping shots at the van.
Kendu went over and kneeled down by Spider's side. “Fuck!” he cursed loudly.
“Yo', come on. You can't stay here!” Dirty Black said as he grabbed Kendu up. “That nigga dead. Let's get the fuck up outta here.” He slid in Amazon's truck and peeled off.
“Fuck!” Kendu cursed as he jogged across the street and jumped in his Acura and put the pedal to the metal.
Diamond pulled Perry's BMW into the gas station and pulled up right beside one of the pumps when she saw Kendu's Acura pull into the gas station.
“I know that's not him,” she told herself as she slowly slid out the BMW.
Kendu pulled up to the pump right across from the BMW and hopped out the car, an angry look on his face and blood on his shirt. As he walked towards the front door of the gas station, he stopped and did a double-take when he saw Diamond. “Fuck you doing out here around this way?”
“Minding my business,” Diamond said with much attitude.
“Oh, so it's like that?” Kendu nodded toward the BMW.
Diamond just waved him off as she began pumping her gas.
“You don't hear me talking to you?” Kendu growled. He grabbed Diamond and hemmed her up against the car. “How you just going to do this to me over some other nigga that you just met?”
“Perry knows how to treat a lady, unlike you.” She looked at Kendu's hands on her shirt.
“You don't know nothing about that nigga.” Kendu let go of Diamond's shirt. “For all you know, he could be a rapist or some shit.”
“No. Perry is a gentleman, not an animal,” she said, letting the last word roll off her tongue, as she motioned her head at the blood on his shirt.
“Oh, so now I'm an animal?” Kendu said, looking in her eyes. “I'm your husband, but yet you treating me like some clown out in the streets.”
“Long story short,” Diamond said, looking at the ground. “It's over. I don't want to be with you no more. I'm with Perry now. So I guess now you and your girlfriend Carmen can go live happily ever after.”
“That's how you feel?” Kendu asked, not believing what he was hearing.
“That's exactly how I feel.” Diamond hopped in the front seat of the BMW and stormed out of the gas station, leaving Kendu standing there.
Kendu stood in the gas station in a stupor. Him and Diamond had been married for five years, and of course, they had their share of problems, but it wasn't that bad to where he thought Diamond would ever leave him.
“What a muthafuckin' day!” Kendu smirked as he hopped in his Acura and headed home.
“I know I hit at least three of them clowns,” Mousey boasted from the passenger seat of the minivan. “I'm tired of these clowns walking around like they untouchable and shit.”
Deuce just drove in silence with a nervous look on his face. He kept a close eye on the other young goon who sat in the back of the van, through the rearview mirror. All Deuce wanted to do was get paid. All this unnecessary drama and gunplay wasn't in his plans, but in order to get that money, there wasn't much he wouldn't do.
“So what's next?”
“Fuck you mean, what's next?” Mousey looked at him like he was insane. “We already got a trap house set up a block away from Kendu's spot. Now that nigga Dirty Black is next.”
“Dirty Black?” Deuce echoed. “Nah, now you biting off a little more than you can chew.”
“You scared?” Mousey smirked at Deuce. He could see the fear in his eyes.
“Nah, I just like my life,” Deuce replied, keeping his eyes on the road while he spoke.
“You let me worry about Dirty Black. Plus, I got a little surprise for him.” Mousey had a devilish smirk on his face as he rubbed his hands together.
BOOK: Redrum
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